Topic: SG V will be going flatfile, see link... Post edited  (Read 5351 times)

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Re: SG V will be terminated...
« Reply #40 on: October 05, 2005, 12:38:35 pm »
How exactly doe the DB get dirty in SQl?  From what I remembered, AI opbejcts didn't get stuck when I was screweing around with this stuff about a year ago.

I did turns AIs off though . . .

Once during this test, a hex was corrupted by the cartel ownership being set to 2323 instead of 23... that seemed to be where the problems started.

Otherwise it is exactly the same as the flatfile for "dirtying the db"; dead mission AI accumulates from bugged missions caused by bad connections and ALTs. The server AI are created and destroyed regularly (I have it set to create one per turn and destroy up to 10 per turn - which does work - it provides a mimimum of AI, with allowAItotakehexes set to zero of course.)

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Re: SG V will be going flatfile, see link... Post edited
« Reply #41 on: October 05, 2005, 06:14:57 pm »
could it be a cascaded effect due to a single hex being corrupted?  I know of other issues with other programs I have worked with in the past(not like mySQL) that can cascade once something is corrupted.

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Re: SG V will be terminated...
« Reply #42 on: October 05, 2005, 06:46:51 pm »
There is gooing news, we finally got that SQL test we were looking for  ;D

PS:  Can we restart in 2263?   I am a sadist

Sounds good to me but then again I'm a Klingon.
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