Topic: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thread.  (Read 16426 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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Slave Girls of Orion V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls


    “The Governor's transmission code has been cracked, captain. We will have intelligible audio only in just a moment.”

    “Track the telemetry. I want to know exactly where these two ends are. The moment you have one or the other or both, let me know immediately.” Captain Mike Jerard noticed his breathing getting faster. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself. This moment was a long time in coming and the sacrifice had so far been considerable. He could feel the excitement and the trepidation. He wondered if he was being too greedy going for two at the same time.

    “Aye captain, computing the telemetry transmission data now.”

    Captain Jerard punched a button on his armchair panel. “Captain to transporter room. Sergeant, prepare your marines for assault.”

    “Standing by for your orders captain,” came a quick reply from the marine commander.

    Mr. Sinclair, the comms officer, turned toward his captain and flipped a switch. “Backing it up to the start … 10 second delay, sir. Speakers on.”

    Crackly static popped through the speakers then gave way to a heated conversation between a man and the sultry seductive sounding voice of a woman.

    “… when they fall in line. So don’t take me for a fool, Governor Ankhbar. You know as well as I that you have NO ground to stand on here.” She laughed. “Well, at least you do at the moment.”

    "You are a fool, Jadis and crazy too. Your plan is insane and doomed to failure. You have another thing coming if you expect the cartels to fall in line behind this insidious idea. They won’t ever follow the likes of you and your kind and you still won’t be taken seriously, I mean, how could you? And then you will be hunted down by every cartel and bounty hunter in known space. Oh, the things they would do to you… Death would the kindest fate you could possibly beg for.”

    “Shut your mouth you worm! You try my patience! Do you think I don’t know what it is you are trying to do here? I will not debate this with you and give your soldiers time to board this ship. If you won’t give me the access codes to the warp drive, then you leave me with no alternative. We have come too far to be stopped by a lickspittle like you. Your indignant refusal to cooperate in any way is in stark contrast to your usual groveling demeanor. Even I am surprised. So this is what you think of us. It is people like you who drive us to ends like this. Last warning. Give me the access codes or…”

    “Captain, we have the 1st end, it’s on the planet near the terminator, southern continent. Appears to be a heavily reinforced underground blast bunker.”

    “That’s Ankhbar. Transmit those coordiantes to the transporter room.”

    “Transporter room, this is the captain. Coordinates for the 1st end are inbound. It’s a reinforced blast bunker. Locate and detain Ankhbar. You will beam out on my command, good luck and standby. Prepare the second team.”

    “Copy that, captain, coordinates received, standing by. Team Two preparing.”

      “…if you kill me, you won’t get the warp drive access codes and then what will you do? Where will you go? You’ll be stuck in this system in a poorly armed interplanetary freighter. Think about that. So perhaps we can work out some other arrangement for you? I am a reasonable man. Return my ship and surrender now and we can discuss this in my private chambers. Laughter…”

    “Mr. Sinclair, where is the second end,” the captain asked the comms officer?

    Mr. Sinclair responded, “Looks like Jadis’ ship is on the other side of the planet. There are at least two comsat hops between her and the Governors bunker. We need to get line of sight to pinpoint her.”

      “…and I’m not in the least surprised you haven’t sent a distress signal. I mean, why would you? Obviously you don’t believe me enough to take me seriously. And you couldn’t stomach the embarrassment of needing help to deal with a woman. Savor your refusal to give me the codes and transmit my list of demands to the cartels as your last hollow victory.”

      “No, my victory will be your capture and then I’ll auction you off to the highest bidder, but not before I have my fun with you! Laughter…”[/list]

      Turning to the helmsman the captain said, “Red Alert! Commence Operation Spring Chicken. Pop the can, Mr. Moto and let’s light the fire.” Whatever ship Jadis is in, she can’t go to warp, Jarard thought. That means there is no where for her to go and I can get Ankhbar first and Jadis next. What a plan.

      “Affirmative, sir. Popping the can.”

      High in orbit above Sindar IV, a small sparsely populated Korgath Cartel-controlled planet in the neutral zone between Klingon and Mirak space, the interplanetary freighter ‘Silver Falcon’ literally fell apart. Side, top, front and rear, the exterior of the craft blew outward with explosive bolts and compressed gas. A few moments later, once cleverly hidden in its place, a Prime Cartel commando frigate, the ‘PCF Panther’, began to power up.

        “Word will spread soon enough and then our demands will be fully known and respected. I’m sorry, Ankhbar, but there will be no other arrangements. Oh, and you are out of time.”[/list]

        “Captain, systems online. We have full power.”

        “Excellent, Mr. Moto. Transporter room, this is the captain. Beam down. Go, go, go! Second team prepare for boarding action.”

          “What are you going to do now, Jadis? Blow up my planet? Laughter…“ 

          “That is precisely what I’m going to do.”


          The captain hung on those last words for a moment and turning to the Comms officer, he asked, “We are on a 10 second transmission delay?”

          “Yes sir.”

          “Transporter room! Beam them back up NOW! Get them back!” The captain yelled. Just to be safe...

          “Captain, you don’t really think that she can bl…” The comms officer was cut off in mid sentence. At that very moment, the viewscreen filled the bridge with blinding white light. Several moments later, everyone was knocked to the deck by a sudden shockwave and the lights flickered.

          “Everyone ok?” The captain asked getting back to his feet. Looking around the room, he saw the bridge crew nodding and returning to their stations. “Status?”

          “Lucky we were in high orbit and had gone to red alert, captain, or this would be operation roasted chicken. The shields held. Some sensors and cameras are offline and we will need a new paint job that much is certain. The rest is superficial. I’m maneuvering us through the debris field now.”

          “Transporter room, do I want to know?”

          “Uhhh, no sir, you don’t. I’m sorry.”

          “Understood…” The captain spun around in his chair and slammed his fist down on the bridge rails, his face full of fury and anger. He just lost part of his best commando team and his bounty on Ankhbar. “Damnit, how could she have? No one can blow up a whole planet! Damn her all to hell.” He wasn’t going to lose his bounty on Jadis too. After all this, she'd sure be worth a fortune. Maybe even enough to hire a new crack commando team and get his ship fixed. He jumped over to the helm station and looked at the viewscreen. Searing white hot plasma and burning chunks of molten rock were all that was left of Sindar IV.  “Helm, bring us around the planet, er debris field and lay in an intercept course for Jadis’ ship. She will pay. Oh yes, she will pay.”

            On board the warp disabled freighter ‘Gillespie’, Jadis’ second in command spoke. “Jadis, a Prime Cartel commando frigate approaches. Shall we prepare to fire?”

            “The crew, scan them. Are they human males?”

            “Scanning… Affirmative.”

            “Then no. Let them come. Tell them we surrender. Lower the shields and let them board us. Once we are taken prisoner, we will then take the ship from them and use their warp drive to leave this system and set in motion the second part of our plan.”

            “Jadis,” her Second asked, “Taken prisoner, is this wise?”

            “Of course!” She said seductively while unzipping her corset to her belly button. “After all, no human male can resist us…”

          Offline Dizzy

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              XenoCorp's server, and forums.
              Bonk's Live Interactive Web Based Map, SQL DB, server settings and more.
              DieHard's Ship/ftrlist.
              TraceyG, Karnak, ED missions.


              3 Week server.
              Sped up early era, slower Mid and Late era.
              Fast economy and 2 turn shipyard cycles.
              Web Based shipyard purchasing where the ship you want is ALWAYS available.
              Web based battle reporting system complete with player stats, rankings, etc.
              1 ship unless all players from both sides agree to more for that PvP match only.
              One click do-it-all install/uninstaller.
              Multiple accounts ok.

