Topic: Federation Commander Thread  (Read 7688 times)

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Offline Nerroth

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Federation Commander Thread
« on: September 19, 2005, 04:12:41 pm »
Hi all!

It's been a while since I've been around... so... hi. Again.

Anyway, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but if you still have an interest - or are interested in looking at tabletop starship combat - ADB's new game, Federation Commander, is in its final development stage and should be out in November!

ADB have a site up at with a little info, plus there are SSDs (in shiny colour too!) and pdfs with sample rules et al at

Of course, I'll be waiting for the ISC to grace the new game (the first FC release, Klingon Border, will have Feds and Klingons, with a few preview Kzinti, Tholian and Orion ships, some freighters and a base) but I can stick with Star Fleet in the meantime...


« Last Edit: May 17, 2006, 09:01:50 am by Nerroth »
Omega and Magellanic fan.

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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2005, 08:44:10 pm »
I just posted on this in 10 Forward. I'll relay my thoughts here:

The game looks great. I like the idea of simplified rules for SFB, and I think that this will rapidly become an ADB bestseller. Given how well I liked StarFleet Battle Force (the card game that came out about 3 years ago), I'll say if this game is done was well, I'll have to buy TWO copies- one for me, and one to give to someone to encourage them to get into it.
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Offline Magnum357

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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2005, 03:08:22 am »
Wow!  This Federation Commander game looks awsome!  Why didn't they just design SFB board game like this 20 years ago!  That was one thing I always complained about with SFB when I was younger, it was so damn hard to study all the rules and no one else to actually play the game with. 

How can I order this game?
"I sure am glad I like SFB!" - Magnum357 (me)

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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2005, 05:07:51 pm »
Another thing that would really make FC a great game is that it could be used in conjuction of other ADB products.  Like the Campiagn Designers handbook or F & E if you want to play huge Campaigns with it.  Or other products like there Roleplaying games and such. 

This Federation Commander series has a lot of potential.  I'm definitly going to try to get this series and ACTUALLY be able to play it with someone.   ;D
"I sure am glad I like SFB!" - Magnum357 (me)

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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2005, 12:04:04 am »
Theoreticly it IS possible to use 'standard' SSDs in FC (It is, after all, an alternative way to settle F&E battles). And if not, we have FC: Borders of Madness (Yes, a real product) designed to add scouts, maulers, troop ships, and all the neat rules of SFB simplified for use in FC.

I'm personally looking forward to using/seeing this, and I would love to do/see a demo but where I live, ADB is beleived to be extinct :(

Offline Magnum357

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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2005, 02:04:01 am »
I've heard that they are seriously considering making a Fighters Product for FC, are they considering simplified rules for Early Years and X-ship technology?
"I sure am glad I like SFB!" - Magnum357 (me)

Offline Norsehound

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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2005, 11:04:08 am »
I've heard nothing about early years or X-ships. There is some talk of 'Borders of Madness' but nobody's quite sure what's in it yet. SVC seems a little miffed that people are arguing over what it should be...

the consensus seems to be that Borders of Madness will include some things that are in normal SFB but aren't included in FC. This might include fighters, scouts, escorts... all the things that are a little too complex for bare FCers to handle.

I know that Romulan Border (next product for FC) will include Plasmas, and the Tholians get a decent web (i think) in Tholian border. There's not much to say about FC's future ATM because the game itself hasn't been released. I'm personally looking forward to it, and making buying it a priorety.

Offline Magnum357

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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2005, 05:27:47 pm »
It would be nice to have Tholian web rules simplified.  I always had a little trouble understanding how they work.  I don't think adding fighters would make FC that much more complicated.  If they don't add these other rules, I might just make up my own house rules and add them anyways.
"I sure am glad I like SFB!" - Magnum357 (me)

Offline Nerroth

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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2005, 02:05:33 pm »
SVC is packing the box sets for shipping as we speak (or so he says at the ADB forums)!

I have done up an article for FC at if you want to check it out.

FC is out any day now, you can order it at

Can't wait!

Omega and Magellanic fan.

Offline Magnum357

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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2005, 04:07:57 am »
Thanks for the heads up!  Got a question though, on your website, you have some nice screen shots of the game parts, but it seems that the Game map looks a bit different then SFB.  Is it a lot different then the SFB map?
"I sure am glad I like SFB!" - Magnum357 (me)

Offline Nerroth

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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2005, 11:23:24 am »
There are two map sizes, one for the 1" Megahex counters, another for 1/2" SFB-size standard ones.

