Topic: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave  (Read 9655 times)

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #40 on: September 02, 2005, 12:21:38 am »
Scippy, you bad, terrible man!

I understand that you put alot of effort in making some unique servers, and it's gratifying to have a good turnout...but to sabotage the "FromSC" batch file so that OP won't load after it's run, that's almost, well, Romulan.

Ummm..... I blame the wife!

The server itself is good stuff, last time I was on it took 3 CTDs after forgeting to turn scroll-lock off to get me to take a break...what's that model you're using for the SparrowHawk, is that a FASA Rom?

Heh Heh.  I've done that myself, especially when playing late at night.   Forget to turn off scroll lock, CTD.  Restart OP and log on.   Start mission, realize I *still* haven't turned off scroll lock, CTD.  Rinse and repeat.    ;)

The starhawk model is a real SFB model of the starhawk.  I pulled it from Ghost's Fleetdock 13.  Most of the others I got from either there, or from Desty Nova's site.

Desty Nova:

Note that the splash page on Desty's site shows what a real G1 should look like, but I thought they looked more flashy with the egines they have from Fleetdock.  (For my own game, however, I did replace the resized FF's I used in the installer for the Hydran PF's with the boxier truee PF's of Desty Nova.)

There are other servers besides SC2, and people should be able to move freely between them.

Seriously though, I was going to be flip-flopping between SC and the Forge server, but after I run that batch file, I will have StarfleetOP in the windows task manager processes, but the application itself never loads...running ToSC.bat fixes that, and I'm sure I can just manually move around shiplists and such, but I'm concerned that something other than missions, models, and lists is getting altered. Any ideas :huh: ?

That was my intent with the installer/uninstaller scripts.  You *Should* be able to change back and forth at will.  I'm at a bit of a loss to understand why your application would run on the task manager but not appear.

The installer does the following:
1) Checks to see if you have a SC_SAFElist.  If you do, then SC is already installed and the bat file terminates.
2) Backs up the shiplist, ftrlist, strings, and model.siz file to files with the prefix SC_SAFE.  Example, shiplist.txt becomes SC_SAFElist.txt
3) Installs the new shiplist, ftrlist, strings, and model.siz file
4) Copies the non-stock missions scripts to your scripts folder
5) Creates the SqdnCmmd folder in your main OP folder and fills it with the PF models.

The uninstaller does the following:
1) Checks to see if you have an SC_SAFElist.  If you do not, then SC is not installed and the bat file terminates.
2) Erases the shiplist, ftrlist, strings.txt, and model.siz files
3) Converts the SAFE versions of these back to their original name

That's it.  The new models and scripts remain on your hard drive.  (The models are easily removed by deleting the SqdCmmd folder, and you probably already had the missions anyway, so they should take up no additional space.)

If some of that screws up on your machine, then you might not be able to log onto a server.  But none of it should affect the ability of the game itself to start.  The thing to make absolutely sure of is that the FromSC and ToSC files are located in your SqdMaker folder, which is in your main OP folder.  If you tried to put shortcuts onto your desktop and actually put copies on your desktop, then the directory paths will not be correct and the files will not work.  (Which still *should* not cause the problem you are describing..... )

The bat files are just text files with the bat extension.  If you want, you can right click on them and choose "edit" to see their contents.  You will see a series of DOS commands you can follow along with and check their logic. 

Any of you other techies got any ideas what could be going on here?

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #41 on: September 07, 2005, 09:13:30 am »
Dunno what happened to the kill list, but I am undefeated... Well... that's if you dont count the two or three dozen times the AI has pwnd my ass... hehe.

Offline Herr Burt

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #42 on: September 07, 2005, 11:54:58 am »
Dunno what happened to the kill list, but I am undefeated... Well... that's if you dont count the two or three dozen times the AI has pwnd my ass... hehe.

It is here:,163359743.0.html

It's a little empty.  If you've got some kills to report, by all means fill it in!

And I know what you mean about getting owned by the AI.  These fights can turn into a real furballs.  One second you're on top of the world, then one wrong move and *BAM!*  heh heh.  Fortunately there are always new squadrons waiting for me in the shipyard.    ;)

-Herr Burt
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Offline Herr Burt

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #43 on: September 07, 2005, 11:56:40 am »

Hey, Krotz, did you ever figure out what was going on with your problem?  I'll be very distraught if my installer messed you up.

-Herr Burt
Happy Warmongering!

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #44 on: September 07, 2005, 12:17:59 pm »
One second you're on top of the world, then one wrong move and *BAM!*  heh heh.  Fortunately there are always new squadrons waiting for me in the shipyard.    ;)

-Herr Burt

Best thing about this server is that it is an attrition server. You die... a lot. Not much u can do about it. Its a departure from other servers... but its kinda fun losing. Sometimes no matter what you do, you get pwnd. AI really comes into its own here.

But money is never a concern. I get put back in a boat I can trade off for one that is better at virtually the same cost. So I can afford to lose and lose and lose.... But I win too. :D

Offline Dfly

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #45 on: September 07, 2005, 10:48:20 pm »
Well so far I have lost 2 games to dizzy, and lost only 2 to AI.  I win almost all AI missions.  Only one I have lost in so far,(those that I have flown), is asteroid base attack thingy. >:(

Offline KBFKrotz

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #46 on: September 08, 2005, 05:50:54 pm »

Hey, Krotz, did you ever figure out what was going on with your problem?  I'll be very distraught if my installer messed you up.

-Herr Burt

Don't worry, while I combed through the FromSC.bat file a bunch of times without making real headway, I found doing things manually works just fine. Moreover, it thankfully seems to be an isolated problem. I was just afraid I'd have to reinstall everything, which wouldn't be cool 'cause my OP disc is currently packed up 'til I move this November. I'm far more afraid of that other thread where peeps seem to be getting confused between NHKs being BCHs (in SFB) and thinking all HeavyHawks are BCHs...

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #47 on: September 10, 2005, 04:01:16 pm »
I wish to thank HB once agin for putting up this server...I finally had time today to bang out some missions.....what a blast...

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #48 on: September 12, 2005, 07:22:09 pm »
Unstickied. Thanks again Herr Burt!

Offline Riskyllama

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #49 on: September 14, 2005, 04:57:29 pm »
quick question, did i miss the victory ruling on this fun little server? (was there even to be a victory ruling)
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #50 on: September 14, 2005, 07:18:20 pm »
I won. I had the most kills. Whatever else happened is irrelevant.

Now where is my award?