Topic: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23  (Read 12153 times)

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #40 on: September 27, 2005, 09:46:27 pm »
Sex and Sci-Fi is not something that has to go hand in hand.
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But it's right up there on the tee....  Plain as day...
No! Be strong!

Dangit. Still thinking about sex now... Going to ask the wife......
Frack... I figured....
Flames man... flames all around me......
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #41 on: September 27, 2005, 09:58:23 pm »
Which have it at 3.8 and 3.2 for it's premiere for the New BSG.  Still FAAAAR below what the original BSG was rated on it's premiere...BUT enough to perhaps put it in the top 50 of the cable shows.

Who cares?  It makes enough money to stay in production, and it has top-notch storytelling.   Loosen up and live a little.

Turn it on.  It won't bite, you know.  ;)


I take it you didn't read what I wrote in it's entirety, or you'd know I've tried.  

Of course I read it.  But I'm not sure that watching with the remote in your lap while you flip through channels really counts as "trying".  ;)

It's a matter of opinion, but I think trying to relegate it to "a tiny minority of hard core fans while the rest of the Western world finds it sooooo boring" is selling it a little short.  But we don't have to agree.

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #42 on: September 27, 2005, 10:29:32 pm »
"Look at John Carpenters the Thing. No sex, but a solid good Movie. Now don't get me wrong,I don't mind sex at all, Shoot, I have a HD full of the stuff, I just think It should be tempered at times"

 Yes . But people where dieing horrible deaths through out the whole movie.

 Is this really better than people having sex? People have sex. People like to have sex. Its part of who we are, and what we are.

 To deny it if favor of gratuitous violence. Is not what I would consider a healthy attitude.
 Horrible death & murder OK. Sex evil? :skeptic:

 ( And I just going to say this now, before somebody gets all carried away with them selves, I'm not in favor of all sex, more sex or porn quality sex.)

 You can't portray the human condition accurately with out it.

I don't think anyone is saying it's evil, but good lord.  Did you count the number of times people were jumping all over eachother in the miniseries?  What did it add to the story, plot, and character development?  Couldn't what little development it added have been just as effective if they had broken to a more important scene leaving you knowing what was going on, rather than going into it?  Violence is find, sex is fine, but if you look as what the sci-fi network does with it's movies you realize that they want to pack as much sex into it as possible (I think sci-fi is actually secondary to sex, for a lot of the execs, personally).  Like I said, I dont' mind sex, but does it have to be crammed into every little nook and cranny that it can possibly be?  I had heard stories about the sci-fi channel folks before, and then after the Earthsea commentary on the DVD I know it's true that it's their main concern when producing a film, it seems.  So, here's the checklist:

Violence - OK
Sex - OK
Everything else under the sun (I watch a lot of foreign and indie films, so I've seen a lot ;)) - OK

Just moderate it so you can get on with the story, and if it doesn't fit or help the story along don't cram it in in the hopes that the teenage boys will get all tingly and give you better ratings, please. ;)

and as a ps, I can almost guarantee you that years from now, as I said earlier, folks will look back at even the new BSG and say "OMG, what's with that acting, and the effects, story.... it's so cheesy and lame"  Some of it is good, I love Olmos and was happy when I heard he was going to play Adama, but I personally feel more of it is just awful.

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #43 on: September 28, 2005, 08:38:51 am »
Saw this article today...  It is pretty biased towards Galactica, so you may want to take it with a grain of salt.

Galactica’s Science Fiction Renaissance
Season 2 further evolves the groundbreaking series
September 28th 2005 12:38am | Posted by: Robert Falconer HNR Senior Editor

When a story unfolds over months, then years, the daily reports have a tendency to blur, especially when that story is a war. That’s the reality of today’s media. Perhaps it always has been.

Most nights, television shows you the latest battles; the block-by-block victories; the grief and the terrible images of carnage—eighteen children killed in a suicide bombing as they waited for candy and toys from American troops; the pain of those left behind.

Whether it’s war, natural disaster…or even the rape of a prisoner, it seems to be human proclivity that at some point we eventually grow complacent as the responsibilities of our daily lives once again overshadow the outside world.

But in the world of television drama, particularly where art imitates life, there exists the unique opportunity to freeze an issue…a moment…a widely held belief, and examine sides we might never have otherwise considered, all under the guise of an hour’s worth of “fictional entertainment.” And if it’s done right, you feel thoughtful without feeling bludgeoned.

