Topic: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thread.  (Read 16379 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
« Reply #60 on: September 26, 2005, 11:17:45 pm »
Finally, I think if the base or planet falls, all disengement penalties on the attackers would be nullified, at the very least the extended radius penalty should be dropped at such a time, even if the actual combat hex ban was kept.

What, like if a planet turns neutral, all hex penalties are erased?

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
« Reply #61 on: September 26, 2005, 11:25:27 pm »
Finally, I think if the base or planet falls, all disengement penalties on the attackers would be nullified, at the very least the extended radius penalty should be dropped at such a time, even if the actual combat hex ban was kept.

What, like if a planet turns neutral, all hex penalties are erased?

Hmm was thinking when it flipped, but when it turn neutral might be even better as it would allow for all available pilots to get back into the fray and fight it out.


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Chuut you seem to be coming at this from more of a roleplaying perspective. Is RP more important than gameplay and strategy in your mind?

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
« Reply #63 on: September 27, 2005, 12:26:05 am »
Chuut you seem to be coming at this from more of a roleplaying perspective. Is RP more important than gameplay and strategy in your mind?

Definately, without roleplay we might as well be driving automobiles and using handgrenades and uzis on a D2 where hexes represent city blocks and races gangs.  Roleplay is the single most important driving force of this game.

Offline SideSwipe9th

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to me the main reason i play either sfc3 or op is just to have fun. while it is kinda cool that mod makers will event a story to go along with the way they set up their server and ships, that takes second seat when the game starts. i feel happy that if at the end of the camp i have either been killed or was able to kill a human player in battle, otherwise we may as well just fly this on our own in the skirmish/conquest mode :thumbsup:

Offline CaptJosh

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Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
« Reply #65 on: September 27, 2005, 08:16:30 am »
I love role playing, as long as it's not some stupid rpg. I want freeform rp within a framework, and I can do that here. It's why I finally settled on a Kzin persona with the advent of Attack of the Kitties II, hence the current avatar instead of a pic of my goofy lookin' mug. It's fun.

There are only 10 kinds of people in the world;
those who understand binary and those who don't.


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And to be honest Karnak I don't think you (or any of our scripters) should have to invest more time
It's a Starbase /planet assault, easy enough to just beef up the targets with the right units.
start geting into serious numbers of PFs/Fighters/Bombers and you'll make the missions much harder
without any need to have the scripters do more work.

Don't get me wrong- I'd love for us to e able to slave drive you guys to get whatever we want, but since that
seems to be unworkable we might as well reduce the workload for anyone who can do this stuff so they can
concentrate on what's really needed.

16 PF's should be enough (I'd think) to mess up any solo DSers day, maybe add a couple of fighter squads from
those def platforms and you've got a ton of realistic attrition units that can dish out some firepower.

You are very nice to us scripters. ;D We really like you now.   :woot: 

If it helps at all:  I did put in  strategically placed DefSats as standard features in all EEK planet/base/shipyard missions so that the admins. can load up the DefSats weapons load-out at-will.


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to me the main reason i play either sfc3 or op is just to have fun. while it is kinda cool that mod makers will event a story to go along with the way they set up their server and ships, that takes second seat when the game starts. i feel happy that if at the end of the camp i have either been killed or was able to kill a human player in battle, otherwise we may as well just fly this on our own in the skirmish/conquest mode :thumbsup:

I like role-playing too. I think any player can master any race they want if they really concentrated on the task.  So, it make it much more satisfying to pick your favorite race and grow into the role.

It's very similar to my old Age of Sail RPG where player would pick a country in Napoleonic Era with Great Britain and France playing the super-power role.  Then you would become officer in one country's navy and start role-playing.  The one feature missing from D2 that we had in Age of Sail RPG was character death. Basically, if you refused to strike your flag in a losing cause and your ship sank on you then you died (ie. went down with the ship).  It's even more exciting with Man of War2 cuz your ship can catch fire, thereby dramatically increasing the chance of your ship blowing up. So, if you don't put the fire out or you roll the dice with a substantially damaged ship on fire and it blows up then you die.  Character death means you can never use your character to post on the forums or use the same character's handle in-game.  Sometimes, 2 players flaming each other out on the forums would challenge each other to a death duel.  I only saw one of those happen. It was like a Roman gladiator contest and the whole community watched the direct IP game.

In D2, you could say that if a player loses a PvP match and does not surrender their ship in PvP then since death is more instantaneous in OP, you could roll a random die. Give yourself a 50/50 chance of reaching the escape pod on time.

Offline Dfly

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You would be amazed at how many will say they actually made it to the escape pod ;)


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I can respect the PoV that peeps play the game for different reasons. The wargamer in me defines my own personal view that RP is secondary to strategy, and if a new feature seems less realistic in an RP way but adds a great deal to the stragtegic element of the game, I say yayes.

Offline [KBF]MuadDib

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You would be amazed at how many will say they actually made it to the escape pod ;)

heh there is a countdown to make it there when you initiate self-destruct...  8p

your enemy is already happy they crippled you...why give them the satisfaction of the final blow?
Life cannot find reasons to sustain it, cannot be a source of decent mutual regard, unless each of us resolves to breathe such qualities into it.

Offline Dizzy

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your enemy is already happy they crippled you...why give them the satisfaction of the final blow?

Exactly!@ I did that like 3x when Duck and myself were going at it in a rock marathon field stint, one fight after another. I nearly knocked his DN ass into a rock several times, but he kept crippling my CL's just before I could. He was pissed, cuz he wanted to trac my crippled ship into a rock, hehe. No sir!

