Topic: One of the reasons why I'm not too keen on the Bridge Commander community..  (Read 1626 times)

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Offline atheorhaven

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Just found this this morning:;48112

One of the ships that I did work on for Redragon... the Aeon, has been converted over to BC.  Again, without even checking with me on it.  For those not familiar with what I do.. I do model work in SFC.  At the time I do that for myself and others... I also fix registries, sometimes create missing textures, remap stuff if needed.  The final result winds up looking the best that it can be with what I have to start with.  The Aeon was missing three textures (including the cockpit), so I cooked up something to fill all the appropriate places.  Released it (thread here:,163174325.0.html ), got an email from one of the BC people about "how did you make it work, those areas were blank" and was done.  People played with it, it was all good.

So today, I find the ship over there just browsing their filebase.  Yet again, I wasn't told, wasn't asked, no screenies, nada.  Just finding the ship up in the database.  I've been really sensitive to BC conversions since they converted over the Excelsior with my wife's family name on it without being told about it, and finding it three months after the fact.  At this point, I have 10 or so ships that I've found that I've worked on over there, and not a single screenie that I haven't had to go out and gather myself.

So needless to say, I have a couple of options at this point... forbid any future conversions of the stuff I work on over to BC, or start trolling their forums.. jumping into their release threads, and posting on them.  Or the BC people could just start doing what was *asked* in the first place.  A simple screenshot was all that I asked which takes, what, 3 seconds to generate?  How much time do I put into these, and then how much time does it take to convert the ship to BC?  Think three seconds of time while you're testing the ship ingame is going to kill anyone?

So yeah, I'm annoyed.  :p
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

Mare Imbrium Shipyards -

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Offline atheorhaven

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And I've been trying to post this comment onto the download thread for the last 15 minutes:

As requested with the ships initial release in September 2003:,163174325.0.html

   Re: News on Redragon's "Terra Nova Fleetyards"...
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2003, 00:46:06 »
Then you've obviously not gone through my own site before have you?

You'll find the Aeon up there. Please read the credits, and if you convert it to BC, please post a screenie. (Some of the textures used in the conversion were done by myself).

No screenshot was ever sent to their authors, and I'm pretty irked about it at the moment.[/I]

I probably have 10 or so ships over here right now that I've worked on that I've currently found, and of those, I might have 4? here where my name is actually mentioned.  If you guys can't follow a simple picture request, then maybe I should simply forbid any conversions of any of my work over to BC.

So far, the site hasn't taken it.

(edit: Okay it did... as double posts.  So I sent off a request to have the *double posts* removed leaving the original.. )
« Last Edit: October 02, 2005, 12:47:42 pm by atheorhaven »
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

Mare Imbrium Shipyards -

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Offline Mackie

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    • stupidfusion
nothing new there m8 :(
"Integrity is doing what is right even when the outcome is already known."

Offline atheorhaven

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nothing new there m8 :(

Maybe, but it still irks the hell out of me.  In all the conversions for you that I've ever done, I don't believe that I've ever claimed that the final release that came out for SFC was 100 percent mine.  And I've seen that happen to you in other forums.

In this one, they copied the original credits, which meant that my name got mentioned at least.. but it's all now some Alliance work.  I'd be willing to accept that if they'd at least done some form of token attempt at contact, or even the screenie that I'd asked for, but they didn't.
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

Mare Imbrium Shipyards -

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Offline Dash Jones

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Sorry to hear that.  You could create your own mod off their work and do the same thing and see if they contact you then???

Of course it would be just as rude to them as they have been to you.  I don't know what else you could do whilst dropping a hint about your disgruntlement.

Have you tried contacting the webmasters who are distributing the content?
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

There is no "I" in team. There are two "I"s in Vin Diesel. screw you, team.

Offline atheorhaven

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Sorry to hear that.  You could create your own mod off their work and do the same thing and see if they contact you then???

Of course it would be just as rude to them as they have been to you.  I don't know what else you could do whilst dropping a hint about your disgruntlement.
Have you tried contacting the webmasters who are distributing the content?

Of course.. I dropped Starforce2 a PM here, plus sent him email on it.  If you check out the thread I pointed to (the original Taldren thread that was brought across with the forum database), you'll also find that one of the people I was talking to about the Aeon in 2003 was... Starforce2.  So he should remember the incident and remember the ship.  :)

The stupid thing about it really is that for three seconds of work on their part (grabbing a screen capture which only takes one keypress) I'd have had no problems with it, as they'd have fulfilled my request posted here on Dynaverse (and previously on Taldren).  Or just a quick attempt at contacting me via email... that'd also have been good.  The Hotmail account has been active for about 4 years now.. and was active for one year plus at the time the Aeon was released.  It isn't hard to find me, though it can be tricky to contact Redragon.

Instead, they just completely snatched, grabbed, ported, and posted without ever trying.  That's what ticked me off.  So I just want them to do the right thing, that's it.
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

Mare Imbrium Shipyards -

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Offline Dash Jones

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I can understand that.
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

There is no "I" in team. There are two "I"s in Vin Diesel. screw you, team.

Offline Commander Maxillius

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Too bad you can't get into their DB and replace the file they have with something resembling a toilet plunger or something obvious to indicate that they should really do what you ask next time.
I was never here, you were never here, this conversation never took place, and you most certainly did not see me.

Offline atheorhaven

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Too bad you can't get into their DB and replace the file they have with something resembling a toilet plunger or something obvious to indicate that they should really do what you ask next time.

No, I'm not going to do that.. the issue here is more respect and obtaining proper permissions.  If I replaced the ship with a flying toilet plunger, then I'm doing the same thing to them as they did to me.  All I'm asking for is for them to follow the proper procedure and contact me and ask for permission to release.  Shouldn't be tough.

But the most irksome thing about it is that that seems to be the norm over there.  I've had ships converted over by other members of that forum with them doing the same thing.  The only time I ever get mentioned is if they include the original credits, and I've never been contacted on any of them, and we're looking at 10 ships that I've found so far.  100% failure rate is not accidental, it's willful.

Over here, if we use other peoples work, we credit them and contact them to ask permission to use them.  If they say no, we look for replacements or create from scratch.  That's how you do it when you respect others work.  And it's not been done, yet again, over there.  :p
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

Mare Imbrium Shipyards -

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