Oh, and Federation Commander is shipping now! So go get it.

Omega and Magellanic fan.

Offline Lepton

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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2005, 11:56:51 am »
60 bucks for 16 ships that are only fed, klink, kzin, and orion.  Expansions scheduled are:

Klingon Attack: 16 ships, 30 bucks, fed, klink, kzin

Klingon D5
Klingon D5W
Klingon E4
Kzinti BCH
Kzinti DN
Kzinti CM
Kzinti NCA
Kzinti CL
Kzinti DW
Federation POL
Federation BCJ
Monster (Juggernaut)
Tholian DD
Orion SAL
Orion LR
Free Trader

Rom Border: 16 ships, 60 bucks, roms and gorn added

Fed DW
Gorn DN
Gorn BC
Gorn DD
Rom Con
Rom RH
Rom SP
Rom WE
Rom KR
Rm Hawk
Space Dragon
Armed Prioirity Transport

Rom Attack: 16 ships, 30 bucks

Gorn CS
Gorn CM
Gorn BCH
Space Amoeba
Rom KE
Fed CS
Rom FH
Gorn HDD
Gorn BDD
Gorn CL
Rom KF5R
Rom K9R
Ore Carrier

So, if you would like to pay 180 bucks to play a paltry number of ships and races compared to 180 bucks for SFB ships, please go ahead and spend a fortune for some color counters and SSDs.  I suggest that anyone and I mean anyone who has access to SFB SSDs should wait till they release just the rule book for a heck of alot less and play Federation Commander that way.

I made some corrections to their pricing.  Steve Cole claims Klingon Attack will go for 29.99, so I am assuming that all the race-related expansions will be 30 while major expansions will be 60.  I believe ADB intends for most of this line to be stand-alone games that can work together, so frankly I am surprised by the 30 buck price on Klingon Attack.  I will believe it when I see it.  Klingon Border was supposed to go for around $45, but then they decided to make hard-back boards and add more color, so I think you will only know the price when it hits their online store.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2005, 05:00:33 pm by Lepton »

System Specs:

Dell Dimension E521
AMD64x2 5000+
ATI Radeon HD 4850 512MB GDDR3

Offline Nerroth

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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2006, 01:12:44 pm »
Well, now you can order just the rulebook, the counters and the refernce cards (there will also be Booster Packs will have the Ship Diagrams per faction, as well as a preview pack with the ISC, Gorn, Romulans etc) without having to get the fancy maps, FC can be played without having to shell out US$60 on the main box - though the box contents are pretty impressive, well in my view anyway!

Anyone out there tried FC out yet? I'll be bringing the box set to give the game a whirl next Wednesday...

Omega and Magellanic fan.

Offline Magnum357

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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2006, 03:46:04 pm »
I thought about getting it, but after hearing that most of the things I wanted to see in the game will probably not be in it (like fightes, PF's, etc.) I decided not to get it, at least for now.  I do like the simplification of many rules and the quicker play though.
"I sure am glad I like SFB!" - Magnum357 (me)

Offline Lepton

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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2006, 04:03:42 pm »
I have a hard time believing that fighters and PFs will not be included in Federation Commander.  It's just that it will be far down the road after you have payed hundreds of dollars to keep current with the current state of the expansions.

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Offline Khemaraa

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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2006, 11:36:14 pm »
Wow... some of you kid (who haven't been kids in decades!) need to lighten up.

I own a game store.
I sell Federation Commander:Klingon Border

Yep.. You can call it SFB lite if you wish.

What I have a little difficulty with is some of the attitudes some folk have with product pricing.  Consider this before you gripe about prices.  My rretail storefront runs me 3k a month not counting the cost of product of which over 70% sit on the shelves in excess of 3 months before moving out the door.  Utilities, services, permits, licences all cost more.  There are more laws and ordinaces I have to deal with on a regular basis then I even want to think about.  GAMES ARE CHEAP!  Thats right CHEAP.

If game prices had kept up with inflation, that little $12 poly bagged original Starfleet Battles to day would sell for about $24-30.  Fed commander SHOULD if game prices stayed at the rate of inflation from the mid 80's run around $60 to$80 a copy.

