This model has been sitting in my drive too long. Ive been working on it off, and on in my spare time to try and finish her off.
She is supposed to represent the very 1st dreaddy built by the feds. Hence the older style bussard spikes, and 1st pilot impulse setup.
I took a little artistic licence but the ship is modeled directly off the FJ blueprint using some parts from my connie model. The bussards will be the dark crimson color seen in 1st pilot, and aft nacelle caps will have the venting seen insted of the globes. The toughest part of this was figuring out the window arrangement. The blueprint has very little windows drawn, and NO windows on the dorsal. It does make sense being that this ship is a battlewagon..whos gonna look out the windows to check out the pretty scenery in a firefight? and the dorsal not having windows struturally makes sense. I did the windows according to the print.
Anyways heres some pics. She is still a ways from being finished.

I added the blue impulse glow after i saw "mirror darkly"