
Topic: Aftermath  (Read 20874 times)

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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #60 on: March 17, 2006, 02:44:53 pm »
Thing is Guv, is that, where McCafferty and Brown are being childish, grudge-bearing, and petty type assholes, you are more the style of asshole who'd be quietly encouraging their self-destruction.  Once their adolescent behavior toppled them from their posts the Kusanagi would be yours...yours!...ALL YOURS!!! *villanous laughter*.

"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #61 on: March 18, 2006, 11:58:02 pm »
'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

Offline Scottish Andy

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Aftermath - Chapter Eleven
« Reply #62 on: March 23, 2006, 09:51:43 am »
Chapter Eleven

The heavy cruisers have turned into dreadnoughts and I steal a quick glance at McCafferty before we step into Tandara’s office. Either she’s unconcerned, or that’s one hell of a poker face.

The commodore is standing up behind his desk, staring out of his window at the dark skies and bright lights of his base. Possibly seeing us reflected in the window, he says, "Commander, Lieutenant. Please take a seat."

Karen looks to me and I shake my head slightly. Addressing Tandara, she states, "Thank you sir, but we prefer to stand."

He turns to face us, expressionless. "As you wish," he replies evenly. Not sitting down himself, he paces around behind his desk. "Tell me, Lieutenants, in my place and knowing what you know, what would you do? Mr. Brown."

Taken by surprise, I manage to avoid stammering my answer. "I would dishonourably discharge us both, sir."

A fine eyebrow goes up. "Would you now? And you, Mr. McCafferty?"

On hearing my answer I had felt her flinch slightly, but on being called herself her answer was prompt. "I agree with Lieutenant Brown, sir. We should be punished."

Clasping his hands behind his back, he appraises us. "Yes, you should," he agrees seriously.

I feel my heart sinking into my boots and cannot stop myself from drooping slightly. Although his question was a classic heads-I-win-tails-you-loose scenario, I was hoping he’d reconsider. If we’d said "keep us", we’d be unrepentant or arrogant and deserving of a slap down from him, but by saying what we had we invited him to do the same. I don’t risk a glance at Karen this time; I just keep my eyes fixed on the scenery behind Tandara, a barren planetscape in the rapidly fading light.

Seems to be an appropriate metaphor for my career, I observe. Where will I go? What will I do? My questions about my future are put on hold as Tandara speaks again.

"I have studied the evidence presented to me in all its forms and come to my decision. Both of you will be punished, but it will not be necessary to convene courts martial," the Deltan proclaims.

Are we going to be kicked out without a trial? I ask myself, not sure whether that’s better or worse. Probably better, I decide, as it spares my family--and me--the shame of a public disgrace. Karen might object, though.

"Lieutenant Andrew Brown."

"Yes sir!" I reply firmly as I step forward.

"An official reprimand will be placed in your permanent record for as long as you serve in Starfleet, said reprimand to reflect your un-military behaviour in this matter. You will also be placed at the bottom of the promotion lists, erasing your two years of seniority as a lieutenant.

"Step back, Mr. Brown."

I automatically step back, but I’m dazed. That’s it? A reprimand and held back? I’m still in Starfleet? I have to stop a goofy grin from spreading across my face as I realise, I’m still in Starfleet! I’m still first officer of a frigate! Oh, thank the Gods!

"Lieutenant Commander Karen McCafferty."

"Yes sir!" she acknowledges, stepping forward.

"An official reprimand will be placed in your permanent record for as long as you serve in Starfleet, said reprimand to reflect your un-military behaviour and conduct unbecoming an officer. You will also be placed at the bottom of the promotion lists for the next two solar years, to prevent you gaining any seniority in your recently conferred rank of lieutenant commander.

"Step back, Mr. McCafferty."

She steps back and this time I do risk a glance at her. She looks kind of shell-shocked, but I don’t know if she considers this result as good or bad for her.

