Topic: RM's weigh in on PvP points, everyone else go thru the proper channels :P  (Read 2833 times)

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Offline Braxton_RIP

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Re: RM's weigh in on PvP points, everyone else go thru the proper channels :P
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2005, 12:14:15 am »
I'm sorry if I made it complicated... At least Tracey appears to think the idea has merit.

If you RM's absolutely hate it, sure we can ditch it. But I've rather come to like it. I dont see whats difficult about it. Simply put, if you have 1.5 times as many kills as your opponent, you get a planet equivalent VC applied to the race that suffered the most attrition.

Wtf is so difficult about that. The way I wrote it minimizes the impact of losing a slew of PvP matches. I firmly believe it will encourage PvP, yet places importance on it all the same.

Tool's idea, simplicity all round, is too broad and allows for PvP to make a more significant impact, which I believe will discourage PvP.

I think, if you stew on it a few days, it will grow on you... like a fungus.  ;D

I don't hate it, but from a layman's standpoint.  Tool's is too simple and Dizzy's is too wordy.  A happy medium inbetween might be nice for guys like F9thKirk for instance who are just getting into the OP rules.
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Offline KBFKrotz

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Re: RM's weigh in on PvP points, everyone else go thru the proper channels :P
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2005, 12:20:11 am »
I think we should try your idea Dizzy. It waters down the risks/consequences for individual players in pvp, and I think the 1.5:1 kill ratio is attainable enough to be useful (though I suspect it's at or near the upper limit of what a side could pull out) be honest though, with my limited play time I had this week and going into mid next week, I find the prices for a replacement ship more a factor of whether I'd stick around and fight out something I figured to be a losing battle (whatever happened to your idea of 1 pp ships  :o ).

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Re: RM's weigh in on PvP points, everyone else go thru the proper channels :P
« Reply #22 on: October 07, 2005, 12:31:01 am »
lol Krotz... I'll lower prices a bit later. ;)