            Links and Downloads:

              - Beta Downloads:
            - Beta Webmap:[/list]

            Map Notes:


                Hexes start off at 10 and may be raised to 20. Those around a Planet may be set at 30.

                Before the start of the server I'll adjust the map and finalize it as stated here:

              Terraforming: There are 3 hexes in enemy space that will represent terraforming laboratory facilities and yours will be made known to the enemy once your empire loses it's first planet. The capture at any time of 2 of the 3 hexes will constitute a 'raid' that your side has conducted in order to get the last known secret terraforming technology that was in the enemy's possesion to obtain what it needs to terraform a planet. Each side will have the same opportunity. RM's will PM me at that time on the details for where the planet may be placed. 

              Scorched Earth: Original enemy planets/bases (not your own) may be bombarded and destroyed if you own it and control all adjacent hexes and have a LoS to a friendly HW. Terraformed planets, however, may be bombarded and destroyed no matter who owned, captured or created it.[/list][/list]

              Da Penalty Box

                - If you lose one of the following ship types, you may not fly any of these again for 12 hours. This applies to all of a person’s multiple accounts. They are: Any CCX, CAX, BB, DN, CVA, BC/V's.

                - In addition, if you lose an
              X ship, you may not fly another for 12 hours.

              Maximum Capitol Ships on at the same time:
                - Max Capitol ships on at the same time: Early Era-ish (2263-2274):
              14 points, Mid and Late Era-ish (2275+): 16 points.
              - The following ships points count toward the total capitol ships on the server at once:

                BB:    11
                CVA:  8
                DN:    6
                BC/V: 4

              - No capitol ships are allowed to fly in a mission together. If they happen to by accident, their opponent is allowed to choose which capital ship must disengage, and thus the disengagement penalty is voided for the disengaging ship.

              Maximum X Ships on at the same time:

                - Each side gets
              3 X points in 2281 and 82. This is increased to 5 in 2283, 6 in 2284 and 7 in 2285+.  X points are in addition to captiol ship points.

              CCX = 6
              CAX/L-CCX= 3
              CLX = 2
              FFX and DDX =  Free

              - No X ships are allowed to fly in a mission together. If they happen to by accident, their opponent is allowed to choose which capital ship must disengage, and thus the disengagement penalty is voided for the disengaging ship.
              - CCX/CAX's are treated as Capitol ships for Fleeting purposes.

              PvP Kills:

                - Kills will be recorded via a simple web based battle report system located on a link at the Interactive Web Map.
                - To report a kill, go to the battle report page, find your battle report and click the Confirm box to confirm the kill.
                - Total PvP pts will be traded for map DV’s at the end of a VC period. PvP points may also be used to buy Starbases.
                - PvP kills are worth the following in DV points which the kills report page keeps track of for you:

                CCX 8
                CAX 4
                CLX 2
                FFX/DDX 1

                BB 11
                CVA 8
                DN 6
                BCV/'f' variant upgrade (Lyrans excluded) or BCS 4
                BC 3
                N/CA, NCL, HDW's are worth 1.
                Smaller class types with 8 ftrs or 3+ PF's are worth 1.
                The rest are exempt unless they are involved in a fleet action with a wing in which case they are worth 1.

              Squadron CnC

                Klingon F5Q:
                - This ship is a sQuadron ship that represents the massive deployments of F5's in use thoughout the Klingon Empire.
                - The F5Q is loaded with an F5B and F5SB and this loadout may not be changed. The F5B/SB may only be used on the F5Q.
                - The F5B/SB act as ships once launched from the F5Q and PlaD wont fire at them and you cant recall them to repair.
                - Players may not fleet together with other F5Q ships.
                - An F5Q ships is worth 1 DV.

                PF CnC

                  - Full Tenders with 3+ PF’s may carry no more than 1 Leader, and 1 Special PF, the others must be vanilla.
                  - Casual Tenders with only 2 PF’s may recover but not re-launch them because they have no repair capability per SFB and may not carry a leader or special PF.

                Fighter CnC

                  - F-14 ftrs can’t be used on ships except the CVS, BCV, CVA (2 squads max), DVL, and BB.
                  - F-15 ftrs can’t be used on ships except the CVS, F-BB.
                  - These fighters are model represented and distinguishable from regular Fed ftrs.

                  - H-St-S/T/Tm(Heavy) are the PF's for the Hydrans. These are only useable by Hydran ships designated with an 'h'.
                  - H-St-X are only allowed on X ships.

                  *Note* SFB Fighters with PlaD were converted to PhoF, "plasma mini-bolts", and a Ph3 360`.[/list] [/list]

                  Map VC’s

                    - A planet (or Permanent Base which will be referred to as planet from now on) must be controlled and have a LoS to an allied HW. You get one point for owning 2 enemy planets of disimilar races. 

                    - There will be 2x Map VC periods. One halfway thru the server and the other at the end.
                    - Total points are tallied and a Minor, Major or Decisive Victory will be awarded along with a bunch of naked horny Orion Slave chicks and all the nip or beer you can carry on your back.


                    I'm gonna leave it up to the RM's to decide if they want bounties. I suggest coming up with a system where each side presents a list of a few captains and the other side gets to choose which one(s) they want to be a bounty. That way no inexperienced captain gets screwed.
                    But you guys come up with how much DV they are worth and how often and all that. Totally up to u guys. Make sure you keep track of it all and I'll figure it in to the map DV's each week when they are reported to me. Better yet, you two organize a post and keep track of it there.


                    - Base Stations are indestructible and are Admin placed at the direction of the RM's. They will be periodically doled out through the course of the server.
                    - Bases may be placed anywhere with a LoS to a friendly base/planet as long as they are not adjacent to another base/planet.


                    - If you draft or are drafted into a PvP in a hex that has no Allied or Neutral hexes adjacent to it at the time of the draft, then you may not disengage and must fight to the death.

                  Disengagement/Destruction Rule

                    - If you are forced to Disengage in a PvP match, then you are banned from the hex you either took the mission in or were drafted in for 'x' number of turns. If your ship was destroyed then you are banned from that hex for 'y' number of turns. If this happens on a Planet then you follow the above and it also applies to all the adjacent hexes around that planet.

                  General Rules

                    - If you are in a PvP and die, stay there in the battle till the match is over.

                    - If a mission causes all players to drop, then all those players must attempt to log back on and retry the mission allowing the slowest connection to draft. If this player is known to cause drops or lags, this player must not be on the front lines drafting, being drafted and causing connection issues. It isnt fair to anyone else. They need to do missions elsewhere.

                    - If the server goes down and players are still in a mission, it still counts.

                    - During some missions, a player's name may not be indicated on their ship. If you suspect you are playing against a human, type a greeting in the chat.  All other human players are required to immediately respond with a text chat greeting.

                    - All other rules, same as past servers.

                  Wild Geese

                    - 3-5 volunteer players will be Wild Geese meaning that they will start off with the side of their choosing and every 3 days, if one side has 'x' number more total enemy hexes controlled than the other based on original starting borders, these players will switch sides. It is automatic and no one other than this rule affects their deployment.

                  Forfeiting Misions:
                    - You are
                  NEVER allowed to forfeit a mission under ANY circumstances on the map during a mission draft or a mandatory mission choice. This causes SERIOUS errors in the database and leads to CPU overload and eventual server burps.

                  - If you are drafted you MUST accept the mission. You are NOT ALLOWED to logoff or FORFEIT. EVER

                  - If you find that your navigator is incompetant and has wandered into an enemy hex and you recieve a mandatory mission, you may logoff and relog on as long as you do not do this repeatedly. You are NOT ALLOWED to FORFEIT a mission.