"Lieutenants, I want you to realise that you have been let off lightly. Both of you, along with others, managed to convince me that you can act like officers and that this shameful situation will not happen again." Tandara unclasps his hands and leans forward over his desk, glaring at both of us. "However, both of you will now be held to a higher and stricter standard that is the normal for the Fleet. You have used up all your leeway with this one incident, so if there is any--and I mean any--kind of resurgence of this behaviour from either of you, then you will be immediately relieved of duty, arrested, and held pending your court martial. This is not limited solely to your interactions with each other but includes dealings with all other personnel, and holds for whatever subsequent postings either of you may hold, together or apart.

"I also want you to realise just how close you both came to destroying your careers with these stupid, childish games!" he yells.

Oh believe me, Commodore, I realise it! I mentally yelp. I vow there and then not to make a fool of him for trusting us. Well, me, at any rate.

"Understood, sir," Karen replies, and I echo her.

"I truly hope so, Lieutenants. I really do." Pushing himself up off his desk, he turns back to gaze out of his huge bay windows. "That is all, Lieutenants. You may return to your posts. Your new orders will be forthcoming. Dismissed!"

"Aye sir!" I acknowledge crisply, and Karen echoes me. We both pivot smartly and step in unison out of the commodore’s offices. At this time of the night the office complex is mostly deserted, so our ride back to the transporter room is an undisturbed one. I don’t feel safe talking about it down here, as if merely mentioning it will get us hauled back in and kicked out anyway. Karen seems quite content to stay silent as well, even after we beam up to the ship.

I have to say something to her though, so I ask her to remain and dismiss the transporter operator.

After she leaves, I turn to McCafferty and ask tentatively, "Captain, do you want to talk about this...?"

She looks up at me, her face in that confusing jumble of emotions again, and slowly shakes her head. I can see relief warring with anger, hurt with shame, jubilation with disappointment in her eyes. "No, Mr. Brown. I’m too... too tired, right now," she tells me in a dishearteningly flat tone. "It’s been a long day. I’ll see you tomorrow for first watch. Goodnight, Mr. Brown."

"Understood, sir," I reply quietly. "Goodnight, Captain."

She nods and leaves the room. I watch her go, feeling sad for some unaccountable reason.

I stand in silent contemplation of what I want to do next, then follow her out. It’s still only 2030 hours. I’m going to the Rec. Room to celebrate the fact that I’m still a Fleetie.

I wonder when Urrih will show up?

I arrive in the Rec. Room to find the usual activities of the night in full swing. Urrih is already there but off to one side playing some Tri-D chess with Shex, with Salok and Lathena looking on. I’d like all my immediate friends to hear this, but with it being the middle of the Beta shift, Tess, Glory, Olaf, and Setik are on duty.

Almost as one, the entire room turns to look at me as I walk in and the noise dies. Although I shouldn’t be, I’m slightly surprised by the level of interest being displayed in me. The silence is starting to unnerve me, but they don’t look as if they’re about to let me off the hook. They’re hungry for information, so it looks like I’ll have to make an announcement.

I hadn’t really planned out how I was going to do this. It was in my head to just sit with Urrih and my friends and tell them, as I thought announcing it over the ship’s PA would be... inappropriate. Moving to where everyone has a clear view of me, I clear my throat and just say the first thing that comes into my head.

"Ah... I’m sorry, everyone, but it looks like you’re going to be stuck with the both of us for a little while longer..."

There are a couple of knee-jerk laughs at that, then the whole room resumes its previous noisy exuberance. I shake my head in bemusement as I head over to where Urrih is energetically waving to me. Not so much interested in me as in the result, I surmise with a smile. Sitting down next to Shex, Urrih excitedly asks, "So, can you tell us what happened?"

"Thanks for the warm welcome and support, I really appreciate it." I tell them all. "Now, you know I can’t tell you exactly what went on, but suffice to say that I got both wrists firmly slapped, a stern talking to, and the admonition never to do anything like it again or I’d be immediately court martialled. If you want to know what happened to the captain you’ll have to ask her. She has, however, retired for the night," I warn them.

