Topic: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!  (Read 14164 times)

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Offline Rat Boy

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Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« on: October 06, 2005, 10:42:05 am »
The winner has been chosen...

Definitely is unique and different than most "hero" ships.  Kind of like the spawn of the Akira and the Sovereign.

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Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2005, 11:07:21 am »
Kinda sad really ...

just a cross between the Akira  (not my fav design at all) with a little of the Voyager ... and maybe some Sovy in there.

The drawing style is excellent...    just not too crazy about the design.

Thanks for the info RB ...
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« Last Edit: October 06, 2005, 06:16:59 pm by Rat Boy NCC-75098 »

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2005, 11:56:29 am »
oh dear... that doesnt look like the titan we've imagined at all :(
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2005, 01:16:16 pm »
Now that's pathetic, no imagination, no originality. NO WAY !!!! I'll take WZ and Azel/Sandman/Buzz' Titans anyday over this one.

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2005, 01:19:55 pm »
Well if they had submitted them at the time then they might of had the chance of winning, I seem to remember a great deal of negativity towards the compertition from the majority of people here. You cant bleet about the result after that.

Offline Magnum357

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2005, 01:24:46 pm »
Hmmm... I guess its sort of ok.  I think its good that its a kit bash of other ships.  We see it all the time with 23rd century, why not 24th?   I'm not sure why people keep thinking that the Titan was supose to be a more powerful ship then a Soverign, this looks like it could be a light crusier/Scout Crusier or War Cursier counterpart.
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2005, 01:26:48 pm »
Things never are what people imagined.  If it is what people imagined, then it is very rare for such to happen.

Because it was smaller than an Excelsior-class, and was an originally late-2360s sort-of design, I expected more Galaxy-class-esque elements with a basic design that was perhaps similar to FASA's Matt Decker-class design or most any other traditional Primary-neck-secondary with two pylons and two warp engines, a design trend started by Matt Jeffries.  Something sleek and "organic"-looking, almost as if the Starship looked like a living organism, which the Galaxy-class looked like, and seems more advanced-looking and a better way to go in TNG-era Starship design, even though we didn't get that after 2370.

But what we have is a cross between two or three 2370s designs: Some design styles of the Akira-class, some Flash Gordon-inspired retro-ish qualities of the Sovereign-class, and perhaps some Intrepid-class influence at the aft-side of the secondary hull.  If it does meet the categories of originality, then perhaps they weren't going for much in that area, much like when the NX-01 was designed.  Execution?  Maybe.  And for consistancy, I should check the notes again, but if I remember them correctly, I'm sure some some of the descriptions match the winning design, such as in length and maybe windows and size of the shuttlebay, but definately not the design style of the late-2360s.  All in all, Sean Tourangeau only made a kitbash, though it doesn't look all chopped up, I'll give him that, and offer him congrats, even though I didn't participate.

And as for Titan designs by WZ, Azel, Sandman, and Buzz, they're all nice, but they're too big, first and foremost, and would've been rejected for not meeting consistancy with the concept notes for the Titan.  Still, they're nice designs, and given between those designs and the chosen one, I'd choose WZ's anyday.

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2005, 01:34:18 pm »
I have to admit, I wonder why most designs by people shy away from the Galaxy/Intrepid/New Orleans ships.  I do miss that a lot from TNG.  Now everybody tries to copy the Soverign.   ::)
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2005, 01:41:57 pm »
Chris, if you'd checked the notes, this is a new ship, supposedly the latest line of explorers - the Luna class allegedly, so it was never going to feature any Galaxy-era qualities very heavily, look at the reg man, this thing is brand new out of the docks, not 2360s, 2380s.

Besides I always thought the Galaxy was a terrible design, I simply don't buy that whole organic automatically equals more adanced nonsense. Advanced tech can be made to fit into any shape or form you want, you could make a 24th century ship that looked like a roman war galley on the outside, it could still have all the nifty tech on the inside where it can't be seen. I'm not overly fond of the Sovereign, but it was a step above the Galaxy for me. Fed design has never surpassed the TMP Constitution IMHO.