                  - Occasionally a player will become ghosted in a hex. There is nothing we can do about this and no action will be taken.

                  - DO NOT park your ship anywhere near the front lines and go AFK. You will cause forfeits this way. Park your ship away from the front in an empty hex. Better yet, just logoff the server till you come back as you may take up a player slot.

                  - Repeat violaters will be PERMANENTYL BANNED.
                  « Last Edit: September 30, 2005, 05:36:23 pm by Dizzy »

                  Offline Hexx

                  • Sexy Shoeless Lyran God Of War
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                  Preliminary question- as far as I know (and I could be wrong) isn't a CAX and CCX the same thing?
                  Lyrans don't have a CAX, the ship is designated off an upgrade to the CC -

                  Unless there's a new ship type being introduced..
                  Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                  Offline [KBF]MuadDib

                  • Lt. Junior Grade
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                  this NO forfeit thingy...

                  not even in a mission???

                  i mean if the mission wont end and/or after flying off the map???

                  please advise...
                  Life cannot find reasons to sustain it, cannot be a source of decent mutual regard, unless each of us resolves to breathe such qualities into it.

                  Offline FPF-DieHard

                  • DDO Junkie
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                  Preliminary question- as far as I know (and I could be wrong) isn't a CAX and CCX the same thing?
                  Lyrans don't have a CAX, the ship is designated off an upgrade to the CC -

                  Unless there's a new ship type being introduced..

                  The L-CCX is a CA X-Ship

                  the only "CCX" is the I-CCX.   All other 1 Move cost X-ships are consifrered CAX for the purpose of X-points.
                  Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

                  Offline FPF-DieHard

                  • DDO Junkie
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                  this NO forfeit thingy...

                  not even in a mission???

                  i mean if the mission wont end and/or after flying off the map???

                  please advise...

                  90% Certain Dizzy mean not on the map as it causes un-needed stress to the DB.
                  Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

                  Offline Dizzy

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                  this NO forfeit thingy...

                  not even in a mission???

                  i mean if the mission wont end and/or after flying off the map???

                  please advise...

                  - You are NEVER allowed to forfeit a mission under ANY circumstances on the map during a mission draft or a mandatory mission choice.

                  so that means while you are IN the mission, sure if you need to forfeit while IN a mission its ok. Please ask if u need more info on this its crucial to make sure the server lasts more than a few days...

                  Offline [KBF]MuadDib

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                  this NO forfeit thingy...

                  not even in a mission???

                  i mean if the mission wont end and/or after flying off the map???

                  please advise...

                  90% Certain Dizzy mean not on the map as it causes un-needed stress to the DB.

                  well he was very explicit so i had to ask...thanks and see his post now...

                  damn dizzie ur quick i cannot even get this one out...maybe i was to quick on telling you to stay gone next time...nice work here dizzie but i do have one more question...well questions within a question...

                  the new twist to the disengagment rules is harsh for those who do not like to fight to the death and keep their ship...but so i understand this rule...

                  youre saying that if i get killed or disengage in a planet/base hex
                  or in the hex next to a planet/base
                  i am not allowed to return to any hex surrounding the planet/base???
                  or in cases of hexes next to a planet/base
                   i am out of that hex and all around it???
                  or just the hexes around the planet/base???

                  Life cannot find reasons to sustain it, cannot be a source of decent mutual regard, unless each of us resolves to breathe such qualities into it.

                  Offline Corbomite

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                  "- General Shuttles and Ftr interaction: A Carrier captain(s) has the right to ask his opponent(s) at the start of the mission whether or not they consider using a GS on a Ftr a valid tactic. All opponents must respond with a yes or no."

                  Cool. So when asked I can type "yes or no" and do whatever the hell I want. Gotcha.

                  Offline Dizzy

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                    - If you are forced to Disengage in a PvP match, then you are banned from the hex you either took the mission in or were drafted in for 'x' number of turns. If your ship was destroyed then you are banned from that hex for 'y' number of turns. If this happens on a Planet then you follow the above and it also applies to all the adjacent hexes around that planet.

                  I rewrote that a bit, Dib. Hows it sound now?

                  Offline Hexx

                  • Sexy Shoeless Lyran God Of War
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                  Is it beer OR 'Nip or can it be a mix of both?

                  Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                  Offline [KBF]MuadDib

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                    - If you are forced to Disengage in a PvP match, then you are banned from the hex you either took the mission in or were drafted in for 'x' number of turns. If your ship was destroyed then you are banned from that hex for 'y' number of turns. If this happens on a Planet then you follow the above and it also applies to all the adjacent hexes around that planet.

                  I rewrote that a bit, Dib. Hows it sound now?

                  sounds good...nice way to get and keep a planet though...strategically nice...cept for those who disengage at all costs...causing them a longer time out of the area...
                  Life cannot find reasons to sustain it, cannot be a source of decent mutual regard, unless each of us resolves to breathe such qualities into it.

                  Offline Dizzy

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                  It will create an interesting dynamic, Dib, cuz most ships give up 1 DV point when they die... So do you run save ur ship and wait longer to come back or die and give up a DV to get back in the fray sooner?


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                  Need a sticky ho?

                  Offline GDA-Agave

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                  Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
                  « Reply #14 on: September 22, 2005, 10:22:39 pm »

                  - If you are forced to Disengage in a PvP match, then you are banned from the hex you either took the mission in or were drafted in for 'x' number of turns. If your ship was destroyed then you are banned from that hex for 'y' number of turns. If this happens on a Planet then you follow the above and it also applies to all the adjacent hexes around that planet.[/list]

                  So when are you going tell us what the 'x' and the 'y' number of turns are?   ::)

                  I'm also curious why you have added the additional penality for disengaging or being destroyed in PvP on a planet hex?   :police:

                  One of the few, the proud, THE GORN!!
                  Gorn Dragon Alliance - Protecting Ghdar and the Bruce Way!

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                  • Guest
                  So if I read this right, one X ship and one capital ship can wing together?

                  Offline [KBF]MuadDib

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                  It will create an interesting dynamic, Dib, cuz most ships give up 1 DV point when they die... So do you run save ur ship and wait longer to come back or die and give up a DV to get back in the fray sooner?

                  yes asides from this possibly making or breaking a planet/base if enough players are run out...

                  its a nice strategic nice to see how this will pan out...

                  with LB5 and no VC's on ships...more were still willing to disengage rather than lose their ship to be able to come back and fight sooner...  :(
                  Life cannot find reasons to sustain it, cannot be a source of decent mutual regard, unless each of us resolves to breathe such qualities into it.


                  • Guest
                  Just don't tell Dib whose idea it was.  :o

                  Offline shin

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                  sounds great to me, i mean i dont have a single problem with any of the rules except for the disengaging/getting killed on a planet hex......thatll really put a damper on the serious hex flippers (unless they take another route like i would lol). but other than that ive read and understood everything.

                  Offline Dizzy

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                  So if I read this right, one X ship and one capital ship can wing together?

                  Ha! I knew I forgot something... I'll fix.

                  EDIT: - CCX/CAX's are treated as Capitol ships for Fleeting purposes.

                  Offline CaptJosh

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                  Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
                  « Reply #20 on: September 23, 2005, 05:49:02 pm »
                  Capital ships. The Capitol is a building in Washington D.C.

                  There are only 10 kinds of people in the world;
                  those who understand binary and those who don't.

                  Offline Dizzy

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                  Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
                  « Reply #21 on: September 23, 2005, 06:19:03 pm »
                  Capital ships. The Capitol is a building in Washington D.C.