"So, how do you feel, Andy?" Urrih asks me.

"Relieved!" I laugh, and they smile. "I all but had an epiphany just before the meeting, and realised that I love what I do here and that I really didn’t want to be kicked out. I had made a fatalistic peace with that eventuality, but at just after the eleventh hour I felt myself wake up from this... almost numbed nightmare/dream state."

Urrih eyes me critically. "So, you’re feeling... better?" he asks with a special emphasis.

I know exactly what he’s referring to, and tell him so with my eyes. "Completely. I’m feeling a lot like my old self again."

"Does that mean you no longer wish to date me, Andrew?" a whisper-soft voice asks, stopping the conversation cold.

Now, Lathena is at the table talking around me with my other friends who are doing likewise, but all my mind can supply to that question is wrong Andorian!

Salok raises an eyebrow. Urrih’s eyes are wide with surprise and amusement. Lathena’s looking intently at me, and I’m staring back at the person who spoke.

I regain my voice and yell, "Shex!"

"Is that a no?" he replies, wide-eyed and innocent, before starting to laugh.

Come visit me at:  www.Starbase23.net

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #63 on: March 23, 2006, 09:24:05 pm »
I greatly enjoyed the whole search and rescue elements of this story. As a commanding Admiral, I would, however, make sure neither or these officers served together ever again. Oddly enough, the two most senior officers' innain squabbling seems to have little or no effect on the crew. Maybe they're all too blaze to notice...

As to the disposition of the Klingons on that planet... I would have had to fight NOT to just blast them from orbit. I certainly would have given them a thorough stun blast before leaving, no matter what I decided to do with them later. Maybe beam them up into the other cargo bay, stacked three men deep...with the life support turned so low they wouldn't be able to regain consciousness.But alas... that's not the starfleet way... :(

On the other hand... Captain Dath'mar would likely have done exactly the same as this story's Klinks if he'd discovered his survivors were on a planet with human survivors. La'ra certainly would not have. Ron'jar would have surveiled them to make sure they were no threat, but otherwise left them alone till opportunity arose to exploit them...

This is a great story. Took me some time to get used to the way its written, but grand effort all around. Might have tried a bit TOO hard in getting those TOS-ish 'blow-ups' you were wanting. Blow-ups are fine and dandy till they interfier with the operation of the ship. Though the crew of the Kusanagi seem to pull their sh*t together rather well dispite their captain and XO.

--thu guv'!
'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #64 on: March 24, 2006, 04:33:02 pm »
Thanks Guv, I really appreciate the feedback. It's great to get some!

I enjoyed doing the search and rescue scenes, though when this story was envisoned I was only going to do the one and have the main story about the Klingons on the planet.

As for their punishment, I did ask Larry what he thought about their punishment. He said it was a moderate response, different people do different things based on their personality and culture and stuff. Like you said, if you'd been the Commodore, you'd have split them up. I tried to rationalise keeping them based on their previosu records, and the fact that Starfleet is short of good command material after the war with the Klinks, and are willing to give these officers their second chance.

As for the crew not reacting... that was on purpose. The command staff had just been introduced to the crew (their previous offiicers were killed) so they had no investment in them eithre way. They were pretty sure to start with that they'd be removed, I think, so were inured to the bickering. No point in getting an emotional investment to someone who'll be gone soon, hmm?

Ya, I'm glad you approve of the way we dealt with the Klinks. I did want to bombard them from orbit, but it really would be revenge, or sour grapes at worst.

The 'blow-ups', as I've said before, are in extremis for a reason. A pendulum swings both ways, and they were good friends to start with, and breakups can get nasty. So, they swung from 'happy-cosy' behaviour all the way to the other side into 'vicious-petty'. Now that they've had their arse to a slap, the pendulum will swing the other way and they'll start getting along better.

