Topic: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!  (Read 12176 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
« on: September 11, 2005, 09:48:05 pm »
Slave Girls of Orion V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls


    “The Governor's transmission code has been cracked, captain. We will have intelligible audio only in just a moment.”

    “Track the telemetry. I want to know exactly where these two ends are. The moment you have one or the other or both, let me know immediately.” Captain Mike Jerard noticed his breathing getting faster. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself. This moment was a long time in coming and the sacrifice had so far been considerable. He could feel the excitement and the trepidation. He wondered if he was being too greedy going for two at the same time.

    “Aye captain, computing the telemetry transmission data now.”

    Captain Jerard punched a button on his armchair panel. “Captain to transporter room. Sergeant, prepare your marines for assault.”

    “Standing by for your orders captain,” came a quick reply from the marine commander.

    Mr. Sinclair, the comms officer, turned toward his captain and flipped a switch. “Backing it up to the start … 10 second delay, sir. Speakers on.”

    Crackly static popped through the speakers then gave way to a heated conversation between a man and the sultry seductive sounding voice of a woman.

    “… when they fall in line. So don’t take me for a fool, Governor Ankhbar. You know as well as I that you have NO ground to stand on here.” She laughed. “Well, at least you do at the moment.”

    "You are a fool, Jadis and crazy too. Your plan is insane and doomed to failure. You have another thing coming if you expect the cartels to fall in line behind this insidious idea. They won’t ever follow the likes of you and your kind and you still won’t be taken seriously, I mean, how could you? And then you will be hunted down by every cartel and bounty hunter in known space. Oh, the things they would do to you… Death would the kindest fate you could possibly beg for.”

    “Shut your mouth you worm! You try my patience! Do you think I don’t know what it is you are trying to do here? I will not debate this with you and give your soldiers time to board this ship. If you won’t give me the access codes to the warp drive, then you leave me with no alternative. We have come too far to be stopped by a lickspittle like you. Your indignant refusal to cooperate in any way is in stark contrast to your usual groveling demeanor. Even I am surprised. So this is what you think of us. It is people like you who drive us to ends like this. Last warning. Give me the access codes or…”

    “Captain, we have the 1st end, it’s on the planet near the terminator, southern continent. Appears to be a heavily reinforced underground blast bunker.”

    “That’s Ankhbar. Transmit those coordiantes to the transporter room.”

    “Transporter room, this is the captain. Coordinates for the 1st end are inbound. It’s a reinforced blast bunker. Locate and detain Ankhbar. You will beam out on my command, good luck and standby. Prepare the second team.”

    “Copy that, captain, coordinates received, standing by. Team Two preparing.”

      “…if you kill me, you won’t get the warp drive access codes and then what will you do? Where will you go? You’ll be stuck in this system in a poorly armed interplanetary freighter. Think about that. So perhaps we can work out some other arrangement for you? I am a reasonable man. Return my ship and surrender now and we can discuss this in my private chambers. Laughter…”

    “Mr. Sinclair, where is the second end,” the captain asked the comms officer?

    Mr. Sinclair responded, “Looks like Jadis’ ship is on the other side of the planet. There are at least two comsat hops between her and the Governors bunker. We need to get line of sight to pinpoint her.”

      “…and I’m not in the least surprised you haven’t sent a distress signal. I mean, why would you? Obviously you don’t believe me enough to take me seriously. And you couldn’t stomach the embarrassment of needing help to deal with a woman. Savor your refusal to give me the codes and transmit my list of demands to the cartels as your last hollow victory.”

      “No, my victory will be your capture and then I’ll auction you off to the highest bidder, but not before I have my fun with you! Laughter…”[/list]

      Turning to the helmsman the captain said, “Red Alert! Commence Operation Spring Chicken. Pop the can, Mr. Moto and let’s light the fire.” Whatever ship Jadis is in, she can’t go to warp, Jarard thought. That means there is no where for her to go and I can get Ankhbar first and Jadis next. What a plan.

      “Affirmative, sir. Popping the can.”

      High in orbit above Sindar IV, a small sparsely populated Korgath Cartel-controlled planet in the neutral zone between Klingon and Mirak space, the interplanetary freighter ‘Silver Falcon’ literally fell apart. Side, top, front and rear, the exterior of the craft blew outward with explosive bolts and compressed gas. A few moments later, once cleverly hidden in its place, a Prime Cartel commando frigate, the ‘PCF Panther’, began to power up.

        “Word will spread soon enough and then our demands will be fully known and respected. I’m sorry, Ankhbar, but there will be no other arrangements. Oh, and you are out of time.”[/list]

        “Captain, systems online. We have full power.”

        “Excellent, Mr. Moto. Transporter room, this is the captain. Beam down. Go, go, go! Second team prepare for boarding action.”

          “What are you going to do now, Jadis? Blow up my planet? Laughter…“ 

          “That is precisely what I’m going to do.”


          The captain hung on those last words for a moment and turning to the Comms officer, he asked, “We are on a 10 second transmission delay?”

          “Yes sir.”

          “Transporter room! Beam them back up NOW! Get them back!” The captain yelled. Just to be safe...

          “Captain, you don’t really think that she can bl…” The comms officer was cut off in mid sentence. At that very moment, the viewscreen filled the bridge with blinding white light. Several moments later, everyone was knocked to the deck by a sudden shockwave and the lights flickered.

          “Everyone ok?” The captain asked getting back to his feet. Looking around the room, he saw the bridge crew nodding and returning to their stations. “Status?”

          “Lucky we were in high orbit and had gone to red alert, captain, or this would be operation roasted chicken. The shields held. Some sensors and cameras are offline and we will need a new paint job that much is certain. The rest is superficial. I’m maneuvering us through the debris field now.”

          “Transporter room, do I want to know?”

          “Uhhh, no sir, you don’t. I’m sorry.”

          “Understood…” The captain spun around in his chair and slammed his fist down on the bridge rails, his face full of fury and anger. He just lost part of his best commando team and his bounty on Ankhbar. “Damnit, how could she have? No one can blow up a whole planet! Damn her all to hell.” He wasn’t going to lose his bounty on Jadis too. After all this, she'd sure be worth a fortune. Maybe even enough to hire a new crack commando team and get his ship fixed. He jumped over to the helm station and looked at the viewscreen. Searing white hot plasma and burning chunks of molten rock were all that was left of Sindar IV.  “Helm, bring us around the planet, er debris field and lay in an intercept course for Jadis’ ship. She will pay. Oh yes, she will pay.”

            On board the warp disabled freighter ‘Gillespie’, Jadis’ second in command spoke. “Jadis, a Prime Cartel commando frigate approaches. Shall we prepare to fire?”