As for Sean Tourangeau's design, I agree it does have elements of a kitbash in it, the nacelles are taken almost direct from the Akira, the ridges either side of the bridge are also f**king retarded, they were only there on the Akira to provide a 'stump' for the catamarans to emerge from, on this ship they serve no purpose other than to uglify the shape of the saucer. I quite like the area that walls in the approach to the shuttlebay at the top rear, a novel shape but practically I'd have keept the shuttlebay at the back and thus have achieved more internal volume.
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2005, 01:51:05 pm »
I disagree with you about the Galaxy class.  When they made that ship, it was well thought out to each and every deck.  I have the blue prints and I must say the Galaxy class has a HUGE amout of space which must have ment that Starfleet was expecting to have the class fill a variety of roles.  The soverign doesn't seem like it has as much internal volumn as the Galaxy so i would imagine it is mostly geared torward combat. 

And whats wrong with the Galaxy/Intrepid/New Orleans/Nebula classes?  They have elegant curves and are probably easier to build then those a lot of the other ships we see later.  I don't have much love for the Akira or Norway, they look like they were glued together in my opinion.
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2005, 04:08:47 pm »
You misunderstood my point Magnum, I wasn't saying the Galaxy was not thought out internally, I was saying the organic look is a fallacy, no object has to look any particular way unless it's appearance is dictated by technical concerns Star Trek ships feature 90% of their components on the inside, very little has to be accessed externally and the outer 'skin' of the ships is dictated largely through aesthetic concerns it seems, thus a ship will look organic if the designers happen to think organic looking ships are pretty nice, it will look industrial and angular if the designers happen to think industrial and angular looking ships are pretty nice, beyond the basic layout of a ship in ST, the rest of it's external appearance is purely an aesthetic concern.

Re: the internal volume of the Sovereign, it actually has less volume than the Ambassador, but that does not mean it can't be an explorer, the Constitution class is tiny compared to even the Sovereign, let alone the Galaxy and it was the prime explorer of it's day, given the tendency towards miniaturisation in any technology the only logical way to go is smaller and more automated ships, not hulking behemoths like the Galaxy, the only reason for it's gigantic proportions is hubris - 'lets build the biggest ship we can to show everyone how f**king great the Federation is!' rather than 'lets build the most sophisticated explorer ship with the best tech we can!' which would really given technological advance probably yield a ship around the size of the Intrepid or this new Titan. No more space is actually needed, it's just a luxury.
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S33K100: formerly Marauth

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2005, 04:30:22 pm »
actually, i'm for bigger.  if you think about it makes logical sense.  For one you must consider that an explorer will be away from home for long periods of time.  You also must consider that an explorer will be doing precisely that, exploring the uknown.  in many cases i see the ship as huge as it provides a large complement of crew, it gives it a huge amount of storage space, it allows for areas of the ship to becom heavily damaged with out affecting the total operation of the ship.  by minimizing it you remove alot of the crew.  The crew is the most essential part, as when you think about it they are the ones who will make all repairs, run all science and exploration missions, and generally keep the ship going.  by limiting them you limit your capabilties extensivly because you are now dependent on automated systsems as you put it.  when a system fails, who must take over?  the crew.  by having an abudance, you give your self leeway if such things happen.  also note w/ a smaller ship that is fully automated, loosing portions of the hull for whatever reason is bad, as you might take out an automated system.  and because of limted space there might not be many redundancies.  in a larger ship, especially one with lot of volume, you can make sure that you have the backups you need, that they are easily protected on the inside of the ship.  finally when it comes down to it, a larger crew allows for faster repairs.  sure the lager ship provides more area to cover, however when you realize that both ships will have the same vital systems, the ship with the larger crew can get those vital systems up faster than smaller ship.  further automation usually makes said system more complicated, further hindering repair time.

of course that is just my opinion (and i personally agree, the design is fugly, good work on the artist, but fugly and not worthy of a titan)

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2005, 05:07:25 pm »
Ya... 1st impression, I was dissappointed. Upon further examination, blah, same conclusion. Overall, blah. Final notes, blah.

Who here looked upon it and marveled at how cool they thought it was?

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #14 on: October 06, 2005, 05:31:48 pm »
i love it, hope someone makes this would be a sweet addition to anyones fleet, i dont see why bigger is always better, look at the defiant smaller is the way to go.

either way i love it and i hope to get the books when they come out in the uk
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2005, 06:29:22 pm »
... i dont see why bigger is always better... smaller is the way to go.

<snip> pun intended.

You are the only male I've heard say that. Remember, its not how you use it, its how big it is...

