From an MSN converstation I had with Frey a bit ago...
Bearslayer says:
have you been able to help Bonk tract down any of the server issues we have been having?
FA_Frey_XC says:
It's nothing to do with the server
FA_Frey_XC says:
It's been our connection
FA_Frey_XC says:
I keep telling people that
Bearslayer says:
'our' connection?
FA_Frey_XC says:
Work connection
FA_Frey_XC says:
Up here at the office
Bearslayer says:
ah, ok... so basicly, your work is having connectivity issues and when a bunch of d2ers get on it amplifies the problem
FA_Frey_XC says:
FA_Frey_XC says:
It doesn't matter who gets on
FA_Frey_XC says:
It had absolutely nothing to do with anyone connecting
FA_Frey_XC says:
It was a BGP routing issue that resulted from MCI's "flapping"
FA_Frey_XC says:
Which was causing routing tables to be re-written
FA_Frey_XC says:
thus, some could connect
FA_Frey_XC says:
while others couldn't
FA_Frey_XC says:
then they could
Bearslayer says:
ah... ok. Have you posted to that effect on the thread they got going?
FA_Frey_XC says:
but mission matching wouldn't work because once the serverkit matches peeps inna mission
FA_Frey_XC says:
No, I haven't had time
FA_Frey_XC says:
I'll try to tonight
FA_Frey_XC says:
But my home connect has been flakey for the last day and a half 2
FA_Frey_XC says:
When it rains, it pours eh ?
Bearslayer says:
Can I cut and paste what you just told me?
FA_Frey_XC says:
Sure, no one will understand it anywho
FA_Frey_XC says:
I'll make a post there in about an hour
Bearslayer says:
Well, it might help....
FA_Frey_XC says:
Help what ?
Bearslayer says:
b/c they will have a sense of what is going on and stop pulling their hair out over something they have no control over
FA_Frey_XC says:
Who's pulling their hair out ?
Bearslayer says:
Bonk and Dizzy
FA_Frey_XC says:
If anyone had half a clue, then they'd know it's got nothing to do with the serverkit
FA_Frey_XC says:
The serverkit isn't crashing
FA_Frey_XC says:
has it been crashing ?
Bearslayer says:
Well, that is the primary suspect right now
FA_Frey_XC says:
Because if so then that's a different issue
Bearslayer says:
That and using TS at the same time as the server
FA_Frey_XC says:
FA_Frey_XC says:
Those are on two seperate servers
FA_Frey_XC says:
Bearslayer says:
There is a 'test' server up right now to see what is going on
FA_Frey_XC says:
Did someone actually think that could cause a problem ?
Bearslayer says:

FA_Frey_XC says:
"Test" what, did they move it off THOR ?
Bearslayer says:
IE You really need to chime in...