Topic: Webmap question  (Read 12962 times)

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Re: Webmap question
« Reply #80 on: September 29, 2005, 10:42:26 am »
I was going to post in this thread, but I have come to realize that my belief in what a proper and realistic D2 Campaign is not shared by anyone else but me.

Maybe it's time for a change.

Oooohh and here's an idea.... why not keep it to yourself and don't say anything about the idea...
That way people are sure to come around and we'll have all of the servers set up how you want.

Or, if you don't think that would work you could type something out, post a link, basically put forth an argument for what
you think would make a good server and see if anyone picks up on it.

Really the choice is yours, I've always believed in keeping my thoughts to myself though, so I'd go with option one..

Wow, Hexx, thanks for the thoughtful, compassionate, non-sarcastic friendly response to my post.

You're right, with this type of support, what am I thinking ?


With the lame original post what were you expecting?

2000 people to log on and start a " tell us what you want Frey" petition?
I freely admit you guys have a lot of work to do to keep this place around for us to post on, but
if you have an idea.. why not do what everyone else does..
post it?

Or you could stick to your psychically acquired knowledge, realizing the universal truth that everyone already knows
what your idea is and has rejected it..

Either way...

A few hundred years ago, a famous French finance minister stated that the fine art of taxation is plucking the golden goose, which incur the goose to hiss, to generate revenue without killing it. 

Try not to kill the goose. :-\

Quote from: Chuut-Ritt
Dude I think you did over react a bit.  Hex was just being his normal smartass self, a characteristic that is enjoyed by many on these forums.

If you do have any ideas, I think most of the players here would be thankful if you shared them, they might not agree with them, but they would definately be food for thought, especially coming from one of the most, if not THE MOST respected member of our community.  I think Hex was basically saying that if you want to get people interested in an idea, you have to tell them the idea first, just be ready for everyone not to agree.  It has been my experience that very few ideas are liked by all, yet many idea that don't make it into a campaign do lead to other ideas or modified versions that do make it in.  Your ideal idea may or may not make it, but it will likely result in something a little closer to your heart than what we have now if you share your thoughts. 

It's a people skills thing. Some posters can, and occasionally do, make their points without POing others off.

IMHO, if a poster incurs a public venting backlash then they screwed up. Unless they are some incorrigible wade like WaterTiger of couple years ago, it takes a lot to get a person to pop-off in a pubilc forum.  No amount of rationalizing and apologetic vouching can make up for it.  Just don't talk about it anymore and don't do it again cuz actions always speak louder than words.

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Re: Webmap question
« Reply #81 on: September 29, 2005, 10:53:58 am »
I was wondering where that neg karma came from
(first in like two weeks- was getting worried)

I had put it behind me, changed my post, and made as much an apology as I was going to make
but now..

You're point is taken, these are for all intents and purposes Frey's forums- he works his ass
off so we have a place to do stuff like this.
That being said- I still refuse to accept his original post a anything other than the same type of post he was complaining about. He HAD- as it turns out, made a post, which Bonk was kind enough to link
Had Frey merely done the same, none of this would have happened.

Was I an ass? yep
Would I make the same kind of comment over the same post again?

I don't believe I've ever slandered or denigrated the admins of this forum, I don't think I've ever
done anything to make their job tougher,nor have i ever refused to do anything or delete any posts
asked of me by them, and I am beginning to resent emails and this that say I have.

Frey's a great guy, he made a bad post.
I called him on it.

To me that's all it was.

If Frey wants to take it further, I assume I'll get an email or PM from him
Otherwise I think everyone can drop it.
Frey ,I'm sure, is very capable of defending himself.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2005, 11:11:12 am by Hexx »
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Re: Webmap question
« Reply #82 on: September 29, 2005, 12:04:10 pm »
I smell dead horsies.

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Re: Webmap question
« Reply #83 on: September 29, 2005, 12:34:21 pm »
I smell dead horsies.

Time for your monthy bath?
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: Webmap question
« Reply #84 on: September 29, 2005, 01:07:01 pm »
I smell dead horsies.

Time for your monthy bath?

Hmm, new poll.. what smells worse- dead horse or Hydran...
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Re: Webmap question
« Reply #85 on: September 29, 2005, 01:20:34 pm »
Methane has no smell dammit!  >:(  :D

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Re: Webmap question
« Reply #86 on: September 29, 2005, 01:22:20 pm »
Methane has no smell dammit!  >:(  :D

So your vote is for dead horse then ?
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Re: Webmap question
« Reply #87 on: September 29, 2005, 01:44:20 pm »
Um, I guess, but it depends on when the Hydran in question last bathed really...  :D