I'm thinking (after KCW) it might be entertaining to try and run a *semi* OOB server
Why a *semi*? Well- say what you want, but (mho) getting stuck in something like a D6 /CWp and
drafting someone in a CCH isn't going to be alot of fun, and we really don't have the number of pilots needed to fill out an
-It should take place in the later war years, I know some of you like the early stuff, but some of the early lins ships
don't stand a chance against others (Stock D6 vs Hellbores?)
- Other issues (imho) are that the provided SFB OOB's are artificially low, the number of ships presented could not effectively
have waged the General War,given the distances and speeds that would have been needed.
Anyway- looking through the "Brief History of the General War" I'd like to propose/gauge interest in a limited OOB server based around
Operation Cavalry
Operation Cavalry was the Alliance offensive into Klingon space (2282)
Essentially it combined Federation, Kzin,and Gorn units attacking the Klingons, supported by both Lyran and Romulan squadrons.
-It's interesting to note that the Alliance FLEET was shattered attacking a Starbase, -maybe ours are still a little weak

It would provide I think an excellent attempt at OOB as it is late enough that the CB's have become somewhat standard
This achieves at leaast some sort of parity across the races. It also involves all races except for the Hydrans, and (if needed) could be
tweaked to include them.
The OOB I was thinking of would involve a finite number of Capital + Specialty ships.
So yes, there would be CVA's/DN's/BCH's/CVD's/BCS/Droners/Fast Cruisers,
-There would be a limited number of them available the whole server, ie you might get 2CF's once two have been lost
you don't get anymore,
-Other rules (for attempted "realism") would include heavy ship damage- at a certain point (say 100 internals) a Capital ship
can not be flown for X number of days as it requires some extensive repairs, at anothe point (say 200 internals) the ship
is considered destroyed for all intents and purposes (as it requires a complete rebuild/refit at a major shipyard)
No more pounding a CVA into the ground only to have it ready to go 2 minutes later
This of course also means that a heavier ship has to be a little more careful, it can't simply use it's ability to soak damage to
run down and destroy a smaller ship- if the smaller ship amanges to inflict the amount of damage needed, the big guy has to pull out.
-The allied (Kzin/Gorn/Romulan/Lyran) ships would be bound by the same rules,as well as another clause- if X number of allied ships
are lost, their respective governments would call them home. -The war is still raging everywhere, and none of the allied powers have ships
to throw away on the Klink/Fed border.
-Some limited OOB ship reinforcement would be available to the Federation and Klingon Empire
(the Allies aren't about to throw anymore ships into the campaign)
This would be predetermined, and would result in major ships being replaced by something a little smaller
(CVA is destroyed, xdays later a BCS shows up, lose a DNH, get an XCA in a day or so)
This would only be for the sides major ships- CVA/DN class etc.
-Just to add some "flavour" their would be bonus points awarded for having OOB ships of a certain type
destroyed by an opposing OOB ship of a specfic type (ie C8VK killing a CVA+ is worth a few more points than
3 D7W's gunning down the CVA+)
This would only be on a few of the bigger OOB ships, either pre-determined or left to the RM's discretion.
Thoughts? Comments? Anyhting you'd like to see on a OOB server?