Okay, this will stand stupid...but I tried it again (I suppose I should put everything to low, takes forever to load it seems)...how do I call an airstrike and how do I get it to go where I want it to go?
Don't feel too bad my 2.8Ghz P IV with a ATI 9800 256Mb feels like it chugs too. Dice really pushed the hardware limits this time around.
With the default keyboard setup you can press [Enter] then click the Squad Tab. Right click on the map where you want the Artillery to go. This will send the request to the Commander, and that person will decide to drop the bomb or not from there.
PS: Also, how do you take down aerial craft? If I want to destroy artillery how do I do it?
Yes, I stink at this game right now, perhaps that's what makes it not quite as fun. I got sniped off like every single minute while I played!
There are different ways to take down airplanes and choppers. I've taken down a chopper with a M1 tank, but you can also shoot the pilot out of the seat with the unlocked sniper weapon. Aside from that there are anti aircraft missile stands at different places on the maps that you can use to shoot down aircraft. Be carefull though because if you lose missile lock on your target the missile while in the air can and will shoot down your own teams air craft.
You can blow up Artillery as will as the Sat and UAV trailers by placing two C4 packs on them and blowing them up. Just make sure you get far enough away before you trigger them to blow. You can also blow up bridges but they require three packs of C4. Keep in mind that you don't get any points for blowing them up right now that will come in the next patch. You get most of the points for C4 by throwing them on tanks, APC's, and choppers and blowing them up while the enemy is inside them.
Remember that most of these people know all of the hiding places by now and it is not going to be easy. Plus the enemy Commander (if that person is any good) is letting their troops know where you are with Sat/UAV scans. I can't count how many times I've sat watching the UAV scan waiting for the enemy to come around a corner so I can blast the junk out of them.
The next patch is suppose to allow for buddy and favorite server lists, hopefully when it comes out (if it ever does

) the Dynaverse people can get to gether for some squad fun.
I spend a lot of time on the Comcast/EA US servers if anyone wants to look me up. Hope this helps and have fun.