Topic: Wild Geese Report in!  (Read 10360 times)

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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #40 on: October 25, 2005, 05:50:40 pm »
I was waiting for LK and diz to make more postings before I jumped in here..

While I understand diz reasoning for having WG in play (to prevent blow outs) I dont see any blow out taking place at this time-- there is usually lots of players from BOTH sides online. Yes the coalition has started playing more often because were all trying to catch up from some nasty ship loss situations and one of the best ways to feel better abouts loosing ships is to kill one of yours.

That beings said -- I don't know what to do here --
You really going to make me feel a bit like a traitor either way on this-- If I dont switch to the alliance then well I sort of loose my own sense of honour on this issue. If I do switch well then I feel I am letting the guys I have flown with for the last two weeks down because were behind on the ship kills.
Had the coaliton been up in both hexes and ship kills I could see why you would call ALL 4 geese into play -- but well like I said its a no win situation for me right now and I know rogue will feel the same way -- chances are risky and dfly feel they are stuck between a rock and hard place as well..

I would like to hear from players on both sides without this becoming a flame war.

Follow the Rules of the Server Duck...
I would never expect any of the Coalition to do otherwise... ;)
It will NOT be held against any member of the "Wild Geese" in the Coalition that they followed the rules.
But...Remember how you feel about it the next time you consider signing up for them... ;)
Did you see this part of Dizzy's post?

"When I made the post this morning, the count was 21 hexes. Now it has been slashed to 14. I'll do a more accurate count at 8pm central. So possibly I spoke too soon thinking the Alliance wouldnt catch up the way they did."

Let's see how things work out, shall we...?
I'm still waiting for a reply from Dizzy about the PvP VPs (and if they count for End-of-Capaign score anyway.

Lord Krueg
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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #41 on: October 25, 2005, 05:59:30 pm »
IF that is truly the case, then I will apologize for my outburst, the way the rules read, it looks like they WILL count.

Im not sure I follow u. PvP 'points' are made by killing your oppoenents. 3 for a BC, 6 for a DN, etc. If one side has 1.5x as many pvp points as the other side in any VC round, they get one Planet equivalent hex to count toward VC's for that round and the race it counts for is determined by which race suffered the most losses in pvp points.

So according to the rules, you have to have 2 planets from disimilar races to equal a VC point. So if you managed to get 1.5x as many kills as your opponents and the race that suffered the greatest pvp points losses were from race 'x' then you need to pair it with another planet from race 'y' for it to count as ONE VC point. So far, no one from either side has scored any VC's.

Speculation example: Lets say the Alliance totally trashes you guys in pvp and makes you all look like a buncha monkeys and makes 1.5 times as many pvp points as you for this last round, in order for them to score a VC point, they have to match the race that suffered the most pvp point losses on the coalition side to a disimilar coalition race's planet or perm base for it to count... So if you deny them that, then all those extra pvp points are for naught. Course, if there are 2x as many pvp points, that side would get 2x planet equivalent hexes and they come from the 1st and 2nd most races with the highest pvp point losses... That alone would count as one VC.

And quite frankly, as rapidly as the hexes in the main battle area have flipped colors, the Wild Geese will be constantly switching sides from day to day.

The fact that they haven't so far indicates the server is fairly well balanced... You made a good point in your post to think about... Lets say the hex ownership for side A is beyond 15 hexes more than side B, should we take away the geese from side A and transfer them to side B to make up for it even if side A is losing in VC points? Hrmmmm. Definitely something to think about there...

And, as far as your "persoanl note"...
I come home from work, grab a beer, check the map, check the forums, update posts, THEN eat and take a shower and spend the rest of the night on the server until I force myself to go to bed because I have to get up at 6 am. (My wife and kids just LOVE that  ::))...I've done that evey day since the server started...Weekends, I'm on from the time I get out of bed until I go back to bed in the wee
STFU  :P  <---obligatory smiley

lol. Mine too. remind me of my lawyer with your loooong explanations... :P
So...the 37 VPs that the Coaltion trails by DOES NOT count towards Total Score...?
Only if the Alliance out-scores us in PvP by a factor of 1.5 times (it's not even close to that now) will they get a single VP point.
So the PvP score doesn't matter AT ALL unless one side is out-scored by a factor of 1.5x...?
And then they get a single VC that really counts...?

I've got all those Captains in Agony Booths for losing so many Captol ships for NOTHING?!  :o
Lord Krueg
We are the Dead

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #42 on: October 25, 2005, 06:08:21 pm »
I'm still waiting for a reply from Dizzy about the PvP VPs (and if they count for End-of-Capaign score anyway.

Well, I thought you understood this, but perhaps you do not... They arnt PvP VP's, rather PvP 'points'...

Offline Riskyllama

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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #43 on: October 25, 2005, 06:09:54 pm »
I'm still waiting for a reply from Dizzy about the PvP VPs (and if they count for End-of-Capaign score anyway.