            “The crew, scan them. Are they human males?”

            “Scanning… Affirmative.”

            “Then no. Let them come. Tell them we surrender. Lower the shields and let them board us. Once we are taken prisoner, we will then take the ship from them and use their warp drive to leave this system and set in motion the second part of our plan.”

            “Jadis,” her Second asked, “Taken prisoner, is this wise?”

            “Of course!” She said seductively while unzipping her corset to her belly button. “After all, no human male can resist us…”

          « Last Edit: September 14, 2005, 05:07:23 am by Dizzy »

          Offline Dizzy

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          Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
          « Reply #1 on: September 11, 2005, 09:48:27 pm »




              XenoCorp's server, and forums.
              Bonk's Live Interactive Web Based Map, SQL DB, server settings and more.
              DieHard's Ship/ftrlist.
              TraceyG, Karnak, ED missions.


              3 Week server, test server up this weekend.
              Sped up early era, slower Mid and Late era.
              4 minute economy and shipyard.
              Web Based shipyard purchasing where the ship you want is ALWAYS available.
              Web based battle reporting system complete with player stats, rankings, etc.
              1 ship unless all players from both sides agree to more for that PvP match only.
              One click do-it-all install/uninstaller.
              Multiple accounts ok.

            Map Notes:


                Hexes start off at 10 and may be raised to 20.

                Before the start of the server I'll adjust the map and finalize it when each side's RM's does the following:

                  - Each side will place 1,500 DV's in groups of 10 anywhere in friendly space to raise their hex DV from 10 to 20. Hexes surrounding a planet/SB may be raised to 30, but not the planet/base itself which is to remain 20.

                  - Embassy Bases: There are 2 neutral hexes in each empire. Each side will choose what color the neutral hexes will be. They must be a different color than the race they are in and no two colors may be located in the same race. Each side will have 2 planets and 6 SB's they may place in these hexes as long as no two planets are located in the same race.

                  - Each Empire will also have a SB and a BATS to place in their own space on the map as long as it isnt adjacent to another planet/base.

                Terraforming: There will be 3 hex locations made know per side that is an empty hex. These empty hexes have a planet which is not on the map, but has the opportunity to be terraformed and if certain conditions are met, a planet will be added to that hex. In order for this to happen, several hexes deep behind enemy lines will need to be flipped. No LoS is necessary. The flipping of these hexes will constitute a 'raid' that your side has conducted in order to get the last known secret terraforming technology that was in the enemy's possesion. Each side will have the same opportunity. The hex and surrounding hexes must be under your control and you may terraform only one of these 3 hexes.

                Scorched Earth: If a former enemy planet is surrounded and controled with a LoS, it may be bombarded and destroyed and will be removed from the map. The loss of a planet has no affect on the outcome of VC's, this option is merely strategic in value.

              CnC Restrictions:

                Da Penalty Box

                  - If you lose one of the following ship types, you may not fly any of these again for 12 hours. This applies to all of a person’s multiple accounts. They are: Any CCX, CAX, BB, DN, CVA, BC/V's.

                  - In addition, if you lose an X ship, you may not fly another for 12 hours.

                  Maximum Capitol Ships on at the same time:
                    - Max Capitol ships on at the same time: Early Era-ish (2263-2274):
                  14 points, Mid and Late Era-ish (2275+): 16 points.
                  - The following ships points count toward the total capitol ships on the server at once:

                    BB:    11
                    CVA:  8
                    DN:    6
                    BC/V: 4

                  - No capitol ships are allowed to fly in a mission together. If they happen to by accident, their opponent is allowed to choose which capital ship must disengage, and thus the disengagement penalty is voided for the disengaging ship.

                  Maximum X Ships on at the same time:

                    - Each side gets
                  3 X points in 2281 and 82. This is increased to 5 in 2283, 6 in 2284 and 7 in 2285+.   X points are in addition to captiol ship points.

                  CCX = 6
                  CAX= 3
                  CLX = 2
                  FFX and DDX =  Free

                  - X ships may not fleet with each other. CAX's are treated as Capitol ships.

                  PvP Kills:

                    - Kills will be recorded via a simple web based battle report system located on a link at the Interactive Web Map.
                    - To report a kill, go to the battle report page, find your battle report and click the Confirm box to confirm the kill.
                    - Total PvP pts will be traded for map DV’s at the end of a VC period. PvP points may also be used to buy Starbases.
                    - PvP kills are worth the following in DV points which the kills report page keeps track of for you:

                    CCX 8
                    CAX 4
                    CLX 2
                    FFX/DDX 1

                    BB 11
                    CVA 8
                    DN 6
                    BC/V 4
                    N/CA, NCL, HDW's are worth 1.
                    Smaller class types with 8 ftrs or 3+ PF's are worth 1.
                    The rest are exempt unless they are involved in a fleet action with a wing in which case they are worth 1.

                  PF CnC

                    - Full Tenders with 3+ PF’s may carry no more than 1 Leader, and 1 Special PF, the others must be vanilla.
                    - Casual Tenders with only 2 PF’s may recover but not re-launch them because they have no repair capability per SFB and may not carry a leader or special PF.

                  Fighter CnC

                    - F-14 ftrs can’t be used on ships except the CVS, BCV, CVA (2 squads max), DVL, and BB.
                    - F-15 ftrs can’t be used on ships except the CVS, F-BB.
                    - These fighters are model represented and distinguishable from regular Fed ftrs.

                    *Note* SFB Fighters with PlaD were converted to PhoF, "plasma mini-bolts", and a Ph3 360`.[/list] [/list]

                    Map VC’s

                      - A planet must be controlled and have a LoS to an Allied HW. You get one point for owning 2 enemy planets of different races. Embassy planets will count toward the race it is located in. For example, if the Coalition has captured 3 Federation planets and only one Mirak planet they only get one VC point. But if they capture another Mirak planet they get 2 points.

                      - There will be 2x Map VC periods. One halfway thru the server and the other at the end.
                      - Total points are talled and a Minor, Major or Decisive Victory will be awarded along with a bunch of naked horny Orion Slave chicks and all the nip or beer you can carry on your back.


                      - All bases are destructible.
                      - Bases may be placed anywhere with a LoS to a friendly base/planet as long as they are not adjacent to another base/planet.
                      - BS missions are PvP, Bats and SB's are not.
                      - Every three days or so each side will be allowed to 'purchase' a SB from their PvP kill points at a cost of 10. The SB may be of any race and be put anywhere in friendly space with a LoS to their HW as long as it is not adjacent to another base/planet.


