
Topic: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules  (Read 21078 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
« on: September 30, 2005, 06:01:34 pm »
Slave Girls of Orion V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls


    “The Governor's transmission code has been cracked, captain. We will have intelligible audio only in just a moment.”

    “Track the telemetry. I want to know exactly where these two ends are. The moment you have one or the other or both, let me know immediately.” Captain Mike Jerard noticed his breathing getting faster. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself. This moment was a long time in coming and the sacrifice had so far been considerable. He could feel the excitement and the trepidation. He wondered if he was being too greedy going for two at the same time.

    “Aye captain, computing the telemetry transmission data now.”

    Captain Jerard punched a button on his armchair panel. “Captain to transporter room. Sergeant, prepare your marines for assault.”

    “Standing by for your orders captain,” came a quick reply from the marine commander.

    Mr. Sinclair, the comms officer, turned toward his captain and flipped a switch. “Backing it up to the start … 10 second delay, sir. Speakers on.”

    Crackly static popped through the speakers then gave way to a heated conversation between a man and the sultry seductive sounding voice of a woman.

    “… when they fall in line. So don’t take me for a fool, Governor Ankhbar. You know as well as I that you have NO ground to stand on here.” She laughed. “Well, at least you do at the moment.”

    "You are a fool, Jadis and crazy too. Your plan is insane and doomed to failure. You have another thing coming if you expect the cartels to fall in line behind this insidious idea. They won’t ever follow the likes of you and your kind and you still won’t be taken seriously, I mean, how could you? And then you will be hunted down by every cartel and bounty hunter in known space. Oh, the things they would do to you… Death would the kindest fate you could possibly beg for.”

    “Shut your mouth you worm! You try my patience! Do you think I don’t know what it is you are trying to do here? I will not debate this with you and give your soldiers time to board this ship. If you won’t give me the access codes to the warp drive, then you leave me with no alternative. We have come too far to be stopped by a lickspittle like you. Your indignant refusal to cooperate in any way is in stark contrast to your usual groveling demeanor. Even I am surprised. So this is what you think of us. It is people like you who drive us to ends like this. Last warning. Give me the access codes or…”

    “Captain, we have the 1st end, it’s on the planet near the terminator, southern continent. Appears to be a heavily reinforced underground blast bunker.”

    “That’s Ankhbar. Transmit those coordiantes to the transporter room.”

    “Transporter room, this is the captain. Coordinates for the 1st end are inbound. It’s a reinforced blast bunker. Locate and detain Ankhbar. You will beam out on my command, good luck and standby. Prepare the second team.”

    “Copy that, captain, coordinates received, standing by. Team Two preparing.”

      “…if you kill me, you won’t get the warp drive access codes and then what will you do? Where will you go? You’ll be stuck in this system in a poorly armed interplanetary freighter. Think about that. So perhaps we can work out some other arrangement for you? I am a reasonable man. Return my ship and surrender now and we can discuss this in my private chambers. Laughter…”

    “Mr. Sinclair, where is the second end,” the captain asked the comms officer?

    Mr. Sinclair responded, “Looks like Jadis’ ship is on the other side of the planet. There are at least two comsat hops between her and the Governors bunker. We need to get line of sight to pinpoint her.”

      “…and I’m not in the least surprised you haven’t sent a distress signal. I mean, why would you? Obviously you don’t believe me enough to take me seriously. And you couldn’t stomach the embarrassment of needing help to deal with a woman. Savor your refusal to give me the codes and transmit my list of demands to the cartels as your last hollow victory.”

      “No, my victory will be your capture and then I’ll auction you off to the highest bidder, but not before I have my fun with you! Laughter…”[/list]

      Turning to the helmsman the captain said, “Red Alert! Commence Operation Spring Chicken. Pop the can, Mr. Moto and let’s light the fire.” Whatever ship Jadis is in, she can’t go to warp, Jarard thought. That means there is no where for her to go and I can get Ankhbar first and Jadis next. What a plan.

      “Affirmative, sir. Popping the can.”

      High in orbit above Sindar IV, a small sparsely populated Korgath Cartel-controlled planet in the neutral zone between Klingon and Mirak space, the interplanetary freighter ‘Silver Falcon’ literally fell apart. Side, top, front and rear, the exterior of the craft blew outward with explosive bolts and compressed gas. A few moments later, once cleverly hidden in its place, a Prime Cartel commando frigate, the ‘PCF Panther’, began to power up.

        “Word will spread soon enough and then our demands will be fully known and respected. I’m sorry, Ankhbar, but there will be no other arrangements. Oh, and you are out of time.”[/list]

        “Captain, systems online. We have full power.”

        “Excellent, Mr. Moto. Transporter room, this is the captain. Beam down. Go, go, go! Second team prepare for boarding action.”

          “What are you going to do now, Jadis? Blow up my planet? Laughter…“ 

          “That is precisely what I’m going to do.”


          The captain hung on those last words for a moment and turning to the Comms officer, he asked, “We are on a 10 second transmission delay?”

          “Yes sir.”

          “Transporter room! Beam them back up NOW! Get them back!” The captain yelled. Just to be safe...

          “Captain, you don’t really think that she can bl…” The comms officer was cut off in mid sentence. At that very moment, the viewscreen filled the bridge with blinding white light. Several moments later, everyone was knocked to the deck by a sudden shockwave and the lights flickered.

          “Everyone ok?” The captain asked getting back to his feet. Looking around the room, he saw the bridge crew nodding and returning to their stations. “Status?”

          “Lucky we were in high orbit and had gone to red alert, captain, or this would be operation roasted chicken. The shields held. Some sensors and cameras are offline and we will need a new paint job that much is certain. The rest is superficial. I’m maneuvering us through the debris field now.”

          “Transporter room, do I want to know?”

          “Uhhh, no sir, you don’t. I’m sorry.”

          “Understood…” The captain spun around in his chair and slammed his fist down on the bridge rails, his face full of fury and anger. He just lost part of his best commando team and his bounty on Ankhbar. “Damnit, how could she have? No one can blow up a whole planet! Damn her all to hell.” He wasn’t going to lose his bounty on Jadis too. After all this, she'd sure be worth a fortune. Maybe even enough to hire a new crack commando team and get his ship fixed. He jumped over to the helm station and looked at the viewscreen. Searing white hot plasma and burning chunks of molten rock were all that was left of Sindar IV.  “Helm, bring us around the planet, er debris field and lay in an intercept course for Jadis’ ship. She will pay. Oh yes, she will pay.”

            On board the warp disabled freighter ‘Gillespie’, Jadis’ second in command spoke. “Jadis, a Prime Cartel commando frigate approaches. Shall we prepare to fire?”

            “The crew, scan them. Are they human males?”

            “Scanning… Affirmative.”

            “Then no. Let them come. Tell them we surrender. Lower the shields and let them board us. Once we are taken prisoner, we will then take the ship from them and use their warp drive to leave this system and set in motion the second part of our plan.”

            “Jadis,” her Second asked, “Taken prisoner, is this wise?”

            “Of course!” She said seductively while unzipping her corset to her belly button. “After all, no human male can resist us…”

          Offline Dizzy

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          Re: Slave Girls V Server Description and Rules (Sticky)
          « Reply #1 on: September 30, 2005, 06:02:01 pm »




              XenoCorp's server, and forums.
              Bonk's Interactive Web Based Map, DB Admin.
              DieHard's Ship/ftrlist mod
              TraceyG, Karnak, ED missions.
              Dizzy, all the other stuff.


              3 Week server.
              2265 start, 1 day a game year ends in 2286, 4 minute turns, 365 turns a year.
              1 or 2 ships per CnC rules unless all players from both sides agree to more for that PvP match only.
              One click do-it-all install/uninstaller.
              Multiple accounts ok.

            Links and Downloads:

            SGO V Installer
            - Flatfile Webmap. 
            - Kills Entry Page
            - Kills and Roleplay Thread: Round 1, Round 2, Round 3[/list]

            Map Notes:


                Hexes may be raised to 20.

                Before the start of the server I'll adjust the map and finalize it as stated here:

              Terraforming: There are 3 hexes in enemy space that will represent terraforming laboratory facilities and yours will be made known to the enemy once your empire loses it's first planet. The capture at any time of 2 of the 3 hexes will constitute a 'raid' that your side has conducted in order to get the last known secret terraforming technology that was in the enemy's possesion to obtain what it needs to terraform a planet. Each side will have the same opportunity. RM's will PM me at that time on the details for where the planet may be placed. 

              Scorched Earth: Original enemy planets/bases (not your own) may be bombarded and destroyed if you own it and control all adjacent hexes and have a LoS to a friendly HW. Terraformed planets, however, may be bombarded and destroyed no matter who owned, captured or created it.[/list][/list]

              Da Penalty Box

                - If you lose one of the following ship types, you may not fly any of these again for 12 hours. This applies to all of a person’s multiple accounts. They are: Any CCX/CAX type X ship, BB, DN, CVA, BC/V's.
                - If you lose an
              X ship, you may not fly another for 12 hours.
              - If you lose the command ship of a Multi-Ship Fleet, you may not fly another Multi-Ship Fleet for 12 hours.

