Topic: SG V will be going flatfile, see link... Post edited  (Read 5349 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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SG V will be going flatfile, see link... Post edited
« on: October 04, 2005, 11:23:16 am »,163360955.msg1122633715.html#msg1122633715

SG V was using an SQL Database. The server was crashing because this db method we were using doesnt work right.

We plan to restart using a flatfile db Wed. for testing and launch the new server this Friday night.  For those of you who do not know the difference, the Sql db we were using was starting to crash and add errors to the db. Flatfile DB doesnt do that. Sorry, but SQL isnt ready for prime time. We all thought we had most of it worked out, but clearly there are issues. I hope you all agree that it was worth it, in time SQL will get us where we want to be. But for now, flatfile db is where its at.

I believe most players, 90% of you will agree that you'd trade all the cool things SQL can offer for a stable server. So, lets take a look at the differences:

SQL vs Flatfile:

    OoB: SQL - We are able to have true OoB on SQL. Flatfile its all house rules and CnC.
    Webyards: SQL - SQL has all the ships you want all the time. Flatfile is luck of the draw, what you see in the shipyard is what u get.
    Stability: Flatfile - we reached a point where flatfile hardly crashes. SQL... well you just saw how well that works.
    Map DV Edits: SQL - Allows admin to easily edit the db on the fly changing planets/bases/ and DV's. Much harder to do on flatfile.
    Time: Flatfile - Adjusting time in flatfile is easy and allows us to 'run the clock up or down' to get to what era or year we want.

    Charcater pp edits, webmaps, and most of the other stuff are equal. All in all, I'd prefer to stick with flatfile. And thats what we will do.

    So what changes are in store for SG? Well, a maximum of 20 DV's for all hexes for one. We will do away with the 30 DV's we had, which were few. The rest of the RM designed map will be the same, tho.

      Webyards, gone. The shipyards will run at 5-6 minute intervals, so finding a ship wont be that hard. The server will start in 2265 and run a day a game year ending on 2286-7 3 weeks from Fri to the following Sun so game year progression will be brisk.

      DV editing: The map dv edits for PvP kills will not happen every 7 days. Instead, we will use the same points system allowing each side to use them in order to 'simulate' the capture of an enemy VC. PvP kill DV Points will be added up and the difference will be used by the winning side to see if they have enough to stretch their DV's far enough into enemy space to 'score' a VC. Exact details later. The map wont change, but the VC will be awarded should that side have enough to capture the planet given the defense of the current DV's there.

      Adding/reomoving Bases/planets: We will see how hard it is on flatfile, but it is possible. So during testing, this feature will be decided on.

      Battle Reporting: No auto web battle reports. Instead, Bonk will attempt a DE style web based report system where u login, type your race, name and ship, the enemy players race, name and ship u killed, the points it was worth and mb the stardate. Then it will sort it for me by points, race, side, players, etc. A neat handy tool to look up all a players stats and kills and totals and so forth.[/list]

      So, we wont lose too much going to flatfile, but to say we will have a stable server that doesnt crash once an hour or two is enough.


      « Last Edit: October 05, 2005, 12:36:16 pm by Dizzy »

      Offline FPF-DieHard

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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #1 on: October 04, 2005, 11:25:56 am »
      There is gooing news, we finally got that SQL test we were looking for  ;D

      PS:  Can we restart in 2263?   I am a sadist
      Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

      Offline Dizzy

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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #2 on: October 04, 2005, 11:31:30 am »
      Well we want to end at the end of 2286. So if we start Fri. and run 3 weeks ending on sunday, thats 22.5 days. Using a day for a game year we have 22.5 days, er game years and that ends us on 2287.5. But figure in a little downtime and we end up where we want.

      2263... is... sadistic. I think 2265 is more popular. Why dont u make a poll :P


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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #3 on: October 04, 2005, 11:32:37 am »
      Can we save the map at least?

      Offline FPF-DieHard

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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #4 on: October 04, 2005, 11:33:06 am »
      Why dont u make a poll :P

      NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o
      Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

      Offline Hexx

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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #5 on: October 04, 2005, 11:38:16 am »
      Can we save the map at least?

      And our prestige (hey 30k is alot for me..)
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      Offline Dizzy

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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #6 on: October 04, 2005, 11:40:32 am »
      Can we save the map at least?