The crew are what make a ship. This is a seasoned frigate crew, and they're not letting bickering senior officers get to them. Their previous captain trained them well.

Also, the way you wrote this makes me think that you think that's the end. There are a couple more sections to come, detailing the start of the new mission, so stay tuned.

Anyone else have a penny's worth, or 2 cents, to add? All your comments and critiques are welcome. Lay it on me.
Come visit me at:  www.Starbase23.net

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #65 on: March 24, 2006, 09:26:19 pm »
The crew are what make a ship. This is a seasoned frigate crew, and they're not letting bickering senior officers get to them. Their previous captain trained them well.

Officer wise, I'd give credit to the previous captain.  Crew wise, I'm willing to bet the NCOs on that ship were older hands, who could've ran things without input from the officers at all.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #66 on: March 25, 2006, 12:25:47 am »
My post might have read as such, but I wasn't under the impression you were done yet.

The two main characters put me in the mind of a ship where I'd have to serve under my ex-wife. There you would see the kind of 'blow-ups' you've described. If these are the kind of blow ups you contend with in your life on a daily basis, then my friend... you live a very interesting life.

I'd like to see some POV from the lower officers and NCO compliment in later instalments if at all possible. See just what your crew thinks about their squabbling CO's. You've intrigued me...

Any who, thou art welcome for the feed back. You have always kept me happy in my own posts and I am glad to return the favor.

'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #67 on: March 25, 2006, 08:57:29 am »
I'd like to see some POV from the lower officers and NCO compliment in later instalments if at all possible. See just what your crew thinks about their squabbling CO's.

I'm guessing that the 'used to be sleeping together secretly and had a falling out' theory would be getting a lot of play.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: Aftermath
« Reply #68 on: March 25, 2006, 10:29:41 am »
I'd like to see some POV from the lower officers and NCO compliment in later instalments if at all possible. See just what your crew thinks about their squabbling CO's. You've intrigued me...

I'm guessing that the 'used to be sleeping together secretly and had a falling out' theory would be getting a lot of play.

That's definitely an interesting comment Guv, and thanks for the idea Larry. I think I will include some of that in the next Karen'n'Andrew story (if I managed to work up enough steam to continue with it), it'll give some good depth to the daily life there.

Remember, though, I'm telling this from 1st-person present perspective. I don't know anything that goes on outside of my own perception range. Maybe the crew'll be discussing it amongst themselves and one of my friends will hear it and discuss it with me... yes...

If these are the kind of blow ups you contend with in your life on a daily basis, then my friend... you live a very interesting life.

I and my wife laughed long and loud at this, because I do. *grin* It's never boring in our house... She's craaaaaaaaaaazy! (In that "damaged goods" kinda way *grin*)

Any who, thou art welcome for the feed back. You have always kept me happy in my own posts and I am glad to return the favor.

Give to receive and all that. That's my approacjh to life as I believe in karma. I know how much I crave feedback, so I'm thinking you guys out here are wanting it too.

Anyway, Muchos Thanksos for the comment(-sos). Glad to see some interest in this!
Come visit me at:  www.Starbase23.net

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Scottish Andy

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Aftermath - Chapter Eleven, Pt II
« Reply #69 on: April 14, 2006, 04:19:33 pm »
Hi all,

Sorry for the long delay in posting the final section, but getting a new job kinda got in the way.  ;D

Anyhoo, here's the final section of my not-quite merry tale, so feel free to deluge me with your thoughts on the story as a whole and on the conclusion. Thanks for your patronage, donations are welcome.  ;)

Chapter Eleven, Pt II

I step onto the bridge at 0755 hours the next morning, feeling refreshed, relaxed, and more like a Starfleet officer than I have done for the last four months. The Alpha shift are already in place and getting final updates from the Gamma shift. After briefing them on the non-events of our last night in orbit of the starbase they all head for the turbolift, presumably going below for some breakfast.

