Topic: Space Elevator gets lift!  (Read 1290 times)

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Space Elevator gets lift!
« on: September 12, 2005, 03:45:55 pm »
September 12

Space Elevator Gets FAA Lift


The LiftPort Group, the space elevator companies, announced September 9 that it has received a waiver from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to use airspace to conduct preliminary tests of its high altitude robotic “lifters.” 


The lifters are early prototypes of the technology that the company is developing for use in its commercial space elevator to ferry cargo back and forth into space. 


The tests, which are planned for early fall, will simulate a working space elevator by launching a model elevator “ribbon” attached to moored balloon initially up to a mile high.  The robotic lifters will then be tested in their ability to climb up and down the free-hanging ribbon, marking the first-ever test of this technology in the development of the space elevator concept. 


According to Michael Laine, president of the LiftPort Group in Bremerton, Washington, the FAA go-ahead is a “critical step” in the ultimate developing of the group’s LiftPort Space Elevator concept.


-- Leonard David

September 9

 ;D ;D

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Re: Space Elevator gets lift!
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2005, 04:12:24 pm »
Hey, very nice find!  Serious research in space technology is always interesting and good, as it gives us alternatives to rockets and shuttles.

But, seriously, "Space Elevator Gets Lift!"  Ha ha ha.

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Re: Space Elevator gets lift!
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2005, 04:45:05 pm »
Does Piers Anthony write the title for these threads?
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Re: Space Elevator gets lift!
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2005, 07:49:12 am »
 8) Sounds like a good start to me!

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Re: Space Elevator gets lift!
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2005, 01:34:28 am »
Update:  Liftport Elevator experiment gets "reel!"  (ugh!)

Space Elevator Concept Undergoes “Reel” World Testing
By Leonard David
Senior Space Writer
posted: 23 September 2005
2:33 p.m. ET

A private group has taken one small step toward the prospect of building a futuristic space elevator.

LiftPort Group Inc., of Bremerton, Washington, has successfully tested a robot climber – a novel piece of hardware that reeled itself up and down a lengthy ribbon dangling from a high-altitude balloon.

The test run, conducted earlier this week, is seen as a precursor experiment intended to flight validate equipment and methods to construct a space elevator. This visionary concept would make use of an ultra-strong carbon nanotube composite ribbon stretching some 62,000 miles (100,000 kilometers) from Earth into space.

The space elevator would be anchored to an offshore sea platform near the equator in the Pacific Ocean. At the other end in space, the ribbon would be attached to a small counterweight. Mechanical “lifters” -- robotic elevator cars -- would move up and down the ribbon, carrying such items as satellites, solar power systems, and eventually people into space.

LiftPort’s plan is to take the concept from the research laboratory to commercial development.

Robot lifter

“We were very pleased with the test,” said Michael Laine, President of the LiftPort Group. “It worked really well,” he told

The assessment of flight hardware took place September 20 at an undisclosed location in eastern Washington. Due to the experimental nature of the equipment, actual whereabouts of the test site can’t be revealed, primarily due to safety reasons, Laine said.

“If our 23-pound (10.5-kilogram) robot falls from the ribbon…we don’t want spectators to be in the way as it makes a couple thousand dollar crater,” Laine explained.

This week’s testing involved a 12-foot (4-meter) diameter balloon. Safety lines held by team members kept the balloon from floating away. The ribbon dangling from the balloon was made of composite fiberglass, with the robot lifter running up and down the tether.

“This lifter is much smarter than our previous versions. It’s our 18th version,” he said, with the Mark VII robot named ‘Sword over Damocles’ or ‘sword’ for short. The “belt driven” robot is battery-powered, featuring two motors and an expanded cargo area due to increased intelligence built into the device, he said.

Goal in sight

During the day, the highest altitude reached by the balloon/ribbon/robot combination was 1,000 feet (305 meters). “It gives us complete confidence that the mile goal is well within reach,” Laine said.

Laine said that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been very supportive and helpful in orchestrating their test flights.

“We are cleared up to one mile high, off of a tethered helium balloon,” Laine said. “Our series of tests are designed to gain in altitude as we go, as we test our communications, range sensors, global positioning system satellite gear, along with temperature and camera systems.”

Miles to go

Further experiment dates have not been pinpointed as yet, although the weather in the area will play a key factor.

“We have a fairly open window to do more tests,” Laine said. “We’ve probably got another month or so if we’re going to do it here in Washington State.”

Other options are being looked at, such as staging LiftPort hardware tests from Denver, Colorado, as well as Northern California, he added.

Laine and his space elevator team know that they have miles to go – literally – before a space elevator can be shown to be workable.

“But the test was a step in the right direction,” Laine said. “It shows that our hardware design is valid.”

LiftPort has been busy at work on the space elevator idea for over two years.

Furthermore, the company has created LiftPort Nanotech in Millville, New Jersey. That company is delving into mass production of nanotubes, focused on creating super-strong materials, “because, ultimately, that’s what leads to a long and strong ribbon in the sky,” Laine said.

“We’re not a PowerPoint company anymore…we’re a hardware company,” Laine concluded.

Challenges ahead

In a related development, the Spaceward Foundation of Mountain View, California has announced the First Annual Space Elevator Competition, to be held October 21 at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley.

Two competitions are being held: The “Tether Challenge” and “Beam Power Challenge”. These are two of the key technologies required to build a space elevator.

The Tether Challenge will test the strength and weight of carbon nanotube based materials. The Beam Power challenge will feature climbers attempting to scale a 200-foot (61-meter) tether powered by a high intensity light source.

Prize money is furnished by the NASA Centennial Challenges program. Teams from universities and industry around the country have entered into the competitions.