              Maximum Capital Ships on at once and Multiple Ships:
                - Max Capital ships will be limited by a points system by era: Early Era-ish (2263-2274):
              14 points, Mid and Late Era-ish (2275+): 16 points.
              - A Multi-ship Fleet comprises a command variant of a New/Heavy Cruiser class type and a vanilla DD or FF class ship.
              - The F column of the shiplist designates what ships are and are not vanilla.
              - An ISC CAW,P,T,Y or Z all count as command ships.
              - The following ships points count toward the total capital ships on the server at once:

                Battleships: 11
                DN Carriers: 8
                Dreads:  6
                Multi-ship Fleet: 4
                BC/V's: 4[/list]

              Maximum X Ships on at the same time:

                - Each side gets
              3 X points in 2281 and 82. This is increased to 5 in 2283, 6 in 2284 and 7 in 2285+.  X points are in addition to captiol ship points.
              - If you fly an X ship, you must rename your ship adding an 'X' at the end of your shipname.

              I-CCX = 6
              All other CCX/CAX's = 3
              CLX = 2
              FFX and DDX =  Free

              Fleeting Rules:

                - No capital ships (Multi-Ship Fleet included) are allowed to fly in a mission together. If they happen to by accident, their opponent is allowed to choose which capital ship must disengage, and thus the disengagement penalty is voided for the disengaging ship.
                - CCX/CAX's are treated as Capital ships for Fleeting purposes.
                - No
              X ships are allowed to fly in a mission together. If they happen to by accident, their opponent is allowed to choose which X ship must disengage, and thus the disengagement penalty is voided for the disengaging ship.
              - No more than 2 carriers (carrier = 8+ fighters) may fly in a mission together. If they happen to by accident, their opponent is allowed to choose which X ship must disengage, and thus the disengagement penalty is voided for the disengaging ship.[/list]

              Squadron CnC

                Klingon F5Q:
                - This ship is a sQuadron ship that represents the massive deployments of F5's in use throughout the Klingon Empire.
                - The F5Q is loaded with an F5B and F5SB and this loadout may not be changed. The F5B/SB may only be used on the F5Q.
                - The F5B/SB act as ships once launched and PlaD wont fire at them and you cant recall them to repair.
                - Players may not fleet together with other F5Q ships.
                - An F5Q ship itself is worth 1 DV.

                PF CnC

                  - Full Tenders with 3+ PF’s may carry no more than 1 Leader, and 1 Special PF, the others must be vanilla.
                  - Casual Tenders with only 2 PF’s may recover but not re-launch them and the PF's must be vanilla.
                  - Hydran Heavy Stinger fighters (
                H-St-S(heavy), H-St-T(Heavy), H-ST-Tm(Heavy) are substituted for PFs.
                - Hydran ships designated with an 'h' are allowed 2, but the OM and IDh are allowed 4.[/list]

                Fighter CnC

                  - F-14 ftrs can’t be used on ships except the CVS, BCV, CVA (2 squads max), DVL, and BB.
                  - F-15 ftrs can’t be used on ships except the CVS, F-BB.
                  - These fighters are model represented and distinguishable from regular Fed ftrs, courtesy of Thu11s.

                  - H-St-X are only allowed on X ships.

                  *Note* SFB Fighters with PlaD were converted to PhoF, "plasma mini-bolts", and a Ph3 360`.[/list] [/list]

                  PvP Kills:

                    - Kills will be recorded at the Kills link on the
                  Flatfile Webmap..
                  - To report PvP points, go to the Kills Page and fill in the blanks as instructed.
                  - Please also go to the Kills and Roleplay threads: Round 1, Round 2, Round 3 to confirm the kill by author and post roleplay!
                  - Total PvP pts will be calculated at the end of each week to determine VC's. See below.
                  - PvP kills are worth the following points:

                  I-CCX  8  (1 move cost)
                  All other CCX/CAX  4  (1 move cost)
                  CLX  2  (.67 move cost)
                  FFX/DDX  1  (.5 move cost)

                  BB:  11  (2 move cost)
                  CVA:  8  (1.5 move cost)
                  DN:  6  (1.25 and 1.5 move cost)
                  BCV/T - Carrier, Casual (2 PF's) or Full Tender (3+ PF's):  4  (1 and 1.25 move cost)
                  BCH:  3  (1 and 1.25 move cost) (Includes all Lyran BC's with 2 PF's)
                  N/CA, N/CL, HDW's are worth 1(.67 and 1 move cost)
                  Smaller class types with 8 ftrs or 3+ PF's are worth 1.
                  Ships with a move cost of .5 or less are exempt unless they are involved in a fleet action with a wing or used in a Multi-Ship Fleet in which case they are worth 1.[/list]

                  Map and PvP VC’s

                    - An original enemy planet (or any enemy placed Permanent Base which will be referred to as an enemy planet from now on) must be controlled and have a LoS to an allied HW. You get one point for owning 2 enemy planets of disimilar races. Terraformed planets and those located in the neutral zone do not count towards VC's.

                    - If attrition (PvP points) equals or exceeds one and a half times as many more than your enemy you get 1 Planet Equivalent VC to apply to the Map VC's listed above counted toward the specific race that suffered the highest attrition points and if it equals or exceeds twice as many, you get another Planet Equivalent VC to apply toward the specific race that suffered the second highest attrition points.

                    - There will be 3x Map VC periods, one at the end of each week from the time the server started.

                    - Total points are tallied and a Minor, Major or Decisive Victory will be awarded along with a bunch of naked horny Orion Slave chicks and all the nip or beer you can carry on your back.


                    I'm gonna leave it up to the RM's to decide if they want bounties. I suggest coming up with a system where each side presents a list of a few captains and the other side gets to choose which one(s) they want to be a bounty. That way no inexperienced captain gets screwed.
                    But you guys come up with how much DV they are worth and how often and all that. Totally up to u guys. Make sure you keep track of it all and I'll figure it in to the map DV's each week when they are reported to me. Better yet, you two organize a post and keep track of it there.


                    - Base Stations are indestructible and are Admin placed at the direction of the RM's. They will be periodically doled out through the course of the server.
                    - Bases may be placed anywhere with a LoS to a friendly base/planet as long as they are not adjacent to another base/planet.


                    - If you draft or are drafted into a PvP in a hex that has no Allied or Neutral hexes adjacent to it at the time of the draft, then you may not disengage and must fight to the death.

                  Disengagement/Destruction Rule

                    - If you are forced to Disengage in a PvP match, then you are banned from the hex you either took the mission in or were drafted in for
                  15 turns. If your ship was destroyed then you are banned from that hex for 8 turns. If this happens on a Planet then you follow the above and it also applies to all the adjacent hexes around that planet.
                  - One turn is 4 minutes.[/list]

                  General Rules

                    - If you are in a PvP and die, stay there in the battle till the match is over.

                    - If a mission causes all players to drop, then all those players must attempt to log back on and retry the mission allowing the slowest connection to draft. If this player is known to cause drops or lags, this player must not be on the front lines drafting, being drafted and causing connection issues. It isnt fair to anyone else. They need to do missions elsewhere.

                    - If the server goes down and players are still in a mission, it still counts.

                    - During some missions, a player's name may not be indicated on their ship. If you suspect you are playing against a human, type a greeting in the chat.  All other human players are required to immediately respond with a text chat greeting.

                    - If you disengage or are destroyed in a game and there are others still fighting, you may not leave the game until the match is finished.

                    - All other rules, same as past servers.

                  Wild Geese

                    - Wild Geese chosen by the admin will start off with the side of their choosing and every three days after the start of the server, the Geese switch to the side that is losing by 15 or more original space hexes. Repeat every three days. It is automatic and no one other than this rule affects their deployment.

                  Forfeiting Misions:
                    - You are
                  NEVER allowed to forfeit a mission under ANY circumstances on the map during a mission draft or a mandatory mission choice. This causes SERIOUS errors in the database and leads to CPU overload and eventual server burps.

                  - If you are drafted you MUST accept the mission. You are NOT ALLOWED to logoff or FORFEIT. EVER

                  - If you find that your navigator is incompetant and has wandered into an enemy hex and you recieve a mandatory mission, you may logoff and relog on as long as you do not do this repeatedly. You are NOT ALLOWED to FORFEIT a mission.

                  - Occasionally a player will become ghosted in a hex. There is nothing we can do about this and no action will be taken.

                  - DO NOT park your ship anywhere near the front lines and go AFK. You will cause forfeits this way. Park your ship away from the front in an empty hex. Better yet, just logoff the server till you come back as you may take up a player slot.

                  - Repeat violaters will be PERMANENTLY BANNED.
                  « Last Edit: November 03, 2005, 05:33:35 pm by Dizzy »


                  • Guest
                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description and Rules (Sticky)
                  « Reply #2 on: September 30, 2005, 06:08:51 pm »
                  - H-St-S/T/Tm(Heavy) are the PF's for the Hydrans. These are only useable by Hydran ships designated with an 'h'.

