Topic: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?  (Read 3897 times)

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Offline Chris Johnson

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Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« on: September 21, 2005, 12:30:34 pm »
I've recently finished cleaning out my HD and I have more than enough space to install all my SFC games twice over if needed.  I might consider installing SFC1, but I'm pretty sure not much is out there for SFC1 anymore, and that the older the mods are the rarer they are, from simple stock model reskins to resizes of Starbase models (that dwarfs the old ones) to Newships packs (I think I have these) to old sound packs by Reign1701a that I liked very much.

So, I pose the following question: Does anyone have any of these mods?  Or does anyone know a good place where I can find these (or other) SFC1 mods?  It's just that I'm in a nostalgic mood, that's all.  Any help would be really appreciated.

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Re: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2005, 02:55:09 pm »
Those sound mods are at DRS, and the Newships packs were at SFU at one point. I don't know about any others besides the fact all of my own ships are SFC1 compatible.
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Re: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2005, 03:15:43 pm »

They have a TMP enterprise availalble. I just went through some of the fed ships there. You might find more.
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Offline E_Look

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Re: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2005, 09:08:43 pm »
I've got some stuff stored on a CDROM; what might you be looking for, Chris?

(I still play SFC1, 'cuz I skunked my shiplists for EAW and OP and don't have time anymore to fix that!)

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Re: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2005, 10:09:37 pm »
The great  Eras of War ships got uploaded to Battleclinic  (so they are safe  :woot:) .  so you can get those, they work nicely in SFC 1, I use several of them in the fresh install I have and here at dynaverse I think I found some scripts in the dl library for sfc 1, and Nightsoft has the ship edit that works for the sfc 1 as well.
And then there are also the great ships WZ does that are compatible . . dam that D7 looks great!

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Re: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2005, 11:27:18 pm »
There's a few SFC 1 mods at Battleclinic that I've seen, ya just have to search for them. Some of the ones at Cleeves Staryards have SFC1 versions, Atheorhaven has a few, Mackie has a few. And I think Fleetdock 13 has some. Oh yeah and Moonrakers site. Starfleet Universe site has tons of SFC1 scripts and the patches. Vulcan yards has SFC1 ships.

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Re: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2005, 06:56:22 pm »
The great  Eras of War ships got uploaded to Battleclinic  (so they are safe  :woot:) .  so you can get those, they work nicely in SFC 1, I use several of them in the fresh install I have and here at dynaverse I think I found some scripts in the dl library for sfc 1, and Nightsoft has the ship edit that works for the sfc 1 as well.
And then there are also the great ships WZ does that are compatible . . dam that D7 looks great!

the eras of war have ben upload by me :), i save them before the web site was close, i have the patch for scf1 and the SFC1_X_Ship_Update and the SFC1TOS, i don't know if the mod are good but you can try it.

also you can check some good tos ship at fleetdock13, there still have sfc1 mod available.

Offline Khalee1

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Re: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2005, 07:17:58 pm »
All of my ships im doing now will be sfc 1 compatable. All youll have to do is just add them to your game. :D

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Re: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2005, 08:25:58 pm »
Anything that I need to make SFC 1 compatible I can do in under 2 minutes per mesh now.. so making SFC 1 meshes from the existing ones isn't too much of an issue with me.  :)

So anything that I have, or have worked on, I can probably get you or anyone that wants it a SFC 1 compatible mesh.  ;)

Btw, I regularly playtest my stuff in the SFC 1 Demo to test the ship ingame, so at one point.. everything I work on is SFC 1 compatible meshes.  :D
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

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been too lazy to update it!  Check Battleclinic!

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Re: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2005, 12:21:30 am »
i quess that makes everything i done alec compatible, aka sfc1 :D
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Re: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2005, 10:05:01 am »
I have and like SFC1. I wish we could convert the SCF1 campaign to OP. I'd love to fight the mirror universe and Doomsday devices again!

Offline E_Look

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Re: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2005, 02:56:11 pm »
Too bad there's no way to import skirmish scripts to and from SFC1 and EAW/OP.   :(

Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2005, 01:58:37 am »
Well, thank you all for pointing me in some directions.  I'll definately have a look at 'em later, I'm going to sleep pretty soon after I finish this post.

