I see Ron D. Moore got tired of completely obliterating every trace of the main cast of the original Galactica, now he's out to totally destroy Lloyd Bridges' Commander Cain, too. Makes me even more angry that Firefly got cancelled.
Dude the Old series was candy a$$ed, and corny as heck. Whats wrong with the new one?
These guys are supposed to be fighting for their lives every minute, not taking a Sunday drive.
Its a war of Genocide, not a minor conflict.
The Old series never portrayed that at all . It was allways launch the Vipers, kill the bad guys, and Adama & Starbuc saves the day again.
Then it was back to drinking,space disco, gambling, and lame love stories. 
Remember what I say next is ALL opinion. I can see why the original BSG got top ratings whilst the new one might be at the top of SCi Fi channel's ratings, but at the bottom of the heap compared to the big three.
Simply put, the old one may have been corny, but it at least somehow kept my interest. Now having seen the old series, and even having it on DVD, I enjoy it.
The new one, I've tried sitting through episodes, but just like Enterprise (actually Enterprise was more entertaining and interesting to me edit: and season four actually DID keep my interest) it fails to catch my interest. I've tried, but for me, it's boring as heck! It's probable that the general population of the Western World feels the same. Unless you are a hard core sci fi fan (which I suppose I am not edit: Though I have read more sci fi than many, and have a better understanding of science than many sci fi fans!) it's probably not something that will catch your interest.
The original had much more mass appeal. Of course many things which have mass appeal most sci fi geeks will consider corny or cheesy. Doesn't mean the old one is better than the new one or the new one is better than the old one, just a matter of how appealing it is.
Last week had a nice episode, but I was so bored still (at least I kept switching back to it instead of giving up completely after 15 minutes and watching something MUCH more interesting, like Hope and Faith or some other Friday night show which has more mass appeal) that I saw Adama send over the marine strike force along with fighters and say he wanted his men back, but then switched the channel and have no idea what happened after that...and truthfully, it doesn't bother me that much.
That's the difference between the two shows for me. One is waaaaaaay boring and I keep giving it chances because people here say it's good for who knows why, whilst the other one can actually keep my interest.
Maybe it's just I'm part of the masses and young enough to be part of what some people call the attention deficit generation or something. Of course the old one has terrible special effects and isn't really as action packed so I'm not certain what the charm is of it for the youth/masses like me, but if it's the cheese of it, well I'd choose cheese over boring episodes anyday.