Well, I thought you understood this, but perhaps you do not... They arnt PvP VP's, rather PvP 'points'...
that CAN but don't automatically equal a VP?
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Offline Riskyllama

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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #44 on: October 25, 2005, 06:10:40 pm »
on a side note, if we switch, do we get to carry over any PP?
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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #45 on: October 25, 2005, 06:16:01 pm »
on a side note, if we switch, do we get to carry over any PP?

No... :-\
But, since they raised the starting PP, you can get into a War Crusier or better right off the bat... ;)
Lord Krueg
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Offline Dfly

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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #46 on: October 25, 2005, 06:18:36 pm »
If the decision is that the WG are to switch sides, By my honor I would do so.  Whether I agree to the reasoning or not is not an issue.  I have signed up as a WG and the way the rule is written, if called into effect, I will switch.  I most likely wont agree or like it, but will do it because I knew what I was signing up for it.  I suggest to those WG who are out there and asked to do so, also do so even if they disagree or dont like it.  Reasons are: we signed up knowingly; It was never tried before so consequences are unknowns; Learning experience for host and WG and RMs alike; No one appreciates someone who does not follow through on their word (includes Dizzy in a good way , this time ;) ; etc...

Also, if things dont work out this campaign, adjustments can be made for the next one based on results of this one.  At that point in time each of us can decide again if we would be willing to be a WG or not.

I do realise that after flying with a team for over 2 weeks it may feel like treason, but this is part of the WG thingy.  I know the Coalition wont take it easy on us if or when they have to face us in battle, but I also know both teams will accept us.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #47 on: October 25, 2005, 06:19:13 pm »

I've got all those Captains in Agony Booths for losing so many Captol ships for NOTHING?!  :o


Yeah. PvP points are not carried over from round to round. They dont equal VC points. All pvp points count toward is half of one VC. The other half comes from owning a disimilar enemy original planet or base. If you can pair the two, u get a VC point. So far no one has any VC points at all. PvP points dont count for anything other than possibly pairing up with a VC Planet... Its all well explained in the rules. The rules part is MUCH shorter than my LENGTHY explanation. Prolly take me 1 min to explain it to u over TS...

Edit: We had a player piss away a BB. We got on him for it a bit... But losing other ships hasnt been a big deal. In fact, we were up a bit in pvp points going into round 2 that we discussed over TS what we could sacrifice to achieve (the now declassified) Operation Lorena Bobbitt without giving you 1.5x as many pvp points as us. We dicided that if we had to, in order to cut your LoS, we could afford to lose my BB and a DN or two... Course, like that was gonna happen...  ;D

Offline Dfly

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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #48 on: October 25, 2005, 06:21:54 pm »
oh ya, btw, I do beleive it to be rather unfair to have built up 3 accounts to the point of where I can get a BCH or bigger(DN) in them, only to find out I am starting all over again when and if forced to switch sides.  There is little or no chance of gaining enough points to get another before the end of the server for the guys who are not nutters.  Odds are I will never afford an X ship either after a single switch.

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #49 on: October 25, 2005, 06:25:20 pm »

I've got all those Captains in Agony Booths for losing so many Captol ships for NOTHING?!  :o


Yeah. PvP points are not carried over from round to round. They dont equal VC points. All pvp points count toward is half of one VC. The other half comes from owning a disimilar enemy original planet or base. If you can pair the two, u get a VC point. So far no one has any VC points at all. PvP points dont count for anything other than possibly pairing up with a VC Planet... Its all well explained in the rules. The rules part is MUCH shorter than my LENGTHY explanation. Prolly take me 1 min to explain it to u over TS...

Well, then...I DO apologize for my outburst.
That was not the way I understood it to work.
I misunderstood the PvP "points" to be equal to Victory Points.
Lord Krueg
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #50 on: October 25, 2005, 06:32:34 pm »
oh ya, btw, I do beleive it to be rather unfair to have built up 3 accounts to the point of where I can get a BCH or bigger(DN) in them, only to find out I am starting all over again when and if forced to switch sides.  There is little or no chance of gaining enough points to get another before the end of the server for the guys who are not nutters.  Odds are I will never afford an X ship either after a single switch.

Grey area... Wasnt discussed... Well, Krueg doesnt want you to be able to make an impact pvp wise. Hexx wouldnt either should he lose WG to the other side. You guys are like unwanted red headed step children now...  ;D I'd give you all enough to buy a BC. I mean... you put in 2 weeks+ so far for the Coalition... and they have no appreciation for any of you contributions?

Perhaps... you get the pp from the ship you defect with... So if you can afford to field a BB... you defect with it... you get that much pp in the bank account(s) of your choosing... Course, not like the Coalition will just LET you go... Perhaps a GSA game where you have to get from one side of the map and touch a base on the other side while a legal coalition fleet tries to stop you...  ;D

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #51 on: October 25, 2005, 06:35:41 pm »
Well, then...I DO apologize for my outburst.
That was not the way I understood it to work.
I misunderstood the PvP "points" to be equal to Victory Points.