                      - If you draft or are drafted into a PvP in a hex that has no Allied or Neutral hexes adjacent to it at the time of the draft, then you may not disengage and must fight to the death.

                    Disengagement/Destruction Rule

                      - If you are forced to Disengage in a PvP match, then you are banned from the hex you either took the mission in or were drafted in for 'x' number of turns. If your ship was destroyed then you are banned from that hex for 'y' number of turns. If this happens on a Planet or Base or any of the adjacent hexes, then you follow the above for the Planet or Base hex and all the adjacent hexes.

                    General Rules

                      - General Shuttles and Ftr interaction: A Carrier captain(s) has the right to ask his opponent(s) at the start of the mission whether or not they consider using a GS on a Ftr a valid tactic. All opponents must respond with a yes or no. If the players cannot agree then it will be assumed the tactic will be valid for that match for all players involved. If a responding opponent that answers no to using a GS on a Ftr and does so anyway, then that player forfeits all claims of victory and his/her opponent is exempt from shiploss and the disengagement penalty for that match.

                      - If a mission causes all players to drop, then all those players must attempt to log back on and retry the mission allowing the slowest connection to draft. If this player is known to cause drops or lags, this player must not be on the front lines drafting, being drafted and causing connection issues. It isnt fair to anyone else. They need to do missions elsewhere.

                      - If the server goes down and players are still in a mission, it still counts.

                      - All other rules, same as past servers.

                    Wild Geese

                      - 3-5 volunteer players will be Wild Geese meaning that they will start off with the side of their choosing and every 3 days, if one side has 'x' number more total enemy hexes controlled than the other based on original starting borders, these players will switch sides. It is automatic and no one other than this rule affects their deployment.

                    Forfeiting Misions:
                      - You are
                    NEVER allowed to forfeit a mission under ANY circumstances on the map during a mission draft or a mandatory mission choice. This causes SERIOUS errors in the database and leads to CPU overload and eventual server burps.

                    - If you are drafted you MUST accept the mission. You are NOT ALLOWED to logoff or FORFEIT. EVER

                    - If you find that your navigator is incompetant and has wandered into an enemy hex and you recieve a mandatory mission, you may logoff and relog on as long as you do not do this repeatedly. You are NOT ALLOWED to FORFEIT a mission.

                    - Occasionally a player will become ghosted in a hex. There is nothing we can do about this and no action will be taken.

                    - DO NOT park your ship anywhere near the front lines and go AFK. You will cause forfeits this way. Park your ship away from the front in an empty hex. Better yet, just logoff the server till you come back as you may take up a player slot.

                    - Repeat violaters will be PERMANENTYL BANNED.
                    « Last Edit: September 22, 2005, 08:39:26 pm by Dizzy »

                    Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #2 on: September 11, 2005, 10:31:02 pm »
                    Not sure what my availability will be during this time Dizzy, but you can put me down for Wild Geese duty for whatever time I do have for playing.

                    Offline Dizzy

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #3 on: September 11, 2005, 11:36:35 pm »
                    K, Chuut... Not looking for Wild Geese right now, I'm looking for RM's. SG will test next week whether or not we have them, but the server will not start until there is solid leadership on each side. You did an incredible job on AOTK. Your leadership was inspiring and you let players step up and lead the charge from time to time. I really like your style.

                    I'd like you to instead consider being the Mirak RM and get the troops rallied.

                    EDIT: Most needed right now are player commitments and RM's. Lets get the guys and gals all fired up for this server...

                    Offline Julin Eurthyr

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #4 on: September 12, 2005, 07:53:47 am »
                    If we had a little more solid timeframe set, I could be convinced to carry the usual role of ISC RM / ARM...

                    AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
                    S'Leth - Romulan Admiral
                    Some anonymous strongman in Prime Industries

                    Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #5 on: September 12, 2005, 08:22:16 am »
                    I'll play, (alliance) but not sure how much. Looks like I'll be on the road ten days again, early to mid october.
                    Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel

                    Offline FPF-DieHard

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #6 on: September 12, 2005, 10:47:39 am »

                    EDIT: Most needed right now are player commitments and RM's. Lets get the guys and gals all fired up for this server...

                    For Alliance RM, I nominate Hexx!!!
                    Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

                    Offline Hexx

                    • Sexy Shoeless Lyran God Of War
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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #7 on: September 12, 2005, 11:35:27 am »
                    Then I get to assign the DNH's right?
                    Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                    Offline Braxton_RIP

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #8 on: September 12, 2005, 05:10:58 pm »
                    Right then, the funny part is Dizzy, you sent me the message at the same time I was getting those God aweful casts taken off, so, yes, I will be there in force, and this time there won't be any car accidents because I don't have to drive anywhere.  I walk across the little green and I am at the lecture hall.

                    As luck would have it, most of my teaching is done on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so the other days of the week I will be on a lot to make up for the time I didn't get to spend on AOTKII.

                    If you all really really want me, I can fill an Alliance RM/ARM spot, but if others want it, let them get it first.
                    Old Geezer

                    Typical Fleet:
                    F-DNL, F-CB, F-CLC
                    Braxton's Fleet:
                    F-CVTCR, F-BTR, F-BTL+

                    Offline Capt_Bearslayer_XC

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #9 on: September 12, 2005, 05:13:18 pm »

                    Do you really think that changing the Hydran & Lyran player bases is going to make for a more balanced server?

                    Political Correctness is really Political Censorship

                    A tax code should exist to procure the funds necessary for the operation of government, not to manipulate human or business behavior.

                    A nocens dies in loricatus est melior quam a bonus dies procul opus.

                    A bad peace is even worse than war."  --  Tacitus

                    "We thought we could resolve the system's problems by rationing services or injecting massive amounts of new money into it" -Claude Castonguay

                    Offline Dizzy

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #10 on: September 12, 2005, 05:14:36 pm »
                    WHOOT! Damn good to have ya back!  :thumbsup: And I'm glad you got those nasty casts off... Is your skin yellow and gross?

                    Offline Braxton_RIP

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #11 on: September 12, 2005, 05:17:25 pm »
                    Umm not really yellow, sort of a really pale white color and I lost a lot of muscle :( Can't work out for a while yet though.  I did do a little tanning though.
                    Old Geezer

                    Typical Fleet:
                    F-DNL, F-CB, F-CLC
                    Braxton's Fleet:
                    F-CVTCR, F-BTR, F-BTL+

                    Offline Hexx

                    • Sexy Shoeless Lyran God Of War
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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #12 on: September 12, 2005, 05:25:54 pm »

                    Do you really think that changing the Hydran & Lyran player bases is going to make for a more balanced server?

                    I don't think it will be more balanced because they switched up, but I think the two sides are largely interchangeable.