You’ve probably heard it repeated ad nauseam, and it’s true: no genre is better equipped for oblique social commentary than science fiction. Tackling the thorny issues of policy and politics, war and religious extremism, life and death, it is – at its best – a way to view the microcosm of our society by journeying into the cosmos of our imaginations.

It’s like the old axiom about not seeing the forest for the trees: get back far enough, and you can more clearly see the big picture…all sides of it. Outer space is about as far back as you can get.

The original Star Trek did this in the late 1960s with its subtle and sometimes not so subtle observations on racism, the Vietnam War and other controversial topics. Yet while the series patted itself on the back for championing equality, it also too-often paraded females around in miniskirts and go-go boots.

Fortunately, many things have changed. Extraordinary as it may seem, a re-imagined series from the 1970s is turning the spotlight on the difficult issues of our 21st century, but doing so in a way that simultaneously blends in naturalistic situations and flawed, multidimensional characters. As with the best science fiction series of yesteryear, the thorny issues remain, but now they are rendered with a biting, sometimes even caustic reality devoid of operatic fantasy and decorative epaulets.

 Make no mistake; this isn’t your father’s Battlestar Galactica. But it just may be the Galactica that your father will appreciate, now that he’s a little more seasoned. At the end of 40-something minutes you’ll not be greeted with a simple, turgid, “everything’s right with the world” ending. Not here.
This is science fiction for those who have lived a while and understand that the world isn’t a sugarcoated utopia, nor is it ever likely to be. Events have far-reaching consequences and human beings make mistakes…lots of mistakes.

And while fans of the old show cry bollocks and feign righteous indignation, lamenting that the new Battlestar Galactica has traded bell-bottoms for body bags, they miss the point entirely.

This isn’t lukewarm farina for the narcotized masses. Season one of the new Galactica demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that war is a truly horrendous proposition and brought the ongoing consequences into our living rooms week after week, raw and unfiltered, as the ragtag fleet fought to survive against not only the Cylons, but their own weaknesses and frailties in the shadow of Armageddon. Moreover, as the human-designed Cylons returned to wreak havoc on their creators, the series’ mythology established in unequivocal terms that we humans are too often responsible for our own destiny.

By the same token, you don’t have to sleep on a bed of nails, gargle 30-weight or pour bourbon on your cornflakes in the morning to appreciate the series. As producer David Weddle told HNR Genre Editor, Michael Hinman earlier this year, “It is not hard to write light moments in the show. One of the episodes we wrote this season is actually a very upbeat show. We don't go out of our way to make the show dark. We try to keep the show as real as we can, to proceed from the set of circumstances that our characters find themselves in and allow events to unfold much as they would in our world.”

“This often means that for every good thing that happens, there is also something painful or traumatic,” Weddle adds. “Don't you find that to be true in your life? For every achievement, there is a setback, for every gain there is also a loss. This is not dark or pessimistic, it's life. We all struggle to come to terms with that, some of us more successfully than others—just like the characters of Battlestar.”

So there is more here than merely doom and gloom. Courage, bravery – and most importantly, hope – intermix in this broth, and though season two does dip further into the well of human proclivity, it also, reassuringly, shows the tender, heroic and spiritual side of our natures, too.

Call it a balanced, unvarnished view of the human condition in the 21st century.

       That said, season two opened with a bang. Leaving no quarter, no respite for the audience, episode 201, “Scattered” flung us into a world of physical and aural violence as Colonel Tigh reluctantly took command of the fleet, after the Boomer Cylon shot Adama in the chest at the end of the previous season.

The situation enabled the producers to explore the origins of Tigh’s weakness for women and drink, along with his early relationship with William Adama.

Like dominos, Adama’s recovery and Tigh’s command also set up a chain reaction of events that reverberated throughout the season, and enabled the producers to explore some weighty issues: military vs. civilian power; the accidental killing of innocents; and the necessity of trusting potential enemies in the service of the greater good.

Yet that was just the warm-up.

From there, Ron Moore, David Eick and the rest of the writing staff were diving headlong into the subject of abortion; the effects of delayed stress; the role and significance of the media; and, in a watershed moment for the series, the issue of prisoner rape in the pursuit of “intelligence,” a storyline still being hotly debated on Internet message boards at the time of this writing.

       Difficult questions. Uncomfortable answers. Battlestar Galactica has elevated the anxiety of world events above most of its competitors, shows like 24, The Wire, and the presently defunct Star Trek franchise. It is the most unyieldingly post-9/11 series on television, having eschewed humanist soliloquies, putty-headed aliens and planet-of-the-week stories in favor of a context that anyone familiar with current events can grasp.

