Topic: Very confusing situation  (Read 985 times)

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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Very confusing situation
« on: October 13, 2005, 01:56:43 am »
A very confusing situation about who drafted who.

Seems both had hit the mission launch button Dizzy for an Asteroid Base Defense and Risky for an Asteroid Base Assault.  To complicate thing it seems that Dorod and I had just moved from the Hex Dizzy was draafting in into the hexx Risky was drafting in, what a cluster F@#*!  Both sides were sure it was their mission and I was sure it was Dizzy's since he had launched an Asteroid Base Defense until I found out that Risky had launched an Asteroid Base Assault.

Hope this clarifies it, before I saw this I was undecided about who 's mission it was.  I think it was impossible to tell actually untill the end when this appeared on my screen. 

When Dizzy alted  a little while after Risky left the host left message appeared indicating Dizzy was the host after all, as first Risky then Dorod leaving did not trigger this message.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2005, 06:43:55 am by KAT Chuut-Ritt »