If I post a kill it's not to humiliate someone, just more along the lines of a good natured ribbing. I know full well that anyone I pwn may end up pwning me tomorrow.
Even Hexx apparently. 
Thats why I said among close friends and fleetmates I wasn't really bothered with such posts, but vs those I don't know so well and newer players I think its better to keep the posts off general unless a VC is involved.
I agree, especially when it comes to newbs. Private racial or fleet forums are one thing, but posting in general that you killed Joe Klink's F5C in ugly ways in his first ever D2 battle with your DN just doesn't strike me as very sporting.
Totally agree... I mean if a captain brags about a kill vs a newb especially one in an equal or smaller hull class, that just makes the bragger look really really bad. It's one thing to boast about a kill that was well deserved and another to humiliate someone.
Course, kill boasting is totally ok imo, but its got to be done in good taste. I think posting that sorta thing here on this forum in a tasteful manner is A ok, but if you are pwning a side totally with newb kills and others as well, that sort of thing is morale food for you side and needs to be kept on your own private forums... not here. Just mho.
Going a bit further, posting a kill as per VC's, sure, keep it professional: Killed Dfly in his CA with my CA, gg. Like that. But if you did this: 'Killed Dfly's DN with my FF, Yes I am the greatest! Bow down b4 me and worship your master', sure thats cool, cuz Dfly is a good captain and I'm good enough friends I can get away with that... without losing too much karma, hehe. That sort of thing is even good for roleplay stories. I think it just depends on who you kill, how and how you present the kill on the forums. Every post is unique and there isnt a set ettiquette for the way u do it. Just try to be tasteful, after all, aint that what that karma feature is all about?
Like if you kill me, it wouldnt surprise me if peeps threw at me the kitchen sink on boasting and jibbing, hehe. Hell, I deserve every bit of it I'm sure!