                    Really if you're going to cry cuz DH won't be there to hold your hand you can take him with you. He could tuck you in at night
                    Make sure no one nasty attacks you.
                    Plus it might be fun to kill him using a Fed DNH
                    Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                    Offline Dizzy

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #13 on: September 12, 2005, 05:26:03 pm »

                    Do you really think that changing the Hydran & Lyran player bases is going to make for a more balanced server?

                    Well, I hope its not too terribly painful to play on the coalition side. But you do deserve an explanation... And it isnt set in stone till I figure out how strong the hydran and lyran ranks will be.

                    1st off, there seems to be a huge drawing to the Lyran side. Amazing... Unheard of a few years ago, lol. The Hydrans have a few regulars and a few stragglers. Not as many as the lyran roster, according to past servers.

                    So we looked at (me and a few D2 guys) the player base and decided that since there is a huge coalition following, something had to be done to balance it out cuz a lot of alliance players are MIA. The fed ranks have seriously dwindled. So we looked at what races could switch to get the desired player base balance. We thought ISC and Gorn, but then the alliance would have PPD and Photons... Cheesy. Then we thought Lyran and Hydran. It seemed to make the most sense because it seems to solve the player numbers issue without causing a ship/race tactic mismatch. Although Hellbores and PPD seems a bit scary, the alliance will be happy with the few extra players they get from this swap.

                    Bear, I dunno if it's gonna stay that way, but if you can rustle up another 5 Hydrans and a few more Feds, I'll leave traditional Alliance alone. But think about playing for the coalition... I've flown with em and they are pretty cool.

                    Send me a PM if this is really an issue.

                    Offline FPF-DieHard

                    • DDO Junkie
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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #14 on: September 12, 2005, 05:36:38 pm »

                    Plus it might be fun to kill him using a Fed DNH

                    Just ask Chuut   <Snicker>
                    Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

                    Offline Hexx

                    • Sexy Shoeless Lyran God Of War
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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #15 on: September 12, 2005, 05:39:12 pm »
                    There's really more Lyrans?
                    I actually thought Hydrans had a few (very few) more players.
                    Guess I haven't been paying attention.

                    I suppose I should take this opportunity to thank those of you who have returned to or joined the
                    Lyran ranks.. but really you know you only want to emulate me.. <sigh> I suppose this means I'll have to show some of you
                    how to fly Lyran ships now.

                    <pre-posting edit>
                    Damnit Chuut killed you with a DNH?
                    Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                    Offline FPF-DieHard

                    • DDO Junkie
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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #16 on: September 12, 2005, 05:41:04 pm »
                    <sigh> I suppose this means I'll have to show some of you
                    how to fly Lyran ships now.

                    I think it's time Sten stopped Hunting Wookies.
                    Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

                    Offline FPF-DieHard

                    • DDO Junkie
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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #17 on: September 12, 2005, 05:42:29 pm »

                    <pre-posting edit>
                    Damnit Chuut killed you with a DNH?

                    He fought me in a DNH, I had been flying to 3 hours behind the lines on Mirror and had not supplied.
                    Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

                    Offline Hexx

                    • Sexy Shoeless Lyran God Of War
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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #18 on: September 12, 2005, 05:58:46 pm »
                    <sigh> I suppose this means I'll have to show some of you
                    how to fly Lyran ships now.

                    I think it's time Sten stopped Hunting Wookies.

                    Please ,Sten (like Kzinbane,Laflin,Mog) flew the "traditional" way to fly Lyran.
                    My style is completely original, and almost as effective.
                    But is much more entertaining to watch.

                    All this talk of
                    "use the ESG to stop drones"
                    "If you fly Lyran you must be constantlly managing your power"

                    Bunch of drivel.

                    I really ought to type up a guide to flying Lyran ships for the rest of you ..
                    Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                    Offline Capt_Bearslayer_XC

                    • "Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I'm easily distracted by shiney things."
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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #19 on: September 12, 2005, 06:04:17 pm »

                    Do you really think that changing the Hydran & Lyran player bases is going to make for a more balanced server?

                    Well, I hope its not too terribly painful to play on the coalition side. But you do deserve an explanation... And it isnt set in stone till I figure out how strong the hydran and lyran ranks will be.

                    1st off, there seems to be a huge drawing to the Lyran side. Amazing... Unheard of a few years ago, lol. The Hydrans have a few regulars and a few stragglers. Not as many as the lyran roster, according to past servers.

                    So we looked at (me and a few D2 guys) the player base and decided that since there is a huge coalition following, something had to be done to balance it out cuz a lot of alliance players are MIA. The fed ranks have seriously dwindled. So we looked at what races could switch to get the desired player base balance. We thought ISC and Gorn, but then the alliance would have PPD and Photons... Cheesy. Then we thought Lyran and Hydran. It seemed to make the most sense because it seems to solve the player numbers issue without causing a ship/race tactic mismatch. Although Hellbores and PPD seems a bit scary, the alliance will be happy with the few extra players they get from this swap.

                    Bear, I dunno if it's gonna stay that way, but if you can rustle up another 5 Hydrans and a few more Feds, I'll leave traditional Alliance alone. But think about playing for the coalition... I've flown with em and they are pretty cool.

                    Send me a PM if this is really an issue.

                    I have no problem which side I am flying for... but the last 10 servers or so have been blow outs.  Since the SSCF left, the alliance side hasn't really had a chance.
                    Political Correctness is really Political Censorship

                    A tax code should exist to procure the funds necessary for the operation of government, not to manipulate human or business behavior.

                    A nocens dies in loricatus est melior quam a bonus dies procul opus.

                    A bad peace is even worse than war."  --  Tacitus

                    "We thought we could resolve the system's problems by rationing services or injecting massive amounts of new money into it" -Claude Castonguay

                    Offline Hexx

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #20 on: September 12, 2005, 06:08:31 pm »
                    Yes but now the Alliance gets ME.

                    And some other assorted riff-raff that fly Lyran.

                    Actually reminds me
                    Has anyone seen Likkerpig btw? Haven't seen him around in abit,

                    Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                    Offline Capt_Bearslayer_XC

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #21 on: September 12, 2005, 06:12:58 pm »
                    Yes but now the Alliance gets ME.

                    Well, at least they won't be short on comedy. ;)
                    Political Correctness is really Political Censorship

                    A tax code should exist to procure the funds necessary for the operation of government, not to manipulate human or business behavior.

                    A nocens dies in loricatus est melior quam a bonus dies procul opus.

