Good for the alliance if that is the total...However there is still time left
Did you award a VP point to ShadowLords Kill of Chutt ? already posted battle of
Dizzy and chutt vs Duck in his CM at the base.. they killed my CM -- (yea I got gready with blood lust on a damaged Diz and went out after him... ) however while flying the base I killed Chutt which should be worth a point as he was a fleet unit at that time (note once again this is a question of an already made post just confirming they get a point for my ship death and I get a point for a cheap ass FF kill that was part of a fleet unit )
Second point kill --
KHH_ShadowLordF and TR0 killed -- 9th kirk
ShadowLord was in a ISC cm ? TR0 was in a Krc -- Kirk was in a GSc+? It was a heavy ca hull with a few crap fighters -- Can confirm the type when I get home if needed -- DO NOT BELIVE IT WAS A CARRIER -- can the GS carry any fighters?
PS gg all