All I have to say is "server crashes"
I played for just over 2 hrs and there where 4 crashes during that time. 
Why did we not see this in testing? What is different?
Time to call it I think.
There are a few differences from the testing to the actual "live" run.
TESTING TIME: 1-when I purchased a ship in the WebYard it showed up on the shiplist within the campaign(The Forge, maybe even testing)
2-First round of testing(first round of SQL, before SG05, The Forge ) there were forced missions.
3-Prior to going live, there were no forced missions.
4-Purchasing any ship, they would show up for your use the very next turn
5-People alted out of missions that were bugged or hung.
LIVE CAMPAIGN: 1-None of the ships I purchased on the WebYard showed up on the shiplist within the campaign
2-Forced mission during the whole time
3-again Forced missions
4-There was an extra turn delay for purchasing your ship.
5-People alted out of missions that were bugged or hung.
There are more I am sure, but cant think of them right now. My bet would have to be with what was different between testing and Live time. The part about Shiplist interaction within the campaign as per purchasing on WebYard for one.
Remembered: I purchased a C8K on Sunday night around 10:30 pm EST on the WebYard even though there was one in the yard. I logged off for the night. Monday night when I came online, I had my ship as I should have, but.... here is the funny part> Before I even logged on I was told on TS that it was still showing the C8K as still being purchased in the WebYard, under my name. Another thing to maybe check out.
I may be causing you guys even more work, but I too beleive the SQL is a better system once you get the bugs out.
I will post more as I think of it.