Topic: Final Fantasy XI updates...  (Read 1183 times)

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Offline KBF-Angel Slayer

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Final Fantasy XI updates...
« on: September 21, 2005, 02:41:11 pm »
Well, my Brother in Law bought FF XI.  He is worse on computers than I am, believe it or not.  Anyway, when I went to do his updates, to get the game to run, on download 610, it runs rapidly, then, at 99%, it just stops, and the remaining time just keeps climbing. 
   I've re-installed it twice.  I've heard it could be his MTU speed, but he has a Compaq, and I can find no way to alter that.  Any ideas?

NPR is a lot like NASCAR.  Two hundred miles an hour in a circle, and you end up right back where you started with nothing but lost time for the effort.

Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Final Fantasy XI updates...
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2005, 04:55:53 pm »
Call Sony.

Hope their tech support has gotten better.
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

There is no "I" in team. There are two "I"s in Vin Diesel. screw you, team.