                  What>? Spelling Police? Where's the BAN button!


                    Usage Note:
                  The term for a town or city that serves as a seat of government is spelled capital. The term for the building in which a legislative assembly meets is spelled capitol.

                  So is a ship a city or a building?

                  It is a Middle English word.

                  Here's Capital


                    1. a.A town or city that is the official seat of government in a political entity, such as a state or nation.
                     b. A city that is the center of a specific activity or industry: the financial capital of the world.

                    2. a. Wealth in the form of money or property, used or accumulated in a business by a person, partnership, or corporation.
                     b. Material wealth used or available for use in the production of more wealth.
                     c. Human resources considered in terms of their contributions to an economy: “
                  [The] swift unveiling of his... plans provoked a flight of human capital” (George F. Will).
                  3. Accounting. The remaining assets of a business after all liabilities have been deducted; net worth.
                  4. Capital stock.
                  5. Capitalists considered as a group or class.
                  6. An asset or advantage: “profited from political capital accumulated by others” (Michael Mandelbaum).
                  7. A capital letter.

                  Perhaps I should put up a poll so we can vote on it...

                  Offline [KBF]MuadDib

                  • Lt. Junior Grade
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                  Just don't tell Dib whose idea it was.  :o

                  its hard to say as this is a harsh rule...could come from either side depending on the reasoning it was made a rule...
                  Life cannot find reasons to sustain it, cannot be a source of decent mutual regard, unless each of us resolves to breathe such qualities into it.

                  Offline KBFLordKrueg

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                  - General Shuttles and Ftr interaction: A Carrier captain(s) has the right to ask his opponent(s) at the start of the mission whether or not they consider using a GS on a Ftr a valid tactic. All opponents must respond with a yes or no. If the players cannot agree then it will be assumed the tactic will be valid for that match for all players involved. If a responding opponent that answers no to using a GS on a Ftr and does so anyway, then that player forfeits all claims of victory and his/her opponent is exempt from shiploss and the disengagement penalty for that match.

                  You've got to be're making this a RULE...?
                  Lord Krueg
                  KBF CO
                  We are the Dead


                  • Guest
                  Just leave it out Diz.

                  Offline Dizzy

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                  yeah. ok. because its u.

                  Offline Age

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                  Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
                  « Reply #26 on: September 24, 2005, 06:18:06 pm »
                     What is this the revolutionary Kittun Coalition joining up with Alliance?Chuut that jop opportunity is stiill a waits you.
                  « Last Edit: September 24, 2005, 06:36:58 pm by Age »

                  Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                  Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
                  « Reply #27 on: September 24, 2005, 10:56:50 pm »
                  Capital ships. The Capitol is a building in Washington D.C.

                  What>? Spelling Police? Where's the BAN button!

                  Capt. Josh's Spelling Police are irrelevent  ;)

                  Offline CaptJosh

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                  Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
                  « Reply #28 on: September 25, 2005, 10:47:15 am »

                  There are only 10 kinds of people in the world;
                  those who understand binary and those who don't.

                  Offline KBF MalaK

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                  Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
                  « Reply #29 on: September 25, 2005, 12:21:59 pm »

                  - If you are forced to Disengage in a PvP match, then you are banned from the hex you either took the mission in or were drafted in for 'x' number of turns. If your ship was destroyed then you are banned from that hex for 'y' number of turns. If this happens on a Planet then you follow the above and it also applies to all the adjacent hexes around that planet.[/list]

                  So when are you going tell us what the 'x' and the 'y' number of turns are?   ::)

                  OK, read and ACK.. I'm setting up now, Do I choose a side or does someone claim me ??

                  and BTW, has X, and Y been decided yet ?
                  "Artificial Intelligence is not a suitable substitute for natural stupidity"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

                  Offline Dizzy

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                  Pick any side you like.

                  xyandz havent been decided, time will be fluid. More later.

                  Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                  Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
                  « Reply #31 on: September 25, 2005, 05:24:33 pm »

                  Irregardless of whether he actually has a force of spellcheckers, they are not armed and not in the least bit dangerous  ;)

                  Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                  Just don't tell Dib whose idea it was.  :o

                  It was mine actually, wasn't it t00l  ;) 

                  But i thought it should only apply to attackers of a planet not defenders.  I think the defenders should only be banned from the hexx the mission actually occurred in, that way an outnumbered defender isn't simply driven out of the entire area due to one gangbang.

                  Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                  Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
                  « Reply #33 on: September 25, 2005, 05:34:46 pm »
                  Capital ships. The Capitol is a building in Washington D.C.

                  And the spell checker is located on the forums, so if we cared we could use it,  so can we call you Cat. Dunsel instead of Capt. Josh?


                  Offline Dizzy

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                  No name calling!

                  ::Dizzy on special orders from Dfly::

                  Offline Dfly

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                  Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                  No name calling!

                  ::Dizzy on special orders from Dfly::

                  Hey I asked for his permission  :P


                  • Guest
                  Just don't tell Dib whose idea it was.  :o

                  It was mine actually, wasn't it t00l  ;) 

                  But i thought it should only apply to attackers of a planet not defenders.  I think the defenders should only be banned from the hexx the mission actually occurred in, that way an outnumbered defender isn't simply driven out of the entire area due to one gangbang.

                  We'll see how it plays out. I think it should apply to ring hexes as well, since that's where most PvP occurs. The mission dynamics make taking a planet without surrounding it a dicey proposition so PvP on the planet itself is relatively rare. I think this rule as it is will make it even moreso.

                  It's worth a shot as is but I think this is something to consider for the future.

                  Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                  I see it as a defeat inside the one hex radius would allow for the planetary defenses to be mobilized against that particular threat, thus the larger ban from the area,  something the attacker couldn't do vs the defender.

                  Offline CaptJosh

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                  Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
                  « Reply #39 on: September 26, 2005, 04:54:32 am »
                  Chuut, even if you use the spell checker, it won't catch it when you use the wrong word for something.

                  There are only 10 kinds of people in the world;
                  those who understand binary and those who don't.

                  Offline GDA-Agave

                  • That's MR. Planet Battering Ram to you buddy!!
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                  I see it as a defeat inside the one hex radius would allow for the planetary defenses to be mobilized against that particular threat, thus the larger ban from the area,  something the attacker couldn't do vs the defender.

                  Chuut, as the rule stands not, whoever (defender or attacker) disengages from a planet hex PvP pays the ring hexes penalty.   If this rule was to only apply to the defender, it would make it extremely hard for any assaulting force to take a planet.    Not only would an assaulting pilot have to deal with the nasty evil dave planatary assault when drafting a live opponent, but would run the risk of being kicked out of the whole area.    Seems to me that the whole planatary assault situation would be too much on the side of the defender.

                  I still don't see why we even need this rule.   Is this to correct some complaints about planatary assaults in past servers?    Sure would be nice if someone would explain why this rule is even being considered.  (hint, hint, see my post on page 1)   ::)

                  Inquiring Bruce wants to know [damnit] !!
                  One of the few, the proud, THE GORN!!
                  Gorn Dragon Alliance - Protecting Ghdar and the Bruce Way!

                  Gorn Dragon Templar
                  "Protecting the roads to Brucedom for all travelers of faith"

                  Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                  Exactly, the defender would have an easier time, this would prevent allow for lower planetary DVs so that you wouldn't have to run 50 planet assaults to take a planet.  It would also give a side abetter chance to defend a planet if the other side had a large numbers advantage at any given point.  I don't see as much problem with this in open space as it is just that, open space.  However, to think a planet wouldn't always be defended to some degree seems silly and giving the defenders an advantage here would simulate this.

