Topic: Question for Firesoul abut the Caravan tug listing in your 4.0 ship list  (Read 1338 times)

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Offline Khalee1

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I have noticed in your 4.0 ship list for the Hydran Caravan tug you have it listed  three differant ways in the list for exsample H-Tfsl  H-UGfsl H-tgfsl, other than the fact one has no fighters, they are the same ship. Is there another reason for the multable listings?. 

And are the other races set up the same way? Im trying to finish the Hydrans so I havent realy looked at the other races yet. Just wondering is all.

Offline FireSoul

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Re: Question for Firesoul abut the Caravan tug listing in your 4.0 ship list
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2005, 11:21:57 pm »
I have noticed in your 4.0 ship list for the Hydran Caravan tug you have it listed  three differant ways in the list for exsample H-Tfsl  H-UGfsl H-tgfsl, other than the fact one has no fighters, they are the same ship. Is there another reason for the multable listings?. 

And are the other races set up the same way? Im trying to finish the Hydrans so I havent realy looked at the other races yet. Just wondering is all.

The pod's 4 HBs. They can be set to fire either Left, or Right. SFB rules say it can be either, but must be decided before the game. Therefore I made 2 ship entries.

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Offline Khalee1

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Re: Question for Firesoul abut the Caravan tug listing in your 4.0 ship list
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2005, 03:21:33 am »
I understand about the Helbore thing And I made the Right and Left versions of the tug myself, what I was wondering is why the Differant entries, as The H-Tfsl is the same ship as H-TGfsl and the H-TUGfsl. would it not have been better to have picked one way and stuck with it. Like maybe H-TUGfsl.

 H-TUGfsl and H-TUGfsr is the way I chose to lable my ships as when I looked at the enteries they all were the same exsept for how you labled them.  I hope this makes My question a bit clearer.