                    A bad peace is even worse than war."  --  Tacitus

                    "We thought we could resolve the system's problems by rationing services or injecting massive amounts of new money into it" -Claude Castonguay

                    Offline Dizzy

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #22 on: September 12, 2005, 06:53:31 pm »

                    I have no problem which side I am flying for... but the last 10 servers or so have been blow outs.  Since the SSCF left, the alliance side hasn't really had a chance.

                    Well thats a relief. Im glad u dont mind which side u fly for cuz it looks like 10+ Lyrans will show up...

                    And dont forget SG4. The Alliance crushed the Coalition... They had an excellent turn out. In fact, the Coalition did pretty good too, but they got beat on the PvP front and in the hex flip front. They wernt blown out, but they were shut out.

                    Offline Braxton_RIP

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #23 on: September 12, 2005, 07:35:07 pm »
                    Yes but now the Alliance gets ME.

                    And some other assorted riff-raff that fly Lyran.

                    Actually reminds me
                    Has anyone seen Likkerpig btw? Haven't seen him around in abit,


                    SWEET!!!! I finally get to try the T-Bomb Hexx manouver!  I have been wanting to try it for YEARS!
                    Old Geezer

                    Typical Fleet:
                    F-DNL, F-CB, F-CLC
                    Braxton's Fleet:
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                    Offline Hexx

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #24 on: September 12, 2005, 08:01:12 pm »

                    Mr Scary Fed

                    Please- I've been allied with Klinks for god knows how long
                    You have any idea why they kept assigning D7L's to "escort" me?

                    I'll be able to wing with feds in my sleep
                    Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                    Offline Hexx

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #25 on: September 12, 2005, 08:07:27 pm »
                    Meant to ask- can we get correct Lyran YFA's for the refits?
                    DH keeps promising but seems to always forget..
                    Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                    Offline Braxton_RIP

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #26 on: September 12, 2005, 08:12:51 pm »

                    Mr Scary Fed

                    Please- I've been allied with Klinks for god knows how long
                    You have any idea why they kept assigning D7L's to "escort" me?

                    I'll be able to wing with feds in my sleep

                    Awe.. don't worry.  The GSC series run with 7 transporters as well, I'm sure you'll feel right at home :)
                    Old Geezer

                    Typical Fleet:
                    F-DNL, F-CB, F-CLC
                    Braxton's Fleet:
                    F-CVTCR, F-BTR, F-BTL+

                    Offline Dfly

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #27 on: September 12, 2005, 08:19:15 pm »
                    Hey Ducky, you flying in this one? your son?


                    • Guest
                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #28 on: September 12, 2005, 08:38:23 pm »
                    Well it would be fun to fly with the Coalition for once, but like Bear and Hexx I don't think Lyran numbers are usually any better than Hydran. Perhaps Dizzy is thinking of AOTK2 when every single Mirak switched into a Lyran account whenever PvP was bound to occur. Certainly at times that gave the illusion of a golden plague (or cough at least).

                    A couple of other questions/comments from the rules, Diz:

                    - If you lose one of the following ‘Special’ ship types, you may not fly another one for 12 hours. This applies to all of a person’s multiple accounts. The following ships below are considered ‘Special’: Any BB, DN, CVA, BC/V's

                    Does that mean you may not fly any Special ship, or just one of that type?

                    - No special ships are allowed to fly in a mission together. If they happen to by accident, one must immediately leave the battle without engaging the enemy AND disengagement rules apply.

                    Applying the DR to this is not necessary if you require one of them to disengage. Drafting is far from perfect and accidents will happen. Don't make the penalty more than it needs to be.

                    Assuming you only require one of the cap ships to disengage (without penalty):

                    At the very least, the disengaging player will be sitting around idle in a cap ship while the other players duke it out. At the very worst he will take up a draft slot which should have been for the other cap ship's wingman. In either case that's enough penalty for the poor sucker who got drafted with the wrong team (which happens all the time).

                    To make things more interesting, allow the other side to select which of the two cap ships has to disengage.

                    - No more than 50% Hellbore ftrs, (ST-H).

                    You really need to talk to DH about his mod.

                    This rule might have made sense before SFB fighters. With SFB fighters however, St-2's get mopped up so badly by drone fighters it's horrifying to watch. In a 16 vs 16 battle with ZYC's 12 of the ZYC's will survive on average. This has been shown in testing and on live servers. St-H's improve that somewhat. Against A-20's and TADS it will be as bad if not worse.

                    Ask almost any regular Hydran pilot and they will tell you they prefer St-2's unless carriers are around. St-H's are not Hornets dude; against ships they are just plain inferior to St-2's. But against carriers taking St-2's is pure suicide.

                    Let the players decide.
                    « Last Edit: September 12, 2005, 08:57:58 pm by 762_XC »

                    Offline Hexx

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #29 on: September 12, 2005, 10:02:55 pm »
                    Let the players decide.


                    I've decided the Lyrans should get the F-14's now.
                    Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                    Offline Dizzy

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #30 on: September 12, 2005, 11:14:14 pm »
                    - If you lose one of the following ‘Special’ ship types, you may not fly another one for 12 hours. This applies to all of a person’s multiple accounts. The following ships below are considered ‘Special’: Any BB, DN, CVA, BC/V's

                    Does that mean you may not fly any Special ship, or just one of that type?

                    U cant fly any of them.

                    - No special ships are allowed to fly in a mission together. If they happen to by accident, one must immediately leave the battle without engaging the enemy AND disengagement rules apply

                    Applying the DR to this is not necessary if you require one of them to disengage. Drafting is far from perfect and accidents will happen. Don't make the penalty more than it needs to be.

                    Assuming you only require one of the cap ships to disengage (without penalty):

                    At the very least, the disengaging player will be sitting around idle in a cap ship while the other players duke it out. At the very worst he will take up a draft slot which should have been for the other cap ship's wingman. In either case that's enough penalty for the poor sucker who got drafted with the wrong team (which happens all the time).

                    To make things more interesting, allow the other side to select which of the two cap ships has to disengage.

                    Yes, I like that better. Will amend the rules. Very good idea.

                    - No more than 50% Hellbore ftrs, (ST-H).

                    You really need to talk to DH about his mod.

                    Let the players decide.

                    Ok, Ill talk to dh. Dunno the dynamics here... thats just an old cnc.

                    Offline Braxton_RIP

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #31 on: September 12, 2005, 11:14:29 pm »
                    Let the players decide.


                    I've decided the Lyrans should get the F-14's now.