Altogether, presented as fiction, it makes for compelling television. Here, daily reports don’t blur together, wars aren’t presented as statistics on a ticker, and those who are left behind must endure the greatest pain of all: survival.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #44 on: September 29, 2005, 06:52:21 am »
Well since I don't have TV. (I refuse to pay $100 to install the cable and another $80 a month for the service) I just got the New Battle Star Galactica Season one on DVD....which included the Mini series  Where in the FRACK have I been  This show ROCKS!!!!!

I guess what I like about it, is the Drama aspect of the show.... and not to forget. The lovely looking lady's ;D

[img width=600 height=150]

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #45 on: September 29, 2005, 07:31:50 am »
*makes note to buy that*
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #46 on: September 29, 2005, 06:29:51 pm »
Psst.... Netflix got it.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #47 on: October 03, 2005, 03:01:07 pm »
Here are the BSG ratings so far for the second season:

"Scattered" - 2.6
"Valley of Darkness" - 2.0
"Fragged" - 2.0
"Resistance" - 1.9
"The Farm" - 2.0
"Home, Part 1" - 2.1
"Home, Part 2" - 2.1
"Final Cut" - 2.0
"Flight of the Phoenix" - 1.9
"Pegasus" - 2.0

Now, before anyone starts to poo-poo the ratings, the most important number to note is how the show placed when it comes to its network's ratings.  BSG scored #1 overall for the first part of sci-fi's season.  That means of all shows on the sci-fi channel, Battlestar Galactica came in at #1.  So long as it continues to draw in more numbers than other shows, it will remain in production and it will be a 'hit'. 

Now, if NBC picks it up next season as is being rumored, and it continues to only pull in 1.9 to 2.6 numbers, it won't last.  If it jumps up to 10-17, it'll last for a few years (17 being the highest share any show got last week on broadcast - on cable the highest show of any was at 6.5).

Sci-fi doesn't have that big a corner on the market.  They make decent money if a show pulls in 1.8 to 2.5 on a regular basis, they are very happy.  Not to mention that these were summer broadcast shows on a Friday night.  Traditionally the sci-fi numbers pick up better during the advent of the winter season in January. 
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #48 on: October 03, 2005, 03:03:07 pm »
So I suppose the verdict for those who are BSG fans of the current show should hope it stays on Sci-Fi instead of going to NBC (as it's at the top of the ratings for Sci-Fi so might stay around longer?)
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #49 on: October 03, 2005, 03:14:23 pm »
Not really, the big networks still have a big pull in and of themselves.  With a good timeslot, and decent advertising, BSG could pull in those big rankings and end up MORE survivable. 

Then again, Sci-Fi posted their BEST 3rd Quarter ratings in this past cycle, and BSG gets a good part of the credit for that.  As long as it's leading the Sci-Fi channel into better ratings, it will continue to be around. 

Most of the argument here on ratings centered on overall, but what the advertisers REALLY want to know are key demos, especially 18-49 males and viewers 25-54.  In those key demographics, Sci-Fi (and specifically BSG) had higher ratings than shows on WB and UPN in those time-slots. 

Those are the numbers that count because those are the numbers that advertisers use to pump dollars into the network for show advertising.   
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #50 on: October 03, 2005, 04:23:21 pm »
So I suppose the verdict for those who are BSG fans of the current show should hope it stays on Sci-Fi instead of going to NBC (as it's at the top of the ratings for Sci-Fi so might stay around longer?)

Well, actually I would prefer that BSG survive on Sci-Fi rather than sruvive on NBC.  This is for selfish reasons.

Much as I hate the Sci-Fi split-season philosophy, they do one thing that I like very much and that is that they repeat their prime-time lineup as soon as it concludes.  This makes life much easier for me as Friday nights can be quite hectic at my house.  On Sci-Fi I don't have to worry about being home to view or tape anything since I know all the shows will repeat (and thankfully, the kiddies will be asleep when they do repeat.)

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #51 on: October 04, 2005, 10:48:55 am »
With a good timeslot, and decent advertising

When was the last time a sci-fi show got any of that?  I think it will be less likely to get any of that given that it's an already existing entity.  They will likely shove it into a time slot that needs a little boosting, thinking that "Hey all of it's fans will follow it wherever we put it".  Then they'll preempt it, change the time slot, change the slot, change the slot, and then finally cancel it.

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #52 on: October 04, 2005, 03:14:28 pm »
If BSG goes to NBC, I'd be more concerned with the show being "watered down" to avoid offending sponsors.

