I agree Bear, but look at how stupid most Americans are nowadays.

Those big SUVs and gas hogs? They NEVER conformed to the govt. standards of increasing mileage, and it did not hurt the manufacturers or govt. one bit as the fines on each vehicle were gladly paid for by the consumer when they paid for that new vehicle. The auto companies were more than thrilled at their ignorance, as not only did the consumer pay the fine unknowingly in the sticker price, the manufacturers were still making a killing off each unit sold!
But hey, consumers are not so happy when gas goes up above 3 bucks a gallon and oil is holding steady above the 60 mark, are they? They should quit their whining as it only cost me a little more than 7 dollars extra to fill up the Camry, that lasts a week easy. What do most people pay for their ciggies and booze and junk food and other unneccesary items?