                    While we are on these decisions, I have decided that my F-DNL is to be equipped with some of our new found ally's (the Lyrans) ESGs in addition to its standard compliment of weapons.  Four would be good, but I will settle for three...  :rofl: :lol: :gg:
                    Old Geezer

                    Typical Fleet:
                    F-DNL, F-CB, F-CLC
                    Braxton's Fleet:
                    F-CVTCR, F-BTR, F-BTL+

                    Offline FPF-DieHard

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #32 on: September 12, 2005, 11:28:10 pm »

                    Ok, Ill talk to dh. Dunno the dynamics here... thats just an old cnc.

                    I agree with t00l about the Helebore fighter Dynamics.
                    Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

                    Offline Dizzy

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #33 on: September 13, 2005, 12:43:46 am »
                    Ok, I'll defer to the two of you. You guys know it better than me. So then no CnC for the Hydrans? Is there any good reason to say that not every squad if there are four can be of the same type? Or no?

                    Offline Capt_Bearslayer_XC

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #34 on: September 13, 2005, 06:44:37 am »
                    Usually, it was the hornetII/III's that everyone bitched about....

                    So the CnC reflected that...

                    But since the fixing of the fighter fusions that has not been an issue, most of us prefer the wasp/st-2's.

                    Now, the Hydrans carry the Wasps, St-1's, and St-2's regularly.

                    Since those fighters are considered the 'standard' fighter, no CnC was placed against Hydrans flying with all fusion fighters.

                    I don't even think I have used St-H's against a human yet.
                    Political Correctness is really Political Censorship

                    A tax code should exist to procure the funds necessary for the operation of government, not to manipulate human or business behavior.

                    A nocens dies in loricatus est melior quam a bonus dies procul opus.

                    A bad peace is even worse than war."  --  Tacitus

                    "We thought we could resolve the system's problems by rationing services or injecting massive amounts of new money into it" -Claude Castonguay

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #35 on: September 13, 2005, 06:54:54 am »
                    well if you want to get technical n everything.......the stock 4.0 hellbore fighterss rip ya a new one, andive been happy with the fighter cnc as i havent had to worry about it ever.......of course if ALL the fighters thatll rip right through ya that easily were toned down a bit then the cnc wouldnt be needed...just my 9 cents

                    Offline FPF-DieHard

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #36 on: September 13, 2005, 09:19:20 am »
                    Ok, I'll defer to the two of you. You guys know it better than me. So then no CnC for the Hydrans? Is there any good reason to say that not every squad if there are four can be of the same type? Or no?

                    I do not feel any fighter CnC is needed except for the Federation F14 and F15 fighters.   This of course assumes you don't make any changes to my list after I submit it to Bonk for the installer.
                    Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

                    Offline Dizzy

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #37 on: September 13, 2005, 09:45:33 am »
                    not touching the ftrlist. EDIT: amended the rules, now they are even shorter! They are a fraction of the rules on SG4. I am so proud!


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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #38 on: September 13, 2005, 09:53:21 am »
                    Good job Diz. Put me down for Hydran RM.

                    Offline FPF-DieHard

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #39 on: September 13, 2005, 09:54:08 am »
                    Good job Diz. Put me down for Hydran RM.

                    Oh this is going to be fun!!
                    Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .


                    • Guest
                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #40 on: September 13, 2005, 09:59:22 am »
                    Yes it is. Hydran is pretty tough to fly against the Alliance races.

                    Offline Dizzy

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #41 on: September 13, 2005, 10:03:00 am »
                    ok I'll start a RM thread so you guys will know what to do b4 the server starts and u can ask questions and stuff.

                    Offline Kzinbane

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #42 on: September 13, 2005, 09:06:40 pm »
                    <sigh> I suppose this means I'll have to show some of you
                    how to fly Lyran ships now.

                    I think it's time Sten stopped Hunting Wookies.

                    Please ,Sten (like Kzinbane,Laflin,Mog) flew the "traditional" way to fly Lyran.
                    My style is completely original, and almost as effective.
                    But is much more entertaining to watch.

                    All this talk of
                    "use the ESG to stop drones"
                    "If you fly Lyran you must be constantlly managing your power"

                    Bunch of drivel.

                    I really ought to type up a guide to flying Lyran ships for the rest of you ..

                    Get in close so when your ship goes BOOM you can do some dammage to the otherwise untouched enemy.
                    Hexx's guid to flying Lyran (short version).
                    Longer - stop drones using front shield if possible, etc...
                    I wouldn't want to give it all away... secrets are meant to be kept!


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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #43 on: September 13, 2005, 10:12:11 pm »
                    Yes it is. Hydran is pretty tough to fly against the Alliance races.

                    Yeah but a Klink on yer wing will cheer you up ;)

                    Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #44 on: September 13, 2005, 10:16:28 pm »
                    K, Chuut... Not looking for Wild Geese right now, I'm looking for RM's. SG will test next week whether or not we have them, but the server will not start until there is solid leadership on each side. You did an incredible job on AOTK. Your leadership was inspiring and you let players step up and lead the charge from time to time. I really like your style.

                    I'd like you to instead consider being the Mirak RM and get the troops rallied.

                    EDIT: Most needed right now are player commitments and RM's. Lets get the guys and gals all fired up for this server...

                    Like to help you out Dizzy, but I really have neither the time nor the inclination right now to take on any RM duties.  I honestly have minimal desire to play much at all as I'm still burned out from AOTK II.  That server was alot of fun for me and I put everything I had into it and there just isn't much left at present.  I figured geese duty might give me a chance to putter about in several different races and thus help rekindle some interest for me.

                    Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #45 on: September 13, 2005, 10:37:43 pm »
                    Yes it is. Hydran is pretty tough to fly against the Alliance races.

                    How so? Seems like 6 of one and a half dozen of the other.
                    Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #46 on: September 13, 2005, 10:56:57 pm »
                    Yes it is. Hydran is pretty tough to fly against the Alliance races.

                    How so? Seems like 6 of one and a half dozen of the other.

                    The traditional Hydran enemies are the lyrans (wyn) Klinks and ....uh... tholians IIRC....

                    The ships arent designed around plasma evasion....they are designed primarily for carrier operations....and have power curves appropriate...

                    And the feddies have the longer range proxie...where a hydran can standoff and harrass a klink with fighters and hellbores....a fed and give it right back.....and the high speed needed for plasma evasion presents a higher risk of loosing fighters if deployed...and those fighters are a good deal of the hydran's firepower...

                    subtle differences yes....but still differences

                    I'm not expert on hydrans...just my observations from flying against them so long....


                    • Guest
                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #47 on: September 13, 2005, 11:21:30 pm »
                    What Crimmy said. Feds are probably Hydrans' toughest opponents.

                    Gorns, can go either way, depending on era.

                    Kzin are fun. Tougher than Klinks because of the extra drones.

                    Then again there's Hexx, and we know how that goes.

