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Topic: I think this is a bit needed.  (Read 3252 times)

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Offline kohlrak

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I think this is a bit needed.
« on: October 21, 2005, 11:46:17 pm »
As far as i can see the SFC3 api lacks one thing. A tut... I have no idea what all functions must be used to actually play a basic mission, i don't know much about the objects (if any) in this. I have no idea what i can and can't do, all i have is scripts that came with the api. I think we need a little more somthing twords a tut. A list of functions and parameters and objects and exactly what all we can and can't do. Now i've sceen cases where you can have file IOS help (like in fleet pick) so i'm sure we can do other things like use custom music and such that's not in the music zip file, but is there a code to disable specifically the music ingame and are we allowd to embed streamed files into the exe files (like when you use resource files)? To me everything seems a bit... unknown. We can't just go around reading scipts of missions if we don't know what the functions and objects do. Now i know some of you can do this (i don't know how, maybe you're reading the headers and have some information on the main game's exe), but i'd like to be able to use the API also. I'm not asking for a C++ tut. By now anyone looking into this should have visual C++ 6.0 or later which comes with a C++ tut anyway. I don't know about the other compilers like borland that are supported, but anyway... We should already know C++ so i'm not asking for a C++ tut, just a list of functions, parameters, objects, what we can use, when we can use, what we don't have, what we can expect to have in the future, etc. I'm hoping some one can provide this, because all that came with the API was a tut on the comm system that was rather vague enough. Luckily i understood that to a point... I'm looking forward to seeing a full tut of the API. Thanks in advance to anyone that contributes.
veqlarghlI' yIbuS 'ej veqlarghwI' vIbuS!!!