You want to start a flame war? The defiant is a unwanted, unloved red-headed bastard stepchild that should have been aborted. It is an embarrASSment and mockery of the star trek universe and its creator and his family should be publicly hung, dismembered, burned and the ashes used as kitty litter.

Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2005, 06:32:24 pm »
I figured out what the winning design reminded me of.  Observe:

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2005, 06:33:20 pm »
a nice resemblance i wonder if this is what the luna's class predessacor was
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #18 on: October 06, 2005, 07:03:20 pm »
Mine was better.   ;D

But of course I would think that, wouldn't I?  ;)

Not that it matters, because mine never made it into the contest...   :-\

There are elements of it that I like, but the whole package just doesn't add up for me...
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #19 on: October 06, 2005, 07:04:56 pm »
I figured out what the winning design reminded me of.  Observe:

If the guy knew about that design before making it, then I'd reduce his originality points to near zero if I could, but give him some for blending a kitbashed design so it doesn't look as much so.  However, considering what he borrowed from, I'd believe more of it as a coincidence.

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Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2005, 07:07:43 pm »
So I'm guessing nobody's getting in line to bring the Luna-class to 3D land?

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #21 on: October 06, 2005, 07:20:15 pm »
i hope someone does make this ship i like it and would be a great addition to anyones fleet not had any TNG ships for awhile
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G'Kar: What was his crime?
Sindell: Staying alive!
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #22 on: October 06, 2005, 09:13:24 pm »
Well if they had submitted them at the time then they might of had the chance of winning, I seem to remember a great deal of negativity towards the compertition from the majority of people here. You cant bleet about the result after that.

didn't anybody from here bother to enter it?

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #23 on: October 06, 2005, 09:19:38 pm »
So I'm guessing nobody's getting in line to bring the Luna-class to 3D land?

I hope so. While it's not the most impressive ship I've ever seen, Titan or otherwise, it certainly merits "doing" and they're going to post the runners up so it should be interesting to see what lost.

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2005, 01:32:11 am »
In MP's lil universe this design will forever forth be known as the Wannabe class. I wish I had learned to bash prior to this contest, I would have entered. Oh well perhaps the runner-ups are more intersting. If they are I'll really be ticked that this POS won.

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #25 on: October 07, 2005, 08:45:03 am »
Just plain ugly kitbash... >:(

And yes, the resemblance to the Ulysses is striking...
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #26 on: October 07, 2005, 09:11:46 am »
... i dont see why bigger is always better... smaller is the way to go.

<snip> pun intended.

You are the only male I've heard say that. Remember, its not how you use it, its how big it is...

You want to start a flame war? The defiant is a unwanted, unloved red-headed bastard stepchild that should have been aborted. It is an embarrASSment and mockery of the star trek universe and its creator and his family should be publicly hung, dismembered, burned and the ashes used as kitty litter.

At last someone who agrees!!!!

It goes against all the info on starship design I've ever seen in any of the books.  OK so some of you are say "BUT ITS A TV SHOW!". Yes it si but is one that has become a franchise and as such has to abide by certain rules... Burger King dont sell Big Macs, that in the franchise.  How the defiant ever got past the cannon heads within paramount can only be down to Gene R's lack of involvment.

As for this ship....  It looks s%$t enough for Captain Riker (ever noticed how the Ent always gets damaged when hes in charge?).  As a Klingon I have to say that I and my crew would laugh so much you'd find our cloaked ship NP, just listen to see where the noise is comming from.
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #27 on: October 07, 2005, 09:29:02 am »
I Kinda like it

At first, yes, i was against it, but it has since grown on me.
It makes sense. I mean, why wouldnt there be NEM+ Kitbashes just there were in TMP and TNG times?

To each his own.
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #28 on: October 07, 2005, 11:58:45 am »
i hope they show us a plan of the bridge like they did in the new frontier books that would be sweet at least to give some of us who like the titan what it looks like there doing on the bridge
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #29 on: October 07, 2005, 12:02:12 pm »
At first, yes, i was against it, but it has since grown on me.
It makes sense. I mean, why wouldnt there be NEM+ Kitbashes just there were in TMP and TNG times?

If one would want to make a successful kitbash in the TOS/TMP-eras, one should wonder how everything in the inside works.  If you ask me, it helps to make a cutaway.  Kitbashes ranging from extra-nacelle-sticking/nacelle-arranging to through-deck carriers that have a warp core in the middle of that large hangar bay sometimes baffle me when I think about it.