Fortunatly for all you gamer lads an lassies out there, game companies, distirbutors, and store owners have found ways to keep the costs down. But finding out how to do that has not been easy or painfull.  We compete with Television, Concerts, Pro Sports, Computers and the Internet for your pocket money.  70%of all gaming stores that were open 10 years ago are now closed forever.  They're closed because they went broke.  Board gaming has always been a nich market.  Computer gaming very nearly did this industry in.  I cant just sell war games and plastic models in my store any more.  I seel everything from Aggrevation to Zendo.
Collectable minitures and cards.  I tooka hell of a risk and opened a game store 2 1/2 years ago and its still very rough going.  I carry SFB, F&E, and Fed Commander.  I haven't sold so much as a single copy since I put them on the shelves. 

Frankly.  a bunch of us may love it, but it doesn't sell.  If the copies on my shelves sell, I'll replace them.  But the hey day of conflict (read:War) gaming is over and has been for a decade.  Avalon Hill is gone.  SPI is gone, Yaquinto is gone and the list of the dead goes on and on, and on.  I have to carry kiddie games for the 4 to 8 year old set to keep the doors open.  My biggest selling game is Carcassone, and Settlers of Catan.  I sell one actual boardgame a month... maybe.  How ADB stays in business I'll never know.  But I am very certain its by cutting every possible emenity out and running an absolutly bare bones operation.  Be damd thankfull thier products are as cheap as they are.   The licence and rights payments they recieved from the Starfleet Command computer game series is likely the ONLY reason they're still operating.  Federeration commander should be selling at $50 a copy.
instead you gamers are getting it at the phenominaly low MSRP of 29.95.  The game doesn't even pay the rent on its shelf space for me.  But, I carry it anyway.  Out of love of the game.  Someday some old dude with a pot belly, 3 screaming kids in tow, and prematurly grey hair is going to walk in the door, see it, and get a glassy look in his eyes as his memories rush back to him.  He'll take that box down off the shelf.  I'll ring it up, and he'll count out the pennies in exact change to get it.  He'll skip lunch for the rest of the week at work to get that game.  He may never actually play it, but he'll buy it.

QUit you bitching and SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL GAME STORE!  If you dont, there wont be a local game store.  Welcome to the 21st century.

Terrance L. Roff
Owner: It's Your Move Games and Hobbies
           4920 Telegraph Ave SUite-B
           Oakland CA 94609

P.S.  To those who might be offended, my apologies.  I just get a bit tired of hearing "Oh it's so expensive.  Why does it cost so much?"  The reality is boxed board games are one of the best bang for the buck deals out there today.  You pay $30-50 for a brand nex X-box game and in 3 months its played out and you want more.  The "average" console gamer spend $200-$400 per year on game titles not counting the price of the game system.  Board games are CHEAP!..... and.........they last a hell of a lot longer!

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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2006, 01:18:10 am »
Hi, I'm a kid.
I play computer games. I live in a major urban area in the US. I hoesntly dont know for certain of a location in my city that would handle SFB. As it is, I feel that a lot of today's youth doesn't have time for a 4 hours SFB battle. Today's youth has to go to band practice, or a soccerr meet, or any of the thousand things todays youth is thought now a days to have to do to get a good college to get a good job, etc..
Until today I didn't even know of a location in my city that might even sell SFB or FC. I'm going to check a possible one out later on this week.