I manage to tour the bridge stations once, getting friendly/respectful nods of acknowledgement from everyone and a grin from Urrih, before the captain appears at exactly 0800 and our morning begins. I head over to her and she acknowledges me with a nod.

"Good morning, Captain," I greet her evenly, unsure of how happy to be in case she has used last night to think things over and decide she hates me all over again.

Everything seems okay for the moment though, as she returns my cautious approach. "Good morning, Mr. Brown. Ship’s status?" she asks, even though she’s probably already went over the Gamma shift reports.

"We are fully operational, Captain," I reply. "There are no ‘casualties’ from the Christmas festivities on the base, and even Chief Talbain managed to avoid becoming a guest of starbase security."

Karen looks at me, surprised, before gracing me with a slight smile.

It looks like our crew was on their best behaviour while ashore because of the trouble between us, even down to the rowdier elements like Abukar and his buddies. It seemed to me that they didn’t want to complicate matters for us by getting involved in brawls or scams, possibly thinking that their own lack of discipline would reflect badly on us. I may be wrong and we were just lucky this time, but if not I am once again touched by our crew’s regard.

"Will wonders never cease," she finally replies, then asks, "Status of the warp drive? How did the conduit integrity checks go?"

"The warp engines are fully back online and running within expected parameters, all systems check out," I tell her. "Conduits 261-Alpha and 578-Gamma were found to have stress fractures and had to be replaced. Computer simulations and static power tests have confirmed that the new conduits are up to scratch and properly integrated into existing systems," I finish, though I know she has already read up on these matters too. It’s just her way of making sure we both know all the latest information about our ship.

"Very good," she acknowledges. "Anything else?"

"No sir. All systems read green, all departments are up to speed and ready for departure."

"Very good. Thank you, Lieutenant," she tells me--another good indication--then turns to our comm. officer. "Lieutenant Lathena, contact the base operations division and give our current readiness status, and request our new mission orders."

"Aye sir," she replies as both of us step onto the bridge proper, Karen heading for her command chair and me to the navigation databanks.

A few minutes later Lathena reports, "Captain, Base Operations acknowledges our status, but informs us they have no orders for us at present. We are instructed to maintain position until contacted again."

That’s annoying, I observe, and see my thought echoed in the captain’s face. There is no trace of it in her reply, though.

"Very well, Lieutenant. Acknowledge those orders and confirm our compliance."

"Aye, Captain."

And once again, all we can do is wait. Surely they won’t keep us in the dark for too long, I hope to myself. There’s no point having a fully crewed ship ready to go just hanging about in orbit doing nothing all day.

For lack of anything else to do at present, I check up on a detail from our last mission that I’m curious about. However, a quick search of the computer records tells me nothing more than I learned a few days ago. Puzzled now, I decide to ask the captain if she knows anything new.

"Captain, do you know the current whereabouts and status of the Klingons we captured?" I ask in a quiet voice. "The Starfleet updates make no mention of them..."

I trail off on seeing the expression coming over her face. She glares at me for a few seconds, apparently searching my face for something. I feel myself start to get angry back at her, thinking, was this truce between us just for show? Is she going to start it all over again?

She relents, however, her anger slowly sinking back beneath the surface, leaving me puzzled as hell. What was that all about? She looked ready to rip my head off, but seemed to decide she didn’t need to.

Forcing most of the anger from her voice, she pushes out, "I’m sorry, Mr. Brown, but that information has been restricted to CO’s Eyes Only. I can’t tell you anything."

Not even why merely asking you about it lit off your fury again, Captain? I don’t ask. Instead, I acknowledge that my curiosity won’t be satisfied, on any level. "Very well, Captain," I reply briskly, then return to "my" station.

Before I was just curious about what was happening to them, when and where their trial would be so that I could watch it via subspace or whatever. When I discovered that there was no information about them at all, I became curious about that, too. Now I had an unholy itch in my brain to find out what was going on, and why it was now classified above my head.