OMG! No wonder! That explains why your captains are so careful and shy... I thought they were just terrified of me... Oh my... my ego is shattered.  :-\

PvP points are worth half a Victory Point... like its explained. So PvP points count for SO little... But, a half VC could turn into a VC point... and one VC point could be all it takes to win the server. ;)

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #52 on: October 25, 2005, 06:38:51 pm »
Well, then...I DO apologize for my outburst.
That was not the way I understood it to work.
I misunderstood the PvP "points" to be equal to Victory Points.

OMG! No wonder! That explains why your captains are so careful and shy... I thought they were just terrified of me... Oh my... my ego is shattered.  :-\

PvP points are worth half a Victory Point... like its explained. So PvP points count for SO little... But, a half VC could turn into a VC point... and one VC point could be all it takes to win the server. ;)

No...I threatened then I would do a " DH"  on voice comms if we lost another PvP "VP"  :P ;D
*Motions to assistant to turn off the Agony Booths*
Lord Krueg
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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #53 on: October 25, 2005, 06:46:37 pm »
oh ya, btw, I do believe it to be rather unfair to have built up 3 accounts to the point of where I can get a BCH or bigger(DN) in them, only to find out I am starting all over again when and if forced to switch sides.  There is little or no chance of gaining enough points to get another before the end of the server for the guys who are not nutters.  Odds are I will never afford an X ship either after a single switch.

Grey area... Wasn't discussed... Well, Krueg doesn't want you to be able to make an impact pvp wise. Hexx wouldn't either should he lose WG to the other side. You guys are like unwanted red headed step children now...  ;D I'd give you all enough to buy a BC. I mean... you put in 2 weeks+ so far for the Coalition... and they have no appreciation for any of you contributions?

Perhaps... you get the pp from the ship you defect with... So if you can afford to field a BB... you defect with it... you get that much pp in the bank account(s) of your choosing... Course, not like the Coalition will just LET you go... Perhaps a GSA game where you have to get from one side of the map and touch a base on the other side while a legal coalition fleet tries to stop you...  ;D

Give them whatever they had.
It should be so...
But...since this whole "Wild Goose" call was guys don't really have to worry about it, now do ya?  :P

In the future Dizzy...regarding WG, perhaps you should state the situation to warrent calling on the WG have to exist for a set period before becoming active.
We've been up to 26 hexes at one point...only to be cut back to 7 hexes 2 days later. 2 Days later, we're back to 16...then 9...then 12...
I don't see where such wild territory changes should call for ANY players to switch sides...
Obviously, both sides have the pilots needed, they simply have to be online.
Perhaps the Leaders simply need to "inspire" their pilots more.  ;D
Lord Krueg
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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #54 on: October 25, 2005, 06:54:59 pm »
Now that I've made an a$$ of myself over a misinterpretation...I'm going to watch Batman Begins with my son, since I said I would several days ago and the DVD has to go back tomorrow...
Then I'll be on... ;D
Lord Krueg
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Offline Dfly

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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #55 on: October 25, 2005, 06:59:43 pm »
So, in finality of the situation, with the Coalition no longer having 15+ Hexes well before the 8 pm thingy, are the Wild Geese switching or not?  looking for final decision on this.

Offline Riskyllama

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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #56 on: October 25, 2005, 07:02:42 pm »
was that 8 central or eastern?
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #57 on: October 25, 2005, 08:05:22 pm »
In the future Dizzy...regarding WG, perhaps you should state the situation to warrent calling on the WG have to exist for a set period before becoming active.
We've been up to 26 hexes at one point...only to be cut back to 7 hexes 2 days later. 2 Days later, we're back to 16...then 9...then 12...
I don't see where such wild territory changes should call for ANY players to switch sides...
Obviously, both sides have the pilots needed, they simply have to be online.
Perhaps the Leaders simply need to "inspire" their pilots more.  ;D

Perhaps, but it happens very 3 days at 8pm central. At no tome, including tonight has one side had 15+. Ebb and flow. The current count is 16 Coalition, Alliance 2, thats a difference of 14. So the WG stay put. One of those hexes, however, had a DV of 0... hehe. Very close...

And Krueg, since the start of the server you guys have dominated. If the WG did switch, and then later equality of hexes were reached, the WG would return to their starting sides. Throughout this seesaw, you, as RM, have to figure out how to win. So far No One is winning.... which is very interesting...

This server, imo, is very successful so far in many aspects, but most importantly it is rich in depth of the strategic and tactical elements and how all the multifaceted pieces fall into place... It is setup to be very balanced and fair and so far has proven so...

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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #58 on: October 25, 2005, 09:16:36 pm »

I'm NOT sharing my soon to be unveiled plans of victory with some new guys!

They signed up to fly coalition they're going to get their asses kicked as coalition!

I've already got the victory parade planned, and there's no room for anyone else.
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Re: Wild Geese Report in!
« Reply #59 on: October 26, 2005, 07:13:51 am »

I've already got the victory parade planned . . .

Does it follow the Yellow-Brick road?
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .