Topic: Has anyone seen Serenity?  (Read 1682 times)

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Has anyone seen Serenity?
« on: October 03, 2005, 03:42:01 pm »
I have and it was great!!!  ;D

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Re: Has anyone seen Serenity?
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2005, 05:19:50 pm »
Robert and I went to see Serenity last night...wonderful movie, I enjoyed it very much.

High on my recommendation list, even if you've never seen the tv show.
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Re: Has anyone seen Serenity?
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2005, 10:42:29 am »
Yep, I went and saw it.  I agree that it was a fantastic movie, but... it seemed to lack a little of what made the TV show so special.  It was the little things, that seemed to give it just a slight shift, trying to make the clothes a little more futuristic looking, color scheme change for the ship (fairly certain of this, I seem to remember more earth tones onboard, rather than a cold steel blue that the movie put forth a lot on ship.  I'll have to break them out again and see I guess.  Woe is me. ;))  Still I enjoyed it enough to see it twice at full price.

Interestingly enough, right outside where they were taking the tickets there were a bunch of cardboard crates and a poster that read "Blue Sun".  What I find interesting about this is that Blue Sun barely appeared in the series, and was never developed as anticipated, and is also not mentioned in the movie.  The Blue Sun stuff made no mention of Serenity at all.  The girl taking tickets had no idea what the display was even for. lol.  Now that's my kind of promo materials! 

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Re: Has anyone seen Serenity?
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2005, 08:38:04 pm »
I saw it Friday night and it was A-MAZING! I had deliberately deprived myself of watching it when I found out the movie was planned, and I think that worked out! I didn't really miss anything in the movie, and now I feel compelled to watch the series! I watched the pilot (2-parter) and the first episode (Train Heist) so far and I am very impressed. Hooray Firefly!
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Offline EmeraldEdge

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Re: Has anyone seen Serenity?
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2005, 04:26:10 am »
Yeah, I read the Roger Eberts review of it, and in it he said he was unaware of the series.  When he found out it was cancelled midseason, he called it a "crock" because at the very least Joss deserved the benefit of the doubt if ratings weren't that high yet, based on his previous successes.  I have to agree, plus did they ever promo the series?  I finally found my way to it one time and caught the last couple minutes (had to watch it all after it had been cancelled and LOVED it).  Hopefully the movie will start selling more DVD's of the series.  Joss has said that he doesn't see it going back to TV, though.  What's that about?  When the show was cancelled and there was just talk of a movie, they were saying "Maybe some exec will see it and say 'Hey, that would make a great series' and we can come back".  It all seemed to be geared towards getting the series back.  I guess they are too big for their breeches, and it's only movies now.  Reminds me of all those years James Cameron wanted to do a Spiderman movie, working to get one made, with all of it's license issues and whatnot, then he makes Titanic and he's too big for any of that anymore.  Grrrr.  I just don't think he can develop a lot of the stuff that he originally wanted to in a few movies, but I maybe that's just me.

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Re: Has anyone seen Serenity?
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2005, 10:28:26 pm »
I liked the movie.  I like the TV series.  I could go on and on about this and that but I will simply say that the scale of the movie was too grand and they tried to do too much in one movie.  Everything unsaid was said.  Everything undone was done.  Too much.  The charm of the TV series was its character drama, personal scale, unresolved issues, and comedy.  This is what the movie lacked. 

Aren't there enough examples of flesh eating zombies in pop culture?  Why make it such a large piece of this movie when there was little precedent in the series for it?  Also too much fighting.  The series kept a lid on the physical fighting by couching it in the comedic or bar-fighting arena.

And what happened to the blue hand guys?  Did the series ever flesh their story out?

I would have preferred to see something more personal and smaller in scale.  I felt the same mistake was made in the Batman Begins film.  If I remember correctly, Batman started out fighting organized crime.  That might have been interesting enough, but instead he had to foil a plot by an ancient organization responsible for every ancient catastrophe.  Too much.

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Re: Has anyone seen Serenity?
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2005, 12:54:14 pm »
I liked the movie.  I like the TV series.  I could go on and on about this and that but I will simply say that the scale of the movie was too grand and they tried to do too much in one movie.  Everything unsaid was said.  Everything undone was done.  Too much.  The charm of the TV series was its character drama, personal scale, unresolved issues, and comedy.  This is what the movie lacked. 

Aren't there enough examples of flesh eating zombies in pop culture?  Why make it such a large piece of this movie when there was little precedent in the series for it?  Also too much fighting.  The series kept a lid on the physical fighting by couching it in the comedic or bar-fighting arena.

And what happened to the blue hand guys?  Did the series ever flesh their story out?

I would have preferred to see something more personal and smaller in scale.  I felt the same mistake was made in the Batman Begins film.  If I remember correctly, Batman started out fighting organized crime.  That might have been interesting enough, but instead he had to foil a plot by an ancient organization responsible for every ancient catastrophe.  Too much.

As for the guys w/ the blue gloves, no they never did get around to doing it. >:(

And to top that off there is way too much hanging in that series. <crosses fingers for its return> ;D

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