I shake my head ruefully, as if trying to gently dislodge my curiosity. Nothing worse than an itch you can’t scratch.

It took another couple of hours, but our new orders finally come in. To our surprise, Tandara himself delivers them.

"Captain, I’m receiving a hail for you from the base commander’s office," Lathena informs us. If it had been private she’d have mentioned that too, so Karen orders it on the main screen. The Andorian woman nods and our view of the planet is replaced by an image of the commodore behind his desk.

"Commander McCafferty, I have your new orders for you," he begins, his deep voice resonating onto the bridge. "The Kusanagi is being transferred to the Romulan border to counter the increased incursions into the Neutral Zone. Starfleet Command has determined that the threat from the Klingons is at its lowest point for many years, so experienced personnel are being redeployed."

I feel my eyebrows rise in surprise at that. Although I agree with Starfleet’s assessment of the current threat levels, the Klingons are cunning and sneaky and the Organians are not all-powerful. It’s not a situation to inspire neither confidence nor a lax attitude to border security. However, not being an admiral myself, I have to go where they tell me.

"Understood sir. What are our new orders?" McCafferty asks.

"You are to report to Commodore Sanek on Starbase 23 for anti-piracy patrols in Sector 19-L, no later than stardate 4300. Apparently, the Penzance Cartel has been taking advantage of Starfleet’s preoccupation with the Klingons to enrich their own coffers and are trying to improve their overall position in the pirate hierarchy. You will receive a full briefing from Commodore Sanek upon your arrival, but for now current data is being transmitted to you so that you may become familiar with the situation before you get there."

"Transmission received, Captain," Lathena states quietly.

"Received and understood, Commodore," McCafferty tells him. "Is there anything else?"

"Actually, yes. We have several personnel needing transport to Deep Space Station K-7, so we have them assembling in the transporter room. They should be ready to beam up in ten minutes." Tandara pauses to consult a clipboard, then resumes his briefing. "I realise that K-7 is somewhat out of your way to your next assignment, so you are authorised to drop these people off at Cygnia Minor if it interferes with your own schedule for Starbase 23. If necessary they can take a transport from there to complete their own journey."

Ah, good. I was beginning to worry about our timetable but that solves it neatly. Taking a detour to K-7 would cut it very close for us arriving on time at our new posting, and no one wants to be late for their first day at a new job.

"Aye sir. We are ready to beam them aboard at any time."

"Very good, Commander." Changing gears now that our new orders had been given, the Deltan informs us, "You are cleared for departure at 1030 hours FBT. The transporter room will contact you shortly. May fortune favour you in your new mission, Commander. Tandara, out."

Karen swings her chair around to view all the bridge stations as she speaks. "You heard the man, people. Departure stations. Ensign Salok, plot a course to the outer system markers and transfer to Helm. Lathena, contact Starbase Traffic Control with our flight plan once our navigator has completed his calculations. Mr. Enax, make sure our way out is clear of traffic."

The acknowledgements echo back and minutes later Salok confirms, "Course plotted, Captain. Transferring to Helm and Communications."

"Contacting Traffic Control now, Captain," Lathena states. Moments later, she has them online.

"Frigate Kusanagi, this is Starbase 22 Traffic Control, we have your flight plan," the unseen person drawls onto our bridge with a heavy Arkansas accent. With a voice like that, it’s not the same person we dealt with on our way in, that’s for sure. "We confirm that you’re cleared for departure from 1030 hours to the outer markers. There’s no immediate interplanetary traffic, although be advised that two cargo ships are due at the transfer station at 1045 hours. We’ve no interstellar arrivals for the next solar day, and the threat boards are still clear. There are no known storm fronts or adverse conditions reported for the sectors you’ll be passing through, so y’all have a nice flight, y’heah?"

"Thank you, Traffic Control," Karen acknowledges with a smile in her voice. "Kusanagi acknowledges."

