Tracey just confirmed what I have suspected all along about having more than 2 mission choices per move on flatfiile, that it will crash.
Server should not crash anymore... But I wonder why chat isnt working?
Survey says... wrong!
We need to remove donors form the serverside shiplist
and pull the EEK missions, this will stabilise the server.
(I suspect software firewalls are why it does not
work on the live server but works fine in testing)
But it looks like a lot has been changed since I was away
at that funeral. (webmap and chat both gone)
If I can figure out what has been done while I was away,
I'll edit the serverside list and remove the eek missions tomorrow.
If you do not agree with this assesment then we're out of luck.
If I'm to try and rescue it, then I need to know everything
that was done while I was away, So I can put it back the way it was
then stabilise it as described above.
I am taking the webmap offline to reduce errors on the webserver
until a course of action is decided on, then I will look to see what
happened to the autosave folder share if I try to rescue this.