Topic: U.S.S. Preble NCC-70046 by ModelsPlease (New Model !!! 03Nov05)  (Read 5714 times)

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Re: U.S.S. Preble NCC-70046 by ModelsPlease (New Model !!! 03Nov05)
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2005, 11:45:13 am »
Thanks everyone, and Alec I PM'ed ya with a e-mail to send the textures to, once I get them I'll upload the correct regs to Battleclinic. Thanks you for taking the time to make 'em.


ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

Offline atheorhaven

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Re: U.S.S. Preble NCC-70046 by ModelsPlease (New Model !!! 03Nov05)
« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2005, 04:45:00 pm »
rotfl...nice sig..pizzia geek haha

You know, I think that you're the first person to notice it.  :)

When I was doing up some of the kitbashes and texture mods for Generations At War, that's basically a lot of what I was doing when I wasn't at work.. just kept cranking through them.  :)  It was almost sliding pizza under the door to make sure I got food.  ;)

I notice the reg is in the correct spot for the galaxy class, isn't that area covered by the deflector assembly?

It is... the best spot for it though when you don't have a picture of the upper saucer to see where it should probably go on this ship.  :)
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

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