Topic: Sometimes science mavericks and tinkerers p*ss me off too...  (Read 1164 times)

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Sometimes science mavericks and tinkerers p*ss me off too...
« on: October 05, 2005, 08:20:26 pm »
I mean, what does one make of the following article. This dude reportedly did something wonderful. the canadian and the U.S. military vouched for the authenticity of video of his results and physical evidence. But the idiot did not keep proper experimental records and cannot reproduce his results. What a moron.

Long before John Hutchison began his pioneering experiments into electromagnetism and alternative energy, travelers in the Bermuda Triangle had reported odd occurrences involving electromagnetism: their ships or planes would be seized by a strange vapor, then all equipment would go haywire; unexplained fogs would sit over the ocean, yet in all cases the weather was not right for creating fogs, and there was certainly no reason for electromagnetic aberrations such as they reported.
   These were, in due course, put down in the category of “sea lore,” sensationalism, or attributed to occultists trying to push their supernatural views of nature. It didn’t seem to matter that most of those reporting them were veteran pilots, shipmasters, and even Coast Guard officers.
   These unusual phenomena quickly formed the backbone of the “mythos” of the Bermuda Triangle, the enigma of unexplained “forces,” hints of the laws of nature running wild, of possible time warps, interdimensional transition, wormholes, and invisibility. To speak about them is to speak about the “supernatural,” the impossible, and the occult . . .until now.
   Though they remain unexplained, there is no longer the lack of a cross reference for them—and this has to do with electromagnetism. And that’s where Vancouver scientist John Hutchison comes into play. His experiments into electromagnetism has unintentionally produced every phenomena reported in the Triangle. The term “Hutchison Effect” has become a moniker applied to all the peculiar and startling effects his plethora of machinery can produce.
   John might be likened to many of the fictional characters of movies who stumbled onto fantastic inventions—Flubber, The Shaggy Dog, and the many other Disney movies of Kurt Russell being transformed by his madcap experiments at Medfield College. The great exception is that John is not fictional, nor are his experiments. They have penetrated the very building blocks of matter and looked squarely into the labyrinth of time and space. . . .and they are all created by electromagnetism and its effects on various wavelengths!
  It all began back in 1979. While studying the longitudinal wavelengths of Tesla (Nikola Tesla, a radio pioneer), Hutchison, limited by space in his small apartment,  crammed into one room various devices that emit electromagnetic fields and wavelengths, like Tesla coils, RF generators, van De Graaf generators, etc. He turned them on and went about his work. In some unexpected way, the wavelengths these machines created interplayed to create astonishing effects. John first noticed this when an object touched his shoulder. . .one he wasn’t expecting because it was levitating!
   Repeated tests have produced a number of astounding effects. These include the continued levitation of objects: wood, styrofoam, plastic, copper, zinc— they hovered and  moved about, swirl around and ascend, or shoot off at fantastic speeds. With further experimentation: fires started around the building out of non flammable materials, like cement and rock; a mirror  smashed (80 feet away!),  metal warped and bent and even
broke, (separating by sliding in a sideways fashion), in some instances crumbling like “cookies;” some metal became white hot but did not burn surrounding flammable material; lights appeared in the air,  along with numerous other corona manifestations; and water spontaneously swirled in containers. . . to name only a few.
   More than one observer of Hutchison’s experiments and demonstrations (he has given over 750), have not only been amazed at the results but uniformly express astonishment at the weak electrical power which seems to be sufficient to empower very stupefying results. Since basic outlets in the house supply sufficient power to operate his many machines,  the power which unleashes all these incredible effects is believed to lie elsewhere, such as where these various fields interplay,  since on their own the wavelengths or fields these machines create have never been noted to do this. It is at this point—call is a warp or votex, whatever you like— where things begin to happen. But how they interact is still largely a mystery. Even where they interact can be perplexing. Sometimes one must wait for days for something to happen, and 99 per cent of the time nothing happens at all. To draw an analogy,  it is like trying to boil water without being able to determine the strength of the heat— in such a scenario it is not surprising it may take different amounts of time to produce the boiling effect.
   Over the last 22 years, Hutchison’s work has been subject to broad though varying interest and approval. His laboratory was ransacked by Canadian officials who seized his equipment under the pretense of confiscating his antique gun collection which was, however,  subsequently returned with no explanations or charges. Three nations have aired his work; he was courted by scientists in Japan, accused of treason in Canada when he went to Germany for funds to continue; Los Alamos Lab has done research on his Effect; the Canadian government seized his lab equipment once again while crated and
in transit to Germany in 1990 (and never returned it despite a court order),  when he was seeking financial aid to continue his studies. The military of Canada and the US has expressed a covert interest. He has been arrested by the Canadian government and placed in cuffs on his doorstep while his lab was ransacked and investigated (under the excuse of checking on his antique gun collection again); this last incident was on March 17, 2000, and may have been initiated by a neighbor who experienced an unexpected levitation in their house and then complained to the police.
  Because of all this, which has been ongoing for over 22 years, his lab has undergone numerous changes, from completely disappearing into government hands, to vital pieces having been sold off to pay for subsequent financial problems.   
