So last week I did some work at the home of one of our business clients. The client's son was having a lot of difficulty with his wireless connection, and really needed help sorting it all out.
They have a cablemodem, Linksys router, main computer connected directly to it and the son's computer in his room trying to connect wirelessly.
First, I sit down at his desk and check his wireless. The 'Available Networks' list shows four wireless networks nearby, a default open one named 'linksys', a WEP encrypted called 'linksys-CG1234', a third called 'aaaaaaaalinksys' and a fourth called 'Joey'. Well, then, this open 'linksys' network must be the one he just put in, no? I wonder if it's available for remote configuration or if I have to walk to the other side of the house and do it from the main computer, and sure enough! it works!
#1 Download latest drivers for wireless NIC. Success.
#2 Download latest firmware for router. Hmm... What model? Oh, there it is on the 'Status' page. After much searching I come up with the drivers. At one point I found that the model on the bottom of the router didn't match the model it said it was on the status page.... Odd. Different revision? No matter, I got the proper firmware and installed it. Success.
#3 Set Admin password so the neighborhood kids can't do what I'm doing with our router. Success.
#4 Change network name from default 'linksys' to innoculous "Wireless2" so neighborhood kids won't automatically know who it belongs to and decide that it needs hacking. Success.
#5 Enable WEP encryption using passphrase and key #4 (chosen at random). Success. Oops. Now I can't log back in because my wireless NIC software doesn't allow me to create a key using passphrase - have to enter it manually and I didn't write it down. Oh, well, I guess I'll have to go to the main computer in the house, log in to the router from there and write it down....
#6 Log into router from main computer. Failed. Hmm.... wrong password? Oh, it changed back to the default. That's odd. OK, I'm in.
#7. Check wireless security to get key.... Hmm... That's odd. Security is not enabled. Why would it go away? Check status page. Router uptime 3 days.... Back to wireless configuration page. Wireless network name.... "linksys-CG1234".
#8 Get a clue. SUCCESS! That must mean.... That means.... that.... I just.... hosed.... some random neighbor's wireless router. And now I can't log back into it to fix it....