Wouldn't it be more effective to simply increase planet defenses to the point where
it's impossible (not hard: impossible) for one ship to take one down?
The problem isn't that you can avoid PVP and take a series of planets down, it's that one pilot
can take a series of planets down.
Taking a planet or major base is something that (imho) needs to have
- Overwhelming Odds (How many bases /planets are captured with 2 equal fleets fighting)
- Planning (getting a number of ships there)
- Luck (getting everyone drafted)
In the General War (as far as I can tell) it took fleets to knock out Starbases, and months to assemble those fleets
It took 3 fleets (for all intents and purposes) to fight the way to Remus. I know hex flippers have to be able to contribute
But it shouldn't be possible to take a planet or base by yourself.
We need new scripts.
to do that we need a scripter.
SB launches 4 boxes (armoured bays) , each bay has AMD/ PlasmaD , impossible move cost so it can't move.
if it can't move it can't be drawn off
Each also has the option of launch 4 of something be it PFs'/ other ships/ fighters
have 16 PF's flying aorund wil quickly add damage up on pretty much anything
with armoured "bays" (that could possibly cloak?) the idea of popping the mothership to kill the fighters
doesn't work. Putting AMD / PlasmaD on the bays would help add to the PD (No DF's or F5D's etc taking out a SB)
Of course you can put ships in the bays, but in my (one and only) test run I'm pretty sure one of the ships flew
back into a bay- don't know if it "repaired" or just stayed there . (I think the latter)
16 PF's (plus whatever AI the mission draws) is something it would be tough to get through.
Doable with only a fair amount of coordination amongst a few players, but tough for any one player, and I'd think just about impossible
with one.
Plus it has the benefit of easily adding more PF's if necessary.
Plus- SFB wise- having the rough equivalant of three PF squadrons isn't that much.
And for those really important bases, have the first bays each drop 2 bays, get 16 PF's and 16 squadrons of bombers going.
Fun times for people who like to DS SB's solo.