If kitbashes are to be successful in any era, it is my belief that it must make sense.  Otherwise, create a new design.  I figured that, with the graceful curves and organic look of the successful TNG-era Starships such as the Galaxy-class, New-Orleans-class, Nebula-class, Cheyenne-class, etc. that it would be pretty darned hard to make one that makes sense inside and out.  Sure, it's fun to put one part here and another there and make it look cool, but would it actually work (if one would think about it)?

Therefore I'd be more reluctant to make kitbashes in the TNG era (and beyond).  Sure, more people do it for any era than make a unique and original design (though there are exceptions), and some do a nice job at either/or (kitbashing/original design), but half the time nowadays, I have to wonder if this or that design would work...

And I'm pretty sure that the winning Titan design looks like something that can function, but still, it's a kitbash, and one of the rules of the contest was originality.  I don't believe the winner did such a good job at that, but that's me.

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #30 on: October 07, 2005, 12:40:08 pm »
  I don't have much love for the Akira or Norway, they look like they were glued together in my opinion.

You sir win the brass ring !  This is my honest opinion as well..  !

Glad to see that this old man aint the only one that sees the that (especially the Akira).

 :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #31 on: October 07, 2005, 03:48:36 pm »
How the defiant ever got past the cannon heads within paramount can only be down to Gene R's lack of involvment.

1. There are no canon heads at Paramount.  As far as Paramount is concerned, canon Trek is whatever makes them money.

2. IIRC, Roddenberry was already dead by the time Defiant was designed.  As for lack of involvement, he had already been pushed out by the 3rd season of TNG.
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #32 on: October 07, 2005, 04:23:33 pm »
hey, whats wrong with the yeager class? *ducks*

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #33 on: October 07, 2005, 05:26:21 pm »
Hey, is it just me, or does the front view of this Titan look like the "cutout" at the front of the Akira saucer (where the forward shuttlebay doors are) is still there?  Jesus, the freaking views don't even match up?  What is this, a FASA ship?   ;)  :lol:  ;)
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #34 on: October 07, 2005, 05:40:17 pm »
im going to ask cleeve how much it would cost to make it as i woudl really love to see this ship be made
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Sindell: One of the Anla-Shok has acted inappropriately and must be punished, perhaps even expelled.
G'Kar: What was his crime?
Sindell: Staying alive!
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #35 on: October 07, 2005, 06:43:04 pm »
My final comments  ( for the time being !)

I'm not going to blast it as those did the NX-1 and curse those that developed it.  BUT  I will say that this development is sadly disappointing.

I agree with FW ...  some how this does not fit the "Riker profile".  Even for those who had a negative view of the first officer: seeing him as arrogant and insisting on a "profile" command.  I do agree that only as a first command ...  (something less than the height of your career) it might be a place to start.  And, it fits the profile as a smaller ship.

The design however, is less than desireable ...  and is just another knock off of the Akira.  (Which IMHO is even less than desireable of MOST Federation designs for a ship of that size.  It really is just an "inverted star ship"  pasted togeather.)

It should also be noted that Paramount does not always follow Pocket books .. Let's hope in this case they go their own way.

Please also note:  I do agree that it is not necessary that "Titan" have to be a huge BB sized ship in order to be "worthy" of command.  Heck ...  look how much time I have devoted to developing a couple of "advanced command (attack) cruisers.  My over all review, and complaint with this ship is that is simply did not deliver the goods.
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #36 on: October 07, 2005, 07:14:06 pm »
Also, look at the ships that Riker was offerred before Titan.  Before taking the XO spot on the Enterprise-D, he was offerred the Wambundu-class Drake.  In his second year on the -D, Starfleet offered him the Renaissance-class Aries.  And, just before Wolf 359, he declined taking command of the Excelsior-class Melbourne.  While thosse designs are not canon, they are based on what was implied in the episodes that they were mentioned in.  So, it's not like he's ever been offerred the cream of the crop before.

Or, if you look at it this way, consider the entry at Memory Alpha on Riker, specifically this quote:

The Aries command was given to Riker because of his exceptional abilities as a scientist.

And this bit of apocrypha:

Q said in VOY: "Death Wish" that he "hoped Riker" would have taken command of the USS Voyager, which may mean he was also offered command of that ship before Captain Janeway.