                  Would alos prevent one side from having two aces intheir best ships simply driving off everyone from the area with little effort and taking the planet too easily.  If they want to drive them off they should have to work a bit harder to do so.

                  Offline Dizzy

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                  The server may not offer a PA if there is a PvP option instead. It may offer a patrol. Needs to be tested.

                  Offline GDA-Agave

                  • That's MR. Planet Battering Ram to you buddy!!
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                  Ok, let me take you last post one point at a time.

                  Exactly, the defender would have an easier time, this would prevent allow for lower planetary DVs so that you wouldn't have to run 50 planet assaults to take a planet.

                  If planet hex DVs were a max of 5, and the adjacent hexes at 20-25, then I could see then why only attackers would suffer the additional adjacent hex penalty for disengaging on the planet hex.    The adjacent hexes would simulate the planets' outer defenses, and give the defenders time to try and repair the "breach".

                  IMHO, this type of rule would only work if the max DV were set as stated above.   If planet hexes are going to be kept at larger max DV than the surrounding hexes, then this rule would be ridiculous since the planet hex itself is simulating the full defense.

                  It would also give a side abetter chance to defend a planet if the other side had a large numbers advantage at any given point. 

                  Yes, it would allow the defenders a little more breathing room, but you know that ultimately the numbers advantage will pay off.

                  However, to think a planet wouldn't always be defended to some degree seems silly and giving the defenders an advantage here would simulate this.

                  Planets do always have defenses.   Granted, there might not always be live pilot defenders, but we are running planatary assaults to take these planet hexes aren't we.    Another good idea for low DV planet hexes would be to have mandatory ED missions. Ya know,the ones with the 2 bases, FRDs, and planet.   We do want those hexes to be tough to take, but just not have to run those missions 50 milliion, ba-jillion times.

                  ....having two aces in their best ships simply driving off everyone from the area with little effort and taking the planet too easily.  If they want to drive them off they should have to work a bit harder to do so.

                  Yes, if the additional disengagement penalty did only apply for attackers on the planet hex, it would be tougher for the 2 'attacking side' aces to run everyone out of the area since they would have to do it hex by hex.   I'm still not completely convinced that you are not tipping the scales too much in favor of the defenders.

                  A question for Dizzy.    What max DVs are you planning on using for the planet hexes, and what DVs for the adjacent hexes?

                  One of the few, the proud, THE GORN!!
                  Gorn Dragon Alliance - Protecting Ghdar and the Bruce Way!

                  Gorn Dragon Templar
                  "Protecting the roads to Brucedom for all travelers of faith"


                  • Guest
                  The original idea, for those inquiring minds who want to know, was something I came up with after AOTK2. My biggest beef with that server is that PvP was largely meaningless as the front was too broad for the disengagement rule to have any meaningful effect. It was far more efficient to avoid PvP and simply run missions against the AI, since there were plenty of hexes to work in and the penalty was so short.

                  This I especially noticed at 3am one morning, when I was the only Alliance player trying to defend our planet against 5 or 6 Kitties. I was easily able to avoid these guys and go into hex-flipping mode to undo what they were trying to do. A few of them even switched into their Lyran ships to try to drive me off, but the 1 or 2 times they did catch me were no big deal, since I simply hit another hex until my penalty time expired.

                  This situation largely struck me as senseless. There was no way even with a 6-1 advantage these Kats could use PvP to their advantage. Similarly, even if I caught one of their little DF's and drove him off a hex he could easily find another important hex to work on.

                  In short, there were too many important hexes and the disengagement penalty was not effective enough. PvP had almost no effect on the map on AOTK2.

                  My original idea to redress this was to make the disengagment penalty apply to a 1 hex radius. If you got driven out of a hex (no matter where it was), you were also out of the 6 surrounding hexes for the same amount of time.

                  I floated the idea to Chuut, who I figured would be the hardest sell. To my surprise he went along with it somewhat but thought it would be too hard to keep track of. HIS idea was to make it apply only near planets and bases. If you died or disengaged within one hex of a planet or base you were out of the 6 surrounding hexes as well (surrounding the hex you died in).

                  Dizzy liked this idea. I'm not sure why he took it 2 steps further, making it only planets and only if you were ON the planet. I don't think it's going to have much of an effect this way since PvP ON planets is relatively rare.

                  Offline Hexx

                  • Sexy Shoeless Lyran God Of War
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                  Wouldn't it be more effective to simply increase planet defenses to the point where
                  it's impossible (not hard: impossible) for one ship to take one down?

                  The problem isn't that you can avoid PVP and take a series of planets down, it's that one pilot
                  can take a series of planets down.
                  Taking a planet or major base is something that (imho) needs to have
                  - Overwhelming Odds (How many bases /planets are captured with 2 equal fleets fighting)
                  - Planning (getting a number of ships there)
                  - Luck (getting everyone drafted)

                  In the General War  (as far as I can tell) it took fleets to knock out Starbases, and months to assemble those fleets
                  It took 3 fleets (for all intents and purposes) to fight the way to Remus. I know hex flippers have to be able to contribute
                  But it shouldn't be possible to take a planet or base by yourself.
                  Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                  Offline GDA-Agave

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                  Thanks, Tool.   I appreciate the background info.

                  It's a very interesting idea of extending the disengagement penalty to 1 hex of the PvP site.   It certainly would make more of an impact in large mapped servers.

                  I would like to see how this planet-centralized version of that idea will work first before using it in all hexes.   You are right that planet hex PvP is more rare but it also does tend to be some of the more brutal, and usually has great effect upon a server.   Some of the most memorable battles of past servers have been centered around Starbases and planets as one side fought to gain a "real" foothold in their enemies space, or VC pts lead.

                  This whole idea of planet hexes with low max DVs is something Chuut and I have discussed a few times.   I think under the right circumstances and rules, it could work well and the days of beating yourself senseless against a 50 DV planet will be over.   It just doesn't make sense to complete 50 planatary assaults to capture ONE planet.   Maybe we could use the DV count of a planet to represent a system, where each complete planetary assault is capturing one planet of the system.  7 planets, 7 DV.   But to does this we will need to make those planetary assaults missions HARD.  Since the ED mission is the (generally accepted) worse mission we have right now it would certainly work.   Those missions are hell, especially when flown against live opponents.

                  It's certainly something to think about.
                  One of the few, the proud, THE GORN!!
                  Gorn Dragon Alliance - Protecting Ghdar and the Bruce Way!

                  Gorn Dragon Templar
                  "Protecting the roads to Brucedom for all travelers of faith"

                  Offline FPF-DieHard

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                  Wouldn't it be more effective to simply increase planet defenses to the point where
                  it's impossible (not hard: impossible) for one ship to take one down?

                  The problem isn't that you can avoid PVP and take a series of planets down, it's that one pilot
                  can take a series of planets down.
                  Taking a planet or major base is something that (imho) needs to have
                  - Overwhelming Odds (How many bases /planets are captured with 2 equal fleets fighting)
                  - Planning (getting a number of ships there)
                  - Luck (getting everyone drafted)

                  In the General War  (as far as I can tell) it took fleets to knock out Starbases, and months to assemble those fleets
                  It took 3 fleets (for all intents and purposes) to fight the way to Remus. I know hex flippers have to be able to contribute
                  But it shouldn't be possible to take a planet or base by yourself.

                  We need new scripts.

                  to do that we need a scripter.

