Topic: Windows Vista to use on Flash memory.  (Read 1236 times)

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Windows Vista to use on Flash memory.
« on: September 20, 2005, 02:50:07 pm »
According to the article Vista will dump most used dll files on to a connected flash drive to speed up the boot process.  You can read about it here:

I have a couple of questions:  First who wants their USB ports filled up just so Vista can boot faster?  Second since flash drives can ware out, who wants the added expense of buying a flash drive just so Windows can boot faster?  What happens when the flash drive starts to fail, will Vista be able to adjust or will Vista become unusable until the problem is diagnosed by the user or computer technician?

Now if this is a part of Vista's user optional login feature I think I could be all for it since it would hold all of that users personal settings and passwords.  But if this is just for a faster boot time then I think that Microsoft should look at other ways to improve performance.  It's not like the requirements aren't high enough for Vista as it is.

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Re: Windows Vista to use on Flash memory.
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2005, 07:07:41 pm »
There are also adapters that allow standard Compact Flash cards to be hooked to your existing ata IDE controller and be seen as a standard drive.

I came across the fact of their existance several months ago in a Linux magazine.  Part of a build your "ultimate system" article.  They used a card of this general type to store the core of a Linux system allowing quicker boot up.  The idea is only to put files that will not be written except during an update. 
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