As I think about it, it seems likely in mind that some of the mods I had in mind might--unfortunately--no longer exists.  Models that I tried out around 2000, back when I was a slightly-different person with a slightly-different taste.  I tried all sorts of mods, from simple reskins of the F-CA stock model (that improved the look) to waaay oversized Starbases (with no hardpoints and break models) to some of Reign1701a's earlier sound and graphics mods (not exactly the ones you pointed to WZ, but thanks) where most were voices rather than LCARS noises (before SFC2 came out with voice sounds) and even had one particular TNG-esque firing sound (unique to TNG, no other series had it).
If I remember to check other websites I remember, I'd be pretty sure that there's a good chance that stuff from the War Refit Spacedock for SFC1 and 2 are still there, and that some other earlier mods--like those from Newships (which I have all ten or eleven packs of)--might exist after all.  I kind of missed those mods, mods such as those early models of TNG ships (like a "Galaxy-class deluxe" model or an early EARLY Sovereign-class model or what not, from the SFB to SFC website).

Again, just thoughts of the past SFC days, back when modeler's talents back then paled in comparison to their talents today.  I feel like I'm having a mid-life crisis too early in age...  Anyhow, I'd like to thank everyone that pointed me to a direction.  I might get a couple of lucky and not-so-lucky hits for what I wanted, but I'd at least have SFC1 mods.

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Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2006, 12:15:57 am »
I'm bumping this old 2005 thread and bringing it to 2006, just to ask again, basically what I asked in previous posts; Any good SFC1 models out there people have that Battleclinic or other too-common websites have?  Any rare ones that used to be on the old Starfleet Command Universe website Pre-SFC2 or the SFB to SFC website?  Anything?

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Offline Antivyrus

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Re: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2006, 01:39:44 pm »
My yamoto is at battleclinic and is set and ready for SFC1 matter of fack I'm using it now myself

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Re: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2006, 04:16:36 pm »
I think Chris Jones has a couple of mods for sfc1 also. well one on this sight anyways

Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2006, 06:05:45 pm »
Incidentally, I've gotten the SFC1 mod linked there by the time you posted it, Kurok.

I've got WZ's models (most of 'em anyhow, missing one or two), Newships's Ship Packs (I forgot where), SFC Ship Refit Spacedock's ships (except the older versions which you might glimpse here, like this FCC model).

There's models that're likely gone for good, it may seem.  Such as some or most of the ship models at SFB to SFC or other models like what you could have found at Starfleet Universe, and even other subtle models, from slight reworkings of stock models to up-scaled Starbases (one of the favorite mods of mine back in my early SFC days since I liked seeing huge Starbases, even though there weren't any hardpoints on the models)...

Although I'm generally looking for SFC1 models new and old, I'm especially wondering how much of the early stuff in the SFC1 days  (1999-2000) are still around.  If anyone who has old SFC1 stuff I'm mentioning that I fear may not exist anymore, I'd still appreciate it if you can post it up or send it to me or what not. 

In any case, for those who've helped me, thank you.

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Offline E_Look

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Re: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2006, 08:18:26 pm »
Well, Mr. Johnson, I have a CD-ROM with some old... and I mean old... models, all released before SFC2:EAW was released.  But think back; today's models, and there some SFC1 versions among them, especially those beautiful models by Wicked Zombie, might make you not want to use many of those old ones!

Incidentally, I've gotten the SFC1 mod linked there by the time you posted it, Kurok.

I've got WZ's models (most of 'em anyhow, missing one or two), Newships's Ship Packs (I forgot where), SFC Ship Refit Spacedock's ships (except the older versions which you might glimpse here, like this FCC model).

There's models that're likely gone for good, it may seem.  Such as some or most of the ship models at SFB to SFC or other models like what you could have found at Starfleet Universe, and even other subtle models, from slight reworkings of stock models to up-scaled Starbases (one of the favorite mods of mine back in my early SFC days since I liked seeing huge Starbases, even though there weren't any hardpoints on the models)...

Although I'm generally looking for SFC1 models new and old, I'm especially wondering how much of the early stuff in the SFC1 days  (1999-2000) are still around.  If anyone who has old SFC1 stuff I'm mentioning that I fear may not exist anymore, I'd still appreciate it if you can post it up or send it to me or what not. 

In any case, for those who've helped me, thank you.

Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: Does anyone remember SFC1, let alone have old mods for it?
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2006, 08:20:46 pm »
Well, not really.  I mean, I like the newer models, I don't mind playing with them and I do enjoy them, but nostalgia keeps kicking me in the rear end and I'm desperate to find old materal for such satisfaction.

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