                  Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

                  Offline Riskyllama

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                  Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
                  « Reply #48 on: September 26, 2005, 04:38:10 pm »


                  We need new scripts.

                  to do that we need a scripter.


                  or a scripter who is busy in R/L
                  Everything is sweetened by risk. ~Alexander Smith

                  Offline Hexx

                  • Sexy Shoeless Lyran God Of War
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                  Wouldn't it be more effective to simply increase planet defenses to the point where
                  it's impossible (not hard: impossible) for one ship to take one down?

                  The problem isn't that you can avoid PVP and take a series of planets down, it's that one pilot
                  can take a series of planets down.
                  Taking a planet or major base is something that (imho) needs to have
                  - Overwhelming Odds (How many bases /planets are captured with 2 equal fleets fighting)
                  - Planning (getting a number of ships there)
                  - Luck (getting everyone drafted)

                  In the General War  (as far as I can tell) it took fleets to knock out Starbases, and months to assemble those fleets
                  It took 3 fleets (for all intents and purposes) to fight the way to Remus. I know hex flippers have to be able to contribute
                  But it shouldn't be possible to take a planet or base by yourself.

                  We need new scripts.

                  to do that we need a scripter.

                  SB launches 4 boxes (armoured bays) , each bay has AMD/ PlasmaD , impossible move cost so it can't move.
                  if it can't move it can't be drawn off
                  Each also has the option of launch 4 of something be it PFs'/ other ships/ fighters

                  have 16 PF's flying aorund wil quickly add damage up on pretty much anything
                  with armoured "bays" (that could possibly cloak?) the idea of popping the mothership to kill the fighters
                  doesn't work. Putting AMD / PlasmaD on the bays would help add to the PD (No DF's or F5D's etc taking out a SB)

                  Of course you can put ships in the bays, but in my (one and only) test run I'm pretty sure one of the ships flew
                  back into a bay- don't know if it "repaired" or just stayed there . (I think the latter)
                  16 PF's (plus whatever AI the mission draws) is something it would be tough to get through.

                  Doable with only a fair amount of coordination amongst a few players, but tough for any one player, and I'd think just about impossible
                  with one.
                  Plus it has the benefit of easily adding more PF's if necessary.

                  Plus- SFB wise- having the rough equivalant of three PF squadrons isn't that much.

                  And for those really important bases, have the first bays each drop 2 bays, get 16 PF's and 16 squadrons of bombers going.

                  Fun times for people who like to DS SB's solo.
                  Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"


                  • Guest
                  Wouldn't it be more effective to simply increase planet defenses to the point where
                  it's impossible (not hard: impossible) for one ship to take one down?

                  It's kinda hard to win in EEK base/planet assault missions for one player.

                  The mission have been around for about a year or so. So, why aren't being used much?

                  Maybe, cuz the mission is kinda hard for one player to win?

                  You cannot have it both ways.  :-\


                  • Guest
                  Agave, that was basically my thought as well. The reason I mention the original idea now is to give peeps something to think about while playing. If the planet thing works well (which I hope it does) but doesn't really address the overall PvP issue maybe we can consider expanding it for the next server.

                  Offline FPF-DieHard

                  • DDO Junkie
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                  Wouldn't it be more effective to simply increase planet defenses to the point where
                  it's impossible (not hard: impossible) for one ship to take one down?

                  It's kinda hard to win in EEK base/planet assault missions for one player.

                  The mission have been around for about a year or so. So, why aren't being used much?

                  Maybe, cuz the mission is kinda hard for one player to win?

                  You cannot have it both ways.  :-\

                  They do not work with Destrucitble base, least not last time I tested.
                  Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .


                  • Guest
                  Wouldn't it be more effective to simply increase planet defenses to the point where
                  it's impossible (not hard: impossible) for one ship to take one down?

                  It's kinda hard to win in EEK base/planet assault missions for one player.

                  The mission have been around for about a year or so. So, why aren't being used much?

                  Maybe, cuz the mission is kinda hard for one player to win?

                  You cannot have it both ways.  :-\

                  They do not work with Destrucitble base, least not last time I tested.

                  That don't sound right. I'd have to see it.  Maybe, ask Bonk to play with it.


                  • Guest
                  In the General War  (as far as I can tell) it took fleets to knock out Starbases, and months to assemble those fleets
                  It took 3 fleets (for all intents and purposes) to fight the way to Remus. I know hex flippers have to be able to contribute
                  But it shouldn't be possible to take a planet or base by yourself.

                  The EEK Fleet and Squadron Action mission were designed for just this purpose.  The Fleet Action missions are centered around planets and Squadron Actions are centered around missions.  Any dyna that uses the full EEK mission pack will find the Planet hexes innudated with Planet Assaults, Shipyard Assaults and Fleet Action missions. The base hexes will be flooded with Base Assualts and Squadron Actions.  Only once in a while will a patrol missions come up. In this scenario it will be pretty tough for one hex flipper to pull down a planet/base hex. You can pretty much forget it if you are flying a smallish droner.  There are also Dockyard Raid missions to keep the pucker factor high.

                  The problem is that players are too used to having the difficulty of taking a planet to only involve taking a lot more missions than would be the case in an open space hex. So, I really don't see the point in making anymore co-op preferable missions around planets and bases.  EEK Mission pack is loaded with these kind of missions and invariably the preferred missions for dyna play are the easy 2v2 patrols.  In other words, I am not seeing much return on development time invested to make all these big missions.  They involve a lot more work than the simple patrol missions.

                  But, of course, it's the patrol missions that are most popular. :-\

                  Offline Hexx

                  • Sexy Shoeless Lyran God Of War
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                  And to be honest Karnak I don't think you (or any of our scripters) should have to invest more time
                  It's a Starbase /planet assault, easy enough to just beef up the targets with the right units.
                  start geting into serious numbers of PFs/Fighters/Bombers and you'll make the missions much harder
                  without any need to have the scripters do more work.

                  Don't get me wrong- I'd love for us to e able to slave drive you guys to get whatever we want, but since that
                  seems to be unworkable we might as well reduce the workload for anyone who can do this stuff so they can
                  concentrate on what's really needed.

                  16 PF's should be enough (I'd think) to mess up any solo DSers day, maybe add a couple of fighter squads from
                  those def platforms and you've got a ton of realistic attrition units that can dish out some firepower.
                  Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                  Offline Dfly

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                  Just a comment on the ruling for the being forced off a hex, not allowed on it or the 6 surrounding it thingy.  I suggest this:

                  "If you die or are forced off a hex beside or on a planet as an attacker, you are not allowed back to the planet or the hexxes surrounding that planet for X or Y amount of turns(time)."

                  Instead of the one where it is from the hex you die or disengage from.

                  Reason being(on current ruling), if I die say in the hex south of a planet, then I can still hit the hex northeast, north, or northwest of the planet with no penalty.

                  With new idea, all area around the planet is forbidden for a limited amount of time.

                  This is to help the defender a bit especially when outnumbered.

                  Comments please.


                  • Guest
                  I thought of that too Dfly. You're saying if you die in the ring or planet you are banned from the ring and the planet. That certainly has simplicity as a virtue.

                  I think however keeping it as a 1 hex radius from the hex you die (or disengage) in adds a lot more strategy. If I am on one side of the planet and I am killed, at least I can go around the other side and do something, provided we have a 2 hex approach. The geometry of it kind of encourages a 2 hex approach without actually requiring it. It will also tend to funnel PvP into certain strategic hexes which cover an optimal area.

                  Maybe harder to keep track of, but adding strategy is always a good thing in my mind.

