Credits:XenoCorp's server, and forums.
Bonk's Interactive Web Based Map, DB Admin.
DieHard's Ship/ftrlist mod
TraceyG, Karnak, ED missions.
Dizzy, all the other stuff.
Features:3 Week server.
2265 start, 1 day a game year ends in 2286, 4 minute turns, 365 turns a year.
1 or 2 ships per CnC rules unless all players from both sides agree to more for that PvP match only.
One click do-it-all install/uninstaller.
Multiple accounts ok.
Links and Downloads:SGO V Installer-
Flatfile Webmap. -
Kills Entry Page- Kills and Roleplay Thread:
Round 1,
Round 2,
Round 3[/list]
Map Notes:
Hexes may be raised to 20.
Before the start of the server I'll adjust the map and finalize it as stated here:
Here. Terraforming: There are 3 hexes in enemy space that will represent terraforming laboratory facilities and yours will be made known to the enemy once your empire loses it's first planet. The capture at any time of 2 of the 3 hexes will constitute a 'raid' that your side has conducted in order to get the last known secret terraforming technology that was in the enemy's possesion to obtain what it needs to terraform a planet. Each side will have the same opportunity. RM's will PM me at that time on the details for where the planet may be placed.
Scorched Earth: Original enemy planets/bases (not your own) may be bombarded and destroyed if you own it and control all adjacent hexes and have a LoS to a friendly HW. Terraformed planets, however, may be bombarded and destroyed no matter who owned, captured or created it.[/list][/list]
Da Penalty Box- If you lose one of the following ship types, you may not fly any of these again for 12 hours. This applies to all of a person’s multiple accounts. They are: Any CCX/CAX type X ship, BB, DN, CVA, BC/V's.
- If you lose an
X ship, you may not fly another for 12 hours.
- If you lose the command ship of a Multi-Ship Fleet, you may not fly another Multi-Ship Fleet for 12 hours.
Maximum Capital Ships on at once and Multiple Ships:- Max Capital ships will be limited by a points system by era: Early Era-ish (2263-2274):
14 points, Mid and Late Era-ish (2275+):
16 points.
- A Multi-ship Fleet comprises a command variant of a New/Heavy Cruiser class type and a vanilla
DD or
FF class ship.
- The F column of the shiplist designates what ships are and are not vanilla.
- An ISC CAW,P,T,Y or Z all count as command ships.
- The following ships points count toward the total capital ships on the server at once:
Battleships: 11
DN Carriers: 8
Dreads: 6
Multi-ship Fleet: 4
BC/V's: 4[/list]
Maximum X Ships on at the same time:3 X points in 2281 and 82. This is increased to
5 in 2283, 6 in 2284 and
7 in 2285+.
X points are in addition to captiol ship points.
- If you fly an X ship, you must rename your ship adding an 'X' at the end of your shipname.
I-CCX = 6
All other CCX/CAX's = 3
CLX = 2
FFX and DDX = Free
Fleeting Rules:- No capital ships (Multi-Ship Fleet included) are allowed to fly in a mission together. If they happen to by accident, their opponent is allowed to choose which capital ship must disengage, and thus the disengagement penalty is voided for the disengaging ship.
- CCX/CAX's are treated as Capital ships for Fleeting purposes.
- No
X ships are allowed to fly in a mission together. If they happen to by accident, their opponent is allowed to choose which X ship must disengage, and thus the disengagement penalty is voided for the disengaging ship.
- No more than 2 carriers (carrier = 8+ fighters) may fly in a mission together. If they happen to by accident, their opponent is allowed to choose which X ship must disengage, and thus the disengagement penalty is voided for the disengaging ship.[/list]
Squadron CnCKlingon F5Q:
- This ship is a sQuadron ship that represents the massive deployments of F5's in use throughout the Klingon Empire.
- The F5Q is loaded with an F5B and F5SB and this loadout may not be changed. The F5B/SB may only be used on the F5Q.
- The F5B/SB act as ships once launched and PlaD wont fire at them and you cant recall them to repair.
- Players may not fleet together with other F5Q ships.
- An F5Q ship itself is worth 1 DV.
PF CnC- Full Tenders with 3+ PF’s may carry no more than 1 Leader, and 1 Special PF, the others must be vanilla.
- Casual Tenders with only 2 PF’s may recover but not re-launch them and the PF's must be vanilla.
- Hydran Heavy Stinger fighters (
H-St-S(heavy), H-St-T(Heavy), H-ST-Tm(Heavy) are substituted for PFs.
- Hydran ships designated with an 'h' are allowed 2, but the OM and IDh are allowed 4.[/list]
Fighter CnCFederation- F-14 ftrs can’t be used on ships except the CVS, BCV, CVA (2 squads max), DVL, and BB.
- F-15 ftrs can’t be used on ships except the CVS, F-BB.
- These fighters are model represented and distinguishable from regular Fed ftrs, courtesy of Thu11s.
Hydrans- H-St-X are only allowed on X ships.