  I have personally experienced the grayish-type mist when I was doing my high voltage research; and this mist would appear and disappear. To look at it, it looks like metallic. I couldn’t see through it. So it exists . . .it exists.
  Nevertheless, Hutchison has continued with his work. He has “tinkered” and adjusted his equipment and continues to get varying and remarkable results,  many of which have been documented and photographed by McDonnell Douglas Aerospace and the Max Planck Institute in Germany.
   The Hutchison Effect’s connection with the Triangle comes in many forms. Many of the effects he has created mimic those reported out there: strangely swirling clouds and lights, green glows and phosphorescence, and electromagnetic anomalies. But one discovery in John’s experiments clearly underlines the connection of the Bermuda Triangle with electromagnetism. During one experiment, John produced something undeniably “Triangle-esque.”
  A long time ago, biologist Ivan Sanderson noted that the greatest number of disappearances in the world occurred in specific locales, “vortices,” he called them, which “lie on the right or east sides of the continents, and all precisely in curious areas where hot surface currents stream out of the tropical latitudes toward the colder waters of the temperate. . .” He explains this is of “enormous significance”  because “these are the areas of extreme temperature variabilities which alone would predicate a very high incidence of violent marine and aerial disturbances. What more likely areas,” he continues, “for storms and wrecks and founderings, and even magnetic anomalies?” He went on to ask, “Whether these vast [natural] ‘machines’ generate still another kind of 
anomaly that might cause something to ‘go wrong’ . . .in our space-time continuum. In other words, could they create. . . ‘vortices’ into and out of which material objects can drop into or out of other space-time continua?”
   Hutchison’s studies may not prove this, of course, but continuing results prove the unlimited potential of electromagnetism on matter.     
   One of the most remarkable effects is the fusion of dissimilar materials.  In describing this, Mark Solis makes note that “dissimilar substances can simply ‘come together’ yet the individual substances do not disassociate. A block of wood can ‘simply sink’ into a metal bar, yet neither the block of wood nor metal bar come apart.” Moreover, he adds “there is no evidence of displacement, such as would occur if, for example, one were to sink a stone in a bowl of water.”
   But perhaps one of the most remarkable aspects of his Effect is “spontaneous invisibility of materials in the ‘active zone’  of a Pharos-type Hutchison apparatus . . .” (A phenomenon which Richard Hull uncovered in
historical investigations took place in the Farnsworth Fusion Machine in the 1930s, where solid metal portions of the apparatus became transport during a number of tests. ((Philo T. Farnsworth was the inventor of the electronic TV)).
   Hutchison has added that invisibly surrounds metallic objects. Properly adjusting his equipment, he adds,  the “cronons” and “gravitons” generated by his technology could cause entire buildings to disappear. The propulsive part of the Effect could get us into space faster and cheaper than any conventional fuel. 
   Since the effects and the materials vary exceedingly,  it seems logical to assume there is some form of disruption of the basic atomic structure,  considering that fusion of non identical materials, fires, levitating objects, invisibility, etc., have nothing else in common but these building blocks of matter. Electromagnetism is a doorway into a world of which we are all made. As such, its potential seems unlimited.
   Since the Earth is itself an object generating electromagnetic fields, are there areas where some of these fields will intermittently interplay and cause aberrations? To be more explicit, is 
the Bermuda Triangle properly situated on the Earth, in the areas  of correct temperatures and weather volatility, in areas of electromagnetic stresses, to create effects as Hutchison has done in his lab?
   We can no longer say “impossible” to anything once the doors to the very building blocks of the universe are unlocked. The dreams and even wistful fancies of past philosophers and scientists are daily becoming reality in our modern world. It is time we as a species woke up to them. For too long we called them “supernatural” when they were not “above nature,” they were merely above our understanding of it. It is also time that
Working on alternative energy sources in his lab.
An aluminum bar, ABOVE, and TOP LEFT, shredded and split by the Hutchison Effect. The metal turned wobbly like jelly before coming apart. This is called “cold melting” because no heat is involved. LEFT: metal cylinder crumbled apart.  Photos Courtesy of John Hutchison
Photos of his equipment and lab
“Tinkering” in his lab. Hutchison has developed extensive forms of free energy, including fuel cells and the Hutchison Converter, which apparently can run forever. It was first displayed in Japan in 1996 and is still running. A scientist sees fact, but a philosopher sees potential. John is both.
An example of Sanderson’s 12 vortices set at regular intervals around the earth, brought to his attention by the higher incidence of unexplained disappearances therein. The North ands south Pole account for the 11th and 12th vortices.
Fusion dissimilar of materials.
science looks beyond a mere fact. We must start looking at potential whether it has  immediate profitability or not. The greatest contribution in the Hutchison Effect is that it shows us the great potential in nature all around us.

Offline prometheus

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Re: Sometimes science mavericks and tinkerers p*ss me off too...
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2005, 05:11:14 am »
Would it surprise you to know that I'm sceptical?   ;)

To make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the Universe!

Offline Stormbringer

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Re: Sometimes science mavericks and tinkerers p*ss me off too...
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2005, 11:08:47 am »
Nope. This is the sort of crap that deserves it. if he were real he would have known the position and settings of his machines, the weather conditions, solar activity, lunar positions and phase and so on.

that being said he does have evidence and it has been examined by U.S. and canadian govt scientists. the physical and video evidence has remained unexplained and in the case of the video digital or other trickery ruled out.