                  Offline Sakrot

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                  Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
                  « Reply #58 on: September 26, 2005, 10:33:06 pm »
                  When this dyna will starts? :huh:

                  I'm so proud of my lame sig! :-D Dyna ~ dunno ~ a Fed/ISC pilot

                  Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                  Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
                  « Reply #59 on: September 26, 2005, 11:09:17 pm »
                  I thought of that too Dfly. You're saying if you die in the ring or planet you are banned from the ring and the planet. That certainly has simplicity as a virtue.

                  I think however keeping it as a 1 hex radius from the hex you die (or disengage) in adds a lot more strategy. If I am on one side of the planet and I am killed, at least I can go around the other side and do something, provided we have a 2 hex approach. The geometry of it kind of encourages a 2 hex approach without actually requiring it. It will also tend to funnel PvP into certain strategic hexes which cover an optimal area.

                  Maybe harder to keep track of, but adding strategy is always a good thing in my mind.

                  I like Dfly's idea as that was my origional propossal when talking with 762 after AOTK.  The reason that the ban would involve the planet and the ringing hexes instead of the hexes ringing the actual combat hex would be that the planetary defense forces would be alerted but not leaving the defense radius of the planet in pursuit.  They would need to stay in their defensive positions and would track the ship, but they wouldn't want to be drawn out of position.

                  On the gameplay aspect, it is a much simlier system.

                  As for a radius being applied in open space I think that is silly.  There aren't so many listening posts, defenses, etc to justify it.  The exact hex might be something that could be watched more closely in open space, but no race at war could spare the reasources to extend the vigilance to 6 additional hexes.

                  Also applying the extended disengement box to defenders is illogical as they don't have to contend with the base or the planetary defenses watching their actions, for those ships it would be the same as empty space since their foe has no intelligence network based at the planet or base.

                  Finally, I think if the base or planet falls, all disengement penalties on the attackers would be nullified, at the very least the extended radius penalty should be dropped at such a time, even if the actual combat hex ban was kept.

                  Offline Dizzy

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                  Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
                  « Reply #60 on: September 26, 2005, 11:17:45 pm »
                  Finally, I think if the base or planet falls, all disengement penalties on the attackers would be nullified, at the very least the extended radius penalty should be dropped at such a time, even if the actual combat hex ban was kept.

                  What, like if a planet turns neutral, all hex penalties are erased?

                  Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                  Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
                  « Reply #61 on: September 26, 2005, 11:25:27 pm »
                  Finally, I think if the base or planet falls, all disengement penalties on the attackers would be nullified, at the very least the extended radius penalty should be dropped at such a time, even if the actual combat hex ban was kept.

                  What, like if a planet turns neutral, all hex penalties are erased?

                  Hmm was thinking when it flipped, but when it turn neutral might be even better as it would allow for all available pilots to get back into the fray and fight it out.


                  • Guest
                  Chuut you seem to be coming at this from more of a roleplaying perspective. Is RP more important than gameplay and strategy in your mind?

                  Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                  Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
                  « Reply #63 on: September 27, 2005, 12:26:05 am »
                  Chuut you seem to be coming at this from more of a roleplaying perspective. Is RP more important than gameplay and strategy in your mind?

                  Definately, without roleplay we might as well be driving automobiles and using handgrenades and uzis on a D2 where hexes represent city blocks and races gangs.  Roleplay is the single most important driving force of this game.

                  Offline SideSwipe9th

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                  to me the main reason i play either sfc3 or op is just to have fun. while it is kinda cool that mod makers will event a story to go along with the way they set up their server and ships, that takes second seat when the game starts. i feel happy that if at the end of the camp i have either been killed or was able to kill a human player in battle, otherwise we may as well just fly this on our own in the skirmish/conquest mode :thumbsup:

                  Offline CaptJosh

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                  Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls! Description and Rules thr
                  « Reply #65 on: September 27, 2005, 08:16:30 am »
                  I love role playing, as long as it's not some stupid rpg. I want freeform rp within a framework, and I can do that here. It's why I finally settled on a Kzin persona with the advent of Attack of the Kitties II, hence the current avatar instead of a pic of my goofy lookin' mug. It's fun.

                  There are only 10 kinds of people in the world;
                  those who understand binary and those who don't.


                  • Guest
                  And to be honest Karnak I don't think you (or any of our scripters) should have to invest more time
                  It's a Starbase /planet assault, easy enough to just beef up the targets with the right units.
                  start geting into serious numbers of PFs/Fighters/Bombers and you'll make the missions much harder
                  without any need to have the scripters do more work.

                  Don't get me wrong- I'd love for us to e able to slave drive you guys to get whatever we want, but since that
                  seems to be unworkable we might as well reduce the workload for anyone who can do this stuff so they can
                  concentrate on what's really needed.

                  16 PF's should be enough (I'd think) to mess up any solo DSers day, maybe add a couple of fighter squads from
                  those def platforms and you've got a ton of realistic attrition units that can dish out some firepower.

                  You are very nice to us scripters. ;D We really like you now.   :woot: 

                  If it helps at all:  I did put in  strategically placed DefSats as standard features in all EEK planet/base/shipyard missions so that the admins. can load up the DefSats weapons load-out at-will.


                  • Guest
                  to me the main reason i play either sfc3 or op is just to have fun. while it is kinda cool that mod makers will event a story to go along with the way they set up their server and ships, that takes second seat when the game starts. i feel happy that if at the end of the camp i have either been killed or was able to kill a human player in battle, otherwise we may as well just fly this on our own in the skirmish/conquest mode :thumbsup:

                  I like role-playing too. I think any player can master any race they want if they really concentrated on the task.  So, it make it much more satisfying to pick your favorite race and grow into the role.

                  It's very similar to my old Age of Sail RPG where player would pick a country in Napoleonic Era with Great Britain and France playing the super-power role.  Then you would become officer in one country's navy and start role-playing.  The one feature missing from D2 that we had in Age of Sail RPG was character death. Basically, if you refused to strike your flag in a losing cause and your ship sank on you then you died (ie. went down with the ship).  It's even more exciting with Man of War2 cuz your ship can catch fire, thereby dramatically increasing the chance of your ship blowing up. So, if you don't put the fire out or you roll the dice with a substantially damaged ship on fire and it blows up then you die.  Character death means you can never use your character to post on the forums or use the same character's handle in-game.  Sometimes, 2 players flaming each other out on the forums would challenge each other to a death duel.  I only saw one of those happen. It was like a Roman gladiator contest and the whole community watched the direct IP game.

                  In D2, you could say that if a player loses a PvP match and does not surrender their ship in PvP then since death is more instantaneous in OP, you could roll a random die. Give yourself a 50/50 chance of reaching the escape pod on time.

                  Offline Dfly

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                  You would be amazed at how many will say they actually made it to the escape pod ;)


                  • Guest
                  I can respect the PoV that peeps play the game for different reasons. The wargamer in me defines my own personal view that RP is secondary to strategy, and if a new feature seems less realistic in an RP way but adds a great deal to the stragtegic element of the game, I say yayes.

                  Offline [KBF]MuadDib

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                  You would be amazed at how many will say they actually made it to the escape pod ;)

                  heh there is a countdown to make it there when you initiate self-destruct...  8p

                  your enemy is already happy they crippled you...why give them the satisfaction of the final blow?
                  Life cannot find reasons to sustain it, cannot be a source of decent mutual regard, unless each of us resolves to breathe such qualities into it.

                  Offline Dizzy

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                  your enemy is already happy they crippled you...why give them the satisfaction of the final blow?

                  Exactly!@ I did that like 3x when Duck and myself were going at it in a rock marathon field stint, one fight after another. I nearly knocked his DN ass into a rock several times, but he kept crippling my CL's just before I could. He was pissed, cuz he wanted to trac my crippled ship into a rock, hehe. No sir!