                    Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #48 on: September 13, 2005, 11:23:56 pm »
                    Plasma evasion?- hydrans dont have to worry about isc with PPD to boot and rom plasma and cloak anymore, just gorn now. Wow that's tougher?

                    proxie vs PPD.....

                    Mirak instead of klinks....

                    Sorry, it aint tougher...
                    Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel


                    • Guest
                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #49 on: September 13, 2005, 11:26:01 pm »
                    Plasma evasion?- hydrans dont have to worry about isc with PPD to boot and rom plasma and cloak anymore, just gorn now. Wow that's tougher?

                    proxie vs PPD.....

                    Mirak instead of klinks....

                    Sorry, it aint tougher...

                    Hydrans are built to handle certain things. Photons and G-racks are not among those things.

                    Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #50 on: September 13, 2005, 11:31:22 pm »
                    standard alliances as we play sfc on dynaverse... you don't have to worry anymore about ppd and cloaking plasma chuckers now, just the poor gorn. Still get to fight lyran and then trade mirak for klink allies. Photon vs. PPD? watch your ecm and see how many photons miss. You are now are up against 2 races with AMD, era permitting. :skeptic: At least with the ISC on your side now, you can have cheese with your whine. ;D
                    « Last Edit: September 14, 2005, 07:53:55 am by FPF-TobinDax »
                    Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel

                    Offline Hexx

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #51 on: September 14, 2005, 12:15:43 am »
                    I'm starting to get the feeling Dax isn't feeling very neighboorly towards the Federation's newest
                    Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                    Offline Braxton_RIP

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #52 on: September 14, 2005, 12:38:28 am »
                    Rulers my patucas.  I'll give you rulers.  They are somewhat red, go very fast, and when they hit your ship they go boom.  ;D :P 8)
                    Old Geezer

                    Typical Fleet:
                    F-DNL, F-CB, F-CLC
                    Braxton's Fleet:
                    F-CVTCR, F-BTR, F-BTL+

                    Offline Riskyllama

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #53 on: September 14, 2005, 12:58:22 am »
                    Rulers my patucas.  I'll give you rulers.  They are somewhat red, go very fast, and when they hit your ship they go boom.  ;D :P 8)
                    This is a low blow, but I heard the Lyrans are gonna fly red dump trucks Braxton.
                    Everything is sweetened by risk. ~Alexander Smith

                    Offline Soreyes

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #54 on: September 14, 2005, 02:16:26 am »
                    Just for the Hell of it. I just might fly Coalition...... Time to pull out that old Romulan Uniform that's somewhere in the back of my closet ;D

                    [img width=600 height=150]

                    Offline KBF-Butcher

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #55 on: September 14, 2005, 04:17:41 am »
                     >:( >:( >:(

                    Couldnt start 2 weeks earlier so the poor Greek soldier could have a chance to play...Now this monday i have to go back to my army obligations. sh*t!!!
                    I m loosing the best server.Damn!!!
                    I hate u Dizzy!  :cuss:
                    U all the rest lucky bastards have fun!

                    p.s When the next SG server begins? :-[ ::)

                    Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #56 on: September 14, 2005, 08:04:29 am »
                    I'm starting to get the feeling Dax isn't feeling very neighboorly towards the Federation's newest

                    That would make the Hydrans and friends your new ruler too, oh legend in your own mind... ;)
                    Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel

                    Offline Hexx

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #57 on: September 14, 2005, 08:32:44 am »
                    Haven't you been reading the RP background Dizzy set up?

                    Lyrans conquered the Kzin, then defeated the Feds by attacking them, but refusing to
                    declare war. Federation Legal consultants Snickers Inc tied the Federation council up for a year
                    debating the legality of fighting back. While this was going on the Hydrans and the Klinks went at it.
                    Realing how silly their ship design actually was, the Klinks surrendered. The Hydrans then immediately
                    allied themselves with the ISC in a vain attempt to prevent the Lyrans from coming after them.
                    And still no one cared what the other plasma races were doing.
                    Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                    Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #58 on: September 14, 2005, 08:48:47 am »
                    Haven't you been reading your own statements Hexx?

                    "I'm starting to get the feeling Dax isn't feeling very neighboorly towards the Federation's newest

                    My comment to you is based on what you said. You say I'm not feeling neighborly with the Feds' newest rulers, while I'm having a difference of opinion with Mr. Hydran here. Maybe you need to follow along a little closer, before bringing up the RP background that had no bearing on my exchanges over balance. :P

                    « Last Edit: September 14, 2005, 09:11:48 am by FPF-TobinDax »
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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #59 on: September 14, 2005, 09:02:24 am »
                    Hi all

                    Ok I sent out a quick email today to  the  few KHH players still around, trying to see who is interested in this server..should   hear back within the next 24 hours.

                    We would be willing to fly for whichever side needs us the most .. alternativly we would also make a good group of "Geese"..

                    If we have any ideas on numbers for the two sides yet that would be help in determining which side we should fly for.


                    Offline FPF-DieHard

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #60 on: September 14, 2005, 09:05:31 am »

                    If we have any ideas on numbers for the two sides yet that would be help in determining which side we should fly for.

                    We won't know until it starts.
                    Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

                    Offline Hexx

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #61 on: September 14, 2005, 09:15:51 am »
                    Rulers my patucas.  I'll give you rulers.  They are somewhat red, go very fast, and when they hit your ship they go boom.  ;D :P 8)
                    This is a low blow, but I heard the Lyrans are gonna fly red dump trucks Braxton.
                    I tried to be good but


                    (sorry Brax , I'm going to hell )
                    Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

                    Offline Dizzy

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #62 on: September 14, 2005, 09:29:15 am »
                    Thx, Duck. Start off flying the side of your choice. Figure the player numbers later.

                    Offline Corbomite

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #63 on: September 14, 2005, 11:21:48 pm »
                    Careful Tobin or you will become another victim of the self fulfilling paradigm.  :banghead:

                    Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #64 on: September 15, 2005, 02:59:39 pm »
                    um, so by telling 762 that he's got it better than he suggest, I ensure my defeat? I thought it already was. ;)
                    Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel


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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #65 on: September 15, 2005, 03:15:17 pm »
                    Did I miss something?

                    Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #66 on: September 15, 2005, 03:31:48 pm »
                    not sure myself... ;D
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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #67 on: September 15, 2005, 04:24:50 pm »
                    Did I miss something?

                    Lagavulin for under $85 bucks  ;)


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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #68 on: September 15, 2005, 05:37:19 pm »
                    OMG, I saw it yesterday for $98!!!  :o

                    Offline KBFKrotz

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #69 on: September 17, 2005, 01:36:16 pm »
                    Bump, and could we get the rules stickied please?  :)

                    Offline Dizzy

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #70 on: September 17, 2005, 01:47:03 pm »
                    There will be a new thread soon. Not sticky this one.

