Unhandled Exception! in Version 1.01 Build 534
SFC3.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module d3d8.dll at 001B:03368309
EAX=00000000 EBX=000003C5 ECX=10559F9C EDX=0003FFC0 ESI=00000400
EDI=0003C3C0 EBP=000003FA ESP=0013FBE8 EIP=03368309 FLG=00210206
CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=003B GS=0000
001B:03368309 (0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) d3d8.dll
Okay, I'm pretty good with computers, but I can't fix this:
1) Fresh install of SFC3
2) Fresh install of ONLY the latest patch (No mini movie patch, dx patch etc)
3) Desktop set to 16bit
4) Visual Themes disabled
5) All possible services stopped through CTRL+DEL.
Game loads into menus, even loads campaign map, but moment you try and load into a battle, it dies.
I've got a P4 2.8GHZ HT
256MB ATi Radeon XT800 PE
Giga-Byte 8KNXP MB
I've tried everything I can find on the forums to search for, and have reinstalled my graphics card, drivers and so on more than once.
Anyone got any other advice?