Topic: AOE3 demo out today...  (Read 2671 times)

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Re: AOE3 demo out today...
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2005, 07:26:13 pm »

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Re: AOE3 demo out today...
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2005, 06:49:01 pm »
Bummer, on installation I got an error "your computer does not support advanced instruction set (SSE)...".

Tis alright though, I thought this was "Aces Over Europe 3"! :'(
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Re: AOE3 demo out today...
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2005, 05:44:08 pm »

Tis alright though, I thought this was "Aces Over Europe 3"! :'(


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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: AOE3 demo out today...
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2005, 09:05:44 pm »
This one blows big time, I think I'm going to avoid it...which is sad since I was really looking forward to it.

But it seems I can't get it to run on a Geforce 6000 series Card with the latest drivers (and from some of the complaints it looks like this game is going to be buggy, the little support I could find).

It does a HARD reboot of my computer system when starting it up.  The lowest of the specs that it could possibly be would be that it only has 512 Meg, the card itself has 256 DDR as well which well exceeds the 64 meg that is suggested.

I tried their widescreen fix, didn't work.  It seems others are having hard reboot problems as well, but NOT A WORD from MS that I've found thus far.  (Yes I did the suggested run the resolution at 1024x768 and delete the NewUser.xml file from Users in the My Games area for Age of Empires 3 demo.

I'll have my uncle look at it but right now it looks pretty darn bad in the installation and running departments for me...

I really was looking forward to this game...but I'm not looking for another bug fest sooooo....
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Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


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Re: AOE3 demo out today...
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2005, 09:31:29 pm »
Well, it seems that my uncle is a smart person and very computer literate (Did I ever mention he was the one that figured out and released the codes to Neverwinter Nights, not because he uses them or ever did, but because he was sick of everyone asking for them on the Bioware forums that they pestered him to death!?  Well not to death since he's still living, but you get the idea.  Also he was one of the first ones to figure out the codes to the SW:KotoR and such).

Anyways, he's the one that figures out all the bug fixes and is a big bug shooter (he's even given advice for ST games on forums from time to time, well not him but normally from me after I pose the question to him).

Anyways, if any of you frequent the forums for AoE and have logins, and actually want to tell the developers about what I would consider a MAJOR bug, my uncle figured out a simple solution.

What's happening, and this is also relavent to those playing it on widescreen monitors, is the idiot programmers who released the demo made it have a default start movie/screen of a resolution of around 2000+ or really high (I'd have to ask my uncle about which one it is exactly again).  Because of this, anyone who has a LOWER resolution, OR has a widescreen or in many cases a differing resolution from their default has a chance for a reboot.  This is what was occurring with our machine, and hence the game was hard rebooting the computer.  He says it will do this for ALOT of computers which have their resolutions defaulted at 1024x768 or less at least, and other resolutions and refresh rates that won't mesh with the start screen.

The monitor and card combination try to force this set resolution to work, but the conflict becomes to great, and a reboot is going to be imminent...or if it's not as critical of a conflict, at least a crash.

So if any of you want to warn the developers and find out if the bug is not in the final gold version, PLEASE tell them in someway, anyway.

So yes, I got the game working.  Just gotten from playing Act of War and Battlefield 2, so looking at it in that arena, the graphics for me thus far ARE NOT impressive for AoE.

Very disenfrachised on a first look.  Will enable some higher settings for the second go around.  No idea of gameplay yet since as soon as my uncle got it running and I took a look at the game and ran a quick skirmish to see if it really would run, I returned here to report that we did get it running.  In fact it took my uncle less than 5 minutes.  Makes me feel rather stupid compared to him, but anyways...

I'll just say he DOES have a lot more experience than I in this field (and apparantly a lot of others in the troubleshooting forums of various sites for this game which I scoured for a solution for hours).

Seriously, someone PLEASE pass this on to others.  They need to increase their screen/video resolutions to the highest possible in order to run it if they are getting hard reboots.
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"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

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Re: AOE3 demo out today...
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2005, 07:44:32 am »
from the screenies i've seen the graphics are comparable to battel for middle earth (they are making a second one, this time w/ more freedom to put stuff where you want it ;)).   Need to check that out for meself though (6800 gt, i should have no problem in that department)

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Re: AOE3 demo out today...
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2005, 03:19:02 pm »
from the screenies i've seen the graphics are comparable to battel for middle earth (they are making a second one, this time w/ more freedom to put stuff where you want it ;)).   Need to check that out for meself though (6800 gt, i should have no problem in that department)

Making a second Battle for Middle Earth?!?!
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Re: AOE3 demo out today...
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2005, 05:40:40 pm »
That they are :), just read it in pc gamer (i'm pretty damn sure i read it in pc gamer, however i do remember reading it somewhere)  and its supposed to have an updated interface so that you aren't limited by them build hp's and will have more freedom (ie you can choose where to put ur castle and stuff).  i'll go and try to find the article again and let you know what changes they are making.

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Re: AOE3 demo out today...
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2005, 05:58:07 pm »
Wow.. that's great.  It was such a near miss.
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Re: AOE3 demo out today...
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2005, 08:41:00 pm »
You know its somewhat ironic that in this thread about AOE3, which in all probability is going to make a killing, there are more posts about other games(Aces over Europe, BFME2) than post about the demo. I wonder if we're representative, probably not though, huh.

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Re: AOE3 demo out today...
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2005, 08:44:04 pm »
Even our non-Off Topic threads ramble all over the place.  It's us.  We're not representative(; we're superior!).

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Re: AOE3 demo out today...
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2005, 10:45:10 pm »
more inof on BFME2 :) (excerts from NOV 2005 issu of pc gamer)

EA has acquired LOTR literary rights, allowing them to enact battles mentioned int eh books but never seen in the movies.  The have alos updated the town/base system to allow you to not only pllace buildings anywhere but also empowers you to craft your own castles and by using a node-based contructions system contiune to add on to them.

The have also added a smart formation system that will auto range your armies tatically sound units (ie instead of manually placing archers and pikemen and the such it will do it for you automatically so that the archers would be in the back and the pikemen in the front)

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Re: AOE3 demo out today...
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2005, 11:02:33 am »
D/l AOE3 yesterday and put it on my desktop syst and it worked w/o a hitch. ;D

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Re: AOE3 demo out today...
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2005, 11:19:45 pm »
if ya buy the game, get the Collector's edition. (its worth the extra $30.) You get a 210 page book talking about AOE, a DVD on the making of AOE3 a soundtrack CD, an limited edition poster print and a larger manual. along with a strategy guide.

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Re: AOE3 demo out today...
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2005, 07:50:57 pm »

Tis alright though, I thought this was "Aces Over Europe 3"! :'(


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