Background muisc: Heinz Ketchup commercial "Anticipation" campaign
Star Trek Khambatta
Episode One: Missing In Action
Not since the curse of the Romulan Melak, when that ship never seemed to be accurately made [Until Wicked Zombie] and mysterious PC crashes would thwart various model maker attempts to recreate that ship, have I ever seen such misfortune strike a single Trek modification project.
It seems like every time anybody with the initials "W" and "D" post how great this TMP mod will be, the site never seems to get updated with the promised ships. WIP pictures similarly don't materialize and no adversary ships WIP or not are ever seen. I think there was one V'Ger WIP shot/thread but that was a LONG time ago. True, the 1978 NCC 1701 was released but it's not THE MOD...
Perhaps this is some kind of Romulan misinformation campaign....or maybe V' Ger's misinformation attempts...
If not, perhaps other talented folks could offer to assist to bring this to life. I wish I had the tools and talent to be able to assist than do more than cheerlead... LOL
Picture Saturday Night live skit w/Klingon Cheerleader, "GO M. U. Cephalopods!"