                    Offline Corbomite

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #71 on: September 18, 2005, 11:21:10 pm »
                    Hey Dizzy do you still want me to go on a rant about the X-ships? Since I'm getting ready to move soon I don't even know if I can play. I have no clue when I'll get my connect back up.

                    Offline Dizzy

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #72 on: September 19, 2005, 01:00:07 am »
                    You are always welcome to say what u want, Corbo, but I'll sneak a thought out that I am agreeing with DH on 'X points' leaving other capital ship points alone.

                    Offline Capt_Bearslayer_XC

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #73 on: September 19, 2005, 07:58:12 am »
                    Hey Dizzy do you still want me to go on a rant about the X-ships? Since I'm getting ready to move soon I don't even know if I can play. I have no clue when I'll get my connect back up.

                    Do you know that DH has changed the X ships?

                    First gen only, no Phaser X's or 'heavy' heavy weapons.  A 33% increase in heavy weapons mounts and making ph3's into phaser 1's.


                    Designation: F-CLX
                    BPV: 197
                    Crew: 39
                    Marines: 12
                    Shield 1: 36
                    Shield 2 & 6: 30
                    Shield 3 & 5: 30
                    Shield 4: 30
                    Total Shields: 186

                    Movement Cost: 0.67
                    Turn Mode: C
                    Total Warp Power: 30
                    Impulse Power: 4
                    Aux Power: 4
                    Total Engine Power: 38
                    Battery: 9

                    Transporters: 3
                    Tractors: 2
                    Mech Tractors:
                    Shuttles: 4

                    6x Photon
                    2x Missle Rack B
                    10x Phaser 1


                    Designation: F-CLC
                    BPV: 145
                    Crew: 39
                    Marines: 12
                    Shield 1: 36
                    Shield 2 & 6: 30
                    Shield 3 & 5: 24
                    Shield 4: 24
                    Total Shields: 168

                    Movement Cost: 0.67
                    Turn Mode: C
                    Total Warp Power: 24
                    Impulse Power: 4
                    Aux Power: 4
                    Total Engine Power: 32
                    Battery: 3

                    Transporters: 3
                    Tractors: 2
                    Mech Tractors:
                    Shuttles: 4

                    4x Photon
                    2x Missle Rack G
                    8x Phaser 1
                    2x Phaser 3

                    They are damn good ships, but still beatable.
                    Political Correctness is really Political Censorship

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                    A nocens dies in loricatus est melior quam a bonus dies procul opus.

                    A bad peace is even worse than war."  --  Tacitus

                    "We thought we could resolve the system's problems by rationing services or injecting massive amounts of new money into it" -Claude Castonguay

                    Offline Corbomite

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #74 on: September 19, 2005, 08:25:08 am »
                    Yeah I know all about that Bear. It shouldn't suprise anyone that I don't agree with it.

                    I wish we would leave them out entirely, but that is , of course, up to the server designer. The YFA thing is a minor annoyance if they are to be included and again up to the designer when to issue and restrict them.

                    My main beef is with the HW loadouts. IMO the X-Phasers should be left on (leaving PD Phasers as is and not replacing them with X) and the HW suites left in their original configs.

                    Now it can be argued that the plasma races (except ISC) need the longer ranged plasma to compete with the faster moving, better shielded ships they would be encountering, but if it were me I'd rather have a better DF weapon, i.e. OL Phasers, at my disposal than a bigger torp that can still be WW or out run with moderate skill. Of course the DF races get the better phasers too, but with most DF weapons (with the exception of, I think, HB and Fusions) being in a FA, they at least have to maneuver to get their shot and head towards the plasma ship whereas the plasma ships can lob large plasmas over their shoulders or to the side.

                    Besides, am I the only one that thinks a CL with two R-Torps is just silly?

                    Offline Capt_Bearslayer_XC

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #75 on: September 19, 2005, 08:34:24 am »
                    LOL... as things advance, they get smaller...

                    And I have never been a Taldren X ship lover, usually when they would come out on a server, I found something else to do.

                    But these ships are at least reasonable first gen facsimilies.  Not the mega super star destroyers the original Taldren X ships were.

                    I still don't like X ships, but at least these are bearable and not, IMO, OTT.
                    Political Correctness is really Political Censorship

                    A tax code should exist to procure the funds necessary for the operation of government, not to manipulate human or business behavior.

                    A nocens dies in loricatus est melior quam a bonus dies procul opus.

                    A bad peace is even worse than war."  --  Tacitus

                    "We thought we could resolve the system's problems by rationing services or injecting massive amounts of new money into it" -Claude Castonguay

                    Offline Corbomite

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #76 on: September 19, 2005, 08:44:05 am »
                    We're not talking about the X2 ships unless I'm way off here. I'm talking about the OP+/ DH X1 ships. There is really nothing "X" about DH's ships. They are just HDW's on larger hulls. If they are to be an improvment in technology then there should be some advancemet present, like X-Phasers, not just cramming more/larger stuff on a smaller ship. Just my opinion. I don't intend to get in any arguments over this.
                    « Last Edit: September 19, 2005, 09:07:11 am by Corbomite »

                    Offline Dizzy

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #77 on: September 19, 2005, 09:11:53 am »
                    Np, Corbo, we know how you feel. X points will allow the use of one X ship on at a time in 81 and 82, possibly allowing more after that. But running into one every now and then proves for an interesting fight. And they are fun to fly... and fairly balanced which is tjhe point.

                    Doing it this way lets us continue the server with some new choices w/o it turning into a cheese fest.

                    Offline Corbomite

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #78 on: September 19, 2005, 09:14:17 am »
                    Well we're obviously not talking about the same thing, but its your server.

                    Offline Capt_Bearslayer_XC

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                    Re: Slave Girls V: The Wrath of the Orion Slave Girls!
                    « Reply #79 on: September 19, 2005, 09:17:49 am »
                    Didn't think we were arguing....

                    And no pure X ships, we are talking (I guess) about X1 ships.

                    According to what DH has shown me, they are the most reasonable conversions of ships to 1st gen X technology.
                    Political Correctness is really Political Censorship

                    A tax code should exist to procure the funds necessary for the operation of government, not to manipulate human or business behavior.

                    A nocens dies in loricatus est melior quam a bonus dies procul opus.

                    A bad peace is even worse than war."  --  Tacitus

                    "We thought we could resolve the system's problems by rationing services or injecting massive amounts of new money into it" -Claude Castonguay