Really though, I think the topic was meant to say that SFB seems like a better buy for the amount of cash, (inflation or not) than the newer and sleeker FC. I don't think it was meant to say board games are bad or anything. If I recall, Lepton is/was an avid SFB player.
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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2006, 09:43:36 am »
Hi, Gang. I’m Steve Cole, designer and publisher of Federation Commander. I probably won’t be by here very often but I did want to say hello and tell you that anyone with a question can send it to and I’ll get back to you. If you want to post my reply here, it’s ok but please let me know in your question that’s what the answer is for. (That way I can make sure to include contextual information.)
This is, I think, my second "account" here since I couldn’t find the log-in for the first one and couldn’t get the password retrieval thing to work. But it IS me and I’ll post something on my own BBS to say "yes, the post on dynaverse WAS from me." This account has the email address but they're both me.
The ISC will first appear in "booster zero" sometime in April which also has the Hydrans, Lyrans, Gorns, Romulans, and WYNs. We just printed those cards yesterday and I'm working on the rules sheet now.
The game is selling very well. Since release on 11 Nov we averaged a wholesaler restock every day through the end of the year; we’ve never had a wholesaler restock anything after Thanksgiving before. Since that whirlwind we’ve made sure to get the wholesalers to stock it deeper so while they order less often they order bigger quantities and it’s more efficient and the same sales.
Yeah, it’s kinda weird having only 16 ships (plus four more in boosters 1-2-3, six more in booster zero, 16 more in Klingon attack, four more in boosters 4-5-6, 16 more in Romulan Border, 16 more in Romulan Attack, and eight more in boosters 7-12. I think we may also have four more in another booster this fall (but that’s a special case I can’t talk about right now without causing a riot). So, sure, you’ll "only" have 86 ships (with Communique this may reach almost 100) the first year, which compared to thousands of ships in SFB is kinda "paltry" but most of the SFB ships are variants of base hulls using rules that FC just doesn’t need. And of course, if you play squadron scale you can just use SFB SSDs and the game plays a heck of a lot faster. For new players that means "45 minute duels" and for veteran SFB players it means "I can use twice as many ships in the same time".
Borders of Madness will happen sometime, maybe late this year or early next year or the year after or when I retire or maybe next week. We want to be careful how to market this as we hardly want to tell the thousands of new FC players that they "aren’t real gamers if they don’t use the extra rules."
Terrance L. Roff had some hilarious points in his post. I have enjoyed talking to retailers a lot since I became the publisher in 99. I might comment that royalties from SFC aren’t keeping us afloat since they went out of business without paying us most of what they owed us. As for a "bare bones operation" I am not sure what that means but it doesn’t look it to me. Our sales were up 25% in 2005 (a horrible year when the whole industry was DOWN by 25%), we hired two more people in 2005, we just bought a $24,000 steel deck to turn our one-story warehouse into two stories and add 500 square feet of office space, and we have bought $35,000 worth of printing and binding equipment in the last 18 months. (If anything is "keeping us in business" it is the ability to print what we sell and not stack unsold books in the warehouse.) Again, I don’t know what Terrance thinks a "bare bones operation is" but the only lack of an amenity I know of is that we had to put the sofa that I used for naps into storage to make space for new people and equipment. Once the contractor is finished converting the warehouse I will have my sofa (and naps) back again and life will be good again. I am not sure what he means by "should be selling for $50 but is selling for $30" when the price as you all know is $60. At that price, it outsells everything we have published in the seven years since we fired TFG (and in the five or six years prior to that time). One thing Terrance is right about is that you need to support your local stores or you won’t have them. The industry lost 1200 stores in the last 18 months, and while we all nod our heads and say "those were the fad stores that only sold the clicks and cards junk" the point is that we lost 1200 of the stores last year and this is not a good thing for you or us. That’s one reason why FC includes a major push for retailer support and even an organized play league that must be held in retail stores to get the cards and prizes and bonus ships and pins and junk that go along with it.
Klingon Attack will be $30, and Romulan Attack will be $30. Romulan Border I'm not so sure. If we include more mounted map panels it will be $60 and will be the second and last stand-alone FC product. If we decide not to include map panels we'll drop the price appropriately.
Yeah, color printing is incredibly expensive. What we pay for a print run of 16 color ship cards would print twice as many 80-page black and white SSD books. But in this modern era, color is expected and a commensurate price is not an obstacle. I have no doubt some people balked at the price but I also know that we sold something like four times as many copies of FC as we did of Module R10 and that FC sales are tracking 30% higher (even at double the price) as the Resurection Edition of SFB sold in 1999.
Anyway, like I said, I don't get around the internet much so I probably won't get back here very often but you are welcome to ask me questions any time.
One of the things about the new company is that I am pretty much chained to my desk. With a new marketing guy I don't have to do that and with a new warehouse guy I don't have to do THAT so there is nothing left for me to do but answer questions and design games. My schedule is scary. I have to create 32 new ship cards in the 28 days that started Monday and during the first half of that I also have to do four new countersheets (Rom Border, Klingon Attack, Romulan Attack, and the new SFB Basic Set counters) and during the second half I have to do the Klingon Border rulebook, the ISC Scenario for F&E, and about half of CL32. Plus settling my father's estate (finally!) and the next two surgeries to get rid of those pesky if almost irrelevant skin cancers. The hole where they dug out the first one only hurts when I laugh. See you later.

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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2006, 02:44:49 pm »
Thanks for dropping by Steve! :)

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Re: Federation Commander: Klingon Border
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2006, 03:09:51 pm »
the ISC Scenario for F&E,

Holy <expletive deleted>!  It's finally going to happen!

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