Um...Dax? Just because he made up his mind on page 10 doesn't mean he posted about it. I can make my mind on something without announcing what that is. So can you. Take a deep breath, man. Then count down from 10 till you hit 0, and try being a little more reasonable.
And for my first post of the day
Today's vicitm is....
Captain Josh!
Josh wins a smack for antagonizing Dax (my job) an completely misunderstanding the point
(but he's Fed sooo..)
Dizzy said he sided with the majority in the post right before Dax;s. and that he had indicated this
Dax pointed out that he had never actually said what his decison was, just that he (Dizzy) had
made a decision for SGO5.
I would thing that everyone can calm down a wee bit though, i mean I'm personally
taking more shots from Dizzy than anyone about this, and I really don't care.
Corbo seems about to have an aneurism that use of the volleyinfo could be considered a cheat,
Dax is letting Dizzy get to him
( remember- Dizzy's a decent pilot and a pretty good guy, he's just an idiot

Chuut is starting to get annoying with his "feel good" photos (I think he's secretly Stuart Smiley)
Everyone else is to busy worryin about not being able to sign up as Aliance due to bozobits being down.
So I'm right, all dissenting opions are wrong, now everyone get on the frickin test server so we
can get this thing running and i can add to my endless list of kills..
Oh and i don't owe anyone an apology
I'm still waiting for one from frey though
I thinks something nice, maybe worked into the Dynaverse logo..