Switching channels, Lathena has another report for the captain. "Sir, transporter room acknowledges receipt of beam up request from the starbase."

"Have them brought aboard, Lieutenant." Turning to me she orders, "Mr. Brown, see to our guests and make sure that they’re settled comfortably."

"Aye sir," I reply and head for the turbolift. Before the doors close on the busy bridge, I hear us set off.

"All departments report ready for departure, and the transporter room reports that our guests have arrived safely."

"Thank you, Lathena. Mr. Maknal, break orbit. Ahead, full impulse."

"Full impulse, aye sir. Estimating system boundary in 25 minutes."

I manage to have our guests and their luggage installed in their new quarters on Deck 3 within twenty minutes. The three scientists and an administrator are heading to K-7 to help in the development of Sherman’s Planet. Peaceful competition to show who is better at developing a planet successfully is one of the more positive things to come out of the Organian Treaty, but apparently the Klingons are beating us on Sherman’s. The Federation is transporting in a huge shipment of the new wonder-grain quadrotriticale from Deneva to regain the edge, and these four people are experts on it.

I look forward to going over the details of this and the background data for our new assignment on the long trip to sector 19-L, but for now I want to be on the bridge for the transition to warp speed.

I step back into the command centre in time to hear Salok state, "Outer system markers ahead, Captain."

"Thank you, Ensign. Plot a course to Cygnia Minor at maximum cruise speed and transfer to Helm."

"Aye sir," he replies as I step down beside the captain’s chair.

"Our guests all taken care of, Mr. Brown?" she inquires.

"Yes sir, the four of them are sharing our two VIP quarters and seem quite pleased by them." I pause to consider extending another olive branch, then decide to go through with it. "Their assignment seems quite interesting, sir. If you like, I can have them brief you on it once we’re on our way."

"What’s it about?"

"A new strategy for Sherman’s Planet, Captain."

Karen raises her eyebrows. "Really? I think I’ll take you up on that, Lieutenant."

"Very good sir," I nod amiably.

"Course plotted and laid in, Captain," Salok updates.

Urrih adds, "Passing outer markers now, sir."

A ripple of excitement passes around the bridge, and Karen leans forward in her chair. It seems to me that the whole ship is poised like that, eager to be out there again. "Engage, Mr. Maknal. Warp five!" she commands.

"Warp five, aye. We’re on our way!" Urrih replies, eyes shining.

The screen breaks up with the transition to warp speed and settles into the familiar star-bow effect as the Kusanagi leaves the Einsteinian universe behind for Cochrane’s one.

At peace once again, we all look to the future and what it may hold.

The mission continues.

The End
Come visit me at:  www.Starbase23.net

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Jaeih t`Radaik

  • "I'm the unknown Commander, who makes the Empire look so good."
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  • Elements willing, we shall prevail!
    • Federation Starbase 23
Re: Aftermath
« Reply #70 on: April 21, 2006, 06:52:50 am »
A great story, Andy. Your best to date, even if the two main characters were too childish for the tastes of most. Hopefully in yoru next story you'll have them settle down some, hmm?
"I'm just observing. You know, making observations."
"Great. We'll stick a telescope in your head and put a dome over it, and we can call you an observatory."
Paris and Rory, from "The Gilmore Girls."

Offline Scottish Andy

  • First Officer of the Good Ship Kusanagi
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  • New and improved.
    • Starbase 23
Re: Aftermath
« Reply #71 on: April 21, 2006, 11:51:49 am »
Yes, Jaeih I do. The whole point of this story was them "getting over it" while dealing with an emotionally taxing mission, so that by the next story, more nornal relations are resumed. I'm kinda stalled on that though, which is why I'm foing well with mu Chronicles. Straight to the heart of the matter in a single scene.

C'mon everyone, where are your comments? Where are your persons? I think Jaeih is right. Larry's kidnapped everyone into playing EVE online with him... lol
Come visit me at:  www.Starbase23.net

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