                  Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                  I can respect the PoV that peeps play the game for different reasons. The wargamer in me defines my own personal view that RP is secondary to strategy, and if a new feature seems less realistic in an RP way but adds a great deal to the stragtegic element of the game, I say yayes.

                  I also have no problem with different PoVs of differebt players, why I alwyas felt that the various elements should go hand in hand with a justifyable roleplay rationale for any strategic element and vice versa.  As long as the two can go hand-in-hand it is the best of both worlds, it is when they can't that you start having problems and player disagreements.  Both are definately important and likely of nearly equal importance to the community as a whole though individual pilots will have their own personal scale as to the importance of each.

                  I would suspect that certain races tend to be more into the roleplay aspect and certain races less.  I know the Kzin pilots (notice the use of Kzin as opposed to Mirak) have a stong identity with the feline nature of the Kzin race, I think Lyran have some identity but not nearly as strong although some players do have a strong sense, just not the whole group of pilots collectively.  The Klingons and the Gorn both seem to have a strong roleplay identity as well.  The Romulans of the SPQR days did as well although I don't think the Rom pilots of today have as much of it.  The ISC pilots seem to have it as well, each one identifying with a particular ISC race, Karnak goes with the froggy race, Blade always did with the feline race, and Julin with the strange race that has 4 bodies with a shared mind.  The Federation have always been a mixed bag with a few heavily into the roleplay aspect and others not at all.  The Hydrans have always seemed to be the least roleplay oriented to me, likely due to being a very alien race and less easily to identify with on a roleplay basis.


                  • Guest
                  The Hydrans have always seemed to be the least roleplay oriented to me, likely due to being a very alien race and less easily to identify with on a roleplay basis.

                  I'm not sure, I always could identify with being a 3 legged dude who was into threesomes.  ;D

                  Offline Dizzy

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                  The Hydrans have always seemed to be the least roleplay oriented to me, likely due to being a very alien race and less easily to identify with on a roleplay basis.

                  I'm not sure, I always could identify with being a 3 legged dude who was into threesomes.  ;D

                  haha, i had such a hard time identifying with Hydrans... that when I wrote my roleplays, I was a Fed exchange captain with an oxygen bubble on my head. I mean, how can you talk methane? But I went to town on the 3x sided bridge, 3x main viewer screens, 3x sided doors, 3x toilet flush knobs... It was good story telling...

                  Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                  The Hydrans have always seemed to be the least roleplay oriented to me, likely due to being a very alien race and less easily to identify with on a roleplay basis.

                  I'm not sure, I always could identify with being a 3 legged dude who was into threesomes.  ;D

                  Let me guess You, Kroma and Hexx and one bourbon, one scotch and one beer  ;D


                  • Guest
                  The ISC pilots seem to have it as well, each one identifying with a particular ISC race, Karnak goes with the froggy race, Blade always did with the feline race, and Julin with the strange race that has 4 bodies with a shared mind. 

                  The Meskeen of the ISC are very similar to the bombastic and arrogant French of the Napoleonic Era.  Since I used to roleplay in the French navy of that time in an Age of Sail RPG it was an easy fit for me. Both the Meskeen and the French of Napoleon's time pretty much thought they were the best and considering Napoleon's track record before attacking Russia they had a lot to blow their horn about. Similarly, the "captain's race" of the ISC with the high-end ISC ships are gonna be really confident of their chances on the battle-field.  And, the Meskeen are the dominant race in the command positions of the ISC navy. Comparing a Meskeen captain to a non-Meskeen captain in the ISC Navy would be like comparing a Commander Cain in BSG (both old and new) to a laid-back commander like Adama (more so in the old BSG series).  You can clearly tell which commander is the bad-a$$ Patton-type. The ISC cultural superiority complex is pretty similar to the French cultural superiority complex of Napoleon's time.  In fact, 200 years ago, French was the standard language of diplomacy, not English. Only after the Victorian age and subsequent rise of the US during the 2 World Wars did  English become the de facto world language of business and diplomacy.

                  In addition, both the ISC and Napoleonic France, on paper, had the wherewithall to totally dominate their geo-political neighbors and were not shy about telling their neighbors who should be the rightful bosses of the universe.   But, saying one thing and actually doing is a far different matter. Anyway, we're still gonna be arrogant PIAs about it no matter what happens. :P
                  « Last Edit: September 28, 2005, 09:17:41 am by el-Karnak »

                  Offline FPF-DieHard

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                  None of this beats a Ciga-smoking Andorian who's into whicky and hookers :P
                  Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

                  Offline mdesarno

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                  Here's a new player question about the server rules on SG.  With regard to the rules about being banned from hexes after a defeat, or not being able to fly a class of ship after losing one, does the server keep track of all this and enforce it for me, or do I have to remember and play it as a house rule?  So, if I get blown up attacking a planet, and try to move back to one of the banned hexes, will the server refuse to allow the move, or am I to remember not to move there on my own?  Thanks,


                  Offline Corbomite

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                  Here's a new player question about the server rules on SG.  With regard to the rules about being banned from hexes after a defeat, or not being able to fly a class of ship after losing one, does the server keep track of all this and enforce it for me, or do I have to remember and play it as a house rule?  So, if I get blown up attacking a planet, and try to move back to one of the banned hexes, will the server refuse to allow the move, or am I to remember not to move there on my own?  Thanks,


                  Its all up to you on all counts. We pride ourselves on our honor not to break these rules. The server does not do any of it for us (unfortunately). Being drafted into a mission by a live player is the only way to be "caught in the act".


                  • Guest
                  Here's a new player question about the server rules on SG.  With regard to the rules about being banned from hexes after a defeat, or not being able to fly a class of ship after losing one, does the server keep track of all this and enforce it for me, or do I have to remember and play it as a house rule?  So, if I get blown up attacking a planet, and try to move back to one of the banned hexes, will the server refuse to allow the move, or am I to remember not to move there on my own?  Thanks,


                  First off, welcome. :)

                  To answer your questions, the server kit is not able at present to enforce the rules you mentioned. So you pretty much have to remember it yourself and abide by the honor system. The easiest way to do this is to write down what hex you got drafted in and what turn you came out of combat. Ditto with capital ships; keep track of when you lost one, so you know when you can get another.


                  • Guest
                  None of this beats a Ciga-smoking Andorian who's into whicky and hookers :P

                  Yeah, that's a good point, but, whether it be a Napoleonic man-of-war or a ISC Battle-cruiser,  a Frog captain's bridge is never complete w/o the complimentary Cylon models on board. ;D

                  Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                  None of this beats a Ciga-smoking Andorian who's into whicky and hookers :P

                  Yeah Die Hard, but you are trumped by the tutu wearing lizard  :P

                  Offline FPF-DieHard

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                  None of this beats a Ciga-smoking Andorian who's into whicky and hookers :P

                  Yeah Die Hard, but you are trumped by the tutu wearing lizard  :P

                  I yeild to the supremacy of the tutu . . .
                  Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

                  Offline GDA-Agave

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                  None of this beats a Ciga-smoking Andorian who's into whicky and hookers :P

                  Yeah Die Hard, but you are trumped by the tutu wearing lizard  :P

                  I yeild to the supremacy of the tutu . . .

                  So do most building support structures.................... ;D
                  One of the few, the proud, THE GORN!!
                  Gorn Dragon Alliance - Protecting Ghdar and the Bruce Way!

                  Gorn Dragon Templar
                  "Protecting the roads to Brucedom for all travelers of faith"

                  Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                  And you wonder whay Gorn ships are built so sturdy  ;)