      As in the changes the RM's made at the start of this campaign? Yes I think so. But if you are reffering to the current map status, I dont see why. If you look at the hex ownership, the coalition are winning by less than 30 DV's. Sure, I'll give you 3 10 DV or 6 5 DV hexes. Its only fair.


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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #7 on: October 04, 2005, 11:43:32 am »
      "Why" is so people who were on at 3am flipping hexes don't feel like it was for nothing.

      Offline FPF-DieHard

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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #8 on: October 04, 2005, 11:45:07 am »
      "Why" is so people who were on at 3am flipping hexes don't feel like it was for nothing.

      Somebody needs a job <Snicker>
      Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

      Offline Dizzy

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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #9 on: October 04, 2005, 11:47:32 am »
      Can we save the map at least?

      And our prestige (hey 30k is alot for me..)

      Mb give enough pp to allow all players to but a decent cruiser. I think it also fair for those that had enough cash to buy a DN, 30k and a BC at 15k to award them that much. But with flatfile, it isnt an easy edit. So mb have just two sign in times, and you will have to be there for it. Mb have a one time account creation at 15k pp. And then do a general sign in at the default pp.

      Its a bit of trouble to do that... especially to organize it so that players are there for it when it happens, but lets not burden the admins and playerbase for something so trivial in the grand scheme of a 3 week server. I earned some 19k myself, it wasnt easy, and sure I'd like a 15k start too, but its not a deal breaker for me cuz I actually had fun getting there. The variety of missions are pretty cool.

      So I will try, hows that sound?


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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #10 on: October 04, 2005, 11:50:07 am »
      All we can ask.

      Offline Dizzy

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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #11 on: October 04, 2005, 11:51:39 am »
      "Why" is so people who were on at 3am flipping hexes don't feel like it was for nothing.

      Dont act like I'm brushing it off like your effort was for nothing. Read my post. I actually took the time to get on the webmap and look at it and determined your efforts were worth 30 DV's. And that I'd be happy to give them to you.

      Let's not start nitpicking, tool. If you knew all the problems and time Bonk and I put in so you could get that 30 DV advantage, you'd also know your 30 DV asdvantage would be turned into a 30 DV disadvantage had we both been on the server instead.

      Offline Dizzy

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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #12 on: October 04, 2005, 11:54:07 am »
      As of now, the SG V SQL Server is a fun server. For now, my efforts will be on shiplist pruning and preperations for a flatfile test launch for tomorrow and a live start Friday.
      « Last Edit: October 04, 2005, 12:27:30 pm by Dizzy »


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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #13 on: October 04, 2005, 11:56:01 am »
      I'm not nitpicking, I'm trying to be sensitive to the peeps who might not burn off if they think their effort counted for something.

      Just do your best. +1 for trying.

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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #14 on: October 04, 2005, 12:45:30 pm »
      Okay well, I'm going to take this opportunity to do something I've needed to do for a while.

      If the server isn't going "live" again until Friday, then look for an announcement tonight.

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      Offline KBFLordKrueg

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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #15 on: October 04, 2005, 01:03:44 pm »
      I came home 2 hours early to have more time to play... :-\
      Lord Krueg
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      Offline Dizzy

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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #16 on: October 04, 2005, 01:14:53 pm »
      I came home 2 hours early to have more time to play... :-\

      Ahahaha! That sux.

      Hey, the server is still up... and there are some Alliance guys on to kill! Why dont u run some alien encounter missions... mb give us feedback on other stuff?

      Offline SideSwipe9th

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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #17 on: October 04, 2005, 01:26:10 pm »
      question, what server method did attack of the kitties use? if it was the sql one how comes it didnt crash as much, did somethin get changed between now an then?

      Offline Dizzy

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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #18 on: October 04, 2005, 01:31:04 pm »
      AOTK2 was flatfile. SG V was SQL. On Fri, SG V will relaunch with flatfile.

      Offline KBFLordKrueg

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      Re: SG V will be terminated...
      « Reply #19 on: October 04, 2005, 02:01:15 pm »
      I came home 2 hours early to have more time to play... :-\

      Ahahaha! That sux.

      Hey, the server is still up... and there are some Alliance guys on to kill! Why dont u run some alien encounter missions... mb give us feedback on other stuff?

      Logged on..Soreeyes was logging to do laundry...
      Will the SQL one stay up for a few to give us something to do?
      It'd be nice, but not a big deal if not.
      Lord Krueg
      KBF CO
      We are the Dead