I watch BECAUSE it has an edge, not because the effects are kewl....

Space battles & effects only prove a show has a big budget.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #53 on: October 04, 2005, 09:34:58 pm »
I watch BECAUSE it has an edge, not because the effects are kewl....

Couldn't agree more.... when was the last time you saw a ship's XO vent 100 men into space b/c if he didn't, the fire would consume & kill even more people?

Certainly isn't a Star Trek series, they would have saved everyone as the USS Lollipop continued beating anything it encountered thru technobabble....
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #54 on: October 04, 2005, 09:38:48 pm »
I watch BECAUSE it has an edge, not because the effects are kewl....

Couldn't agree more.... when was the last time you saw a ship's XO vent 100 men into space b/c if he didn't, the fire would consume & kill even more people?

Certainly isn't a Star Trek series, they would have saved everyone as the USS Lollipop continued beating anything it encountered thru technobabble....

You know, with all the casualties they keep taking, they really ought to think about updating that 57,000 survivors number they give at the start of every episode.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #55 on: October 04, 2005, 11:30:28 pm »
I watch BECAUSE it has an edge, not because the effects are kewl....

Couldn't agree more.... when was the last time you saw a ship's XO vent 100 men into space b/c if he didn't, the fire would consume & kill even more people?

Certainly isn't a Star Trek series, they would have saved everyone as the USS Lollipop continued beating anything it encountered thru technobabble....

You know, with all the casualties they keep taking, they really ought to think about updating that 57,000 survivors number they give at the start of every episode.


UM, THEY DO.  It's updated every episode in the second season.  Take a close look, count the number of dead you see and you'll find the number goes down AT LEAST by that much for the next episode (usually a few more since some die off-screen).  Also, you'll see in the Pegasus episode, that number went up by almost two thousand (the crew of the Pegasus numbers about that).
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #56 on: October 05, 2005, 06:47:45 am »
Yep, jumped from 47,853 in episode 9 to 49,605 in episode 10.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #57 on: October 05, 2005, 09:33:08 am »
UM, THEY DO.  It's updated every episode in the second season.  Take a close look, count the number of dead you see and you'll find the number goes down AT LEAST by that much for the next episode (usually a few more since some die off-screen). 


Top notch!  I hadn't noticed, but now that I know I'll watch more carefully.

On another note, last season you were posting how many vipers and raptors the fleet had.  They seem to have lost a lot of both this season, and at the end of last season when they engaged the base ship.  Is there a storyline explanation for how they replace these  (some manufacturing freightor in the fleet?) or is the Galactica having to limp along with less and less as the days go by?  I'm guessing the mining ships we hear about are letting them rplace the munitions they keep having to use.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #58 on: October 05, 2005, 02:54:30 pm »
They engaged and destroyed a basestar with no losses. (they used a raptor piloted by Boomer, Racetrack, and a human/cylon transponder to get in & drop a nuke in the middle of it)

The CAG roster (on scifi's BSG page) hasn't been updated since episode 110. (35 vipers, 23 down for repair & 21 pilots) But the episode 209 showed well over 30 vipers engaged in the cylon turkey shoot. (and the begining of that episode shows a viper being tagged as 'unserviceable')

No idea if this is a SNAFU or if they will explain it.  I know one class of trainees was graduated as it was covered by an episode.

The appearance of the Peggy will obviously increase that number....

Never did know the number of Raptors aboard, but we know 2 were destroyed in Kobol's Last Gleaming.  So they had at least 3 at one point.
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A nocens dies in loricatus est melior quam a bonus dies procul opus.

A bad peace is even worse than war."  --  Tacitus

"We thought we could resolve the system's problems by rationing services or injecting massive amounts of new money into it" -Claude Castonguay

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Re: Battlestar Galactica Recording Alert for 9/23
« Reply #59 on: October 05, 2005, 03:02:17 pm »
They engaged and destroyed a basestar with no losses. (they used a raptor piloted by Boomer, Racetrack, and a human/cylon transponder to get in & drop a nuke in the middle of it)

My error.  I said basestar and I meant base.  I was thinking of the episode where Adama has Starbuck work up an attack strategy.  Several of her decoy vipers get chewed up, including the background character of Chuckles.  I'll have to watch it again, but it seemed like there were a lot of vipers that got killed there.

Then Starbuck lost her viper with the trainees when she got shot down on the dusty planet.

Maybe it's just perception and they haven't lost as many as I think, but it seems like they should be down several.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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