It sounds like Titan, as shown here, was the best fit for Riker.

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #37 on: October 07, 2005, 07:20:57 pm »
but we also must remember riker specifically saying that he would not take a ship smaller than the enterprise.  so by that we can assume that he might have gotten a galaxy class, or a newer ship.  and if it was to be a new ship, the name titan implies somthing of large size, think of the greek myths.  further they wanted a deep space explorer, which logically requires large amounts of volume to actually be useful (if you dont' think so use some logic, more volume = more supplies more volume/ surface area means most likely more damage s hip could take and still be operational.  if it was a deep space explorer it would need this ability as it will not always be near a shipyard or starbase)

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #38 on: October 07, 2005, 08:01:31 pm »
I don't recall Riker every saying that he wouldn't take a ship smaller than Enterprise.  Considering that the Galaxy-class still seems to be the largest starship that Starfleet has ever built, it would be a somewhat silly thing to say...  ;)  (Which is not to say that the writers wouldn't have written it, of course.   ::)

The first Titan novel establishes that Riker took command of the ship, whatever it may actually look like, because it was slated for a mission of pure exploration into territory where, to use a cliche, no one had gone before.  :)  I know it's hard for some to believe, given how military Starfleet has become since DS9, but Riker was always just as, if not more so, into the exploratory aspects of Starfleet in TNG.

Oh, just for the record...  despite what DS9's pilot showed, the Melbourne that Riker was offered command of was not an Excelsior.  It was, at the time of BoBW, intended to be the Nebula prototype 2:

(You'll probably have to paste that into your address bar.)  That one's at least semi-canon, which is more than can be said for the alleged Drake or Aries.  Even the classes of those are completely made-up by Greg Jein and/or Mike Okuda.  (Not to diss those guys, but they made a lot of stuff up...)
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #39 on: October 08, 2005, 11:05:46 am »
but we also must remember riker specifically saying that he would not take a ship smaller than the enterprise.  so by that we can assume that he might have gotten a galaxy class, or a newer ship.  and if it was to be a new ship, the name titan implies somthing of large size, think of the greek myths.  further they wanted a deep space explorer, which logically requires large amounts of volume to actually be useful (if you dont' think so use some logic, more volume = more supplies more volume/ surface area means most likely more damage s hip could take and still be operational.  if it was a deep space explorer it would need this ability as it will not always be near a shipyard or starbase)

kudos Tuss ...

out of everything that was said ..  this makes the most sense.  The ship would need to be something that would be capable of this type of exploration.  Remember, one of the characteristics that made Riker such a good fit for this was his ability to work well with other cultures  (ie:  the exchange with Federation / Klingon officers ...  he was able to adapt, and even eat Klingon dishes.  This did make him well adapt to this sort of an assignment).

I'm still just a bit disappointed in the over all size and design of the ship.  In another thread (Holow deck forum) WZ mentioned something that was close to the point, to which I agree.

I'd imagined it to be more unique and streamlined for a ship of it's size and mission profile, but that's just me.

again ... just my opinion  ...  and perhaps that of others as well ...   this would be a tad more plausible
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #40 on: October 08, 2005, 11:08:45 am »
I don't recall Riker every saying that he wouldn't take a ship smaller than Enterprise.

He actually wanted the Enterprise, not a sister ship of it.  According to the novels that preceded the Titan series, Riker was starting to sense that he wasn't going to get that chance any time soon and not only was he being unfair to his own career advancement, he was being unfair to Data's as well, who would have been Picard's new first officer had he not been vaporized.

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #41 on: October 08, 2005, 11:18:28 am »
I don't recall Riker every saying that he wouldn't take a ship smaller than Enterprise.

He actually wanted the Enterprise, not a sister ship of it.  According to the novels that preceded the Titan series, Riker was starting to sense that he wasn't going to get that chance any time soon and not only was he being unfair to his own career advancement, he was being unfair to Data's as well, who would have been Picard's new first officer had he not been vaporized.


I remember the feeling of anxiety he felt after the saucer section of the Enterprise had "landed"  (if ya can call it that).  The Enterprise "D" was gone ...  he had hoped that he:

"One day to be able to sit in the big chair"

His finally seeing how this was holding not only him back ...  but others as well does make sense. 