*Note* SFB Fighters with PlaD were converted to PhoF, "plasma mini-bolts", and a Ph3 360`.[/list] [/list]
PvP Kills:- Kills will be recorded at the Kills link on the
Flatfile Webmap..
- To report PvP points, go to the
Kills Page and fill in the blanks as instructed.
- Please also go to the Kills and Roleplay threads:
Round 1,
Round 2,
Round 3 to confirm the kill by author and post roleplay!
- Total PvP pts will be calculated at the end of each week to determine VC's. See below.
- PvP kills are worth the following points:
8 (1 move cost)All other CCX/CAX
4 (1 move cost)CLX
2 (.67 move cost)FFX/DDX
1 (.5 move cost)BB:
11 (2 move cost)CVA:
8 (1.5 move cost)DN:
6 (1.25 and 1.5 move cost)BCV/T - Carrier, Casual (2 PF's) or Full Tender (3+ PF's):
4 (1 and 1.25 move cost)BCH:
3 (1 and 1.25 move cost) (Includes all Lyran BC's with 2 PF's)
N/CA, N/CL, HDW's are worth
(.67 and 1 move cost)Smaller class types with 8 ftrs or 3+ PF's are worth
Ships with a move cost of .5 or less are exempt unless they are involved in a fleet action with a wing or used in a Multi-Ship Fleet in which case they are worth
Map and PvP VC’s - An original enemy planet (or any enemy placed Permanent Base which will be referred to as an enemy planet from now on) must be controlled and have a LoS to an allied HW. You get one point for owning 2 enemy planets of disimilar races. Terraformed planets and those located in the neutral zone do not count towards VC's.
- If attrition (PvP points) equals or exceeds one and a half times as many more than your enemy you get 1 Planet Equivalent VC to apply to the Map VC's listed above counted toward the specific race that suffered the highest attrition points and if it equals or exceeds twice as many, you get another Planet Equivalent VC to apply toward the specific race that suffered the second highest attrition points.
- There will be 3x Map VC periods, one at the end of each week from the time the server started.
- Total points are tallied and a Minor, Major or Decisive Victory will be awarded along with a bunch of naked horny Orion Slave chicks and all the nip or beer you can carry on your back.
Bounties! I'm gonna leave it up to the RM's to decide if they want bounties. I suggest coming up with a system where each side presents a list of a few captains and the other side gets to choose which one(s) they want to be a bounty. That way no inexperienced captain gets screwed.
But you guys come up with how much DV they are worth and how often and all that. Totally up to u guys. Make sure you keep track of it all and I'll figure it in to the map DV's each week when they are reported to me. Better yet, you two organize a post and keep track of it there.
Bases- Base Stations are indestructible and are Admin placed at the direction of the RM's. They will be periodically doled out through the course of the server.
- Bases may be placed anywhere with a LoS to a friendly base/planet as long as they are not adjacent to another base/planet.
Deepstrikes- If you draft or are drafted into a PvP in a hex that has no Allied or Neutral hexes adjacent to it at the time of the draft, then you may not disengage and must fight to the death.
Disengagement/Destruction Rule- If you are forced to Disengage in a PvP match, then you are banned from the hex you either took the mission in or were drafted in for
15 turns. If your ship was destroyed then you are banned from that hex for
8 turns. If this happens on a Planet then you follow the above and it also applies to all the adjacent hexes around that planet.
- One turn is 4 minutes.[/list]
General Rules- If you are in a PvP and die, stay there in the battle till the match is over.
- If a mission causes all players to drop, then all those players must attempt to log back on and retry the mission allowing the slowest connection to draft. If this player is known to cause drops or lags, this player must not be on the front lines drafting, being drafted and causing connection issues. It isnt fair to anyone else. They need to do missions elsewhere.
- If the server goes down and players are still in a mission, it still counts.
- During some missions, a player's name may not be indicated on their ship. If you suspect you are playing against a human, type a greeting in the chat. All other human players are required to immediately respond with a text chat greeting.
- If you disengage or are destroyed in a game and there are others still fighting, you may not leave the game until the match is finished.
- All other rules, same as past servers.
Wild Geese- Wild Geese chosen by the admin will start off with the side of their choosing and every three days after the start of the server, the Geese switch to the side that is losing by 15 or more original space hexes. Repeat every three days. It is automatic and no one other than this rule affects their deployment.
Forfeiting Misions:NEVER allowed to forfeit a mission under
ANY circumstances on the map during a mission draft or a mandatory mission choice. This causes
SERIOUS errors in the database and leads to CPU overload and eventual server burps.
- If you are drafted you
MUST accept the mission. You are
NOT ALLOWED to logoff or
EVER- If you find that your navigator is incompetant and has wandered into an enemy hex and you recieve a mandatory mission, you may logoff and relog on as long as you do not do this repeatedly. You are
- Occasionally a player will become ghosted in a hex. There is nothing we can do about this and no action will be taken.
DO NOT park your ship anywhere near the front lines and go AFK. You will cause forfeits this way. Park your ship away from the front in an empty hex. Better yet, just logoff the server till you come back as you may take up a player slot.
- Repeat violaters will be