When does the server start?- Test server up this weekend and if all goes well starts following weekend.
How Long is it?What are the map DV's- All the map DV's start at 10 and are able to be reinfoced to 20. See below for more info.
What is required of the RM?- You need to do several things.
A.) Before the start of the server, each side will have about 1000 DV's they may put down in groups of 10 anywhere in friendly space as long as no more than 1/3 are spent in a single empire to raise their hex DV up to 20. Hexes surrounding a Planet may be raised to 30.
There are 2 neutral hexes in each empire. Each side is allowed 2 Starbases and 6 Bats and they are allowed to choose what color and what base goes in each of these neutral hexes as long as no one race has the same two colors or two starbases.
In addition, each race recieves its own Starbase and Bats. These may be placed anywhere in their own space as long as they are not adjacent to another planet or base.
Keep in mind that Starbases are indestructible, but Bats and BS can be destroyed. So choose wisely.
B.) Make sure that after a PvP kill ,the players log unto the webmap and click on kill reports. Check the box where their battle was reported by the server and type their name. Thats all there is to it.
C.) At the end of the 1st and 2nd week, I'll notify the RM's to ck the webmap kill report tally for their side's DV points they may spend on the map in
friendly hexes with LoS that they earned from their PvP kills. Each side simply needs to send me or Bonk a screenshot of the map showing which friendly hexes they decide to reinforce in 10 DV groups. Expect map edits to take a day or so mb less.
At the end of the last week (server end) points of up to 20 may be used in each
enemy hex adjacent to yours with LoS. Any differences are then calculated and the map is reconfigured and the winner declared.
D.) RM's may decide to 'terraform' and employ 'scorched earth' policy. Plz see the server description for details. Expect map edits to take a day or so mb less.
E.) Know the rules, there arnt many.
F.) Lead your side to victory.

How do we win?Planets and Starbases must be controlled (means you have to own the planet/base hex and 4 of the 6 surrounding hexes). You get one point for owning 2 enemy planets/starbases. However, no more than half of the planets/starbases you own can be in the same empire in order to count a point.
So for example if the Coalition has captured 3 Federation planets/starbases and only one Mirak planet/starbase, they only get one point. But if they capture 2 Fed and 2 Mirak planets/starbases they get 2 points.
There will be 2x Map VC periods. One halfway thru the server and the other at the end. This helps with the ebb and flow of the server rather than having just one VC period at the end. Total points are talled and a Minor, Major or Decisive Victory will be awarded along with a bunch of naked horny Orion Slave chicks and all the nip or beer you can carry on your back. 
Hope that makes sense, the object is to spread around the conflict a bit into more than just a single race.
What else do you guys want to know?