Topic: New player Dynaverse II questions  (Read 7254 times)

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Offline mdesarno

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New player Dynaverse II questions
« on: September 13, 2005, 05:03:28 pm »
Hi all, I have a couple questions about getting started playing in Dynaverse 2.  Hope I found the right forum area for this post.

1.  Are there any multiplayer dos and don'ts that I should be aware of?  By this I mean both matters of courtesy between players and things that I might unwittingly do that could cause a technical issue like a game crash during play. 

2.  I've gotten my copy of SFC:OP working with the servers and whenever I log on there are either none or maybe one other person logged into the servers, but the servers show lots of registered players exist.  How do I find out when other players are planning to play? 

3.  How do I know if I'm seeing all the servers?  When I'm logged in using Orion Pirates, I usually see anywhere from 2 to 4 servers running. 

4.  I'm starting Orion Pirates, going into Multiplayer, and doing the Dynaverse login with a Gamespy ID.  It seems to work OK.  Are there any other methods of connecting to Dynaverse servers?

5.  I successfully got it running so that I can log into The Forge and play, at least against the AI.  I'm interested in being able to play on other servers as well, but I'm afraid to mess with my game files now that I've gotten it working with the Forge because I'm worried I might screw up my installation so that I can't play at all.  [Yes, I've seen at least one forum post on installing for Dynaverse, and I got the Dynaverse Association bound book about Orion Pirates in the mail.  It's still a little confusing to me though as to what is required to do to bounce between servers].  I also have at least two friends that are interested in getting onto Dynaverse but I'm afraid the steep installation hands-on requirements may be too much for at least one of them.  Is the newly released patch updater I've seen in another post the answer to this?

6.  When logged in, I've not been on-line when other players have been on the server.  When I do meet up with other players, how do we get in a multiplayer battle together?  I've seen something about drafting but am not sure how that works.

7.  When logged onto a Dynaverse server on the map screen, can I just type messages in and have the other players see them?  Is there a command for this, or do I just type and everyone can see it?  Is there a way to send messages to just one or some players?  I'm aware there's a voice over IP that people are using but I haven't gotten that far yet.

Thanks for the time of anyone who may answer any of these questions,


Offline Riskyllama

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Re: New player Dynaverse II questions
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2005, 12:55:30 am »
Often this paticular part of the forum gets ignored for bits of time, and I'm rather new so whatever anyone else tells you is probably more right.
1. As for Dynaverse dos and don'ts. Ones I've picked up on are:
     Don't forfeit missions, it creates lots of server load.
     Don't Avoid Drafts, its just not cool.
     Dont fly around in circles if you don't intend to fight.
     Dont keep drafting if there's network issues between you and someone else.
     For other rules most of the time a server with certain victory conditions are up. They have their own rules and are usually where most of us can be found. (As far as I can tell, the period between servers, like now is usually when many players take breaks, although SG5 is starting soon.)

2.  Servers like the forge are really really big, it'll take some time for the map to fill in and there be more organization to playerbase there(I think.) Just fly whatever race you want to and work a few hexes with whoever's on if you can.

3.  You're seeing all the servers that I know of.

4.  That's the only way right now. Once/if we ever get the source code someone might change that.

5.  Congratulations you got further along than quite a few new players. You probably have the technical aptitude to run the installers needed for modded servers. Bring your friends, the more the merrier. Try to join us on the teamspeak server in the evenings and meet a few people or come get any help we can offer. If you mean Pestelence's OP Enhancement pack, it has everything except traceyg's missions(heck it might even have those now). Any other files are usually server specifc and can be gotten while such server is running.

6.  Space is big. Really really big. Unless you're the same race as someone else on The Forge, you prolly wont see them for a while(until the empires start touching last I saw not much was) As for multiplayer battles, that is dependant on whether you are in the same hex or hex radius that the drafter is in. Most servers operate on 2 or 1 or 0 hex radius. If you're sitting on the galaxy map and are in the same hex(0 radius server) or a bordering hex(1 radius server) or nearby (2 hex) and a drafter starts a mission, you may be pulled into the mission with or against him depending on who drafted, and availibility of slots. You get an alert box that tells you that you were drafted and that you need to join said mission.

7.Most players are running teamspeak or Ventrilo or Roger Wilco in the background, but while on the server map three text chat mode are able to be used, general, race specific, and player specific. You start in general chat(  /join General  ) you can join YOUR race's chat i.e (  /join Mirak or /join ISC  ) or you can talk to a specific player (  /tell Mark yo  ) While in a Dynaverse mission the only two ways to communicate are an external communication tool or the chat button (Enter by default). WHILE IN DYNAVERSE MISSSIONS /team DOES NOT WORK. Once/if we ever get the source code someone might change that.

If I left out or screwed anything important up, lemme know guys.
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Offline mdesarno

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Re: New player Dynaverse II questions
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2005, 02:07:30 pm »
Thanks, I really appreciate the time you took to write that large response.  It is very helpful!

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Re: New player Dynaverse II questions
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2005, 02:51:34 pm »
Yep, Riskyllama is correct that this place isn't trolled as often as that main DII forum.

And since you are able to get the D2 up and running after the changes, you will do alright running server mods.

Testing for the next major theme'd server starts Friday.

Some servers are just up for testing, they run on a very long term basis.  I don't pop on to those as much as I would like to.
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Re: New player Dynaverse II questions
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2005, 03:51:03 pm »
Hi all, I have a couple questions about getting started playing in Dynaverse 2.  Hope I found the right forum area for this post.

1.  Are there any multiplayer dos and don'ts that I should be aware of?  By this I mean both matters of courtesy between players and things that I might unwittingly do that could cause a technical issue like a game crash during play. 


