This is more of how I envisioned the Titan.

That's the Endurance class.......
The Endurance Class cruiser was developed in the late 2360s as a new multi-purpose starship incorporating technology from the Sovereign Class starship in a smaller hull package. These ships were designed to serve as medium to long range explorers during peacetime, and heavy gun cruisers during war.
Roughly between the Sovereign Class and Excelsior Class starships in size, the Endurance Class cruisers are well suited for extended patrol and fleet operations. Their Advanced TA/T/TS targeting sensors and extensive defensive phaser arrays were especially effective against Dominion and Cardassian fighters, and they were frequently paired with guided missile/torpedo cruisers and carriers, such as the Akira Class, in hunter/killer teams.
USS Southern Cross, NCC-75122, is one of the earlier Endurance Class cruisers. She is equipped with a dorsal sensor pod, just above the aft shuttlebay, and a single forward torpedo launcher in place of the captain's yacht. She was assigned to convoy escort duty, guarding transports and planetary/amphibious assault carriers during much of the Dominion War, and never lost a single ship under her protection.
More here............'d love to have this ship ingame.