FINALLY !!!! I know many of you have wanted this ship for a long time, so here she is
U.S.S. Preble NCC-70046 Coontz-class destroyer
The USS Preble is a destroyer, one of the unsung dozens of escort vessels that pull duty on the periphery of Starfleet's task forces.
In time of conflict, her duty is to shield the larger vessels from danger before it reaches the center of the force.
In time of peace, she sometimes escorts expoloration vessels into unknown areas; sometimes goes along on diplomatic missions to help make an impression.
The Coontz Class destroyers are light and nimble fighters, making the most of their relatively light armament.
Phasers above and below the hull give nearly 360° spherical coverage, and a single bow-mounted torpedo tube can put paid to most large warships.
The destroyer planform has never been particularly graceful, always seeming like a cobbling-together of spare parts.
Nevertheless the Coontz-Class ships have a certain grace about them.
Author : ModelsPlease
Based on the physical model by : John Payne (
Original Mesh and Textures : Moonraker
Kitbashed by : ModelsPlease
Special thanks to John Payne for the incredible model that was the inspiration for my work.,1d984d23be271f5a64ed6eb748b51b6b.rarEnjoy !!!!