                  You forgot the OM.

                  Offline CaptJosh

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #3 on: September 30, 2005, 06:44:27 pm »
                  I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dizzy, it's Capital ships!

                  There are only 10 kinds of people in the world;
                  those who understand binary and those who don't.

                  Offline Dfly

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #4 on: September 30, 2005, 06:48:15 pm »
                  SG05 was reset, but the map is the original F & E map, not the SG05 map.

                  Offline KBFKrotz

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #5 on: October 02, 2005, 08:48:23 am »
                  Since PvP is starting up, what's the finalized destruction/disengagement penalty? It's still listed as "x" or "y" turns, and there have been inquiries (been saying 30 min / 1 hr 'til I can obtain an official ruling)...

                  Offline KBFLordKrueg

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #6 on: October 02, 2005, 12:33:23 pm »
                  At the current rate of time on the server (11.8 min per turn) there are 5.08 turns per hour.  ::)
                  Lord Krueg
                  KBF CO
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                  Offline Hexx

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #7 on: October 02, 2005, 12:56:34 pm »
                  So what, do we want to say 1 hour for running away  30 minutes for
                  dying? I assume Brax will agree to this (or I'll just smack him around some)
                  Kruegy you guys Ok with this?
                  Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                  Offline Dfly

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #8 on: October 02, 2005, 12:58:03 pm »
                  perhaps wait for Krueg to answer, but so far we have abided by that same term.

                  Offline Bonk

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #9 on: October 02, 2005, 03:21:52 pm »
                  At the current rate of time on the server (11.8 min per turn) there are 5.08 turns per hour.  ::)

                  We can reset in early and start testing starting ships if you'd like? Or we could go back to 5.9 minute turns so you can complain about that instead. Any preference on what you'd rather complain about? We're here to help.  :P

                  Offline Dfly

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #10 on: October 02, 2005, 03:48:14 pm »
                  Since PvP is starting up, what's the finalized destruction/disengagement penalty? It's still listed as "x" or "y" turns, and there have been inquiries (been saying 30 min / 1 hr 'til I can obtain an official ruling)...

                  11.8 mins per turn...

                  Destruction is 3 turns = 35 mins.

                  Disengagement is 5 turns = 59 mins.

                  At the current rate of time on the server (11.8 min per turn) there are 5.08 turns per hour.  ::)

                  Yeah yeah... kinda slow, I agree 100%. But the WebYards ALWAYS have the ship you want... It only takes 11.8 mins or less to get it... Thats what the webyards are for. It makes waiting 30 mins for your ship to show up in the shipyards a thing of the past. Please lighten up too, Krueg. If we could perform magic and make it perfect, we would. I want the best for everyone here, and I gave 110% on this server and so did Bonk. If you arnt happy, go host your own server. Bonk and I are doing our best.

                  You guys certainly are, and I doubt Krueg meant anything wrong by what he had posted.  You guys have performed majic, even if you dont see it.  :)

                  Offline KBFLordKrueg

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #11 on: October 02, 2005, 05:19:17 pm »
                  So what, do we want to say 1 hour for running away  30 minutes for
                  dying? I assume Brax will agree to this (or I'll just smack him around some)
                  Kruegy you guys Ok with this?

                  The only drawback to tracking it that way alone is in the case of server burps or outages, DB cleans, etc.
                  Other than that I have no objections to that.
                  And I really didn't mean anything by my ealier post, man. Just giving the turn times because I'm sure not everyone knew how long the game turns are because of the different speed on this server as opposed to the usual server time of 1 game year being 24 hrs.
                  Lord Krueg
                  KBF CO
                  We are the Dead


                  • Guest
                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #12 on: October 06, 2005, 10:34:10 am »
                  Multi-ship fleets has been added. I think everyone will like the implementation.

                  Are you talking about the F5 thing?

                  Offline KBFLordKrueg

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #13 on: October 06, 2005, 06:35:39 pm »
                  Maximum Capitol Ships on at the same time:

                  - Max Capitol ships on at the same time: Early Era-ish (2263-2274): 14 points, Mid and Late Era-ish (2275+): 16 points.
                  - The following ships points count toward the total capitol ships on the server at once:

                    Battleships: 11
                    DN Carriers: 8
                    Dreads:  6
                    Multi-ship Fleet: 6
                    BC/V's: 4

                  - No capitol ships are allowed to fly in a mission together. If they happen to by accident, their opponent is allowed to choose which capital ship must disengage, and thus the disengagement penalty is voided for the disengaging ship.
                  - Multi-ship Fleet would comprise a command variant of a New/Heavy Cruiser class type and a Destroyer or smaller escort type ship.

                  You mean muti-ships flown by a single player?
                  Or 3 seperate players flying together?
                  Lord Krueg
                  KBF CO
                  We are the Dead

                  Offline KBFLordKrueg

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #14 on: October 06, 2005, 08:13:29 pm »
                  The "Multi-Ship Fleet" you have listed...
                  Are you talking about Multiple ships being flown by a single player?
                  Lord Krueg
                  KBF CO
                  We are the Dead

                  Offline KBFLordKrueg

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #15 on: October 06, 2005, 08:18:43 pm »
                  So...I can fly 3 F5s or a DN...
                  So much for small ship squads... :P
                  Lord Krueg
                  KBF CO
                  We are the Dead

                  Offline KBFLordKrueg

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #16 on: October 06, 2005, 09:47:31 pm »
                  So..I could fly, for example, a DWL AND a F5...?
                  That is what I originally thought...
                  I'm tired...
                  Lord Krueg
                  KBF CO
                  We are the Dead

                  Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #17 on: October 06, 2005, 10:51:14 pm »

                  - Multi-ship Fleet would comprise a command variant of a New/Heavy Cruiser class type and a Destroyer or smaller escort type ship.

                  So no "Vanilla" type ships?  only small escorts in fleeting?

                  Offline Dizzy

                  • Captain
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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #18 on: October 06, 2005, 11:03:49 pm »

                  - Multi-ship Fleet would comprise a command variant of a New/Heavy Cruiser class type and a Destroyer or smaller escort type ship.

                  So no "Vanilla" type ships?  only small escorts in fleeting?

                  Hrmmm... there are no escorts for some races in the early era. Chuut, I value your opinion, what do you think?


                  So what, do we want to say 1 hour for running away  30 minutes for
                  dying? I assume Brax will agree to this (or I'll just smack him around some)
                  Kruegy you guys Ok with this?

                  The only drawback to tracking it that way alone is in the case of server burps or outages, DB cleans, etc.
                  Other than that I have no objections to that. I'm sure not everyone knew how long the game turns are because of the different speed on this server as opposed to the usual server time of 1 game year being 24 hrs.

                  Time has changed. Make a note: 4 Minute Turns, 365 Turns a year, 1 game year a day.

                  The disengage penalty is 15 turns, which is 60 mins.
                  The destruction penalty is 8 turns, which is 32 mins.
                  « Last Edit: October 07, 2005, 02:41:51 pm by Dizzy »

                  Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #19 on: October 06, 2005, 11:33:34 pm »
                  My advice would be to allow only Vanilla ships of destroyer size or smaller, and only charge 4 points for them as they are quite common and less of a PITA.  I'd apply 3 of the points to the Command vessel and 1 to the escorting ship for value if killed.

                  **Note:  Might also want to put limits on types of ftrs flown by "Vanila" ships used in this fashion.  I don't think any "Vanilla" ships of that size carry pfs.
                  « Last Edit: October 06, 2005, 11:44:41 pm by KAT Chuut-Ritt »


                  • Guest
                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #20 on: October 07, 2005, 11:56:50 am »
                  I never liked multiple ships. It favors some races over others.

                  You took out the Fed PFB's because they were OTT, I don't see how this is any different.

                  Offline Dizzy

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #21 on: October 07, 2005, 12:06:01 pm »
                  A multi ship fleet requires 6 points of the max capital ships on at once. Thats a big limitation. Also, the escort is worth a PvP point in addition to the command ship. Is this not enough to balance them? Sure some races have better escorts, but between the alliance and coalition, isnt it even to some degree?

                  There is a strong benefit to having them. One is that players simply enjoy flying more than one ship. This simple easy rule gives them that shot. Another allows cash strapped players the ability to perform competitively vs a DN. Serious strategic and tactical depth here.

                  I thinking it better to have vanilla FF and DD class than escorts...


                  « Last Edit: October 07, 2005, 02:37:16 pm by Dizzy »


                  • Guest
                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #22 on: October 07, 2005, 12:38:53 pm »
                  Maybe I misread it. Are you saying it has to be a carrier escort? If so you can add historical inaccuracy to my list of objections. :P

                  Don't get me wrong, I'm not worried about uber DN-killing fleets roaming around. I just really dislike multiple ships, for multiple reasons.

                  Offline Hexx

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #23 on: October 07, 2005, 12:54:47 pm »
                  It disadvantages the Lyrans, 'nuff said.
                  Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"


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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #24 on: October 07, 2005, 02:02:21 pm »
                  Honestly Diz the more I think about this the more I hate it. I can think of more than a few dreads that would have trouble with F-CB + F-DE or DER.