If you get a mandatory cuz ur navigator is an idiot, then log off and back on. NEVER FORFEIT A MISSION! you could be banned from a server for doing it...

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Re: New player Dynaverse II questions
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2005, 03:53:00 pm »
Hi all, I have a couple questions about getting started playing in Dynaverse 2.  Hope I found the right forum area for this post.

1.  Are there any multiplayer dos and don'ts that I should be aware of?  By this I mean both matters of courtesy between players and things that I might unwittingly do that could cause a technical issue like a game crash during play. 


If you get a mandatory cuz ur navigator is an idiot, then log off and back on. NEVER FORFEIT A MISSION! you could be banned from a server for doing it...

Reason:   THis causes un-needed stress on the Database.
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Re: New player Dynaverse II questions
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2005, 01:33:38 pm »
Ok, here's a few things I thought of.    Some are just a little more clarification on what Risky_Llama wrote.

The highly played SFC2 servers are cyclicial.   We play like fiends for 1, 2, or 3+ weeks on what we call "serious" or "big" servers, and then drop off into down periods where we putz around in Gamespy, other games, etc.,    The servers you are seeing listed right now are ones that tend to stay up for regular day enjoyment or are testing something.   Of course all of these "big" servers come with names that you will hear veteran pilots refer to constantly.   The last one was AOTK2:  Attack of the Kitties - Wrath of J'inn it concluded about 2-3 weeks ago.    Next will be Dizzy's Slave Girls 5.   Testing server should be up this weekend and run a week or two depending on any bugs before flipping over to the real thing.

As far as voice communications programs we all like to use.   They are Ventrilo, and TeamSpeak.   You can find downloads for these programs at websites by the same name.    I would highly suggest that even if you don't have a working microphone for your computer you logon to whichever one your allies are on during a server.    You will be able to pick up lots of server strategy and mission tactics this way.   It can be invaluable.   I learn something new every server.   If you're not shy (and most of us aren't), please chime right in and let us know you're there.   I think you will find that you will get supported to whatever level you would like.   

Helpful hints off the top of my head.  (some will probably duplicate)

(1)  Fly with a wingman -  if you are a little uncomfortable with hurling yourself straight out in the the unknown, find an experienced ally to wing up with for many of the same reasons as using TS or VT above, just on a more personal level. 

(2)  Communicate with your allies if on a "serious" server.   We usually have battle plans that we appreciate you helping with.   NOT necessary, but just appreciated.

(3)  Don't buy a ship you can't buy 3 of.   This is a little rule I like to follow because you don't worry about losing all your gained Prestige points if you engage and lose a battle.   Certainly not a hard and fast rule, just a suggestion.

(4) F1 vs F3 flying mode.   If you like a more arcade like view, choose F3, if you like a more 2D stratgic boardgame view, fly F1.   I find it very useful to fly in F1 mode if you are tractoring, transporting t-bombs, etc.   There are pros and cons to both, of course.

(5) Know your audience.   You will notice once you join in on TS or VT, that we all joke around pretty regularly.    It can get quite interesting at times.    At times, this rowdiness spilled over into missions and some pilots take it a bit too far.   Many pilots who fly on SFC2 servers do so with their own Star Trek persona (roleplaying) and it can be hard to tell when they are joking or not.  To me, it all goes back to knowing your audience.    Know who likes and appreciates your bravado, and who doesn't.

(6) Invite some close friends to fly with you (or against you).   This can enhance your game 100 times.

(7) Don't hesitate to ask questions.   The answer might just save your ass in the very next PvP (player vs player) battle.

( 8 ) If drafted, always accept.   Once in mission, check out who's in it, what ships, etc., then make a decision.  Stay and fight or leave.   Other players appreciate you telling them up front even if you're outmatched and want to leave.   Of course, if you do stay and fight, nothing says that you have to stay until your ship has been blown to bits. (no matter what anyone says)

(9) for any "serious" servers, take a good look at the rules.   Many rules have been stated specificly to nullify or offset past problem situations.    If you're curious about why a rule is being used, ask.   New opinions are always welcome. 

Well, that's it.  I hope these suggestions don't come across too preachy.

I look forward to seeing you on a server no matter what race you'll be flying for.


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Offline mdesarno

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Re: New player Dynaverse II questions
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2005, 03:49:01 pm »
Hi all, I have a couple questions about getting started playing in Dynaverse 2.  Hope I found the right forum area for this post.

1.  Are there any multiplayer dos and don'ts that I should be aware of?  By this I mean both matters of courtesy between players and things that I might unwittingly do that could cause a technical issue like a game crash during play. 


If you get a mandatory cuz ur navigator is an idiot, then log off and back on. NEVER FORFEIT A MISSION! you could be banned from a server for doing it...

On the issue of forfeiting, can you clarify?  Does this mean just a mission that is going to be a multiplayer match, or all missions period?  Is it OK to go into the mission and disengage, or is that avoided because of server "house" rules?  Does logging off right then ever hang things up?

One point of my confusion is that I've heard about players being "drafted" into multiplayer scenarios but since no one has been on the servers I've played on so far, I've not seen it happen yet.  Can someone tell me how that process works in the game?  What, if anything, is different about it than when playing in a solo campaign?

Thanks again,


Offline Riskyllama

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Re: New player Dynaverse II questions
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2005, 09:57:56 pm »
put simply: never ever ever ever press it
Everything is sweetened by risk. ~Alexander Smith

Offline mdesarno

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Re: New player Dynaverse II questions
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2005, 08:29:46 pm »
put simply: never ever ever ever press it