BUT,  it still does not justify the design

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #42 on: October 08, 2005, 01:20:34 pm »
im just hoping he doesnt let deanna at the helm, she trashed the Enterprise D, and nearly destroyed the Enterprise E by ramming it into the schimitar :)

either way i like the ship and in a couple of weeks if no one has made it yet ill commision cleeve to make a medium detailed model
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #43 on: October 26, 2005, 07:56:08 pm »
Just in case anyone is interested, some of the runners-up have been posted...  IMO, all of them are superior to the winner; two of the three are very "out there."  :)  This is the most "traditional" of the designs; you can see a lot of design elements hinted at, and even a couple that are pretty blatant, but nothing as "ripped-off" as the winner.  This looks surprisingly TOS, and yet also managed to look like a FASA design from the TNG era.  :)  It may be my favorite of the bunch...  This is probably the best post-TNG design of the bunch; I wish the 3D renders in the middle were bigger so I could get a better look at it.

Honestly, now that I've seen the runners-up, I can't imagine what the judges were thinking when they picked the winner...

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #44 on: October 26, 2005, 10:44:54 pm »
I'm not sure about 2 and 3. 2 looks a litle odd with all those blue orbs, though does look alot like something I've seen on asdbj, atleast with the nacelles. Maybe thats where he's from..  Anyways, 3 just looks bad, maybe because it's only a drawing, perhaps I'd like it better if it were a model and the pix were bigger. The 1st one does look cool and even supports traditional separation, despite looking rather odd when it does.
A titan link I fallowed from soneone over msn also provided these. dunno if they were runners up or just submissions, but thye don't look too bad:

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #45 on: October 26, 2005, 11:14:55 pm »
I don't know, the official runner ups make the winner look that much better and more in-line with established (that was the key word in the contest rules) Starfleet tradition for a ship who was first developed in the late TNG, early DS9 days.  That last one that Starforce posted, which wasn't an official runner up, looked to be the best out of the entries that I've seen.

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #46 on: October 26, 2005, 11:49:44 pm »
Well, they all pretty much stink but I agree the runners up show more imagination then the winner, except the one that's a rip-off of the Insignia class. Personally I'm very disappointed in all of them. I'm so very glad we have WZ, Azel, Buzz and Sandman's Titans  ;D.


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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #47 on: October 27, 2005, 01:52:02 am »
I don't know/agree that is a ripoff of the insignia. That shape of pylon is more suited to the feature of the ambassador than the insig, the round saucer in homage to the galaxy, while the impulse and hull style homage to the sov/E and the nacelles shorter and wider similar to the C and D Enterprises, but more resembling the promethius. Basicly, he's used several established canon starfleet design ideas and incorporated them beautifuly into a new class of ship that is one of the mroe believeable vessels of the bunch, IMHO.

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #48 on: October 27, 2005, 07:28:48 am »
Even the huge monster fan based one (trying to remember the web site where it's found) was better than the winner ..

BTW ...  AV now has mine ... and as soon as we get a new MAP to retexture ...  it will be redone in short order.
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #49 on: October 30, 2005, 10:02:39 pm »
Nathan Smith's one is my personal favourite (the first one in SF's post) the last one in that post is also very nice, both are far superior to any of the runners-up and the winner. Hope someone considers contacting that Nathan Smith about recreating his Titan in SFC.
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #50 on: October 31, 2005, 12:02:02 am »
Nathan Smith's one is my personal favourite (the first one in SF's post) the last one in that post is also very nice, both are far superior to any of the runners-up and the winner. Hope someone considers contacting that Nathan Smith about recreating his Titan in SFC.

Nathan Smith's Titan looks like a TNG Akyazi perimeter ship

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #51 on: October 31, 2005, 01:04:34 pm »
Not really, the Akyazi had a completely flat saucer bottom, the back half cut off and twin pylons leading to the little engine assembly thing at the rear, this reminded me much more in it's basic arrangement of that abominable Enterprise-J they showed once on Enterprise. Only this one has some nice proportions and detail work, and doesn't look like a giant leap backwards to the Galaxy class like the Ent-J did.
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #52 on: November 03, 2005, 04:49:26 pm »
man i wish my 3d studio max would work :( i want to kitbash this ship i wish someone would make it tho :(
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #53 on: November 05, 2005, 09:11:19 pm »
Just looking at this now. From my perspective it is a PO*. Buzz's design is far better.
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #54 on: November 05, 2005, 11:05:53 pm »

This is more of how I envisioned the Titan.