                  If you're going to do this get the stupid escorts out and make it line DD's or FF's. Escorts up the cheese factor and screw everyone's favorite fighter-using race in the process.

                  Offline Dizzy

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #25 on: October 07, 2005, 02:09:31 pm »
                  Agreed. So its now a vanilla DD or FF. Cool?


                  • Guest
                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #26 on: October 07, 2005, 02:17:14 pm »
                  I can live with that, thanks.


                  • Guest
                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #27 on: October 07, 2005, 02:23:23 pm »

                  Also, you should treat them as cap ships for fleeting.

                  Offline Dizzy

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #28 on: October 07, 2005, 02:26:44 pm »

                  Also, you should treat them as cap ships for fleeting.

                  Already done.

                  Offline Julin Eurthyr

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #29 on: October 07, 2005, 03:53:34 pm »
                  Just clarifying:

                  Fleet rules require the player to fly a command variant CA / NCA, and 2 vanilla ships, either 2 FFs or a DD / FF pair.
                  And we get this privledge for 6 "command points".

                  You do realize that the ISC has no NCAs, nevermind NCCs, and (what's becoming a common refrain for me) could you remind me what the I-CC class is again? ??? :P

                  This might actually become quite the deal, fly the ISC echelon for a whopping 6 points... :D  (instead of just the I-CCZ for 4)

                  AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #30 on: October 07, 2005, 04:19:04 pm »
                  One other question:

                  Are all the "f" variants worth 4 PvP points, or just the BCHfs, and the Lyrans get a break on the deal?

                  AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
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                  Offline Dizzy

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #31 on: October 07, 2005, 04:28:56 pm »
                  Actually, Lyran BCH's with 2 pf's count as 4 as well. Hexx's check bounced. ;)

                  Also, the multiship rule, its a command variant + 1 more ship a DD or FF vanilla. Not 2.

                  Afa the I-command ship, mise well be any of your CA's, the CAW,P,Y,T,Z... k?

                  Offline Julin Eurthyr

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #32 on: October 07, 2005, 04:35:24 pm »

                  Accepting the I-CA_ line as the "command vessel" of our fleets... (You might just want to make an official not of that before someone grumbles of an ISC fleet without a CC in it...)

                  And I might have misread the fleeting rule, 2 ships it is then...  (and my dreams of a 3-ship echelon just went out the window...) :D

                  AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #33 on: October 07, 2005, 04:58:29 pm »
                  Another question...

                  Are the K-F5Qs still a "free" ship (ie, no cap. ship points), or are they 6 pt. "multi-ship fleets"?

                  AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
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                  Offline KBFLordKrueg

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #34 on: October 07, 2005, 05:02:55 pm »
                  Another question:
                  WTF are we going to fire this baby up? For Real, that is?
                  I've got 50 players chomping at the bit...

                  Ok, ok, maybe I miscounted a little... :P
                  Lord Krueg
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                  Offline Dizzy

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #35 on: October 07, 2005, 05:21:47 pm »
                  Squadron is under its own topic. Read that one it only applies.

                  Krueg, 7-8 central. Bonk is gonna flip the switch.

                  Offline KBFLordKrueg

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #36 on: October 09, 2005, 09:28:59 am »
                  whatever happened to the Webmap...?
                  Lord Krueg
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                  Offline Dizzy

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #37 on: October 09, 2005, 09:32:19 am »
                  Bonk took it all down temproarily.

                  Offline KBF MalaK

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #38 on: October 13, 2005, 07:48:56 am »
                  After setting up and playing a couple hours of SGOV I had to move my system over to a new drive. I also reinstalled OP but I want to resume my old character from this campaign. Does anyone know what files I need to copy from the old drive to the new one to resume my guy ? The current logon screen says my name is already in use but I know it's my guy from the other drive.
                  "Artificial Intelligence is not a suitable substitute for natural stupidity"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #39 on: October 13, 2005, 09:00:03 am »
                  Are you using the same CD Key?

                  AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
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                  Offline KBF MalaK

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #40 on: October 13, 2005, 09:18:47 am »
                  Are you using the same CD Key?

                  I only have 1 copy so yes.
                  I did by accident log on as a feddie when I first logged on with this new drive. Should I just copy over the entire dir from the old drive ?
                  "Artificial Intelligence is not a suitable substitute for natural stupidity"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

                  Offline KBFLordKrueg

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #41 on: October 17, 2005, 07:46:34 pm »
                  Just had a mission with Shin, myself and Max Sterling...
                  All of us were taking damage, assume it was from a Sun...did a 360 and NEVER saw a sun....
                  It wound up killing me and heavily damaging the other 2...
                  WTF is up with that?
                  Lot's of rocks, but NO damned sun at all, positive of that.
                  I suspect it appeared as only a rock...?
                  Lord Krueg
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                  Offline Dizzy

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #42 on: October 17, 2005, 08:01:10 pm »
                  Saw it once (er didnt see it) with DH in an ED mission and twice in an EEK mission. New guideline for a mission in pvp, if u see a sun, call it out. All's fair after that. ;)

                  Offline FPF-DieHard

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #43 on: October 22, 2005, 01:01:45 am »
                  Not everyone see the "random Terrain" in the EEK missions.
                  Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

                  Offline Dizzy

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #44 on: October 22, 2005, 02:00:19 am »
                  Happened in an a ED mission too.

                  Offline trO

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #45 on: October 22, 2005, 04:14:07 am »
                  Happened to me, it felt more like phaser fire.... 

                  It was the closing few seconds of a mission I was just waiting for my marines to capture the last enemy ship.
                  Then like I said, it felt like phaser fire hitting my rear shield, that was still full... took my shield down in one volley and did a few internals.
                  There was nothing else on the map (Rocks, Sun, Ships, etc). A few seconds later I took another volley, rear shield again, this time doing
                  multiple internals.
                            Lucky for me, my marines did there job and the mission closed. I don't think I could have taken another volley.

                     This happened in the first week, not sure of the day, hex, or mission.  The only reason I'm bringing it up, is because I have just read the last
                  few posts of this thread.  Thought it might have happened to another pilot who hasn't mentioned it as well.

                  Offline Dfly

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #46 on: October 22, 2005, 01:52:28 pm »
                  Similar thing happened with and ISC pilot wing  and myself last Tuesday I beleive.  We flew vs Mutilator and DH(hydran).  Wingman started taking damage for no apparent reason, without losing shielding.  He slowed, so did I, then we were overtaken by Mut and tractored, then subsequently killed, all because we were distracted by the unseen source of the internal damage being suffered.

                  Offline Riskyllama

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #47 on: October 22, 2005, 02:05:33 pm »
                  i drafted shin with a sun on the map, he didn't see the sun. I warned him of its location and we played on...but it looks like only the drafter can see the sun..or at least that's the pattern i've been noticing
                  Everything is sweetened by risk. ~Alexander Smith

                  Offline Dizzy

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #48 on: October 22, 2005, 03:20:26 pm »
                  Rules clarification:

                  • - A Multi-ship Fleet comprises a command variant of a New/Heavy Cruiser class type and a vanilla DD or FF class ship.

                  The special role column in the shiplist designates what is and is not a vanilla ship for purposes of fielding a multi-ship fleet as above. If you are not sure, ck the shiplist 'F' column.

                  All ships with a .5 or less move cost are exempt from pvp points if flown solo.

                  Offline Dizzy

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                  Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                  « Reply #49 on: October 22, 2005, 03:37:49 pm »
                  Another mid server rule clarification (I know they arnt popular, but so far the issue hasnt come up, but has crossed my mind, so I'm gonna take the time now to nip it in the butt.)

                  Fleeting restriction:

                    No more than 2x ships in a 3 ship fleet may be carriers. A carrier is a ship with 8+ ftrs. Here are some examples to give you an idea:

                      - CVA+CV+CA
                      - BCV+CV+CA
                      - BCH+CV+CV

                    Having 3x carriers in the game is very cheesy, but the reason for the rule is lag issues and playability.

                    « Last Edit: October 23, 2005, 04:12:22 pm by Dizzy »

                    Offline KBFLordKrueg

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #50 on: October 22, 2005, 05:17:00 pm »
                    What about ships with 2-5 fighters that show as Carriers...?
                    Or "casual tenders"?
                    The SUK comes to mind with 5
                    GSC has 2, etc.
                    Lord Krueg
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                    Offline Dizzy

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #51 on: October 22, 2005, 06:20:05 pm »
                    actually read my entire post, krueg

                    Offline Dizzy

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #52 on: October 23, 2005, 12:00:40 am »
                    New rule. If a mission doesnt end, the team that lost/disengaged will ESC Forfeit to properly end the mission to prevent crashes and improper DV shifts.

                    Offline KBFLordKrueg

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #53 on: October 23, 2005, 12:09:02 am »
                    Here we go again... ::)
                    Lord Krueg
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                    • Guest
                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #54 on: October 23, 2005, 02:49:07 am »
                    New rule. If a mission doesnt end, the team that lost/disengaged will ESC Forfeit to properly end the mission to prevent crashes and improper DV shifts.


