As the topic says a couple of new bashes I've been working on recently, first is the Girgenti class, it's a lighter version of the Lexington more science oriented, so it actually has more internal volume:

As you can see (if the pictures show up) it's got the basic layout of the NX-01, I'm not too keen on the layout myself but I tried it with the Akira layout and it looked pretty awful whereas this kinda works. Ship name is the U.S.S. Casteltermini or at least it is now, these pics were from before the name and regs had been applied, plus I've made some minor changes to the nacelle textures - the glowy bit is on the side and the dark bit is on top, also I've added those little glowy domes above the impulse engines. Casteltermini is the town my Sicilian ancestors come from BTW.
Next is the Basilios Bulgaroktonos, this is an Ambassador styled Lexington, basically a conjectural early refit of the Lexington that makes it look like an Ambassador, replaced the pylons, the impulse engines, and the bridge module with those of the Ambassador WZ did (the Vanquish) and used large amounts of textures from the Vanquish, which I recoloured to look like an original build Ambassador would have done (the Vanquish's dark grey paintjob is for the Dominion War era). Other than that some minor alterations to all textures as is usual and the name and regs - answers on a postcard (means post it here) if you know the correct origin of the name I chose, the registry has nothing to do with the name BTW, just random numbers:

Finally for tonight I've just finished the first stage in a multi-part kitbash I'm doing. Inspired by ModelsPlease's kitbashes that link the Enterprise (Constitution-Refit) class to the Lexington class, I decided to have a go myself:

Though I'm not using the U.S.S. Lexington herself which I consider to be a brand new ship of the mid 2290s and I consider it rather futile to try and change completely from the Enterprise to the Lexington as they don't share a single panel save the bridge modules which are interchangeable anyway.
Rather I chose a ship from the SFM listing of 50 Constitutions - the U.S.S. Argus NCC-1738 (again answers on a postcard if you know the origin of the name) and have begun grafting bits of the Lexington onto the Enterprise class hull. First I ditched the Enterprise bridge module and rested the bridge itself directly on the saucer top (which I flattened quite a bit to avoid overlapping polygons) then I massively widened the impulse engines and finally grafted the pylons of the Lexington in place of those of the Enterprise.
It looks a little disproportionate at the moment with the huge pylons but once I add the massive nacelles it'll fall into place. My inspiration for the way the bash will end up is actually based on the fanon notion that the U.S.S. Republic and the U.S.S. Constellation were actually members of an earlier slightly smaller yet visually very similar class that were modified to become 'Constitution' class ships by Kirk's time. So the final product of my work will retain some Connie features - mainly the shape of the secondary hull, but be very similar and have several components of the Lexington.
Comments/suggestions/constructive criticism all welcome.