A lot of good it does the casual guy if X-ships are cheap as there is usually full limit of X-ship on the map at a time. Only the Frigate-X are free.
I think all ships should cost 1. Reasons are
1-I think so, so it is (commonly known as the Hexx complex)

2-Because I made a new rule saying it is (commonly known as the Dizzy complex)

3-Because I designed the shiplist (commonly known as the Die-Hard complex)

4-Because <insert funny pic here>(commonly known as the Chutt complex)

5-Because I talk too much (commonly known as the Shin-Josh complex)

Seriously, they should all cost 1. Any hex nutter can still go nuts, because we need hexes flipped
Any PvPer can get what he wants, when he wants, provided staying within HM points