                    Offline Dizzy

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #55 on: October 23, 2005, 04:37:36 am »
                    Is there some fault in that logic, tool?

                    Offline KBFLordKrueg

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #56 on: October 23, 2005, 10:24:59 am »
                    You know Dizzy, the reason you came up with this was because a situation didn't go the way you wanted...
                    You had a bugged mission with live players that wouldn't end properly and rather than fying off the map, you COMMANDED the Coalition players to Alt (against your previous insistance), when they asked to to fly off the map instead, you refused...WHY...?
                    In hope you might get a 1 DV shift in your favor when the Coalition guys alted?
                    In hope when they relogged you could bounce them alone...?
                    Then, when they continued to ask you to fly off rather than alting out (and having to reboot, relog, etc) you get mad, drop off,  and come up with additional rules 2/3 of the way through a campaign... :-\

                    Are you just hoping to irritate us to the point we'll stop playing as much or something...?
                    Not gonna happen...you only strengthen our resolve and add another incident in the long history of you doing such asinine things...
                    Must it really be this way, Diz...?
                    Lord Krueg
                    KBF CO
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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #57 on: October 23, 2005, 10:45:07 am »
                    Krueg answered for me.

                    Offline Hexx

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #58 on: October 23, 2005, 11:12:25 am »
                    Actually Dizzy ruled against the way he wanted it to be when he made the post about using the special
                    coulmn to determine what was a vanilla ship or not...

                    All the new rule seems to say is that if you're side lost the hex you have to forfeit the mission for the proper DV shift to happen

                    Which is what should have happened when you lost the match.

                    If you lose the match, run off the board and it doeen't end, why exactly should the winning guy be the one who has to forfeit??
                    Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                    Offline Dfly

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #59 on: October 23, 2005, 11:20:48 am »

                    Offline Dfly

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #60 on: October 23, 2005, 11:25:46 am »
                    Actually Dizzy ruled against the way he wanted it to be when he made the post about using the special
                    coulmn to determine what was a vanilla ship or not...

                    Yes he did, but only after trying to use an illegal combination vs us, and trying to convince us it was perfectly fine to use it.  Once we showed him the error of his ways and refused to fly vs his combination in this instance, he came to us roughtly 5 minutes later and agreed with us.

                    Offline Hexx

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #61 on: October 23, 2005, 11:41:23 am »
                    Actually Dizzy ruled against the way he wanted it to be when he made the post about using the special
                    coulmn to determine what was a vanilla ship or not...

                    Yes he did, but only after trying to use an illegal combination vs us, and trying to convince us it was perfectly fine to use it.  Once we showed him the error of his ways and refused to fly vs his combination in this instance, he came to us roughtly 5 minutes later and agreed with us.

                    So he thought something, was presented with a different viewpoint,decided that
                    he was wrong the first time, admitted this and posted a note about it.

                    And you're portraying this as a negative thing?
                    Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"


                    • Guest
                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #62 on: October 23, 2005, 11:48:21 am »
                    Hexx, that depends on if you want to ascribe to the view that Dizzy actually believed the Z-DWD was a vanilla ship. Personally I think he's a little smarter than that.

                    Offline Hexx

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #63 on: October 23, 2005, 12:25:21 pm »
                    Hexx, that depends on if you want to ascribe to the view that Dizzy actually believed the Z-DWD was a vanilla ship. Personally I think he's a little smarter than that.

                    I don't  :P

                    But I'm a big enough person (I'll pause for jokes here).... that I'll say he thought
                    they were vanilla ships, and decided they weren't
                    He admitted he was wrong, posted rules that said he was wrong, and you guys (to me anyway)
                    seem to be upset over it.

                    To add a point to it, when Dizzy talked to me about it after talking to you guys yesterday
                    (this was before the rule was made. right after your argument)
                    we went through it. He explained his reasoning to me, I told him he was insane.
                    Then I told him it was his server & his rules, so he could decide what he wanted
                    He told me- literally-
                    "That it wouldn't be fair for one person to decide what ships would count and which ones would not"

                    I actually disagree with this- I think the guys running the server has to be a tyrant, but it's not something that someone who wants things his way would suggest.

                    Dizzy has a few issues I admit, he's egotistical, and actually seems to believe that he's a better pilot than I am. One thing he's not though is someone who's going to bend the rules to favour himself.
                    Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                    Offline Riskyllama

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #64 on: October 23, 2005, 12:59:12 pm »

                    If you lose the match, run off the board and it doeen't end, why exactly should the winning guy be the one who has to forfeit??

                    I was under the impression that both parties were suppossed to act in a manner that was as easy as possible on the server, such as trying not to forfeit or alt out...especially if it could be done by the other side just flying off.
                    Everything is sweetened by risk. ~Alexander Smith

                    Offline Bonk

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #65 on: October 23, 2005, 01:16:41 pm »
                    If nobody was running software firewalls this discussion would not even be happening!  :P  ;D


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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #66 on: October 23, 2005, 02:34:41 pm »
                    If only that were true.

                    Offline Bonk

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #67 on: October 23, 2005, 02:59:51 pm »
                    So you're positively sure no one in that mission was running a software firewall?


                    • Guest
                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #68 on: October 23, 2005, 03:27:16 pm »
                    I'm positively sure there have been drops that have had nothing to do with firewalls.

                    Offline Bonk

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #69 on: October 23, 2005, 03:44:15 pm »
                    And you know this because in those cases you're positively sure nobody was running a software firewall?

                    And (again) in this case, you're positively sure no one in that mission was running a software firewall?

                    Also, in this case I understand no one dropped, the mission failed to end properly, which is something different entirely. As an exaggerated example, I can pull my network cable out of my router and cause a drop... no software firewall involved...
                    « Last Edit: October 23, 2005, 03:56:03 pm by Bonk »

                    Offline Dizzy

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #70 on: October 23, 2005, 03:48:57 pm »
                    You know Dizzy, the reason you came up with this was because a situation didn't go the way you wanted...
                    You had a bugged mission with live players that wouldn't end properly and rather than fying off the map, you COMMANDED the Coalition players to Alt (against your previous insistance), when they asked to to fly off the map instead, you refused...WHY...?
                    In hope you might get a 1 DV shift in your favor when the Coalition guys alted?
                    In hope when they relogged you could bounce them alone...?
                    Then, when they continued to ask you to fly off rather than alting out (and having to reboot, relog, etc) you get mad, drop off,  and come up with additional rules 2/3 of the way through a campaign... :-\

                    Are you just hoping to irritate us to the point we'll stop playing as much or something...?
                    Not gonna happen...you only strengthen our resolve and add another incident in the long history of you doing such asinine things...
                    Must it really be this way, Diz...?

                    I dont know where you get your information, but you dont know what ur talking about.

                    1st off, for those that dont know what was going on, there are 3 issues people seem to discussing at the same time.

                    Here's the 1st one. I was flying a CC and a DD and was told I couldnt field the DD I was flying. Since the rules are vague on what is and isnt a vanilla DD and after arguing the point that one cannot arbitrarily decide which destroyer is vanilla and which isnt based solely off what weapons it has, I deferred to the shiplist column F which designates all ships non-vanilla and made a mid server rule change. The ship I was fielding happened to be a non vanilla so I sold it. This ends all speculation on this issue. Furthermore, afaicr, there was only one mission flown with my 'illegal' combo and that's all it took to clear the issue up forevermore. Case closed.

                    2nd issue involved 2 players who disengaged after not much a fight at all. This non-bugged perfectly good mission (up to it not closing) wouldnt end. The losers refused to 'ESC Forfeit' after I asked repeatedly for them to do, upon which they countered I also fly off the map to get the mission to end. I refused, so we were at an impasse. I ended up ALTing out in frustration, I'd had enough, and immediately made the new rule: If a mission doesnt end, the team that lost/disengaged will ESC Forfeit to properly end the mission to prevent crashes and improper DV shifts. The reason for the rule is obvious. Some players do not understand that doing anything other than this will either lead to a CTD or an improper DV shift. Unlike Krueg said above, I did not ask them to alt out, I asked them to ESC Forfeit. For those of you that do not know, ESC Forfeit will give you a mission loss and take you to the debriefing screen.

                    3rd issue involved a player who disengaged from a Planet hex and was then immediately drafted again by me after moving into one of the now banned hexes around it. (remember according to the rules if you disengage from a planet hex, ur banned from all the surrounding hexes for 15 turns). In the mission the player AltF4'd to get out of the mission to prevent me from getting a DV shift. This is against the rules, you cant altF4 unless the mission is bugged and all players agree and this still doesnt get you off the hook as you are obliged to retry the mission. The issue is simple here. Following a player into a hex they are banned from and drafting them is perfectly legal. There is no new rule on this, it all falls within the rules as they are now written. The banned player of the hex simply must now disengage.

                      Going further, if on the planet hex, the player who disengages is badly hurt and may not have the power to make it off the map on the subsequent mission moving thru a now banned surrounding hex does NOT get a free pass by Alting out. They are obliged to play the mission out to either one of 2 outcomes, they win or lose. This issue was contentious because the player being drafted by me felt I had no chance of catchng him and I was going for a free DV. I in fact wasnt even thinking about the ban hex rule, I was just follow up engaging, as is usual practice for me. If I allowed a player to decide what is and isnt a valid follow up draft into a banned hex determined by who is or isnt damaged enough to make it off the map on a follow up draft thru a banned hex, we'd not hear the end of it. This is not an issue that deserves more complicated rules based off of who thinks a ship has the engine power to escape off the map and who doesnt.

                    If you play plz abide by the rules. If you disgree with the rules, the RM's take it up with me in private chat, NOT here, TY, and till something is decided one way or the other, continue playing by the rules or dont play.


                    Offline KBF-Crim

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #71 on: October 23, 2005, 04:20:13 pm »
                    I'd had enough, and immediately made the new rule:



                    • Guest
                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #72 on: October 23, 2005, 04:54:58 pm »
                    Issue #1

                    I am calling BS here. You never for a second believed a Z-DWD, obviously a droner and arguably the best hex flipper in the game, was vanilla. Don't try to justify this nonsense by saying "we made no rule as to what was vanilla". You know damn well what the second D stands for.

                    Furthermore, I think you actually trying to sell this as vanilla was insulting to the intelligence of every player you were trying to convince. You might as well call dog p00p roast beef.

                    Issue #2

                    You may have been right. I wasn't there. But adding a rule mid-server to favor your position was lame. At the very least discuss it with the RM's first.

                    Issue #3

                    It is difficult to believe a PvP-oriented player such as yourself was unaware of the consequences of losing on a planet hex. You raised a good point with a player being too hurt to get off the map but that is something which will happen only once in a hundred games, and you knew the situation did not apply here. Given your behavior on the other issues presented here it is far more likely you knew Frey was banned from the ring hex when you went in, and were looking for a cheap DV. Krueg was not on at the time so I take full responsibility for instructing him to alt.

                    There was one more issue yesterday which you did not mention.

                    Issue #4

                    While waiting for a redraft of a bad load you went back to base to repair damage taken in a previous PvP. It doesn't matter if it was 1 internal or 100, this was VERY bad form and poor sportsmanship. Why bother having a redraft rule if you are going to do this?

                    All of these things individually may or may not be minor, but taken in conjunction they form a disturbing pattern. What's even more disturbing is that they all happened on the same day.

                    I'm not trying to come down on you Diz, but bottom line is, if you want peeps to respect your rules you need to start doing the same.

                    Offline Bonk

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #73 on: October 23, 2005, 05:06:23 pm »
                    I'm positively sure there have been drops that have had nothing to do with firewalls.

                    You are currently online and I get no reply when I ping your IP address, therefore you are running a firewall (software?)... perhaps this is why you defend their use? (or do you just run it while browsing the web then fully disable it to login to the Dynaverse?)

                    Offline KBFLordKrueg

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #74 on: October 23, 2005, 05:08:51 pm »
                    Issue #1

                    I am calling BS here. You never for a second believed a Z-DWD, obviously a droner and arguably the best hex flipper in the game, was vanilla. Don't try to justify this nonsense by saying "we made no rule as to what was vanilla". You know damn well what the second D stands for.

                    Furthermore, I think you actually trying to sell this as vanilla was insulting to the intelligence of every player you were trying to convince. You might as well call dog p00p roast beef.

                    Issue #2

                    You may have been right. I wasn't there. But adding a rule mid-server to favor your position was lame. At the very least discuss it with the RM's first.

                    Issue #3

                    It is difficult to believe a PvP-oriented player such as yourself was unaware of the consequences of losing on a planet hex. You raised a good point with a player being too hurt to get off the map but that is something which will happen only once in a hundred games, and you knew the situation did not apply here. Given your behavior on the other issues presented here it is far more likely you knew Frey was banned from the ring hex when you went in, and were looking for a cheap DV. Krueg was not on at the time so I take full responsibility for instructing him to alt.

                    There was one more issue yesterday which you did not mention.

                    Issue #4

                    While waiting for a redraft of a bad load you went back to base to repair damage taken in a previous PvP. It doesn't matter if it was 1 internal or 100, this was VERY bad form and poor sportsmanship. Why bother having a redraft rule if you are going to do this?

                    All of these things individually may or may not be minor, but taken in conjunction they form a disturbing pattern. What's even more disturbing is that they all happened on the same day.

                    I'm not trying to come down on you Diz, but bottom line is, if you want peeps to respect your rules you need to start doing the same.

                    Issue #1 Wasn't there for that one, but heard about it. I'm forced to agree that the DWD could hardly be considered "vanilla", tho.
                    Maybe better clarifications of the Fleeting rules are/were in order.
                    Or maybe consider even simply dropping them altogether as potentially too volatol.  ;)

                    Issue #2 I was there for that. At first the way you handled the whole thing "As Server admin I order you to forfiet" was pretty harsh and drew the usual reaction when such situations are handled in that manner... ::)
                    Maybe if it was more of a "New Rules Proposal" to avoid further situations rather than a "This is the Way It Is!" type of thing, heh?  ;)

                    Issue #3 Wasn't there for it, didn't even know about it until now.

                    I issue #4 Was there for that, and Tool has a very good point... :-\

                    Now...kids...go back out and play nice with each other... ;D  :P
                    Lord Krueg
                    KBF CO
                    We are the Dead

                    Offline KBFLordKrueg

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #75 on: October 23, 2005, 05:11:49 pm »
                    I'm positively sure there have been drops that have had nothing to do with firewalls.

                    You are currently online and I get no reply when I ping your IP address, therefore you are running a firewall (software?)... perhaps this is why you defend their use? (or do you just run it while browsing the web then fully disable it to login to the Dynaverse?)

                    You're...pinging us...to see if we're telling the truth...?  :-\ Um.......
                    Lord Krueg
                    KBF CO
                    We are the Dead


                    • Guest
                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #76 on: October 23, 2005, 05:16:42 pm »
                    I'm positively sure there have been drops that have had nothing to do with firewalls.

                    You are currently online and I get no reply when I ping your IP address, therefore you are running a firewall (software?)... perhaps this is why you defend their use? (or do you just run it while browsing the web then fully disable it to login to the Dynaverse?)

                    Honestly Bonk that's a little creepy. I am not defending FW use. Reread what I posted.

                    Offline Bonk

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #77 on: October 23, 2005, 05:28:34 pm »
                    No need to re-read it, I understood the first time, I just made the logical assumption that you are in favour of their use while playing because you are obviously avoiding the question. It is not creepy, it is logical to gather evidence with all the tools available when making a logical argument.  If you find it creepy that explains a lot. That would be paranoid. That implies I am out to get you or something or are interested in your personal information, which of course I am not. You should know full well my only interest here is the stability of Dynaverse missions.

                    So will you answer the question please?

                    it was:

                    So you're positively sure no one in that mission was running a software firewall?

                    Offline Bonk

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #78 on: October 23, 2005, 05:29:35 pm »
                    I'm positively sure there have been drops that have had nothing to do with firewalls.

                    You are currently online and I get no reply when I ping your IP address, therefore you are running a firewall (software?)... perhaps this is why you defend their use? (or do you just run it while browsing the web then fully disable it to login to the Dynaverse?)

                    You're...pinging us...to see if we're telling the truth...?  :-\ Um.......

                    Everytime someone drafts you on the server they are doing the same, everytime you play on gamespy or play a direct game you are pinged...does that bother you?

                    And I resent the implication, I only pinged one user (762 - another admin at that) to prove a point...

                    I'd swear you guys think I'm some kind of pervert or something... highly offensive...   :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: <nose firmly in air>

                    You all need to read about how networks work for chrissake you should be able to be pinged... "stealth" mode is unhealthy for networks for a plethora of reasons... <grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!> <restrains self...>   

                    (I'm going back to my gamespy room page development... I see plenty of IP addresses and pings there all bloody day today... I'm currently working on removing the ip addresses from the page so I can put the page up permanently on our site...
                    who's on gamespy? - look here... http://www.dynaverse.net/gslist.php)

                    Let me know once you've all read up on networks and have gotten over your irrational paranoia...  (sheesh , and I'm the ex toker here...  ::))
                    « Last Edit: October 23, 2005, 07:40:15 pm by Bonk »

                    Offline likkerpig

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #79 on: October 23, 2005, 05:40:32 pm »
                    I'm positively sure there have been drops that have had nothing to do with firewalls.

                    You are currently online and I get no reply when I ping your IP address, therefore you are running a firewall (software?)... perhaps this is why you defend their use? (or do you just run it while browsing the web then fully disable it to login to the Dynaverse?)

                    You're...pinging us...to see if we're telling the truth...?  :-\ Um.......

                    Everytime someone drafts you on the server they are doing the same, everytime you play on gamespy or play a direct game you are oinged...does that bother you?

                    And I resent the implication, I only pinged one user (762 - another admin at that) to prove a point...

                    I'd swear you guys think I'm some kind of pervert or something... highly offensive...   :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: <nose firmly in air>

                    Bit off topic here Bonk, but a question.
                    Lets say I'm using xp's built in firewall and turn it off to play on the dynaverse... doesn't that leave me vulnerable to hackers? On that note, how likely is one to be "hacked" anyway? Nothing interesting on my comp anyway, but I suppose they could use my ip to do whatever nefarious deeds they desire while wanking away in mommies basement (hate hackers/crackers/virus makers.. whatever).
                    "Atheism is a religion like not collecting stamps is a hobby."

                    Offline Bonk

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #80 on: October 23, 2005, 05:46:03 pm »
                    Keep your OS fully updated, do not browse porn or warez sites, lock down any filesharing you have enabled, do not use P2P software, do not use IM software, only open e-mails from people you know who follow the same rules.

                    Most, if not all hits you see logged by a firewall are harmless if you follow these rules.

                    If you have extremely valuable info do not keep it on a machine connected to the internet. If you must browse for porn or warez and share mp3s or use IM software then do it on a machine separate from your gaming machine on a different public IP address.

                    Offline likkerpig

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #81 on: October 23, 2005, 05:55:54 pm »
                    Keep your OS fully updated, do not browse porn or warez sites, lock down any filesharing you have enabled, do not use P2P software, do not use IM software, only open e-mails from people you know who follow the same rules.

                    Most, if not all hits you see logged by a firewall are harmless if you follow these rules.

                    If you have extremely valuable info do not keep it on a machine connected to the internet. If you must browse for porn or warez and share mp3s or use IM software then do it on a machine separate from your gaming machine on a different public IP address.

                    Thank you!
                    I don't do any of them "bad" sites (keep your snickers to yourself, I'd rather play with the real thing than look at some picture)... oh, forgot the msn messanger... that is bad too?
                    "Atheism is a religion like not collecting stamps is a hobby."

                    Offline Bonk

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #82 on: October 23, 2005, 06:13:37 pm »
                    I'm not even answering that here Bonk. If you want to talk about it get on TS. I don't like the adversarial tone you are taking up with me.

                    Nor do I like the adversarial tone you are taking with me. Nor do I appreciate the insults to my integrity, Nor do I appreciate the condescension.

                    I find it very strange that you do not want to answer that question here. Very strange. You would be revealing nothing except helping to collect data to improve dynaverse mission stability. (and possibly admitting you were wrong in an earlier post...)

                    edit: I barely have the bandwidth for TS but I'll try, this is starting to really piss me off.

                    edit#2: I checked both the Dynaverse.net and SSCF teamspeak servers, you were on neither... which TS server are you on?

                    Offline FPF-DieHard

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #83 on: October 23, 2005, 06:21:48 pm »
                    If a mission doesnt end, the team that lost/disengaged will ESC Forfeit to properly end the mission to prevent crashes and improper DV shifts

                    How is this rule objectionable?   I don't know the context as to what everyone is bickering about, but this seems logical and reasonable.   If you get run out of a hex, you side should ESC+Forfeit so the DV moves correctly.
                    Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

                    Offline Bonk

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #84 on: October 23, 2005, 06:23:43 pm »
                    The rule makes perfect sense to me. I'm arguing about software firewalls again...  (and how not using them will reduce the need for such rules) ;)

                    Offline Bonk

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #85 on: October 23, 2005, 06:28:19 pm »
                    oh, forgot the msn messanger... that is bad too?

                    Not nearly as bad as ICQ but can still be a risk depending on who you chat with and how accesible your ID is.

                    Offline FRA.E.Kehakoul_XC

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #86 on: October 23, 2005, 06:37:57 pm »
                    In regard to firewalls, i can only say  i dont use one for   several years now, just a plain Tc/ip stack.
                    There are  some holes you need to close manually but after that i can run if i wish everything,from icq  to filesharing.Which all have to be shut down to play SFc  whether on Gs or the Dyna,although GS is a non  issue.
                    Further i use a dynamic ip addy which i change sometimes  2 or 3 times a night,and NP at all.
                    I sometimes think though that you cant trust Xp in regard to its internal firewall ,there seem to be some cases from unanounced reactivation problems  of the xp firewall when used in conjunktion with a second software firewall,like for example Zonealarm.
                    Which then leaves you with a activated firewall not shown anywhere.
                    Thats why i dropped the software ones altogether.
                    « Last Edit: October 23, 2005, 07:34:21 pm by FRA.E.Kehakoul_XC »

                    Director - Diplomatic Division

                    Offline Dizzy

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #87 on: October 23, 2005, 06:44:18 pm »
                    What Bonk said, Tool. You are WAY too adversarial.

                    Let me list some quotes here from u tool...

                    I am calling BS here. You never for a second believed a Z-DWD, obviously a droner and arguably the best hex flipper in the game, was vanilla. Don't try to justify this nonsense by saying "we made no rule as to what was vanilla". You know damn well what the second D stands for.

                    Furthermore, I think you actually trying to sell this as vanilla was insulting to the intelligence of every player you were trying to convince. You might as well call dog p00p roast beef.

                    Was thinking since its name was war drone destroyer, it wasnt an escort or carrier and it had a .5 move cost which makes it a free kill solo, didnt make me hesitate to field it in a multiship fleet. Only when confronted by u and then going thru the argument did I admit I was wrong, and made a mid server rule change that is 100% definitive and indubitable to show that indeed it is considered a non vanilla ship by the shiplist and cant be flown in a fleet. Some kinda ruling HAD to be made because according to you, "obviously a droner and arguably the best hex flipper in the game" is NOT how we go about rule definitions and classifications. Your suggestion to use such speculative and arbitrary descriptions is exactly what leads to flame wars, player ill will and misunderstandings.

                    Issue #2

                    You may have been right. I wasn't there. But adding a rule mid-server to favor your position was lame. At the very least discuss it with the RM's first.

                    I am right. And it doesnt favor my position. It prevents CTD's and improper DV shifts. Something technical doesnt need to be onced over by the RM's. Its not an issue that concerns them.

                    Issue #3

                    It is difficult to believe a PvP-oriented player such as yourself was unaware of the consequences of losing on a planet hex. You raised a good point with a player being too hurt to get off the map but that is something which will happen only once in a hundred games, and you knew the situation did not apply here. Given your behavior on the other issues presented here it is far more likely you knew Frey was banned from the ring hex when you went in, and were looking for a cheap DV. Krueg was not on at the time so I take full responsibility for instructing him to alt.

                    You are in violation of the rules for instructing a player to alt out of a mission that wasnt bugged. Plz dont do that again. As far as getting a cheap DV, 1st off, its insulting to believe that ur making such a big stink over 1 DV and 2nd, it was the last thing on my mind. And by the way, follow up drafting on a damaged player has been discussed and planned on our TS channel many many times. Dont know where this one in a thousand thing comes from, mb u guys just dont do it. If you happened to get caught running from a banned hex, ya, u give up a DV, it may be cheap, but thats the way it works.

                    Issue #4

                    While waiting for a redraft of a bad load you went back to base to repair damage taken in a previous PvP. It doesn't matter if it was 1 internal or 100, this was VERY bad form and poor sportsmanship. Why bother having a redraft rule if you are going to do this?

                    All of these things individually may or may not be minor, but taken in conjunction they form a disturbing pattern. What's even more disturbing is that they all happened on the same day.

                    My wing was having log issues. What wasnt shared with you was that he didnt think he was gonna be able to login. At that time on TS we decided not to retry that mission so I went to supply dock. I even told u in general chat it may not happen cuz he was having relog issues or something to that effect. After quite some effort and time he did make it in... and we then decided to retry the match at which you cried foul I resupplied and I said I'd be happoy to ditch my 3 marines and 6 spares and take a tbomb or two.

                    That still didnt appease you.

                    I'm not trying to come down on you Diz, but bottom line is, if you want peeps to respect your rules you need to start doing the same.

                    Yes u are coming down on me. And I dont appreciate it. U suggest I am not respecting my own rules, yet u fail to show me where I have not. Further slander against me will not be tolerated. You above all people, tool, know EXACTLY what I am talking about. Your manner as an RM, as a forum admin is HIGHLY inappropriate and I am dissappointed.

                    Offline Dfly

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #88 on: October 23, 2005, 06:46:24 pm »
                    If a mission doesnt end, the team that lost/disengaged will ESC Forfeit to properly end the mission to prevent crashes and improper DV shifts

                    How is this rule objectionable?   I don't know the context as to what everyone is bickering about, but this seems logical and reasonable.   If you get run out of a hex, you side should ESC+Forfeit so the DV moves correctly.

                    The only time I have seen this as a problem is that when a mission does not end, I have seen it where I am unable to esc/forfeit out as that occasionally does not work on bugged missions.  In such a case there is no choice but to alt out.  If I am the only one to ever see this I would be very surprised.

                    Offline FPF-DieHard

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #89 on: October 23, 2005, 07:10:56 pm »
                    If a mission doesnt end, the team that lost/disengaged will ESC Forfeit to properly end the mission to prevent crashes and improper DV shifts

                    How is this rule objectionable?   I don't know the context as to what everyone is bickering about, but this seems logical and reasonable.   If you get run out of a hex, you side should ESC+Forfeit so the DV moves correctly.

                    The only time I have seen this as a problem is that when a mission does not end, I have seen it where I am unable to esc/forfeit out as that occasionally does not work on bugged missions.  In such a case there is no choice but to alt out.  If I am the only one to ever see this I would be very surprised.

                    That is all Dizzy is saying in this rule.
                    Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

                    Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #90 on: October 23, 2005, 07:20:35 pm »
                    In regard to firewalls, what I do is shutdown everything before logging into the game, not just the firewall, but I als have Sysweeper as well, and anything else that may either 1) cause connection issies, and 2) pop up a window at an inopportune moment and kick me back to desktop. Then, when leaving the game, I switch everything back on again to browse the web. Automatic updates are always left off (I find this to be just plain annoying and prefer to select the updates myself, at a time of my own choosing).
                    Captain FPF-TraceyG, Federation Protection Fleet

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                    Offline likkerpig

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #91 on: October 23, 2005, 07:55:33 pm »
                    oh, forgot the msn messanger... that is bad too?

                    Not nearly as bad as ICQ but can still be a risk depending on who you chat with and how accesible your ID is.

                    Thanks Bonk, much appreciated!
                    "Atheism is a religion like not collecting stamps is a hobby."

                    Offline garadan

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #92 on: October 24, 2005, 02:45:39 pm »
                    No need to re-read it, I understood the first time, I just made the logical assumption that you are in favour of their use while playing because you are obviously avoiding the question. It is not creepy, it is logical to gather evidence with all the tools available when making a logical argument.  If you find it creepy that explains a lot. That would be paranoid. That implies I am out to get you or something or are interested in your personal information, which of course I am not. You should know full well my only interest here is the stability of Dynaverse missions.

                    So will you answer the question please?

                    it was:

                    So you're positively sure no one in that mission was running a software firewall?

                    One other thing that may increase latency dramatically is any file sharing software especially if its on a LAN, this was a problem I had with an ex flatmate. I sitting there wondering why a tracert keeps timing out, while my EX flat is running not one, not two but three different download programs on two separate machines. This will dramatically increase ping time and will also cause time outs.

                    Worth mentioning I thought


                    Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #93 on: October 26, 2005, 01:17:07 am »
                    +1 karma to you Garadan or providing something constructive, now go sneeze on someone in case its contagious  ;)

                    Offline garadan

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #94 on: October 26, 2005, 12:44:54 pm »
                    +1 karma to you Garadan or providing something constructive, now go sneeze on someone in case its contagious  ;)

                    Guess there has to be some advantage for 15 + years in IT (aaahhhchhhoooo) sorry Chutt-Ritt, guess you are next.

                    Serious point, if people are using the firewall from XP sp2, bit of advice buy a proper firewall (I like black ice myself) and turn the XP one off, real pain in the butt, its worse than Klingon opera.

                    Garadan :police:

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #95 on: November 12, 2005, 11:02:09 am »
                    Blackice? With 15+ years in IT, I'd expect better of you. I've only been in it half that long and know that particular so-called firewall is a joke and has been for at least 5 or 6 years. The fact that its makers are still in business is astonishing to me.

                    There are only 10 kinds of people in the world;
                    those who understand binary and those who don't.

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #97 on: November 14, 2005, 12:11:22 pm »
                    Keep your OS fully updated, do not browse porn or warez sites, lock down any filesharing you have enabled, do not use P2P software, do not use IM software, only open e-mails from people you know who follow the same rules.

                    Most, if not all hits you see logged by a firewall are harmless if you follow these rules.

                    If you have extremely valuable info do not keep it on a machine connected to the internet. If you must browse for porn or warez and share mp3s or use IM software then do it on a machine separate from your gaming machine on a different public IP address.

                    Thank you!
                    I don't do any of them "bad" sites (keep your snickers to yourself, I'd rather play with the real thing than look at some picture)... oh, forgot the msn messanger... that is bad too?

                    Do you have DSL. My BellSouth Westell DSL modem comes with a built-in firewall. Then you don't need to ever worry about using any XP OS software firewall or any other kind of software firewall. Hardware NAT firewalls are mucho better and reliable.  I use NAT firewalls and it was the XP OS firewall that kept dropping people in-mission until I disabled it.

                    BTW, I never really noticed the flames in the thread between the admins and RMs. Not to pull out any dead horses, but I do find it kinda of strange that these forums seems too have too many chiefs and not enough Indians, and watching chiefs fighting in the public domain is not good PR. 

                    Are there more Admins and Moderators than active regular posters? If so, why? 

                    When the US Civil War was ending General Lee had to send most of the Officers of the Army of N. Virginia home cuz there were not any enough soldiers for them to manage.  :-\

                    Offline Bonk

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #98 on: November 14, 2005, 02:18:45 pm »
                    8 Administrators (6 active)
                    13 Moderators (7 active)
                    1771 members (1050 active in last 6 months)

                    ~ 80:1 active member to active admin/moderator ratio

                    Please PM me if you would like to discuss this further, thanks!


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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #99 on: November 15, 2005, 11:33:53 am »
                    8 Administrators (6 active)
                    13 Moderators (7 active)
                    1771 members (1050 active in last 6 months)

                    ~ 80:1 active member to active admin/moderator ratio

                    Please PM me if you would like to discuss this further, thanks!

                    Oh no, I was just wondering. I always like to know the stats. I guess the D2 forums are not very active and/or all the Admins./Mods are pre-dominatly SFC2-oriented people. That aint so bad. ;D

                    Offline KBF MalaK

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #100 on: November 16, 2005, 07:45:08 am »
                    Maybe I'm doing something wrong but it works:

                    Over the last year I've used 3 different software firewalls and on all of them I just create a rule allowing the 'program' (OP, MW4, Falcon4.0, whatever) to use whatever port it wants, so I've never had to shut down the firewall to get a connection. The security still works as I was port scanned numerous times last night by 'AGIS' in washington DC (gov't I think) while running OP on GSA but didn't see the security alerts until I got back to my desktop, but ALL the port scans were blocked by the firewall and OP worked perfectly.

                    When I did a trace of AGIS I was promptly disconnected. Big brother is watching.
                    "Artificial Intelligence is not a suitable substitute for natural stupidity"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #101 on: November 16, 2005, 07:57:01 am »
                    How is drafting and mission stability on the D2 for you?

                    Offline KBF MalaK

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #102 on: November 16, 2005, 08:19:09 am »
                    believe it or not but I've drafted and been drafted in 2v2 and 3v3's with no problems, and OP hasn't crashed ever in my memory. There are a couple of people with weird network setups that I can't fly with, but it's on their end (duckskid).
                    "Artificial Intelligence is not a suitable substitute for natural stupidity"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #103 on: November 16, 2005, 08:26:53 am »
                    Well beleive it or not, I've been running my system without a firewall for years and have never been hacked or arrested by the FBI or anything weird like that.

                    If you think about it, any firewall, no matter how expensive can only serve to introduce lag and lost packets. It is a simple fact.

                    Offline KBF MalaK

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #104 on: November 16, 2005, 09:40:59 am »
                    Well beleive it or not, I've been running my system without a firewall for years and have never been hacked or arrested by the FBI or anything weird like that.

                    If you think about it, any firewall, no matter how expensive can only serve to introduce lag and lost packets. It is a simple fact.

                    That exactly confirms my notion that we need super computers nowdays to handle all the layers of security microsoft needs to keep their products secure, something we didn't need a year ago, all to run the same thing that ran fine on a p3.

                    Thanks Bill, may I have another.
                    "Artificial Intelligence is not a suitable substitute for natural stupidity"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #105 on: November 16, 2005, 11:02:04 am »


                    Its not the OS, its the user/admin.

                    My P3 still does the job just fine. (better than many P4s I have seen in fact...)

                    Offline KBF MalaK

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #106 on: November 16, 2005, 12:40:49 pm »
                    reminds me of the fiasco I went thru trying to get support for KOTOR2- My box says DX7 req'd, but lucasarts says DX9C and open GL4 neither of which I use and aside from 1 mission being fekked the game runs fine. If I'd told them outright that I have the Thai version they wouldn't have e-mailed me back, but I didn't so they said without hesitating I need a new video card.

                    LoL, I fixxed the problem and won the game without any new hardware, no new drivers, no nuthin...I just played that mission to a different outcome. So American versions require higher hardware standards ?? Sounds like a marketing thing to me.

                    OH, and I believe AGIS stands for Attorney Generals Information System.. I found no listing for a U.S. agency, but found lots of EU and AUS listings.  Guess big brother thinks we're all dummies.
                    "Artificial Intelligence is not a suitable substitute for natural stupidity"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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                    Re: Slave Girls V Server Description, Storyline and Rules
                    « Reply #107 on: November 16, 2005, 02:12:44 pm »
                    Yes, the Hardware Transform and Lighting "standard" is a scam to sell video cards.  :thumbsdown:

