we have been presented with an oppotunity to record a podcast for the d.net community.
as the official reporter, i have been tasked by the emminant fleet admiral frey to compile and record this podcast (cause i love airtime, he says...rat bastard)
after some chatting and brainstorming, it was decided that we should solicite some opinions of the community at large.
what i would like to see is some of the following:
1. suggestions from the d.net community for things that should be included in the podcast
i.e. what current campaigns are running, everyones favorite D2 server.
2. days and times people like to get on gamespy to play head-to-head matches or fleet manuevers..
3. anything and everything people think important enought about our cozy community to be mentioned in a roughly 6-8 minute podcast.
please note, no calls for punisher's election to evil overlord as he is already in said position

let me know in this thread. don't be afraid to as all serious suggestions will be used.
thanks in advance and i hope to hear from you soon.
stoneyface out!