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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I can respect the PoV that peeps play the game for different reasons. The wargamer in me defines my own personal view that RP is secondary to strategy, and if a new feature seems less realistic in an RP way but adds a great deal to the stragtegic element of the game, I say yayes.

I also have no problem with different PoVs of differebt players, why I alwyas felt that the various elements should go hand in hand with a justifyable roleplay rationale for any strategic element and vice versa.  As long as the two can go hand-in-hand it is the best of both worlds, it is when they can't that you start having problems and player disagreements.  Both are definately important and likely of nearly equal importance to the community as a whole though individual pilots will have their own personal scale as to the importance of each.

I would suspect that certain races tend to be more into the roleplay aspect and certain races less.  I know the Kzin pilots (notice the use of Kzin as opposed to Mirak) have a stong identity with the feline nature of the Kzin race, I think Lyran have some identity but not nearly as strong although some players do have a strong sense, just not the whole group of pilots collectively.  The Klingons and the Gorn both seem to have a strong roleplay identity as well.  The Romulans of the SPQR days did as well although I don't think the Rom pilots of today have as much of it.  The ISC pilots seem to have it as well, each one identifying with a particular ISC race, Karnak goes with the froggy race, Blade always did with the feline race, and Julin with the strange race that has 4 bodies with a shared mind.  The Federation have always been a mixed bag with a few heavily into the roleplay aspect and others not at all.  The Hydrans have always seemed to be the least roleplay oriented to me, likely due to being a very alien race and less easily to identify with on a roleplay basis.


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The Hydrans have always seemed to be the least roleplay oriented to me, likely due to being a very alien race and less easily to identify with on a roleplay basis.

I'm not sure, I always could identify with being a 3 legged dude who was into threesomes.  ;D

Offline Dizzy

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The Hydrans have always seemed to be the least roleplay oriented to me, likely due to being a very alien race and less easily to identify with on a roleplay basis.

I'm not sure, I always could identify with being a 3 legged dude who was into threesomes.  ;D

haha, i had such a hard time identifying with Hydrans... that when I wrote my roleplays, I was a Fed exchange captain with an oxygen bubble on my head. I mean, how can you talk methane? But I went to town on the 3x sided bridge, 3x main viewer screens, 3x sided doors, 3x toilet flush knobs... It was good story telling...

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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The Hydrans have always seemed to be the least roleplay oriented to me, likely due to being a very alien race and less easily to identify with on a roleplay basis.

I'm not sure, I always could identify with being a 3 legged dude who was into threesomes.  ;D

Let me guess You, Kroma and Hexx and one bourbon, one scotch and one beer  ;D


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The ISC pilots seem to have it as well, each one identifying with a particular ISC race, Karnak goes with the froggy race, Blade always did with the feline race, and Julin with the strange race that has 4 bodies with a shared mind. 

The Meskeen of the ISC are very similar to the bombastic and arrogant French of the Napoleonic Era.  Since I used to roleplay in the French navy of that time in an Age of Sail RPG it was an easy fit for me. Both the Meskeen and the French of Napoleon's time pretty much thought they were the best and considering Napoleon's track record before attacking Russia they had a lot to blow their horn about. Similarly, the "captain's race" of the ISC with the high-end ISC ships are gonna be really confident of their chances on the battle-field.  And, the Meskeen are the dominant race in the command positions of the ISC navy. Comparing a Meskeen captain to a non-Meskeen captain in the ISC Navy would be like comparing a Commander Cain in BSG (both old and new) to a laid-back commander like Adama (more so in the old BSG series).  You can clearly tell which commander is the bad-a$$ Patton-type. The ISC cultural superiority complex is pretty similar to the French cultural superiority complex of Napoleon's time.  In fact, 200 years ago, French was the standard language of diplomacy, not English. Only after the Victorian age and subsequent rise of the US during the 2 World Wars did  English become the de facto world language of business and diplomacy.

In addition, both the ISC and Napoleonic France, on paper, had the wherewithall to totally dominate their geo-political neighbors and were not shy about telling their neighbors who should be the rightful bosses of the universe.   But, saying one thing and actually doing is a far different matter. Anyway, we're still gonna be arrogant PIAs about it no matter what happens. :P
« Last Edit: September 28, 2005, 09:17:41 am by el-Karnak »

Offline FPF-DieHard

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None of this beats a Ciga-smoking Andorian who's into whicky and hookers :P
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline mdesarno

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Here's a new player question about the server rules on SG.  With regard to the rules about being banned from hexes after a defeat, or not being able to fly a class of ship after losing one, does the server keep track of all this and enforce it for me, or do I have to remember and play it as a house rule?  So, if I get blown up attacking a planet, and try to move back to one of the banned hexes, will the server refuse to allow the move, or am I to remember not to move there on my own?  Thanks,


Offline Corbomite

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Here's a new player question about the server rules on SG.  With regard to the rules about being banned from hexes after a defeat, or not being able to fly a class of ship after losing one, does the server keep track of all this and enforce it for me, or do I have to remember and play it as a house rule?  So, if I get blown up attacking a planet, and try to move back to one of the banned hexes, will the server refuse to allow the move, or am I to remember not to move there on my own?  Thanks,


Its all up to you on all counts. We pride ourselves on our honor not to break these rules. The server does not do any of it for us (unfortunately). Being drafted into a mission by a live player is the only way to be "caught in the act".