You want to see the F-BCE used? Bring it out in say... year 10 (4 years before the BCG)
Change the phaser arcs (especially that ph3 mount) and give it a launch rate of 2, but drop the shields to BCG/F/J level.
Leave the rest alone.
It was supposed to be an experimental test bed. Use it that way, as the test bed that leads to the Fed's BCH's.
It is a mixed blessing on power. Plenty of it, but that 1.25 MC....yeesh...
And with the limitations on capital ships, you won't see many of them on the board at a time anyways.
She still turns like a pig and somewhat equal on rear fire power (only 4 phasers1's and 2 photons) compared to the other Fed BC's (6 rear firing ph1's )
It will do better against mid era drones and the cheesiness of mid era and give the Feds a decent slot ship between the CC+ (which is long in the tooth at this point) & DNL (I am gonna assume they won't build any DN's or DN+'s). And it also gives the Feds a viable ship against the I-CCY that isn't a dread.
As for the NCM, did some one suggest giving it a 2/3 power curve?!?!?!?

Can you see a CLC with 38 power & FARA photon arcs?!?!

You're high, but I would LOVE it as a Fed!!!
I think a .83 MC like the CS and dropping the 2 center warp power points would be better for all concerned. Though it would look a lot like the CS then...