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #55 on: November 05, 2005, 11:15:26 pm »

This is more of how I envisioned the Titan.

That's the Endurance class.......

The Endurance Class cruiser was developed in the late 2360s as a new multi-purpose starship incorporating technology from the Sovereign Class starship in a smaller hull package. These ships were designed to serve as medium to long range explorers during peacetime, and heavy gun cruisers during war.

Roughly between the Sovereign Class and Excelsior Class starships in size, the Endurance Class cruisers are well suited for extended patrol and fleet operations. Their Advanced TA/T/TS targeting sensors and extensive defensive phaser arrays were especially effective against Dominion and Cardassian fighters, and they were frequently paired with guided missile/torpedo cruisers and carriers, such as the Akira Class, in hunter/killer teams.

USS Southern Cross, NCC-75122, is one of the earlier Endurance Class cruisers. She is equipped with a dorsal sensor pod, just above the aft shuttlebay, and a single forward torpedo launcher in place of the captain's yacht. She was assigned to convoy escort duty, guarding transports and planetary/amphibious assault carriers during much of the Dominion War, and never lost a single ship under her protection.

More here............

I'd love to have this ship ingame.

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #56 on: November 05, 2005, 11:53:44 pm »
 ;D ;D ;D   leave it to MP  to find info bout ships lol     i aggree  this titan  does suck a big toe deep throat style.  and no way in hell  is it a reminder of the akira class. :police: dont make me come there when u guys start bashing on my akiras.  :police:    but  i hope to be up and running soon guys and i will have treats for u.  includeing my TOP SECRET PROJECT.....   excelsior study model 3.     bet she would make a better TITAN  than that thing.

WOOT carry on gentleman  carry on

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #57 on: November 06, 2005, 11:21:48 am »
leave it to MP  to find info bout ships lol

 ;D :thumbsup:   
« Last Edit: November 06, 2005, 12:19:41 pm by ModelsPlease »

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #58 on: November 06, 2005, 11:35:37 am »

Personally, I'm not that enamored with the Galaxy saucer on a Sov fuselage. I'm also not as dismayed as some here concerning the winning entry.
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #59 on: November 06, 2005, 11:43:21 am »

This is more of how I envisioned the Titan.

heck if no one will make the titan please someone make that it looks awesome
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #60 on: November 06, 2005, 12:02:27 pm »

Now we're talking!  ;)
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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #61 on: November 06, 2005, 12:05:58 pm »
yea i remember seeing this for a predesign for Star Trek First Contact in a Concept sketch book for ST Generations and First Contact i would love it if someone made this ship
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G'Kar: What was his crime?
Sindell: Staying alive!
G'Kar: Curious. Until now, I hadn't known it was a crime.

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #62 on: November 06, 2005, 12:35:25 pm »
That's the Endurance class...

Though it looks kind of cute being the "compact car" version of the Sovereign-class, I don't buy the 2360s design suggestion, in my opinion.  Though for 2370s TNG fans it is nice, and seeing it in-game wouldn't be too bad at all. 

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #63 on: November 06, 2005, 12:39:04 pm »
I concur Chris, though the modeler did an outstanding job on the ship, he should have realized the Sovereign was not a 2360's design. A minor issue, that can always be fixed in a read me   ;). But I love the design and (even though the build date is off) it's a pretty cool history.  ;D


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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #64 on: November 06, 2005, 12:54:10 pm »
know anyone who could make that ship it kicks ass
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G'Kar: What was his crime?
Sindell: Staying alive!
G'Kar: Curious. Until now, I hadn't known it was a crime.

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #65 on: November 06, 2005, 02:26:20 pm »
*shrugs* The whole Post TNG ship stuff never attracted me really... But there are the occasional gems that show up.

I liked Nathon' Smith's concept... and I also like this ship. Suffice to say, I'd love to see TMP versions of both of them :D

As for the Titan, well, as far as we know it could have been a TOS ship found in a timerift and put back into service :D

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Re: Ladies and gentlemen...the Titan!
« Reply #66 on: November 08, 2005, 05:34:40 pm »
I kinda agree with Norsehound, there are only a handful of Post TNG designs I like out there.  But I must admit, that model is kinda neat. 
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